Tuesday, February 8, 2011

False Support of UOJ Exposed by Layman

"Are they misquoting me again?"

Pr. Greg,

I missed this one "Are they misquoting me again?"

..and I started laughing out loud - I cannot wipe off the grin in my face even as I type.

This is humor is enough to carry me through the day.


That excerpt from Humann (40:366) is the third or fourth time I have seen that particular portion of Luther's commentary pulled from its theme and used badly in support of UOJ.

It is from Luther's writing: The Keys.

The whole section is proving that binding and loosing is binding and loosing. If that is not believed, action of the keys is still true. Here is the section from which that small portion is pulled and misused. The boldface is mine.

On page 366 there is more from Luther:

Rely on the words of Christ and be assured that God has no other way to forgive sins than through the spoken Word, as he has commanded us. If you do not look for forgiveness through the Word, you will gape toward heaven in vain for grace, or (as they say), for a sense of inner forgiveness.

But if you speak as the factious spirits and sophists do: “After all, many hear of the binding and loosing of the keys, yet it makes no impression on them and they remain unbound and without being loosed. Hence, there must exist something else beside the Word and the keys. It is the spirit, the spirit, yes, the spirit that does it!” Do you believe he is not bound who does not believe in the key which binds? Indeed, he shall learn, in due time, that his unbelief did not make the binding vain, nor did it fail in its purpose. Even he who does not believe that he is free and his sins forgiven shall also learn, in due time, how assuredly his sins were forgiven, even though he did not believe it. St. Paul says in Rom. 3[:3]: “Their faithlessness nullify the faithfulness of God.” We are not talking here either about people’s belief or disbelief regarding the efficacy of the keys. We realize that few believe. We are speaking of what the keys accomplish and give. He who does not accept what the keys give receives, of course, nothing. But this is not the key’s fault.
Luther, M. (1999, c1958). Vol. 40: Luther's works, vol. 40 : Church and Ministry II (J. J. Pelikan, H. C. Oswald & H. T. Lehmann, Ed.). Luther's Works (40:366). Philadelphia: Fortress Press.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the Atonement, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, but describes a special application of the Word. The misquoters ignore the sentence just preceeding the boldface portion, misunderstand 'binding' and Luther's pointed underscoring, and skip the reference to faithlessness in the Romans 3:3 excerpt that follows.

Far be it from me to get into an argument with Mr. Humann. You, Brett, LPC, and now Rick, are well more able than I at that. It is clear that Humann is misusing Luther's words just as the UOJ Enthusiasts misuse quotations from Scripture, which he also did.

The quotation I sent is the two sentences immediately before the above section. Thank you for thinking my effort worthy of emphasis.

What great lengths those folks go to as they try to bolster their erroneous teachings.



Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "False Support of UOJ Exposed by Layman":

Grey Goose, here are additional quotes from the Confessions which clearly show that the Office of the Keys to remit sins applies only to those who have faith in Christ alone. Also, Luther confirms that changing anything that God instituted, as he instituted it, including the keys, removes God from it and makes it invalid.

Book of Concord
6] Let any one of the adversaries come forth and tell us when remission of sins takes place. O good God, what darkness there is! They doubt whether it is in attrition or in contrition that remission of sins occurs. And if it occurs on account of contrition, what need is there of absolution, what does the power of the keys effect, if sins have been already remitted? Here, indeed, they also labor much more, and wickedly detract from the power of the keys.

From the Private Mass and the Consecration of Priests, “For we must believe and be sure of this, that baptism does not belong to us but to Christ, that the gospel does not belong to us but to Christ, that the office of preaching does not belong to us but to Christ, that the sacrament (of the Lord’s Supper) does not belong to us but to Christ, that the keys, or forgiveness and retention of sins, do not belong to us but to Christ. In summary, the offices and sacraments do not belong to us but to Christ, for he has ordained all this and left it behind as a legacy in the church to be exercised and used to the end of the world; and he does not lie or deceive us. Therefore, we cannot make anything else out of it but must act according to his command and hold to it. However, if we alter it or improve on it, then it is invalid and Christ is no longer present, nor is his ordinance.”


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "False Support of UOJ Exposed by Layman":

Grey Goose is correct - the Lutheran Confession's teaching concerning the Office of the Keys has been perverted by those wanting to establish the false gospel of UOJ as the central article of Christian faith. Here are a few.

Pastor Steven P. Dorn, WELS
Exegesis of Objective Justification Passages
2010 Spring Pastoral Study Conference, April 2010
"Reconciliation; that is, God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself; meaning, he no longer counts against the people of the world, their "trespasses."
In his discourse on the Ministry of the Keys, Luther explains the objective nature of God's verdict of forgiveness apart from faith. …
Page 8

Pastor Schleicher quoting Siegbert W. Becker
Is Objective Justification Universalism
And the Lord Jesus also promises to stand behind the word of those who speak for him. “Whosoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them.” “They are remitted” is a perfect tense, and we can really say ‘”They have been forgiven long ago,” or as Luther says, “before we prayed or before we ever thought of it.”
Page 11

Siegbert W. Becker
Page 2

Pastor Kurt Marquart
JUSTIFICATION-0BJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE: A Translation of the Doctrinal Essay Read at the First Convention of the Synodical Conference in 1872
So then the Absolution is an object for our faith and not a mere pointer to faith . The promise must always stand before our eyes, and in it all terrified souls are to seek consolation and forgiveness and be lifted up by it. On the other hand, if faith must be there first , then faith is made into something quite different from what it really is; it is then no longer a grasping and accepting of the existing benefits. [GJ - This is the Eduard Preuss argument, which is never associated with his switch to being a Roman Catholic theologian.]
Page 35

(W)ELS CA/AZ DP Pastor Jon Buchholz
Justification, given at the 2005 WELS Convention
“God has forgiven the whole world. God has forgiven everyone his sins.” This statement is absolutely true! This is the heart of the gospel, and it must be preached and taught as the foundation of our faith.
Page 7

“God has forgiven all sins, but the unbeliever rejects God’s forgiveness.” Again, this statement is true—and Luther employed similar terminology to press the point of Christ’s completed work of salvation.16 But we must also recognize that Scripture doesn’t speak this way.
Page 8


LPC has left a new comment on your post "False Support of UOJ Exposed by Layman":


Thanks for the full quote. Your observation is correct, it is the habit of UOJers to pull quotes out of context.

As usual, a text without a context is pretext for promoting false notions and teachings.

Now these people are no ordinary non-seminary trained pastors. No, they are very trained and seminary graduates and yet, and yet, and yet... their arguments and methods are so high-schoolish that a layman applying a bit of discernment will notice how their method is so faulty and scholarship so unreliable.

We would be fools to hand over the health of our souls for their care.

There is such as thing as quack doctors;by analogy, these people are quack pastors.


LP Cruz Discovers a New (Old) WELS Doctrine

L. P. Cruz is the Extra Nos blogger.

LPC has left a new comment on your post "Intrepid Comments on the Techlin Case at St. Peter...":

This is the first time I have heard of a pastor who declares his doctrine to be confidential.

I don't think such a minister is even thinking....



GJ - I think I can explain. No one is allowed to question any WELS leader about doctrine. The primary counter-arguments of these leaders are:

1. You must tell me privately.
2. Any questioning is slander, even in private.
3. If you do not like it, you should leave.

Therefore, a violation of Rule #1 is just catastrophic. These same pastors use personal attacks all the time, but they know their doctrine is false. A common ad hominem is "legalist" if someone has objected to Fuller doctrine.

Questioning is slander by definition, because the WELS leaders are infallible.

They drive people away and subsequently accuse those people of "breaking fellowship."

WELS Church Lady - Gerrymandering

WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Intrepid Comments on the Techlin Case at St. Peter...":

Gerrymander! This is not ACCEPTABLE behavior or policy. Tim Glende is an over-grown child. Neither Glende nor Ski are in a divine call. These cats were chosen by their senior Church And Change leaders(sic) to promote false teaching to unsuspecting sheep. Mark Jeske and cronies want to get rid of our doctrines and move to the One World Religion. Titles, such as 'Lutheran' are too divisive. "No room for titles in a One World Religion!" Rick can transfer to my church.(too bad Texas is far away)

In Christ,
from WELS church lady

Narrow-Minded Says - Hurt Them in the Wallet

Wile E. Coyote never seems to figure it out.
Neither do the Syn Conference Lutherans.

Narrow-minded Lutheran has left a new comment on your post "But WELS Will Not Quote THAT Luther":

This reminds me of a Beth Moore sermon/pep-talk/talk-about-me-fest (?) I recently heard on the web, where she used Heb. 10:35 to tell us that we should have confidence in ourselves. Anyone who reads Heb. 10 knows in whom our confidence should be. Is this exegesis lazy, done to promote pietism, or just a ploy to sell books? You make the call. Same deal with the "Lutheran" leaders of today that base their entire theology on a couple select passages from Scripture, BOC, or Luther's Works.

I have listened to and read Beth Moore to refute her theology to a family member who thinks she's the greatest thing since pockets on a shirt. Next thing I hear, "Lutheran" churches are using her material. Now, the WELS papists are promoting the same type of theology and punish those who disagree with it. How ironic that the Universalists who think everyone was justified at the Cross teach a Theology of Glory as opposed to the Theology of the Cross.

Since it is apparent that the synods won't deal with a theological argument, there is only one thing to do: Hurt their wallets. I don't know about WELS, but a Missouri parish can enter a "state of confession." Of course, no one has the courage. Will any clergy have the courage to give up their cushy Concordia Plans (or the WELS equivalent)? Will the laity have the courage to throw a fit the next time they hear, "We're going to take this [fill in the blank] material and put a Lutheran twist on it?" Will the parishes have the courage to stop sending money to the synods? Or do we all just wait around and see what happens at the next synodical convention (if I had a nickel for every time I've heard this one)?

Sorry to rant, but this is disgusting and fires me up.


GJ - There has been a slow boycott of members and money, because the membership keeps dropping and the income in real dollars is lower all the time.

The answer is to press them on two fronts while holding back all money and all signs of approval (such as participating in various events):
First Front - Constantly press the leaders to deal with the actual doctrinal issues.
Second Front - Demand a line by line audit of the synod books, by an outside and independent auditor - not someone from the good ol' boy network.

Intrepid Comments on the Techlin Case at St. Peter, Freedom

Doubtless more comments will be posted here soon.

Rev. Paul A. Rydecki said...

This is a well-written, well-documented example of a WELS layman who has painstakingly followed all the proper channels (and then some) to address errors he has seen firsthand in his congregation and district. As of this time, we are told that a meeting has finally been approved and scheduled that includes all the parties involved. We will provide updates as we are able.

We urge our readers to pray for Mr. Techlin, his congregation and its leaders, and the Northern Wisconsin District and its leaders, so that error might be addressed and rooted out in a God-pleasing manner. We fully support Mr. Techlin in his resolve to restore confessional Lutheran doctrine and practice in his congregation, and we hope that all WELS pastors and laymen in that district will recognize the need to stand behind Mr. Techlin for the preservation of the Gospel.

Anonymous said...

What can WELS laypeople do about disgusting situations like this? If the people of the Northern Wisconsin District keep electing leaders who refuse to stand for Confessional Lutheranism, and, in fact, seem to protect false teachers, what can people who live in other districts do? If the leaders of a District repeatedly refuse to do their duty, doesn't there come a time when President Schroeder must step in and remove those leaders? Doesn't there come a time when a repeated "Yes, we're aware of it and we're dealing with it" isn't sufficient anymore?

It's a very frustrating situation, all the more so because it doesn't seem like there's anything that the average WELS layperson (or pastor) can do about it.

Mr. Adam Peeler

Intrepid Lutherans said...

Mr. Peeler,

Yes, there is something laypeople can do. They can call, write, email, their own Pastors, CPs, DPs, and the synod President, and express their frustration with leaders like the NWD DP, and support for men like Mr. Techlin, and the Intrepid Lutherans. And they can do so over and over and over and over again. And they can encourage others to do the same. What we need are thousands of calls, letters, and emails, all saying the same thing; demanding that the false teachers be dealt with - NOW! Believe me, that will make a difference, one way or another. Do it today - and pass the word! Don't hesitate. Don't wait. Don't bide your time. NOW is the time to act. Do not let this opportunity pass. Strike! Defend confessional Lutheranism! Attack the sectarian forces that are threatening to destroy the WELS as an orthodox Lutheran church body! You can do it!

Pastor Spencer

Daniel Baker said...

Mr. Techlin is certainly in my prayers, as is his congregation and the entire Appleton area. On the one hand, all of this is extremely disparaging. On the other, it is encouraging to see the realization of God's preservation of the Elect.

Intrepid Lutherans said...

Mr. Peeler,

As one of the five pastors who've engaged the Northern Wisconsin District Presidium in discussions concerning the doctrine and practice of St. Peter, Freedom and the CORE, Appleton, I can say that your frustration is shared by us and the two laymen who join us. (One of those laymen is Rick Techlin, the author of the two letters.)

WELS President Schroeder is aware of our concerns. He has recently met with President Engelbrecht of the Northern Wisconsin District. Finally, after months of asking that President Engelbrecht set up a meeting between our group and the pastors of St. Peter and the CORE, it looks as though a meeting might finally happen in the next week.

During the past year we have had a couple of face-to-face meetings with the NW District Presidium, and shared thesis papers on the areas of doctrine that concern us. In early December they did agree in principle with each of those areas of doctrine. However, they were not going to request a meeting with the pastors of St. Peter and the CORE. Now we'd like to see them take the next step, insisting that continued practice that is opposed to Scriptural doctrine be halted.

Please understand that it is not up to the WELS President to unilaterally remove leaders from their positions of leadership. The WELS Constitution (section 8.20) says, "The two district vice presidents with the concurrence of the district circuit pastors may suspend the district president from his office. The president shall have 60 days thereafter to appeal this suspension. If there is no appeal within 60 days, the action shall be final and the officer is removed from office. If he appeals, the appeal will be heard by the District Board of Appeals."

Furthermore, "In the case of district vice presidents and secretary, the president with the concurrence of the circuit pastors may suspend another officer. The district officer shall have 60 days thereafter to appeal this suspension. If there is no appeal within 60 days, the action shall be final and the officer if removed from office. If he appeals, the appeal will be heard by the District Board of Appeals."

Also, "The conduct of review shall rest with the District Board of Appeals. The board shall have the right and power to examine all documentary evidence and correspondence and to require such testimony
that in its judgment is relevant. The decision of the District Board of Appeals may be appealed to
the Synod Board of Appeals. Upon the appeal, the Synod Board of Appeals may review the action
of the District Board of Appeals."

I'm normally not one who quotes the synod Constitution. Yet, it is how we've agreed to do things in a proper and fitting way.

Continued ...

Intrepid Lutherans said...

Continued ...

Pastor Spencer is correct. Pastors, teachers, laypeople must make it clear to their leaders that they cannot condone the doctrine and practice that is taking place at St. Peter, Freedom or the CORE. The more we do so, the more our leaders will know that Confessional Lutheranism is something we do want to defend.

Though I'd love to say that you're wrong, I can't disagree with your assessment that "the people of the Northern Wisconsin District keep electing leaders who refuse to stand for Confessional Lutheranism, and, in fact, seem to protect false teachers."

Elections in the NW District are never discussed publicly. We simply race through the election process, usually with the same results. At one of the face-to-face meetings with the NW District Presidium, our small group of pastors was asked, "What would you do if you were us?" There is little disagreement that we would stand for being intentionally Lutheran--confessionally Lutheran. I'm not sure why our leaders are timid in doing so, except that those who aren't intentionally Lutheran will declare them to be legalistic.

To end on a positive note, I am very encouraged when I see laypeople like Rick Techlin stand for the truth of Scripture. Rick is not grandstanding. He is a very humble, thoughtful person who refuses to allow God's Word to be compromised in any way. For the NW District Presidium to ignore him in the way they are, is hard to accept.

Thanks, Mr. Peeler, for your continued concern for this situation and your continued contributions to Intrepid Lutherans.

Pastor Paul Lidtke

Daniel Baker said...

I am encouraged to hear that the Intrepid Lutherans are taking up the case, as it were. The charges that this group is "doing nothing" can surely be put to rest now. I pray for fruitful results from your anticipated meeting with Pastors Glende and Skorzewski.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Lidtke,
Please keep us informed as to the outcome of these meetings. Please resist all efforts to keep this public doctrinal matters "confidential". As you well know, the WELS likes to "sweep it under the carpet". God bless Rick Techlin, may we be blessed with more wonderful laymen like him!
Scott E. Jungen

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the information Pastor Lidtke. Thank you especially for having the courage to take a stand against false doctrine and practice--we need more pastors like you.

Thanks also for the quotes from the WELS Constitution. It seems to me that that particular section of the Constitution is ill-conceived. It's reasonable to expect that if a majority of voters elect a district president who is minded to tolerate false doctrine, they will also elect vice-presidents who share the same mindset, making the removal of the president virtually impossible. It would be like making the vice-president of our country the one with sole authority to impeach the president--"not gonna happen". There needs to be a separate, separately-elected authority in charge of such issues, whether it's the synod praesidium or the other district presidents or something.

I suppose the age-old question applies: "Who watches the watchmen?" The answer, in this case, seems to be "no one".

If the WELS continues to demonstrate that it is willing to tolerate false doctrine and practice, and that it is willing to tolerate leaders who tolerate false doctrine and practice, and there is no recourse for discipline and correction, at what point must Confessional Lutherans leave the WELS?

Mr. Adam Peeler

Daniel Gorman said...

In his 1/20/11 letter, Mr. Techlin writes,
"In May 2010, District President Engelbrecht sent out an undated letter responding to my
November 1, 2009 letter and the March 5, 2010 meeting with me and the five concerned area
pastors. On every page of his letter, District President Engelbrecht stamped in large red letters:
"CONFIDENTIAL." I will let most of this letter remain confidential, but not the aspects that
touch doctrine. This is because the doctrine of a district president is not confidential. A district
president's doctrine is not confidential when he communicates it to others. A district president's
doctrine is not confidential when he doctrinally instructs laymen and other pastors. A district
president's doctrine is especially not confidential when his defense of false doctrine is used as
justification for other pastors to continue shaping a public ministry around that false doctrine."

In his letter, Mr. Techlin gives many scripture references to justify disclosing portions of a confidential letter. However, none of his citations permit the secret sins of a DP (false doctrine) to be made public before the due process of Matt. 18.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gorman,

I disagree with you.

As Mr. Techlin rightly points out, the doctrinal teaching of a pastor (and district president) is a public matter. Christ himself made the point that he taught openly and publicly, he didn't hide any of his teachings. Pastors should not be writing or teaching things privately that they aren't willing to teach or write publicly. In other words, pastors can't teach false doctrine, stamp "confidential" on it, and then rest secure because that false doctrine will never be exposed.

Now, if, for example, a pastor privately loses his temper and calls someone a dirty name, that would be a private sin which should remain private. But the teaching of doctrine does not fit into that category.

Furthermore, you cite "due process", but one of the most disturbing facets of this situation is that there seems to be no due process available to Mr. Techlin. How can you "tell it to the church" when the church refuses to listen to you?

Mr. Adam Peeler

David Jay Webber said...

If the WELS continues to demonstrate that it is willing to tolerate false doctrine and practice, and that it is willing to tolerate leaders who tolerate false doctrine and practice, and there is no recourse for discipline and correction, at what point must Confessional Lutherans leave the WELS?

Please note that the comments I offer below are not just pertaining to WELS, or to any other specific church body, but address general principles of admotion, church fellowship, and related matters, which can and should be applied whenever and wherever the situation may call for it.

I would say that when all procedural avenues for correction of error in a church body have been exhausted, and those who are erring still do not receive the correction, the next step would not necessarily be to leave the church body in question, but to enter into a public state of confession. This would be a declaration that an impasse has been reached, and that altar and pulpit fellowship will now not be practiced with the offending parties or with those who support them, but will continue to be practiced with those who join in the state of confession against the error. A public declaration of this nature would serve as a rallying point, requiring everyone else in the church body then to decide which side in the dispute they are going to take. At the end of that process, if repentance on the part of the false teachers is still not forthcoming, this "division of the house" would likely then result in a split - either through the expulsion of the false teachers, which would keep the church body orthodox; or through the expulsion of the confessors, which would mark the church body as recalcitrant in its heterodoxy.

But of course, such a step should not be taken until there is no other God-pleasing recourse left, and only when the confessors are indeed ready to be expelled, if that is what it comes to.

AP said...

Mr. Peeler makes a good point about the voters electing like-minded officers in that district. The voters of that convention are culpable in what is happening there. They need to hold their leaders accountable, and at the very least ask questions.

Moreover, the problems in that district are not limited to St. Peter or the Core. There are several other congregations in the Green Bay and Appleton areas that have gone down the same path (though perhaps not as blatantly) as St. Peter.

I'm just left amazed by reading Mr. Techlin's account. Honestly, how bad do things have to get before someone with power in this synod publicly says enough is enough?

Dr. Aaron Palmer

Daniel Gorman said...

Mr. Adam Peeler: "As Mr. Techlin rightly points out, the doctrinal teaching of a pastor (and district president) is a public matter. Christ himself made the point that he taught openly and publicly, he didn't hide any of his teachings. Pastors should not be writing or teaching things privately that they aren't willing to teach or write publicly. In other words, pastors can't teach false doctrine, stamp "confidential" on it, and then rest secure because that false doctrine will never be exposed."

If pastors do not repent, their "confidential" false teaching will be exposed under Matt. 18.

Mr. Adam Peeler: "Now, if, for example, a pastor privately loses his temper and calls someone a dirty name, that would be a private sin which should remain private. But the teaching of doctrine does not fit into that category."

The 8th Commandment recognizes only two categories of sin: private sin and public sin. If a pastor has only taught his false doctrine privately, he must be given an opportunity to privately recant before his false teaching is publicly exposed via Matt. 18.

Mr. Adam Peeler: "Furthermore, you cite "due process", but one of the most disturbing facets of this situation is that there seems to be no due process available to Mr. Techlin. How can you "tell it to the church" when the church refuses to listen to you?"

Yes, that is a problem. Bureaucratic obstructions and a veil of secrecy imposed by the DP have made it virtually impossible for Mr. Techlin to obtain due process.

The DP should never have stamped his teaching of public doctrine "confidential" (John 18:20). But two wrongs do not make a right. The 8th commandment makes no exception for privately taught false doctrine. Instead of improperly disclosing a confidential letter, Mr. Techlin should have rejected the letter and insisted that all discussions of public doctrine be made a matter of public record.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gorman said: "If pastors do not repent, their 'confidential' false teaching will be exposed under Matt. 18."

Isn't that exactly what's going on here though? Mr. Techlin has made every effort to follow the steps of Matthew 18, going through the proper channels, with the result that he was ignored and dismissed. As I asked before, how can you tell it to the church when the church won't listen?

Mr. Techlin is simply using the last recourse available to him by publishing these matters and making them available to the church at large. In my opinion, by refusing to meet with Mr. Techlin and to hear his admonition, President Englebrecht has abdicated his right to keep this matter private. It is now a public matter to be heard and judged by the church at large.

In any case, questionable interpretations of Matthew 18 have been used far too often to silence dissenters in the WELS, almost like lawyers who try to get a valid case thrown out of court on a technicality. I don't want our side discussion on the interpretation of Matthew 18, Mr. Gorman, to distract the discussion of this very serious issue. If you want to argue that Mr. Techlin didn't follow the letter of the law, fine (though I'm convinced he did). He certainly followed the spirit of the law and certainly has been wronged and betrayed by his pastors and his church leaders. That's the real issue here.

Mr. Adam Peeler

Daniel Baker said...

Completely agreed, Mr. Peeler.

The assertion that Mr. Techlin failed to follow Matthew 18 is absurd. His private meetings with his pastor, church leaders, circuit pastor, and district president were all steps along the Matthew 18 lines. He followed all of their prescribed measures, including his restriction from secret "pastor only" meetings and forced attendance at interrogation sessions - he even endured the censoring of his blog!

The letter he initially sent abided by this narrow view of Matthew 18. That was more than a year ago. How long should Mr. Techlin endure the perpetual false doctrine of his so-called shepherds until he makes the matter public?

Pastor Boehringer said...

All too often the trump card of adiaphora and Christian freedom is used to defend all manner of sectarian doctrine and practice. Thank you, Rick, for daring to ask, "Why are we doing this?" and "Is this wise?"

God bless you, Rick!
Pastor Luke Boehringer

Anonymous said...

I've spent the past day reading Mr. Techlin's incredible account of what has transpired at his church over the past year or more. I applaud his efforts and thank him so much for pursuing this matter thru the proper channels. Alot of people would have already quit in frustration over the perceived arrogance of his pastor and district president as they continue to thumb their noses at Mr. Techlin's very real concerns that God's Word is not being taught in its truth and purity. I, too, am waiting for President Schroeder's involvement in this. It may never have been Mr. Techlin's intention to broadcast this matter publicly. However, now that it's out there and people are becoming aware of this situation, please keep us informed and updated as the saga unfolds. I am praying for Mr. Techlin and want him to know he has the support of many. In the same vein as Martin Luther's 95 theses started a reformation back in his day, may this be the spark that fires up the confessional Lutheran church in our own time.

Rhonda Martinez

Lund Family said...

I agree with my neighbor Luke Boehringer. When our own pastors and Synod officials no longer allow for questioning of practices and doctrine, than Christian freedom and adiaphora is being abused.

Perry Lund
Grace Evangelical Lutheran
Oskaloosa, Iowa

AP said...
The failure of leadership in this district reminds me of a poem Churchill once quoted in pondering other failures of leadership: Who is in charge of the clattering train? The axles creak and the couplings strain, And the pace is hot, and the points are near, And Sleep has deadened the driver’s ear; And the signals flash through the night in vain, For Death is in charge of the clattering train.


GJ - Notice that a Doctrinal Pussycat is surrounded by plenty of protection for his job and title. But he can violate the Scriptures, run people into the ground, gerrymander a district, advocate false doctrine, and remove a pastor at will.

WELS is vulnerable to the charge that they do not have one pope but many infallible popes.

Intrepid Lutherans

Intrepid Lutherans


Why I No Longer Attend My [WELS] Church

Dear Readers,

Please take some time today and read through the two letters referenced in the link below. This case captures quite well what some of the problems and difficulties are which today plague our WELS, and which simply must be dealt with, sooner rather than later. This layman has gone above and beyond what is necessary to follow the Scriptural procedures. All the editors at Intrepid Lutheran stand behind him one hundred percent. We hope you will also!


Anonymous said...

What can WELS laypeople do about disgusting situations like this? If the people of the Northern Wisconsin District keep electing leaders who refuse to stand for Confessional Lutheranism, and, in fact, seem to protect false teachers, what can people who live in other districts do? If the leaders of a District repeatedly refuse to do their duty, doesn't there come a time when President Schroeder must step in and remove those leaders? Doesn't there come a time when a repeated "Yes, we're aware of it and we're dealing with it" isn't sufficient anymore?

It's a very frustrating situation, all the more so because it doesn't seem like there's anything that the average WELS layperson (or pastor) can do about it.

Mr. Adam Peeler

Intrepid Lutherans said...

Mr. Peeler,

Yes, there is something laypeople can do. They can call, write, email, their own Pastors, CPs, DPs, and the synod President, and express their frustration with leaders like the NWD DP, and support for men like Mr. Techlin, and the Intrepid Lutherans. And they can do so over and over and over and over again. And they can encourage others to do the same. What we need are thousands of calls, letters, and emails, all saying the same thing; demanding that the false teachers be dealt with - NOW! Believe me, that will make a difference, one way or another. Do it today - and pass the word! Don't hesitate. Don't wait. Don't bide your time. NOW is the time to act. Do not let this opportunity pass. Strike! Defend confessional Lutheranism! Attack the sectarian forces that are threatening to destroy the WELS as an orthodox Lutheran church body! You can do it!

Pastor Spencer

Daniel Baker said...

Mr. Techlin is certainly in my prayers, as is his congregation and the entire Appleton area. On the one hand, all of this is extremely disparaging. On the other, it is encouraging to see the realization of God's preservation of the Elect.

Intrepid Lutherans said...

Mr. Peeler,

As one of the five pastors who've engaged the Northern Wisconsin District Presidium in discussions concerning the doctrine and practice of St. Peter, Freedom and the CORE, Appleton, I can say that your frustration is shared by us and the two laymen who join us. (One of those laymen is Rick Techlin, the author of the two letters.)

WELS President Schroeder is aware of our concerns. He has recently met with President Engelbrecht of the Northern Wisconsin District. Finally, after months of asking that President Engelbrecht set up a meeting between our group and the pastors of St. Peter and the CORE, it looks as though a meeting might finally happen in the next week.

During the past year we have had a couple of face-to-face meetings with the NW District Presidium, and shared thesis papers on the areas of doctrine that concern us. In early December they did agree in principle with each of those areas of doctrine. However, they were not going to request a meeting with the pastors of St. Peter and the CORE. Now we'd like to see them take the next step, insisting that continued practice that is opposed to Scriptural doctrine be halted.

Please understand that it is not up to the WELS President to unilaterally remove leaders from their positions of leadership. The WELS Constitution (section 8.20) says, "The two district vice presidents with the concurrence of the district circuit pastors may suspend the district president from his office. The president shall have 60 days thereafter to appeal this suspension. If there is no appeal within 60 days, the action shall be final and the officer is removed from office. If he appeals, the appeal will be heard by the District Board of Appeals."

Furthermore, "In the case of district vice presidents and secretary, the president with the concurrence of the circuit pastors may suspend another officer. The district officer shall have 60 days thereafter to appeal this suspension. If there is no appeal within 60 days, the action shall be final and the officer if removed from office. If he appeals, the appeal will be heard by the District Board of Appeals."

Also, "The conduct of review shall rest with the District Board of Appeals. The board shall have the right and power to examine all documentary evidence and correspondence and to require such testimony
that in its judgment is relevant. The decision of the District Board of Appeals may be appealed to
the Synod Board of Appeals. Upon the appeal, the Synod Board of Appeals may review the action
of the District Board of Appeals."

I'm normally not one who quotes the synod Constitution. Yet, it is how we've agreed to do things in a proper and fitting way.

Continued ...

Intrepid Lutherans said...

Continued ...

Pastor Spencer is correct. Pastors, teachers, laypeople must make it clear to their leaders that they cannot condone the doctrine and practice that is taking place at St. Peter, Freedom or the CORE. The more we do so, the more our leaders will know that Confessional Lutheranism is something we do want to defend.

Though I'd love to say that you're wrong, I can't disagree with your assessment that "the people of the Northern Wisconsin District keep electing leaders who refuse to stand for Confessional Lutheranism, and, in fact, seem to protect false teachers."

Elections in the NW District are never discussed publicly. We simply race through the election process, usually with the same results. At one of the face-to-face meetings with the NW District Presidium, our small group of pastors was asked, "What would you do if you were us?" There is little disagreement that we would stand for being intentionally Lutheran--confessionally Lutheran. I'm not sure why our leaders are timid in doing so, except that those who aren't intentionally Lutheran will declare them to be legalistic.

To end on a positive note, I am very encouraged when I see laypeople like Rick Techlin stand for the truth of Scripture. Rick is not grandstanding. He is a very humble, thoughtful person who refuses to allow God's Word to be compromised in any way. For the NW District Presidium to ignore him in the way they are, is hard to accept.

Thanks, Mr. Peeler, for your continued concern for this situation and your continued contributions to Intrepid Lutherans.

Pastor Paul Lidtke

Daniel Baker said...

I am encouraged to hear that the Intrepid Lutherans are taking up the case, as it were. The charges that this group is "doing nothing" can surely be put to rest now. I pray for fruitful results from your anticipated meeting with Pastors Glende and Skorzewski.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Lidtke,
Please keep us informed as to the outcome of these meetings. Please resist all efforts to keep this public doctrinal matters "confidential". As you well know, the WELS likes to "sweep it under the carpet". God bless Rick Techlin, may we be blessed with more wonderful laymen like him!
Scott E. Jungen

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the information Pastor Lidtke. Thank you especially for having the courage to take a stand against false doctrine and practice--we need more pastors like you.

Thanks also for the quotes from the WELS Constitution. It seems to me that that particular section of the Constitution is ill-conceived. It's reasonable to expect that if a majority of voters elect a district president who is minded to tolerate false doctrine, they will also elect vice-presidents who share the same mindset, making the removal of the president virtually impossible. It would be like making the vice-president of our country the one with sole authority to impeach the president--"not gonna happen". There needs to be a separate, separately-elected authority in charge of such issues, whether it's the synod praesidium or the other district presidents or something.

I suppose the age-old question applies: "Who watches the watchmen?" The answer, in this case, seems to be "no one".

If the WELS continues to demonstrate that it is willing to tolerate false doctrine and practice, and that it is willing to tolerate leaders who tolerate false doctrine and practice, and there is no recourse for discipline and correction, at what point must Confessional Lutherans leave the WELS?

Mr. Adam Peeler

Daniel Gorman said...

In his 1/20/11 letter, Mr. Techlin writes,
"In May 2010, District President Engelbrecht sent out an undated letter responding to my
November 1, 2009 letter and the March 5, 2010 meeting with me and the five concerned area
pastors. On every page of his letter, District President Engelbrecht stamped in large red letters:
"CONFIDENTIAL." I will let most of this letter remain confidential, but not the aspects that
touch doctrine. This is because the doctrine of a district president is not confidential. A district
president's doctrine is not confidential when he communicates it to others. A district president's
doctrine is not confidential when he doctrinally instructs laymen and other pastors. A district
president's doctrine is especially not confidential when his defense of false doctrine is used as
justification for other pastors to continue shaping a public ministry around that false doctrine."

In his letter, Mr. Techlin gives many scripture references to justify disclosing portions of a confidential letter. However, none of his citations permit the secret sins of a DP (false doctrine) to be made public before the due process of Matt. 18.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gorman,

I disagree with you.

As Mr. Techlin rightly points out, the doctrinal teaching of a pastor (and district president) is a public matter. Christ himself made the point that he taught openly and publicly, he didn't hide any of his teachings. Pastors should not be writing or teaching things privately that they aren't willing to teach or write publicly. In other words, pastors can't teach false doctrine, stamp "confidential" on it, and then rest secure because that false doctrine will never be exposed.

Now, if, for example, a pastor privately loses his temper and calls someone a dirty name, that would be a private sin which should remain private. But the teaching of doctrine does not fit into that category.

Furthermore, you cite "due process", but one of the most disturbing facets of this situation is that there seems to be no due process available to Mr. Techlin. How can you "tell it to the church" when the church refuses to listen to you?

Mr. Adam Peeler

David Jay Webber said...

If the WELS continues to demonstrate that it is willing to tolerate false doctrine and practice, and that it is willing to tolerate leaders who tolerate false doctrine and practice, and there is no recourse for discipline and correction, at what point must Confessional Lutherans leave the WELS?

Please note that the comments I offer below are not just pertaining to WELS, or to any other specific church body, but address general principles of admotion, church fellowship, and related matters, which can and should be applied whenever and wherever the situation may call for it.

I would say that when all procedural avenues for correction of error in a church body have been exhausted, and those who are erring still do not receive the correction, the next step would not necessarily be to leave the church body in question, but to enter into a public state of confession. This would be a declaration that an impasse has been reached, and that altar and pulpit fellowship will now not be practiced with the offending parties or with those who support them, but will continue to be practiced with those who join in the state of confession against the error. A public declaration of this nature would serve as a rallying point, requiring everyone else in the church body then to decide which side in the dispute they are going to take. At the end of that process, if repentance on the part of the false teachers is still not forthcoming, this "division of the house" would likely then result in a split - either through the expulsion of the false teachers, which would keep the church body orthodox; or through the expulsion of the confessors, which would mark the church body as recalcitrant in its heterodoxy.

But of course, such a step should not be taken until there is no other God-pleasing recourse left, and only when the confessors are indeed ready to be expelled, if that is what it comes to.

AP said...

Mr. Peeler makes a good point about the voters electing like-minded officers in that district. The voters of that convention are culpable in what is happening there. They need to hold their leaders accountable, and at the very least ask questions.

Moreover, the problems in that district are not limited to St. Peter or the Core. There are several other congregations in the Green Bay and Appleton areas that have gone down the same path (though perhaps not as blatantly) as St. Peter.

I'm just left amazed by reading Mr. Techlin's account. Honestly, how bad do things have to get before someone with power in this synod publicly says enough is enough?

Dr. Aaron Palmer

Daniel Gorman said...

Mr. Adam Peeler: "As Mr. Techlin rightly points out, the doctrinal teaching of a pastor (and district president) is a public matter. Christ himself made the point that he taught openly and publicly, he didn't hide any of his teachings. Pastors should not be writing or teaching things privately that they aren't willing to teach or write publicly. In other words, pastors can't teach false doctrine, stamp "confidential" on it, and then rest secure because that false doctrine will never be exposed."

If pastors do not repent, their "confidential" false teaching will be exposed under Matt. 18.

Mr. Adam Peeler: "Now, if, for example, a pastor privately loses his temper and calls someone a dirty name, that would be a private sin which should remain private. But the teaching of doctrine does not fit into that category."

The 8th Commandment recognizes only two categories of sin: private sin and public sin. If a pastor has only taught his false doctrine privately, he must be given an opportunity to privately recant before his false teaching is publicly exposed via Matt. 18.

Mr. Adam Peeler: "Furthermore, you cite "due process", but one of the most disturbing facets of this situation is that there seems to be no due process available to Mr. Techlin. How can you "tell it to the church" when the church refuses to listen to you?"

Yes, that is a problem. Bureaucratic obstructions and a veil of secrecy imposed by the DP have made it virtually impossible for Mr. Techlin to obtain due process.

The DP should never have stamped his teaching of public doctrine "confidential" (John 18:20). But two wrongs do not make a right. The 8th commandment makes no exception for privately taught false doctrine. Instead of improperly disclosing a confidential letter, Mr. Techlin should have rejected the letter and insisted that all discussions of public doctrine be made a matter of public record.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gorman said: "If pastors do not repent, their 'confidential' false teaching will be exposed under Matt. 18."

Isn't that exactly what's going on here though? Mr. Techlin has made every effort to follow the steps of Matthew 18, going through the proper channels, with the result that he was ignored and dismissed. As I asked before, how can you tell it to the church when the church won't listen?

Mr. Techlin is simply using the last recourse available to him by publishing these matters and making them available to the church at large. In my opinion, by refusing to meet with Mr. Techlin and to hear his admonition, President Englebrecht has abdicated his right to keep this matter private. It is now a public matter to be heard and judged by the church at large.

In any case, questionable interpretations of Matthew 18 have been used far too often to silence dissenters in the WELS, almost like lawyers who try to get a valid case thrown out of court on a technicality. I don't want our side discussion on the interpretation of Matthew 18, Mr. Gorman, to distract the discussion of this very serious issue. If you want to argue that Mr. Techlin didn't follow the letter of the law, fine (though I'm convinced he did). He certainly followed the spirit of the law and certainly has been wronged and betrayed by his pastors and his church leaders. That's the real issue here.

Mr. Adam Peeler

Daniel Baker said...

Completely agreed, Mr. Peeler.

The assertion that Mr. Techlin failed to follow Matthew 18 is absurd. His private meetings with his pastor, church leaders, circuit pastor, and district president were all steps along the Matthew 18 lines. He followed all of their prescribed measures, including his restriction from secret "pastor only" meetings and forced attendance at interrogation sessions - he even endured the censoring of his blog!

The letter he initially sent abided by this narrow view of Matthew 18. That was more than a year ago. How long should Mr. Techlin endure the perpetual false doctrine of his so-called shepherds until he makes the matter public?

Pastor Boehringer said...

All too often the trump card of adiaphora and Christian freedom is used to defend all manner of sectarian doctrine and practice. Thank you, Rick, for daring to ask, "Why are we doing this?" and "Is this wise?"

God bless you, Rick!
Pastor Luke Boehringer

Anonymous said...

I've spent the past day reading Mr. Techlin's incredible account of what has transpired at his church over the past year or more. I applaud his efforts and thank him so much for pursuing this matter thru the proper channels. Alot of people would have already quit in frustration over the perceived arrogance of his pastor and district president as they continue to thumb their noses at Mr. Techlin's very real concerns that God's Word is not being taught in its truth and purity. I, too, am waiting for President Schroeder's involvement in this. It may never have been Mr. Techlin's intention to broadcast this matter publicly. However, now that it's out there and people are becoming aware of this situation, please keep us informed and updated as the saga unfolds. I am praying for Mr. Techlin and want him to know he has the support of many. In the same vein as Martin Luther's 95 theses started a reformation back in his day, may this be the spark that fires up the confessional Lutheran church in our own time.

Rhonda Martinez

Lund Family said...

I agree with my neighbor Luke Boehringer. When our own pastors and Synod officials no longer allow for questioning of practices and doctrine, than Christian freedom and adiaphora is being abused.

Perry Lund
Grace Evangelical Lutheran
Oskaloosa, Iowa