Monday, February 13, 2012

Long Before the Concordia St. Louis Student Paper,
Ichabod Had the Scoop on the Tuition Scandal

Irrelevant but funny.
The Concordia Seminary, St. Louis student journal picked up on the statistics and commentary from this blog. In short, students are being robbed instead of robed, while the administrators build bigger palaces for themselves to adore.

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Walther Became a Pastor After a Four-Year Rational...":

Here are some of the more memorable LCMS seminary cost posts, which sketch excludes many minor posts and comics:

Fake Pastoral Shortage in the LCMS, Friday, August 8, 2008

Maybe Because Bruce Church Told the Truth about Sky-High Tuition and the 600 Empty Parish Lie, 9 Sep  2010:

The Seminary Question, 14 Sep 2010

The Boomers Got Their Cheap Seminary Education, Only To Stick the Next Generations with Harvard Costs and Mudville Quality, Saturday, October 2, 2010:

LCMS Seminary Costs, 28 Dec 2010

Lutheran Seminary Fraud: Students Are Bankrupting Themselves To Provide an Easy Living for the Profs. "No Call for You" Threat Stifles Dissent, 16 May 2011

LCMS Seminary Cost Scandal: Fabulous Costs To Support Posh Professor Salaries, September 17, 2011

LCMS Seminaries - Where the Money Is. Ultra High Tuition and Salaries, December 8, 2011

Walther Became a Pastor After a Four-Year Rationalistic Degree from Leipzig and Cell Group Revelations. Now It Takes Eight Years, Feb 13, 2012: 

Missouri needs another Walther,
a leader who will steal to solve the financial crisis.

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - ELM GROVE, WI: Anglican Parish Retaken by Episcopal Diocese Lays (sic) Empty

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - ELM GROVE, WI: Anglican Parish Retaken by Episcopal Diocese Lays Empty:

For 65 years, four generations of priests have faithfully preached the gospel to 3,400 Episcopalians at St. Edmund's Episcopal Church. It has been no small achievement. Elm Grove is not one of the highest density populations in America, but its bucolic setting in Waukesha County has a population of some 6,500, most of them Christians of one denominational stripe or another.

On January 31, the congregation's world came to a shattering end. The priest, the Rev. Dr. Samuel Scheibler was removed from his church buildings at 14525 West Watertown Plank Road, Elm Grove, by judicial order. It was a shattering moment for the priest who has served the church for more than 3 years.

The Episcopal Church has taken a theological and moral turn for the worst and advocates a gospel that is no gospel at all, as well as a sexual pathway that this and many Episcopal churches across the country find totally unacceptable. They have declared themselves in broken communion. Hundreds of churches have left The Episcopal Church along with tens of thousands of parishioners. It has been a journey without end.

The Rt. Rev. Steven Andrew Miller, the eleventh bishop of Milwaukee, completely bought into The Episcopal Church's liberal positions and was not prepared to negotiate for the property. Today the church stands empty.

'via Blog this'


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - ELM GROVE, WI: ...":

The bit about the church being large in a rural setting is of course dated. It was that way when the church started up 65 years ago, but now Waukesha County has 400,000 people in it:

Elm Grove, WI, is only 19 miles west of the conservative Episcopalian Nashotah House Seminary, Delafield, which is near Oconomowoc:

Nashotah is in the Anglo-Catholic tradition, and the Elm Grove Episcopal church nearby probably is, too.

The kicked out Episcopal congregation is meanwhile worshiping at the Elm Grove Lutheran Church, an LCMS church:  


GJ - Bruce, do you get the impression that those Eastern liberals do not know much about fly-over country?

My good friend from Notre Dame taught at Nashotah House (Episcopal Seminary). Gaylin Schmeling, the president of the Little Schoolhouse on the Prairie, earned an STM there.

I wanted to see how many students were there. I was shocked to see one photo labeled as studs2011.



bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - ELM GROVE, WI: ...":

Yes, Bethany Seminary only has five students at the seminary taking classes, but six vicars out in the field. They only graduate between zero and six students per year. They are one of the few seminaries in the world with a 1:1 teacher-student ratio:

The seminary enrollment this year numbers eleven. There are six vicars, three seniors, no middlers, and two juniors.

The teaching staff for the seminary this year is as follows: Thomas Flunker, Adolph Harstad, Thomas Kuster, Michael Smith, and Gaylin Schmeling.


GJ - They seem to have far more students than calls. And yet the future reminds me of a quip from Bainton, when the graduating class from one liberal seminary married the graduating class from another liberal school.

Walther may get his pan-synodical seminary yet.

Emmaus Conference, 2012.
No False Doctrine Was Harmed in Any Way.
Matt Harrison. Mark Schroeder. John Moldstad.

  • Justification without faith. Check.
  • Cell group Pietism? Mmmm. Oh yeah.
  • False teachers welcomed as ministry gurus. Of course.
  • Kowtowing to a business in exchange for money. Naturally.
  • Liturgy. An adiaphoron.
  • Coffee shops. Evangelism tools.
  • Emergent Church. Definitely.
  • Hide the altar. Hide the font. Hide the paraments. Hide the cross. Brilliant.
  • Open Communion. Demi-semi-Open Communion. No Communion. Yes.
  • Women teaching men. Definitely.
  • Women usurping authority over men. Sure.
  • Eighth Commandment. Our best weapon against legalists, trouble-makers, and bloggers.

WELS Is Casual about Sects.
AC V - On Women Pastors.

Dipping a cross in a cup of coffee is
only one step above p___Christ,
a supposed work of art.

AC V has left a new comment on your post "Father Hollywood: Girls Gone Wild, WELS Edition. S...":

There's no problem with Kristen Koepsell being the "Minister of Worship" at WELS St. Andrew, Middleton, WI because there is no Lutheran worship there. Notice that under her job description "Music is the largest part of the worship ministry at St. Andrew." What, no sacraments? No preaching to deliver the forgiveness of sins?

As Staff Minister of Worship, Kristen is responsible for planning and implementing all worship opportunities at St. Andrew. She also oversees the large corps of worship volunteers who serve in many and varied capacities each week. Music is the largest part of the worship ministry at St. Andrew, but the worship ministry also includes lay readers, dramatic and visual arts, hospitality ministries and audio/visual tech support. Kristen works with Pastor Hunter to study biblical worship principles and practices, (they're not reading the Lutheran Confessions obviously) evaluate current worship practices at St. Andrew, and define future directions for St. Andrew's worship ministry.

Stay Tuned for Book Sales.
The Company Takes the Hit, Not I

California thought she was cutting into my profits by waiting for book sales. All these banners from are their discounts. They do not affect me at all. I offer the 100% discount for free PDFs. And many books are listed far below the normal price.

I like free shipping especially, because I place larger orders from time to time.

It works great. Fill out the order and pick the shipping desired. Put in the code for that banner, "flightless" in this case. Press update. The discount will be taken off the total. I learned last night that some discounts kick in regardless. I thought I had to buy two at once for the previous discount, but Lulu took off a few dollars because I had the code in. Software can be so subtle.

Lately, one sale will start as soon as the other one ends. Go to the main Lulu page to be sure.

Many new projects are started, each one to be printed, but also published as an e-book as well.

No "Katie My Rib" Here.

The solution - a compromise.
Everybody happy.

AC V has left a new comment on your post "Father Hollywood: Girls Gone Wild, WELS Edition. S...":

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.

Watch how Ms. Wendland walks around with Bible in hand just like the TV preachers:

John Brug approved the ordination of women many years ago.

1st head of US Anglican ordinariate installed : News Headlines - Catholic Culture.
You Read It Here First

Depitty Doug should establish an Ordinariate,
so Groeschelites and Fullerites can be WELS pastors without changing their  traditions.
Mrs. Ichabod said, "He already has."

1st head of US Anglican ordinariate installed : News Headlines - Catholic Culture:

1st head of US Anglican ordinariate installed
February 13, 2012

From Our Store: Moral Issues (eBook)
Father Jeffrey Steenson has been installed as the first Ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter. The ordinariate was established on January 1 to assist Anglicans in the United States who wish to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church while retaining elements of their Anglican heritage.

Father Steenson--who will take part in the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, but will not be ordained a bishop because he is married--preached in his installation homily:

Listen to St. Anselm, the 37th Archbishop of Canterbury, perhaps the greatest theologian ever to grace England’s green and pleasant land: “This power was committed specially to Peter, that we might therefore be invited to unity. Christ therefore appointed him the head of the Apostles, that the Church might have one principal Vicar of Christ, to whom the different members of the Church should have recourse, if ever they should have dissentions among them. But if there were many heads in the Church, the bond of unity would be broken” …

Some will argue that the Catholic Church makes Christian unity a difficult thing to achieve. Look at what is being asked of those who are considering the Ordinariate! – Anglicans have not only to be received but even confirmed, and their clergy ordained in the absolute form. Is this not asking them to begin all over again? Certainly not! From Zephyrinus to Callistus to Cornelius to Stephen – these third century popes, most of whom laid down their lives as martyrs, who governed the Church at a time when it seemed as though the gates of hell really might prevail, threatening to destroy her essential unity – the Catholic Church simply asked that the bonds of charity be restored sacramentally by invoking the presence of the Holy Spirit. These are brothers and sisters, returning home.

'via Blog this'

Glorious New Buildings, Mountains of Student Debt.
Boomers Scam the Students

Martin Luther College (WELS) built an $8 million dollar Marvin Schwan Cathedral.

Marvin Schwan grinned on the cover NWL in putting his name on his library at his little college, Wisconsin Lutheran College, which like Brigagoon, appears to be WELS one moment and not the next.

Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne, just completed another project to rival the Great Pyramid.

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, after building the Chapel of the Schwan, continued to add more buildings. At one point they bought up an entire college, next-door to the Clayton campus. I believe they dumped that white elephant, probably for a loss.

The Little Sect on the Prairie has festooned their land-locked campus with buildings on the frozen tundra of Mankato, to honor the frozen food king and his hot-blooded women.

What have we learned? All the Lutheran sects have money to burn for glamorous, expensive buildings, but hardly a penny to reduce student debt.

I am sure the leaders will claim, "We had to spend the designated funds that way." But that was not a problem - when the WELS $8 million disappeared, and Gurgle was spirited out of the country in a pickle barrel.

These big grants are arranged so that the synods apply for something they already want to do. I have not even started on Thrivent pan-Lutheran, pan-denominational funds. Always people hear the cry, "But they forced us to spend the money that way. If we had not gone along with it, someone else would have grabbed the loot."

What did Adam (not a real person, according to the NNIV) say? "Not my fault. That defective woman, whom Thou forcedest upon me, she madest me eat of the apple."

This blog has provided many posts, designed by a very good researcher, on the LCMS forcing enormous tuition costs on students while forcing many of their victims out of the system before they can even get a call. They are left with crippling loans and a useless degree.


rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Glorious New Buildings, Mountains of Student Debt....":

More on student debt:,0,1704059.story

Walther Became a Pastor After a Four-Year Rationalistic Degree from Leipzig and Cell Group Revelations.
Now It Takes Eight Years.

Ichabod Had the Scoop on the Seminary Tuition Scandal

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Walther Became a Pastor After a Four-Year Rational...":

Here are some of the more memorable LCMS seminary cost posts, which sketch excludes many minor posts and comics:

Fake Pastoral Shortage in the LCMS, Friday, August 8, 2008

Maybe Because Bruce Church Told the Truth about Sky-High Tuition and the 600 Empty Parish Lie, 9 Sep 2010:

The Seminary Question, 14 Sep 2010

The Boomers Got Their Cheap Seminary Education, Only To Stick the Next Generations with Harvard Costs and Mudville Quality, Saturday, October 2, 2010:

LCMS Seminary Costs, 28 Dec 2010

Lutheran Seminary Fraud: Students Are Bankrupting Themselves To Provide an Easy Living for the Profs. "No Call for You" Threat Stifles Dissent, 16 May 2011

LCMS Seminary Cost Scandal: Fabulous Costs To Support Posh Professor Salaries, September 17, 2011

LCMS Seminaries - Where the Money Is. Ultra High Tuition and Salaries, December 8, 2011

Walther Became a Pastor After a Four-Year Rationalistic Degree from Leipzig and Cell Group Revelations. Now It Takes Eight Years, Feb 13, 2012:


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Walther Became a Pastor After a Four-Year Rational...":

Understanding The Costs Of Pastoral Education: Do We Pay Pastors Too Much? April 18th, 2012, by
a Lutheran Brethren Church pastor:

Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America (CLBA):

The Church of the Lutheran Brethren has 123 congregations with about 8,860 baptized members[2] in the United States (114) and Canada (9),

MDiv program at Lutheran Brethren Seminary:

Credit hour cost of $340 on page 22:

Fergus Falls, pop. 13,000:,_Minnesota 

Lito Cruz Exposes Another Attempt To Rescue UOJ from Robert Preus' Repudiation of the Dogma

This is a fairly good book about the Preus-Otten era.

Robert Preus became a seminary president through UOJ
and finished his life by repudiating the false doctrine in the clearest possible way.

Over at Steadfast Waltherians, Mr. Steven Goodrich took a quote from R. Preus' book and I quote Steven here...

I decided to blog about some searches I did on Preus's <i>Justification and Rome<i>.Here is the blog url 

Since this post is getting rather long, I am only going to give the two quotes that I think disproves Jackson theory that Robert Preus did not UOJ in Justification and Rome 
From footnote 74: In their [the Catholic] view Christ merited forgiveness of sin, peace with God, and righteousness, but He did not acquire forgiveness and righteousness asobjective realities which are offered in the Gospel. Righteousness and forgiveness are possibilities which become realities only when the process of justification and sanctification has begun. Robert D. Preus (1997-06-01). Justification and Rome (Kindle Locations 2005-2007). Concordia Publishing House. Kindle Edition. From footnote 75: Luther and the earlier post-Reformation theologians do not present quite such a neat and tidy paradigm, but would probably agree with Quenstedt that Christ procured righteousness on the cross and that the same righteousness is apprehended through faith. All the Lutherans were in agreement that through faith the sinner acquires arighteousness which already exists objectively. Robert D. Preus (1997-06-01). Justification and Rome (Kindle Locations 2008-2011). Concordia Publishing House. Kindle Edition.

Now Steven asked me about this quote at Extra Nos. I presume Steven gave this to Steadfast Waltherians as a way of countering Dr. Jackson's suggestion that Preus did not teach Objective Justification in Justification and Rome. I could be mistaken and Steven can correct me, regarding his motives for posting this in his blog or at Steadfast Waltherians.

First observe that Preus quote is found in P. 72-73 of the book (which in mine contained my own annotations). Note Preus did not use the word Objective Justification. Now we all know he knew what this phrase meant for he was a UOJer and if that was what he wanted to convey he could have used the term and could have said -- the sinner acquires a justification which already exists objectively.

However, this was not was not what Preus said.

The righteousness that exists objectively is not the same as the declaration of your righteousness that-- according to UOJers--exists objectively before you were born. Because righteousness and being declared righteous are NOT THE SAME thing. What then did Preus mean by  a righteousness which already exists objectively?

He meant the righteousness of Christ! This righteousness of Christ exists objectively. Of course it does, for Jesus was already righteous before he came to earth and his sacrifice would have availed nothing to God if he were not righteous in the first place. Preus did not mean the righteousness declared to you when Jesus was raised from the dead as taught by UOJ! What Preus meant here was the righteousness of Christ! That is the one that exists objectively.

Precisely that is what Preus meant because if one follows where that footnote was mentioned, over to p. 72, Preus quotes Quenstedt!!! And what did Quenstedt say? He said..

It is not just the same thing to say, "Christ' righteousness is imputed to us" and to say "Christ is our righteousness"...

Justification is the act of God in declaring us righteous upon faith in Christ, justification is not the same as righteousness as a category. For in the former, we are really guilty but we are being counted as righteous for the sake of  Christ the righteous One.

You can read the rest of that quote in the book.


GJ - How much do they hate justification by faith? Let me count the ways.

  1. Seminarian Andrew Preus has posted two times (out of two) on UOJ.
  2. LaughQuest raves against justification by faith at every opportunity. Like a flock of turkeys, they stick their heads into the air and start making awful noises, without any prompting or reason.
  3. Steve Goodrich posts on Steadfast Enthusiasts and his own blog to prop up UOJ.
  4. Jack Kilcrease posts on his blog, on SE, and everywhere he can, based on his position as a part-time teacher at a papist college, his education as a Jesuit, and his WELS-ELCA training. 
  5. Pope Paul the Unlearned posts everywhere he can, never about the topic, but always in an ad hominem attempt to keep anyone from paying attention to Luther's doctrine.
  6. Tim Glende posts anonymously from his fake blog in support of his Craig Groeschel reprint business, his UOJ promotion hobby.

I must be missing a few more. In fact, I skipped over another prime example - just because.

The UOJ Hive may buzz loudly and sting ever so slightly, but they constantly reveal their inability to comprehend Biblical doctrine, Luther's teaching, and the Book of Concord. Anyone can see from their writing that they have no grasp of the Means of Grace.

I do not want people to agree with me, but with the Scriptures and Lutheran Orthodoxy, based on their own studies. I do not spend my time trying to get my friends to shun, expel, and silence Cascione, McCain, Kilcrease, and the worker bees. Instead, I quote the drones at every opportunity, especially when they sink to their usual level of argumentation.

The UOJ Hive is drawing attention to an important book, Justification and Rome. I hope people read that on their own, without the help of those Talmudic scholars.

The Hive needs to explain some important lapses in the history of Holy Mommy Synod:

  • Why did Walther base his UOJ on his rationalistic training at Leipzig and his cell group revelations with Stephan? Hardt wrote that Walther never changed his justification dogma.
  • How did the LCMS quickly move from Walther-Pieperism to mainline unionism and Pentecostalism, right after making one particular Statement (1932) canon law?
  • Why did the the president of the Olde Synodical Conference, Gausewitz, write a popular and extensively used catechism without ever mentioning UOJ?
  • Why is the Olde Synodical Conference silent about the efficacy of the Word (foundational in Luther and the Bible) and the Means of Grace (Ludwig Fuerbring's fave). 
  • If UOJ is pure and wholesome in WELS, as Rolf Preus boasts, then why did UOJ Enthusiast Richard Jungkuntz chair the first gay Lutheran seminary?
  • Where does Robert Preus mention UOJ as a term and teach it as a concept in Justification and Rome? Page and verbatim quotation are needed.
  • Who in ELCA disagrees with the notion that the entire world has been declared innocent, forgiven, saved, period, end of story, amen, alleluia? 
I agree.
Do you?

Father Hollywood: Girls Gone Wild, WELS Edition.
Since Someone Asked About the WELS Latte Church Female Pastor

This young graduate of the Sausage Factory took several
sensitivity classes at Fuller Seminary. He has grown in his understanding of women.
Rumor has it that Larry Olson was behind the female celebration of Holy Communion.

In spite of the Wisconsin Synod's reputation for "conservative" rigor, WELS has a rather "liberal" view when it comes to women officiating at the Eucharist.

According to this Q&A from the WELS's own website, there have been at least two instances where laywomen in the WELS have said the Lord' Words of Institution over bread and wine and served it, claiming that it was the body and blood of the Lord. The practice was in no way condemned by the WELS hierarchy, but rather, the practice is current under a "moratorium" in order to "keep from offending our brothers."

This error has come about by the intersection of an error on the doctrine of the ministry combined with a legalistic view of the role of women.

First, WELS does not believe the pastoral office has been divinely established, and further teaches that "The Bible establishes all of public gospel ministry but does not establish a pastoral office as such or vest certain duties exclusive to that office" (Emphasis added).

From this starting point, WELS adds the next premise that the differences between male and female are limited to a legalistic "thou shalt not," as the article puts it:
"Since the Bible does not assign specific duties to the pastor, WELS approaches the matter of women communing women from Scripture's man and women role relationship principle. WELS doctrinal statements on the role of man and woman say that a woman may have any part in public ministry that does not assume teaching authority over a man. That, of course, would include women communing women" (emphasis added).
And this has moved beyond the theoretical into the practical:
"WELS has had only two instances of women communing women, and our Conference of Presidents has since issued an indefinite moratorium on such practice to keep from offending our brothers until the matter is mutually resolved" (emphasis added).

The "it's only happened twice" defense reminds me of the Monty Python sketch claiming that the British Navy now has cannibalism "relatively under control."

In other words, the theology of male and female boils down to an oversimplified and law-based overarching principle that women are free to do anything and everything in the Lord's economy so long as she does not exercise authority over a man in doing so - when in fact, the role of women is much richer than the "anything other than..." approach of the WELS. Accepting these two premises and following them to their logical end yields the result of women saying the Words of Institution over bread and wine, and distributing the elements to each other as if they were the true body and blood.

This is roughly the equivalent of my asserting that since I'm an American citizen, I can sign my name on a bill and make it a law, or that I can authorize people to go up into the Statue of Liberty's crown, or may indeed put stars on my lapels and order military personnel about. I can do no such thing. It is a matter of authority. Pastors are ambassadors of Christ, and speak by His authority, standing in His stead and by His command. The American ambassador to Canada speaks with the authority of the government of the United States. Of course, I am free to visit the Parliament in Ottawa, but unlike the word of the ambassador, my word bears no authority. Any statements I make have no force behind them, as I have not been placed into any such office by those who have such authority to delegate.

This is quite different than the Roman Catholic assertion that at a man's ordination, a metaphysical change in his person has happened. But this is also quite different than the Protestant assertion that ordination is nothing more than a quaint ceremony. Sometimes the president of the United States is called "the most powerful man in the world." Not so. I'd be willing to wager than any middle linebacker in the NFL could take out President Obama in any kind of a strength competition or fight. What the president has is not personal "power," but rather delegated personal "authority" that he exercises "by virtue of his office." Not even someone more "powerful" than the president can make laws and issue commands to the military. If someone were to attempt to do so lacking authority, it would be a mutiny and a rebellion.

The examples in Scripture of those who assumed and usurped authority not given by the Lord do not end well. Korah's rebellion comes to mind.

And lest we become too smug in the LCMS, I think we should be on guard. We do have deaconesses who are described as "ministers," some even serving in institutional chaplaincies, providing spiritual care to both men and women. I have even seen this work described as being "pastoral" - though there is great care not to turn this adjective into a noun. At some point, the earlier understanding that deaconesses would only teach women and children has been superseded in the LCMS, as deaconesses are now permitted to teach men as well as women and children. What authority they have and do not have seems to be on a sliding scale of gray, and varies with whomever is asked.

But the problem goes well beyond the malleable role of the deaconess. I recently heard firsthand of a "laying on of hands" in the LCMS that involved not only clergy, but the congregational elders (after all, see 1 Tim 4:4...) and the female congregational president as well. I know that sometimes clergy wives are even involved in these ceremonials.

We also have an oxymoronic "office" in the LCMS called "lay minister." Male "lay ministers" have been given "license" for "Word and Sacrament ministry" by district presidents. Female "lay ministers" take the same classes and hold the same synodical designation, yet (to my knowledge) there have not been instances of female "lay ministers" either preaching or presiding over an alleged Sacrament of the Altar. But I do think this toe-to-the-line of the Wisconsonian view of the office of the ministry and the roles of the sexes leaves the possibility open.

One of the most foolish things anyone can ever say is: "It can't happen here."

We in the LCMS have a similar rather limited theology of the sexes as the WELS. We tend to focus on the narrow and myopic legalistic issue of "what women are allowed, and are not allowed, to do" (functionalism) rather than the deeper and eternal issue of what men and women were created to do (ontology). Function ought to flow from ontology rather than trying to reverse-engineer the situation in the opposite direction.

I suspect there are some in our midst who indeed would make the argument that women have the divine authority to bless bread and wine (even as they have the power to physically say the words), that they can indeed also have the churchly permission ("call") to do so as long as no men take the "sacrament" from her hand, and so long as she does not lay claim to the title of "pastor." And there are some that will, no doubt, make a couple arguments in favor of women consecrating based on:

1) The charge of "Donatism." This is the ancient heresy that the validity of the sacrament is based on the moral standing of the officiant. However, sex has nothing to do with moral fitness. It is rather an ontological distinction. For example, men are not denied the privilege of carrying a child in the womb based on a moral reason, it's rather a question of reality and vocation. Just as a good and righteous American citizen can write his name at the end of a bill passed by Congress, the fact is that his righteous signature is not effective whereas that of even a wicked president is - by virtue of authority. A person's sex has nothing at all to do with Donatism.

In fact, the Donatism charge can even go the other way. For example, a very pious and morally upright lay woman can say all the right words over bread and wine without having any authority from God, neither from Scripture nor from the Church, and yet a wicked ordained male pastor with a valid call can do the same thing - and there is no doubt whatsoever of the validity of the sacraments he officiates over.

This is because the issue is authority, not moral fitness.

In fact, there was an interesting conversation between some LCMS seminary professors over this very issue. You can read the initial article about the "validity of churchly acts of ordained [sic] women" here and the rebuttal against the charge of "Neo-Donatism" here.

2) Emergency baptism. The argument goes that if women can "confect the sacrament," so to speak, regarding an emergency baptism, then it follows that she can similarly officiate over celebrations of the Holy Eucharist. But this is a leap of logic that presumes that all sacraments are equal and that we are not bound to any authority in these matters apart from our own modern whims. The crux of the matter is that emergency baptism is just that - a life and death situation. The Church has long established this form of Holy Baptism, and has never denied the fairer sex the extraordinary authority to administer the Holy Sacrament in matters of extremity. However, the same cannot be said for other sacramental and churchly acts. For there are no emergency marriages or confirmations or communions. Our confessions cite the scenario attributed to St. Augustine in which one dying man baptizes the other, and the newly-baptized administers the Sacrament of Holy Absolution to his fellow. There is no mention of any other sacrament or church rite. Most certainly there is no precedent for emergency lay Communion.

Just as female ordination inevitably leads to the blessing of same-sex marriages, I also believe that a functional view of the ministry inexorably leads to women functioning (if not outright claiming to be) pastors. Until we in the LCMS come to grips with the idea of ontology (both of ministers and of the sexes), we will continue to follow in the train of our conservative brethren, even though the tracks have taken a radical turn to the left.


GJ - Someone asked if WELS really had women pastors. The Latte Church does. Wherever Church and Change got beefy grants, they installed a female assistant (highly paid) for the male android. I recall that Doebler's was pulling down $50k. Nothing is too much for Church and Change. That is why a wealthy church like Holy Word in Austin, Texas (WELS) gets free vicars each year. But the same parish is prepared to spend oodles on a new church location almost next door to Doebler's in Round Rock.


AC V has left a new comment on your post "Father Hollywood: Girls Gone Wild, WELS Edition. S...":

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.

Watch how Ms. Wendland walks around with Bible in hand just like the TV preachers: 

SP Helpless cannot do anything about it. He is too busy silencing people who read Ichabod.