PM D'Israeli and Queen Victoria appeared in this political cartoon in Punch.
The Prime Minister, as Alladin, pulled out an imperial crown for Victoria.
Norman Teigen has left a new comment on your post "
Norman Teigen on WELS Dominance of the Little Sect...":
W you please remove the caricature of President Moldstad. I find it offensive and do not wish for anyone to think that I approve of it.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "
Norman Teigen on WELS Dominance of the Little Sect...":
The best part is that it isn't a caricature.
GJ - I am solely responsible for the delightful, fun-filled Photoshops on this blog. Caricatures always have fun while making a point. I am British on my mother's side, so I am inclined to admire and copy the work of
Punch magazine. The example above is no longer under copyright.
Punch cartoon showed Queen Victoria with Mr. Brown, rumored to be her husband, thanks to a morganatic marriage after Prince Albert reached room temperature.
British rulers in India had a habit of grabbing nearby territory on a pretext, because the subcontinent was actually managed by a corporation, the British East India Company, just as Canada was first managed by the Hudson Bay Company. One British agent grabbed the province of Sind, so
Punch ran its cartoon with this Latin caption -
Pecavi. In English, that means "I have sinned," a great pun on "I have Sind."
If the British can have fun with their monarch and Prime Minister, I can post Photoshops of Lutheran mis-leaders. Moldstad threatened to kick a congregation out of the Little Sect if they did not void their call of Pastor Rolf Preus. That is papal rather than Lutheran.
There are three reasons to remove a man from the ministry:
1. False doctrine.
2. Inability or unwillingness to do the work of the pastor.
3. A scandalous life.
In all three cases, proper procedures must be followed, so the leaders are not tempted to become dictators who remove pastors and teachers for disagreeing with them.
District Popes are doctrinal pussycats until someone has a different opinion or points out something wrong. The congregation gives up the concept of the divine call when it allows meddling church officials to violate that call, especially when it is done in the background through disruptive, dysfunctional members.
Readers should remember that the same hoity-toity poobahs of Lutherdom have covered up murders, child molestations, embezzlements, and many other crimes - even to the point of committing felonies themselves. Obstruction of justice, hiding evidence, is a felony.
Pope John Paul II had priestly records removed to Rome, where they could no longer be subpoenaed by the courts.