Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Universalism from the Glende/Ski WELS Theologians

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Watch the Tim Glende Videos":

Part 8 Good Friday in the WhoDunnit? series

Presented by Pastor Dustin Sievert
St. Peter Lutheran Church

7:22 - "He (the bad thief) doesn't realize that what Jesus is actually doing is saving him, and the entire world and all of you..."

If you're wondering if that was all of it - that statement couldn't be the sum total of what was taught - wrong - that was it. Watch it for yourself.

Guess who grabs the Thrivent, synod, and foundation loot for themselves?



GJ - That would bring them in. 

We need a Thrivent grant - Ten large rattle-snakes. De-fanged.

Appleton Update


Trevor has left a new comment on your post "WELS Pharisees Trying To Stop Organ Concert At Th...":

How is this any different than when the handbell choir from Westminster Choir College performed a concert at Grace in Waukesha, WI in 1998?

Obviously there's something missing from the story because Thomas Trotter performed a concert at MLC on April 17 of this year.


GJ - Ask the Appleton Pharisees circuit. They strain out a fly but swallow a camel.

BoC Bonded Leather Edition Giveaway IL Conference June 1« Light from Light

BoC Bonded Leather Edition Giveaway IL Conference « Light from Light:

"I have some extra copies of the Christian Book of Concord bonded-leather-cover edition from Concordia Publishing House, and thought I’d try to give away one of them here on Light from Light in conjunction with my participation at the upcoming Intrepid Lutherans 2012 conference: Church and Continuity.  This is similar to the regular hard-cover second edition, except it has a bonded-leather-cover with gold trim on the page edges and it comes in a gift box.  The condition is new, never used.

If you would like to enter the drawing for a free copy, please fill out the form below.  However, you must be at least 18 years old, may enter the drawing only once, and you must be able to find me at the Intrepid Lutherans conference in Oshkosh, WI on June 1 or June 2, 2012 A.D. to receive the book in person."

'via Blog this'

WELS Pharisees Trying To Stop Organ Concert
At Their Mother Church:
Historic St. John Lutheran in Milwaukee

WELS is trying to keep someone from playing an organ concert at the Wisconsin Synod mother church, Historic St. John Lutheran Church in Milwaukee.

Remember Dave Peters? - Union Grove - Issues in WELS. He has threatened the organist. Before, SP Mark Schroeder did the same thing.

"They are not in fellowship with us. You will kill your career in WELS."

WELS kicked Pastor Kevin Hastings out because he tagged (spray painted on the sidewalk) a WELS church that was violating the Sixth Commandment. Kevin apologized and paid for the damages - immediately.

The Church and Change DP pushed him off the ministerial list, then kicked out St. John for being loyal to their pastor.

Therefore, WELS created their own problem.

Do they threaten Professor Tiefel for bringing a group of students to tour St. John? Oh no! I just thought of this - I hope Tiefel was not driving!

Do they threaten Mark Jeske for working with ELCA and Missouri, for funding them through Thrivent?

Do they threaten Glende, Ski, Parlow, and Buske for worshiping with Andy Stanley, the Babtist gay activist?

Do they threaten the Mequon faculty for making Calvinist and CG books required reading while warning their students against justification by faith?

The same synod took busloads of supporters to Al Just murder trial. The father of the First VP of WELS testified as a character witness for Al Just, who was found guilty.

Was DP Ed Werner excommunicated for abusing little girls in his congregation for decades?

Why was Joel Hochmuth publicly absolved by SP Schroeder?

WELS is an abusive cult.

Trevor has left a new comment on your post "WELS Pharisees Trying To Stop Organ Concert At Th...":

How is this any different than when the handbell choir from Westminster Choir College performed a concert at Grace in Waukesha, WI in 1998?

Obviously there's something missing from the story because Thomas Trotter performed a concert at MLC on April 17 of this year. 

Intrepid Lutherans - Drucker, CGM, and Fascism

The non-Lutherans have been much better than the Lutherans
in discerning what is wrong with Church Growth.
Wayne Mueller, WELS, denied any CGM in his sect.
Meanwhile, CG Enthusiasts were promoted and CG critics
were given the Left Foot of Fellowship, sent behind The Ice Curtain.

Intrepid Lutherans:

Mr. Chris Rosebrough, Cap’n of the Pirate Christian Radio network and host of the daily show “Fighting for the Faith,” has been doing yeoman’s work identifying the tendril root of fascism in the post-modern church leadership movement. Understandably, readers may recoil at the word fascism, since it is misused in modern discourse. However, Rosebrough’s context is deliberate and accurate, highlighting America's founding on the Enlightenment ("we are endowed by our Creator") and contrasting with the subsequent Anti-Enlightenment (e.g. Kant: reality is unknowable; Hegel: truth is synthetic; Rousseau: individuals don’t exit, only society; Nietzsche: morals determined by community.)

Social engineer and management guru Peter Drucker, explains Rosebrough, adopted the former worldview at weekly dinner parties held by his father for Vienna intellectuals between the World Wars. (To put it in the Martin Luther College vernacular, that was Drucker’s “ministry crockpot.”) Drucker’s 1933 essay, “The Unfashionable Kierkegaard,” — to be read only after three cups of coffee — identifies social responsibility as man’s path between the hopelessness of mortal life and the hope of eternity. Drucker presses forward in the 2nd half of the 20th Century by shaping social organizations to fill the duality (eternal & mortal) of man.   In this 1989 interview, Drucker explains that people desire communities, and that churches should deliver what the market demands, but without worrying about doctrine or theology.

So where does the Church Growth Movement fit in here? There’s a thick black thread beginning from Drucker’s mentorship of Bob Buford’s Leadership Network, Bill Hybel’s Willow Creek, and Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven trainwreck. From that hydra, prominent names developed: Modalist TD Jakes, homosexual-affirming Andy Stanley,  Craig Groeschel, Mark Driscoll and others in the post-modern Emergent Church.  It isn't merely the adoption of management, marketing, and endless consulting and conferences which Drucker fostered into the megachurch movement. It is the abandonment of Sola Scriptura.

The following links are to outside sources for background reading. Proper Christian discernment is encouraged.  Below is the podcast of the presentation by Mr. Rosebrough, and the second link includes additional source material.


GJ - I suggest going to their site to find all the material linked.

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Watch the Tim Glende Videos

What Would Katy Say?

Let's turn that stinky old bar into a rival church,
so we can oink more members out of WELS.
We are passionate about sheep-stealing,
just like Jeff Gunn.

The CORE's WhoDunnit series is on video for your nausea and despair. I would have embedded each one, but they did not enable that. I wonder why.

From 7 to 64 views right now. Let's make it soar - like Party in the MLC.


AC V has left a new comment on your post "Watch the Tim Glende Videos":

I've never seen so many awkward gestures! My faith is not convinced nor do I feel that it has grown. They need more practice and catchy sermon/Bible study (Not sure which it is; probably neither) series.


GJ - The graphic for the series makes me think it was a package deal, bought from somewhere. I have seen plenty of that among the Church and Changers. They love every denomination except their own. The series, starting out with a lame definition from Wikipedia, reeks of Decision Theology thinking.

Explaining the meaning of "whodunnit" suggests an assumption of low IQ in the audience. The awkward delivery also suggests that it is not their own message but a packaged one, the same way Obama sounds when he reads from the teleprompter.

Craig Groeschel and others of his tribe have cutesy titles for their sermons - seldom Biblical titles. They harmonize with the ministers who imagine that a variation on a Madison Avenue ad or a movie/TV theme will make people say, "Ah! I want to go there."


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Watch the Tim Glende Videos":

In the first few minutes of Video 6 Pastor Ski states that he and Pastor Tim wrote the Whodunnit series.

Looks like April was their "Weird" series.


GJ - If they actually wrote the words, they followed the CGM template (not very well). Glende swore he was not plagiarizing Groeschel, then kicked out his own member for proving otherwise. Glende even got rid of the Circuit Pastor who tried to deal with the dishonesty. Therefore, Glende's claims are roughly as credible as Wayne Mueller's, David Valleskey's, and Mark Schroeder's.

Plagiarism is against the law, by the way. That may be why Paul McCain has stopped stealing his content from the Roman Catholics and the Lutheran bloggers.


AC V has left a new comment on your post "Watch the Tim Glende Videos":

I don't get it. The guy in the Good Friday video is wearing a judge's gown. Isn't he supposed to be playing the role of an attorney?

It seems to me he did not pass the "real" category of the trifold "real, relevant, and relational" litmus test of today's successful pastor.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Watch the Tim Glende Videos":

I listened to Sermon 6 (Ski) and Sermon 1 (Glende) while driving into work this morning. Niether qualify as a sermon as their titles suggest but then their chief article of confession, the false doctrine of UOJ, also procludes their activities as being Christian so I'm not surprised. The two "sermons" do present a common theme with apostates in the Lutheran churches - a complete lack of honor and respect due the Triune God. In Tim Glende's video he identifies God as the first suspect and even refers to a Wanted poster with God indicted as the criminal who 'crushed' Christ. In Ski's video he states that God as one of the previous five identified in the series was an Accomplice in the murder of Christ. He even states that all five, including the Triune God, had in common was that they "did not want to get their hands dirty".

This is the same was spoken by Joe Krohn as he has recently returned to confessing and teaching the false gospel of Universal Objective Justification where he has claimed that God acted with MALICE (evil intent) when He crucified Christ as the perfect Atonement for the world's sins. And that God was guilty of loving the world - a statement indicting God.

I'm not sure I can stomach more of the apostate Core and St. Peter's sermon series but these two so far were wretched and classic abuse condoned and financed by the (W)ELS leadership.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Watch the Tim Glende Videos":

More of the glory of the (W)ELS - imputation of Christ's righteousness without faith.

Pastor Sievert
WhoDunnit? Part 4

17:10 1 Peter 2:23-24, “…by his wounds you have been healed.” Oh, that Herod would know that message. What a joy it is though that you and I have the privilege to join here on a weekly basis, and hear that our God has healed us. That we are washed clean in the blood of the lamb. Your sins are forgiven. God does not treat us as our sins deserve. And to close our section on ….

18:30 As we see the words of Jesus and we see how our Savior acted, tonight as we leave we remember that our God is not silent with us. Our God is not silent with us, instead we open up His Word, we see what He has done for us. He tells you I love you, He tells you I forgive you and he tells you I have a place in Heaven for you. You are healed, you are at peace.