Saturday, November 26, 2011

David R. Barnhart: VOTING RESULTS NOVEMBER 20, 2011

David R. Barnhart: VOTING RESULTS NOVEMBER 20, 2011:

1. Bethel Lutheran Church, Noblesville, IN passed second vote to leave the ELCA by a margin of 82%.
This congregation with 1353 baptized members plans to join NALC.

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New Vrindaban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Palace of Gold was built in West Virginia.

New Vrindaban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

A Fundy minister's son became a Hindu and engaged in the abuse of boys, built a golden temple in West Virginia.

UOJ Is All Law - Not Grace: WELS Time of Grace
Is a Ministry of the Law.
Mark Jeske as the New Moses

The Shrinkers work only through deception, so they are furious when anyone removes their cloaking devices. Appropriately, while calling themselves "doctor," they only have demon degrees (DMin), invented to coax lazy ministers back to school.

They claim to have a passion for sharing Jesus, but they really have an obsession with Moses. As Luther said, "They turn Moses into the Savior."

The First Shrinker Commandment - Everyone is already forgiven. They want to make that sound so full of grace, but it is only an excuse to pound people with their man-made law.

The Second Shrinker Commandment - Everyone must be in a cell group and must study what is assigned. Cell groups came from Romanism and the Reformed, copied by Spener. The cell group is just as important as the sacraments. In fact, they supplant the sacraments and the congregation. They are the True Church, according to Pietists.

The Third Shrinker Commandment - Love requires unionism. Following Spener, they view sound doctrine as the enemy of love, and verse vica. Shrinkers love every denomination except their own.

The Fourth Shrinker Commandment - The Fourth is like unto the Third Shrinker Commandment. Doctrinal indifference is so important that those who study and articulate sound Biblical, Book of Concord doctrine are ridiculed and vilified.

The Fifth Shrinker Commandment - Spener, as the founder of Pietism, must be honored above all others. Attempts to rehabilitate Spener among Lutherans are proof of Pietism, just similar attempts with Rauschenbusch reveal Social Gospel passions.

The Sixth Shrinker Commandment - New Age doctrine is the real foundation. Starting with plagiarist Norman Vincent Peale, they get their spiritual insights from the occult. That is why Robert Schuller and Fuller Seminary grooved with Paul Y. Cho, another occultist. Their other Sixth Commandment - they have two! - is Thou Must Commit Adultery. Yes, they set records, and not just with the opposite sex.

The Seventh Shrinker Commandment - Management By Objective will solve all church problems. There is only One Solution and Peter Drucker is its prophet.

The Eighth Shrinker Commandment - Because they teach universal forgiveness and salvation without faith, they have no regard for faith. They portray faith as heretical and damaging, then add at the end their tirades, "But you gotta have faith."

The Ninth Shrinker Commandment - Ignore Luther. The only time they mention Luther is to misquote him, blame him for harming evangelism, or rail against him being quoted against them.

The Tenth Shrinker Commandment - Hate the truth.


Someone shared this link on the history of Pietism. I have not reviewed it.

Counting Them Up:
Ichabod versus the Fallen Opposition

During Thanksgiving, LI suggested listing the blogs fallen before the Ichabod juggernaut.

Tim Glende's anonymous efforts come and go. Poor Tim has been reduced to impersonating other people, so he can post his manufactured comments and criticize them.

Joe Krohn discovered the the truths of the Book of Concord, so Kudu Don Patterson excommunicated Joe and his wife - without a hearing. DP Glaeske even refused to answer a basic question about justification. Joe's blog promotes orthodox Lutheran doctrine.

Jack Kilcrease has a blog where mainline UOJ is promoted. He also pops up at various Lutheran blogs to post foolish comments, only to erase them. Paul Calvin Kelm is famous for copying his creative comments, but Kilcrease is famous for deleting them - hence the new verbs "to kelm" and "to kilcrease."

Jack Cascione's SpenerQuest ventures onto the battlefield every so often, only to retreat in disgrace and confusion. To quote Gibbon, they fight without discipline and run without shame.

Pope Paul the Unlearned, aka Paul McCain, has set a record for offending people all over the Net. My chest swells a bit at the thought of his incoherent rages. He pauses from his sinuflection toward Rome occasionally to issue another tirade on his low-caliber blog. Pope Paul shows up on SpenerQuest because he was banned on the American Lutheran Publicity Forum, where he had thousands of posts.

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - SAVANNAH: GA: State Supreme Court Rules in favor of TEC in Christ Church Dispute

Popes come in all denominations,
all genders.

The litigation has been ongoing since 2007 when 87% of Christ Church (CC) members in good standing voted to uphold the unanimous decision of its board to disaffiliate from The Episcopal Church (TEC) because of its revisionist theological trends over the last several decades.

In an effort to seize the property, TEC subsequently sued Christ Church, its rector and individual board members. TEC's 1979 passage of the Dennis Canon claims a unilateral trust over all property of Episcopal churches nationwide without regard to title or state property laws. Christ Church has owned the Johnson Square property since the 1700s, first by land grant from the English Royal Council, and, after the Revolutionary War, by a charter of incorporation from the 1789 Georgia state legislature.

"Christ Church has always maintained clear title to the property and has never agreed to hold its property in trust for any entity. We are reviewing the ruling and will meet to determine our next course of action which could include an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court if warranted," stated Jim Gardner, CC legal counsel. "At its core this case is about fundamental property rights of individual congregations in hierarchical churches," he continued.

In his dissenting opinion, Judge S. Phillip Brown described the majority decision with these words: "Today's majority opinion effectively eviscerates many of Georgia's property laws, trust laws, and equity laws..."

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - SAVANNAH: GA: State Supreme Court Rules in favor of TEC in Christ Church Dispute:

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Friday, November 25, 2011

ELCA Bazingo - Two Sets of Schools To Merge,
Plus Two More Failing Seminaries

At least the ELS admits to the demographic shoals ahead,
and this blog is not the cause.

From ALPB:

"Earlier this year Lenoir-Rhyne University and Southern Seminary announced plans to merge. Now the latest edition of Above the Fog, the alum newsletter for Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary announces merger exploration between PLTS and California Lutheran University."

Two more ELCA seminaries are in trouble:

  • Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago. 
  • Wartburg Seminary, founded by Loehe.

That means four ELCA seminaries are threatened with insolvency. Merging Wartburg and LSTC would only mean that two weak seminaries would unite - like Sears and K-Mart.

Most Read Posts for the Month

Sound doctrine quotations edged out
the Love Shack arrest, unless all the Hochmuth posts are grouped together.

Nov 16, 2011, 12 comments
1,442 Pageviews
Nov 21, 2011, 1 comment
386 Pageviews
Nov 17, 2011, 18 comments
236 Pageviews

Luther Rocks: Sound Familiar?

Spener borrowed cell groups from the Reformed.
Pietism defines Christianity by works while
downplaying  sound doctrine. "Doctrine divides."
Pietism turns into rationalism in one generation, at it did at Halle University.
UOJ came from Huber, who was Reformed,
and from Knapp, who amalgamated Lutheran and Reformed doctrine.

"In Pia desideria, Spener made six proposals as the best means of restoring the life of the Church: (LR - As if we can effect change)

  • the earnest and thorough study of the Bible in private meetings, ecclesiolae in ecclesia ("little churches within the church"). (LR - Cell Groups)
  • the Christian priesthood being universal, the laity should share in the spiritual government of the Church (LR - Everyone a minister)
  • a knowledge of Christianity must be attended by the practice of it as its indispensable sign and supplement (LR - Works Righteousness and Church Growth Methods)
  • instead of merely didactic, and often bitter, attacks on the heterodox and unbelievers, a sympathetic and kindly treatment of them (LR - Ecumenism and Unionism - Wauwatosa Theology)
  • a reorganization of the theological training of the universities, giving more prominence to the devotional life (LR - More works and CGM)
  • a different style of preaching, namely, in the place of pleasing rhetoric, the implanting of Christianity in the inner or new man, the soul of which is faith, and its effects the fruits of life." (LR - More about the heart and less about the head...less masculine)

Luther Rocks: Sound Familiar?:

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GJ - The most obvious sign of Pietism is the necessity of the small group, which is tyrannical and controlling in many cases.

Pietists love unionism, but scorn:

  1. Sound doctrine.
  2. Intellectual support of the Christian faith.
  3. The liturgy.
  4. The creeds.
  5. The Confessions.
  6. The Sacraments.
Screen capture from the Thanksgiving game.
Is that...Ski?

2004 - The Sexual Abuse of Children
In the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
Cover-Up Artist Archbishop Weakland Spoke at Wisconsin Lutheran College (WELS)

Archbishop Weakland was blackmailed by his boyfriend,
so he embezzled money from the Catholic Church.
WLC asked Weakland and a number of priests to lecture the public,
then tried to deny the facts.

The Sexual Abuse of Children in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee:

The Sexual Abuse of Children in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Submitted February 10, 2004 by:
Peter Isely
Jim Smith

"After 1985, all churches in the United States were on notice that they cannot put priests who have had incidents of having sexual abuse in parishes or any setting where they would have access to children.  For the church authorities to have allowed this to happen was sinful, more than negligent, and I believe they should be held accountable."
Father Thomas Brundage
Judicial Vicar of the Milwaukee Catholic Archdiocese

Official history, Camus once observed, is written by those who make history, not those who suffer from it.      

A recently published authorized history of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee runs some 800 pages.  It is dedicated to the legacy of retired Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland, who served the archdiocese from 1977 to 2002.  Exhaustively and meticulously chronicled, the document reviews thousands of events and personalities that have shaped the character and quality of the Church of Milwaukee.

What the reader will not locate within this otherwise comprehensive survey is a single recorded instance of the crime of clergy sexual abuse.* Absent also is any indication of what Milwaukee’s Catholic bishops knew or did about these terrible crimes.

* Throughout this text "clergy" refers to ordained diocesan and religious order priests, deacons, and vowed religious order nuns and brothers. Pending Wisconsin legislation defines "clergy" as members "of a religious order, and includes brothers, ministers, monks, nuns, priests, rabbis, and sisters." 

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Summary of cases linked here.

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - Jefferts Schori, Bede Parry, Charles Bennison, Joe Paterno, Jerry Sandusky & RCC.
What Did They Know and When Did They Know It?

More cases are developing in the Sandusky case.
In the Milwaukee case, the police are making more arrests
in that large pedophile ring,
which is not limited by geography or denomination.

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - Jefferts Schori, Bede Parry, Charles Bennison, Joe Paterno, Jerry Sandusky & RCC:

Sandusky was charged on Saturday with sexually abusing eight young boys over more than a decade. Two other officials were charged with failing to report an incident. Sandusky is rumored to have been 'pimping out young boys to rich donors from the Second Mile Foundation for troubled young boys. The relentless deviate, former PSU defensive coordinator is accused of sexually assaulting children for years. According to the grand jury, he gained easy access to children and early adolescents through the foundation he founded in 1977.

Joe Paterno, the iconic football coach of Penn State knew and was informed of Sandusky's behavior. He passed the information up the line, but did not go to the police. He was fired. The president of the university has also been fired. This story is still unfolding with more horror stories yet to be revealed.

So what does this have to do with the Roman Catholic Church and The Episcopal Church? This. It is all about institutional cover up; it is about putting the organization ahead of the welfare of children. It is called covering their asses in the face of sexual predatory behavior and sin. Whether it is a football team attached to a state university that depends on the $50 million it makes to fill the university's coffers, to a church that claims to speak for God, the evil is the same. The institution first, the welfare of children and young people last.

Roman Catholic Church leaders, on learning of their priests multiple sexual crimes against mostly young men (epipedophiles), allowed priests to be shuffled from one parish to another without punishment. When it finally all blew up in their faces, the church paid out tens of millions of dollars to parents whose children were seduced by these priests with, in some cases, whole dioceses declaring bankruptcy.

What do Episcopal Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori, Fr. Bede Parry, PA Bishop Charles Bennison, star football coach Joe Paterno, former defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky and the Roman Catholic Church all have in common? 

They all covered up or participated in sex crimes against children, mostly boys below the age of consent. Some were pedophiles; others were pederasts, but most were homosexuals.

The only one getting a pass is Katharine Jefferts Schori because no one is willing to hold her accountable.

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