Saturday, July 14, 2012

VirtueOnline - News.
South Carolina Walks Out Before Same Sex Marital Vows Vote

Olson, my classmate at Yale, found two jobs in a row eliminated at ELCA headquarters.
He is now president of the failed seminary, Wartburg, which led the way in joint communion
with the Reformed, conceding everything to the Reformed.

VirtueOnline - News:

INDIANAPOLIS - One of the most important stories coming out of the 2012 Episcopal General Convention was the sight of a convention deputation, committed to the truth of Scripture and Gospel values, walking out of the House of Deputies and shaking the dust off their boots as they left the Indiana Convention Center to wing their way back to the South Carolina low country. At the same time, their bishop, Mark Lawrence, also walked out of the House of Bishops in solidarity with his deputation.

The dramatic stance for traditional orthodoxy came as a surprise to most Conventioneers who less than 24 hours before had put its official stamp of approval on same-gender blessing liturgies. That action was met with cheers and high-fives as the House of Deputies concurred with the House of Bishops to approve such heterodox liturgical celebrations.

True, the Convention's action was met with screaming headlines around the world about The Episcopal Church sanctioning gay marriage, yet the lone bishop and his entourage visibly protesting Convention's deed will go down in the annuals of history as a true act of courage. A "yea" vote on the floor of the House of Bishop or the House of Deputies was not an act of courage. It was a cowardly step by those who have become enamored by the clamor of the noisy LBGT crowd and who did not have the backbone to stand up against vice.

What South Carolina Bishop Mark Lawrence and his General Convention deputies - Canon James Lewis, Dean David Thurlow, Boylston Reid, Elizabeth Pennewill, and Lydia Evans - did took real courage - to get up in the face of evil and stand up for Christ come what may.

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GJ - The active Episcopalian bishops were protesting loudly and going to court against Queen Schori, their Presiding Bishop, long before ELCA woke up to the predations of its lavender lobby.

As far as I know, not a single active ELCA bishop staged anything like this walk-out. Instead, the retired bishops played it safe and later started their own denomination, the NALC, in partnership with the LCMC, which began in 1999.

The WELS and LCMS pastors talk big and manly, but they find numerous reasons to compromise, to forget, to overlook, to excuse, to shun the truth and reward error.

VirtueOnline - News.
Where Have You Gone, Mrs. Robinson?

Bishop and Mrs. Robinson

VirtueOnline - News:

INDIANAPOLIS, IN: GC2012: Vicky Gene Robinson cries "Foul" in the House of Bishops
"I have no intention of responding to that e-mail. It is nobody's damn business."

By Mary Ann Mueller
Special Correspondent
July 9, 2012

INDINAPOLIS---Episcopal Bishop Vicky Gene Robinson cannot have his cake and eat it too, which is what he is trying to do.

The Bishop of New Hampshire, who turned The Episcopal Church on its ear when his own episcopal election was confirmed at the 2003 General Convention in Minneapolis, now wants to be able to flaunt his gay lifestyle, but when a VOL reporter asked about reports that show that there may be trouble in paradise, the high ranking clergyman cries "Foul."

It is the responsibility of a news organization to verify information before publishing a story.

From several sources, Virtue Online came into possession of information that the New Hampshire Episcopal bishop's marital relationship with his same-sex partner maybe on the rocks.

Bishop Robinson willingly and joyfully parades his gay lifestyle, zipping all over the country in whole-hearted support of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender agenda. He most recently was the LGBT darling of More Light Presbyterians - that denomination's same-sex support group, when the Presbyterian Church USA held its 220th General Assembly last week in Pittsburgh.

In fact, this afternoon, upon the passage of A-049 Bishop Gene Robinson immediately tweeted: "Episcopal Bishops authorize rite of blessing for same-sex relationships 111 to 41. ‪#LGBT"

When researching a story a journalist goes to the source. It would be unethical to rush into print innuendo, supposition, and unsubstantiated facts. VOL was simply seeking a confirmation or denial of reports regarding Bishop Robinson's living situation.

The bishop could have relied: "No comment," or simply refused to respond to VOL's e-mail and the story would have died right there. There would have been nothing more to pursue.

Instead the bishop, who loves the limelight, asked for a Point of Personal Privilege in Monday morning's session of the House of Bishops. As a result, the story, which would have failed to develop, was given life by the bishop's own action and words.

He gets up in front of the Episcopal House of Bishops, which was being live streamed, and says: "Also last night I received an e-mail from a person who calls himself a correspondent for Virtue Online, wanting me to comment on whether or not my beloved Mark and I are having relationship problems, and whether or not we are discussing or planning a divorce. I have no intention of responding to that e-mail. It is nobody's damn business."

Little did he realize, in his HOB rant, he did respond to the VOL e-mail, but not in the way he had expected. Virtue Online had hit a raw nerve. Within seconds Twitter explodes with tweets about Bishop Robinson's comments. He had just pushed a nonstory into the forefront. Now the innocuous e-mail has become a full-fledged story with a life of its own and the New Hampshire bishop is in the middle of it, lapping up the accolades.

Virtue Online is vilified and the out-going bishop of New Hampshire, who only has a few more days left in Convention, gets a standing ovation from his purple-clad brothers and sisters.

"I have only three and a half more days as an active bishop in this house and less than six months as an active bishop of this church. Can you cut me a little slack, please?" he pleads.

Then he goes on to say: "Can you find it in your heart, if you've got a question about something that I've said or done, to ask me personally? I will answer you truthfully."

Funny thing, VOL did ask him a question personally, via e-mail. But the bishop has failed not only answer the question but answer truthfully. He has spoken with forked-tongue.

The bishop complained in the Bishops' chamber that his life has borne a high level of scrutiny since he has been in the House of Bishops.

Of course he has, he has brought it on himself by his high visibility and his propensity to draw attention to himself. He has created his own legacy through his books, the documentary, and on-going travels.

Bishop Mary Glasspool, too, is in a same-gender partnered relationship, but you don't see her hopscotching across the country championing the gay rights. She keeps a very low profile and quietly goes about her episcopal duties in Los Angeles without drawing untoward attention to herself. Once the original flurry of her consecration died down, she no longer makes banner headlines in the way Bishop Robinson does and continues to do.

Perhaps Bishop Robinson could learn a lot from his sister bishop, Mary Glasspool, about comportment.

In the end the New Hampshire bishop received exactly what he was looking for. A pat on the back for all the suffering he has done as the first gay bishop as the House of Bishops stood.

Mary Ann Mueller is a journalist living in Texas. She is a regular contributor to VirtueOnline

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A. Berean Asks about Mequon's Teaching

A. Berean has left a new comment on your post "Melanchthon - Justification by Faith":

I ask this rhetorically of course: Just how important in Acts 3:19?? I don't know how my professors would answer this...

KJV Acts 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; 


GJ - Universal Objective Justification is so warped that the clearest possible Scriptural passages must also be twisted to fit their pagan philosophy.

Pastors who supposedly hate Church Growth, like Steve Spencer and Jay Webber, find themselves allied through UOJ. Therefore, they must also surrender to Church Growth, because their UOJ makes all false doctrine possible and all false practice laudatory. The only things left to hate are sound doctrine and Scriptural practice.

Catholic Church Conservation: SSPX says no to Rome-updated

"Anathema, sit! Anathema, sit!
I named my toy poodle Anathema."

Catholic Church Conservation: SSPX says no to Rome-updated:

"The followers of Lefebvre will not return to the Roman fold. Primarily, because they are not willing to accept the Second Vatican Council in all its extremes. The Vatican, through the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Levada, had demanded "full acceptance of the Council". And the Lefebvrists are not willing to return with that condition. They believe that accepting the Council would accept its errors, which, according to them, they are particularly focused on the chapters of "religious freedom, ecumenism and conciliarismo". "

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Penn State Scandal Poses Tough Choices for N.C.A.A. -
Sounds Like LCMS, WELS, ELS, CLC (sic), LCR

Penn State Scandal Poses Tough Choices for N.C.A.A. -

"The evidence includes a football coach, Joe Paterno, who had immense influence on campus; a football program so powerful that many people, including the president and other university officials, stayed silent as crimes were committed rather than engender bad publicity for the team; and an athletic department that did not comply with federal laws concerning the reporting of and protection against suspected sex crimes."

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We Had Our Own European Count in the Quad-Cities

Fejervary mansion
The count and his mansion overlooking the Mississippi (Danube clone).
His grave in Davenport.

Generosity of Fejervary pays for college scholarships today:

April 05, 2011 5:04 pm  •  Alma Gaul(0) Comments

The mansion of Count Nicholas Fejervary (inset) was converted to an inn when the estate became a city park, and it was torn down in the mid-1930s. It stood about where the parking lot for the Fejervary Park aquatic center is now. (Contributed photos)
(5) More Photos

Q: Why did Nicholas Fejervary settle specifically in Davenport?

A: It's said that he wanted to avoid the commercial Eastern United States and the South's use of slavery, so came to "the West" and to Davenport, which reminded him of Hungary on the Danube River. He moved here when he was 41 years old with a wife and two children.

Q: What was his estate like?

A: He built a mansion of red brick; clay for the brick came from the site. The 21-acre estate had vineyards, an orchard, arbors and a running brook.

The estate was donated to the city in 1902 by Fejervary's daughter for use as a park. It is now about 75 acres, according to the city's website.

Initially, Fejervary's home was converted to an inn, but it was torn down in late 1933 or 1934, according to a brochure published by the now-defunct Fejervary Zoological Society, a support group. The home stood where the parking lot for the swimming pool is now.

The park has been a revolving door of attractions through the years - Monkey Island, Mother Goose Land and a zoo containing various types of animals.

Q: What was Fejervary like?

A: He was described as courtly and dignified, a gentlemen of the old school. He could read and speak English, Latin, Greek, German, Hungarian, French, Spanish, Italian and Sanskrit.

In Hungary, he had been a lawyer and a member of the legislature. It's said that when he came to Davenport, he carried "a gripsack full of gold."

Q: What happened to him and his family?

A: Fejervary died in 1895 at the age of 84 of Bright's disease, an old name for a kidney disease. He was preceded in death by his wife and teenage son. All are buried in Davenport's Oakdale Memorial Gardens. His daughter, Celestine, returned to Hungary. She did not have any descendants, according to Ferenc Beiwal, of Davenport, who researched the family history.

Q: In addition to the charitable trust that established a nursing home and now funds college scholarships, as well as the donation of his estate for a park, what other lasting impacts did Fejervary have on Davenport?

A: He was the driving force behind the raising of money for the Civil War monument on Main Street in Davenport and was described as "one of the makers of Davenport."

In the late 1840s, Count Nicholas Fejervary of Pest, Hungary, could see that the future was dicey for people like him.

A revolution seeking to overthrow his country's Austrian oppressors had failed, and in the aftermath, the property of noblemen such as himself was being confiscated. Worse, friends were being executed.

Fejervary decided to flee Hungary for a new life in America.

In 1853, he landed in Davenport, where he built an estate on land that is now Fejervary Park. He chose the location because the steep bluffs and river overlook reminded him of his home on the Danube River. One of the original buildings remains there today, a three-story carriage barn with fancy windows and trim that needs some repair.

The park is one of several legacies left by Fejervary, who grew his wealth by purchasing more than 3,000 acres of government land in Scott, Cedar and Muscatine counties and selling it at considerable profit.

When he died at age 84, he also established a charitable trust that in recent years has paid thousands of dollars in college scholarships for Scott County students and to various organizations such as Scott County 4-H, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, the Meal Service of Scott County and the former John Lewis Community Services.

This past fall, the Fejervary trustees filed papers to divest the trust and transfer $1.35 million to the Iowa State University Foundation to create a scholarship program that will provide, in perpetuity, substantial scholarships for students from Scott County majoring in agriculture.

After more than 100 years of administering the trust, the trustees - whose membership rolled over through the years through death and new appointments - decided to end the trust because taxes and administrative costs were draining too much from the principal and interest, and that was not in keeping with Fejervary's intent, according to documents filed in the Scott County Clerk of Court office.

Also, turning funds over to the nonprofit foundation for scholarships would be in keeping with Fejervary's goal of helping those in need and with an affiliation to agriculture. And it would avoid some tax liability for the trust, according to court documents.

By investing the money, Iowa State expects to have about $50,000-$60,0000 available annually for scholarships, and it plans to award almost 20 gifts of $3,000 each, said Paul Caspersen, the executive director of development in the office of gift planning.

He calls that a "tremendous" award, noting that it nearly covers a semester of tuition.

How it began

Scholarship money isn't what Fejervary originally had in mind, though.

His trust was for the building of a Home for Old Farmers of Scott County on 4 1/2 acres of land north of Davenport's Rusholme Street between Grand and Arlington avenues.

The home would provide a place to live for Scott County farmers who had been in agriculture for more than 20 years, were born in the United States, at least 60 years old and indigent, according to his will.

But even in the early years, trustees had trouble finding people who met those requirements.

In documents dated from 1902 to 1904, the trustees reported that the home had just one resident and that staffing by a matron and superintendent was "imprudent" and "extravagant."

By the 1960s, the property had been opened to other people as a nursing home, and it operated as such until 1977, when it was shut down by the Iowa Department of Health for structural noncompliance.

The original building was torn down and a new one was constructed, opening in 1979 and known most recently as Fejervary Healthcare Center.

Meanwhile, year after year, trustees filed documents stating that they had tried unsuccessfully to find - largely through the publication of notices in the Quad-City Times - people who would meet the admission standards laid out by Fejervary.

In 1996, they determined that the original purpose of the trust was "essentially impractical or impossible," so they applied to amend the purpose and beneficiary provision of the trust, and that is when payments to nonprofit groups and scholarships began.

Carriage barn.

Decision to divest

At the same time, taxes were causing trustees to question the future of the trust.

In a 16-year period from January 1979 through December 1994, for example, the trust paid $235,558 in federal and state income taxes, according to documents.

"It is clearly not the settler's intention to set aside money to pay federal and state income tax," the documents state.

Administrative costs related to the trust's investments, as well as accounting and legal services, also were taking their toll, and trustees noted in documents that those costs "may well utilize annually a substantial portion of the income and principal of the trust, thereby defeating the donor's intent."

At the end of 2009, the trust showed total assets of $1,412,871. That included $563,065 received for the sale of land that the former Fejervary Healthcare Center sits on to Skilled Healthcare Inc. of Foothill Ranch, Calif. At the same time, Skilled Healthcare also purchased the 118-unit building, which was held by a different owner, and renamed it St. Mary Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center.

Most of the Fejevary Trust money was invested in bonds, certificates of deposit, and income, money market and mutual funds.

In October 2010, the trustees filed for termination of the trust and the transfer of money to ISU. Additional monies would go toward annual gifts of $6,000 for 10 years to both Scott and Muscatine Community colleges, documents state.

Benefits yesterday, tomorrow

In this way, the generosity of a man who died more than 100 years ago will benefit the lives of people living today.

Among those who already have benefited are Andrea Engler of rural Wheatland, Iowa, and Dan Klindt, of rural Eldridge, Iowa. Both received $3,000 scholarships from the trust in 1999 to study agricultural business at Iowa State.

Engler, 31, works from her home for the Minneapolis-based Land O Lakes Finance Company, loaning money to people across the country for livestock production enterprises. She and her husband Curt also farm, growing corn, soybeans and hay while raising about 100 stock cows.

Klindt, 32, sells turf products for River City Turf in Silvis, Ill., and farms near Eldridge, raising corn and soybeans.

"I really appreciated the scholarship," he said.

Previous scholarships went to students attending other colleges and universities as well, including Kirkwood Community, Central, Black Hawk, Muscatine Community, Augustana, Wartburg, the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, the University of Iowa and St. Ambrose University.

Nonprofit groups receiving money since 1996 included the North Scott High School Vocational Agriculture Department for the benefit of FFA, Valley Shelter Homes, the Salvation Army and Friendly House.

Editor's note: Biographical information on Nicholas Fejervary in this article and the accompanying question-and-answer story is from documents in the Special Collections Room of the Davenport Public Library, including an article in the 1928 Palimpsest magazine, a tribute written by Octave Thanet, and the books, "History of Scott County Iowa" and "Biographical History and Portrait Gallery of Scott County Iowa."


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The Count.

The mansion.


Celestine Fejérváry


Mrs Fejérváry, Karolina Kárász, came from an ancient, prominent and prosperous family in Hungary. The family lived in Horgos, then in Hungary, in Yugoslavia after World War 1. Of the 14 children her parents had, only she and brother Imre survived into adulthood. Her father, intent on alleviating the devastation of the pestilence, was planning to found an orphanage, but early death prevented his plans. Karolina was going to carry out the plans, but her marriage to Nicholas Fejervary and their emigration to the US put her plans on hold. She left her daughter, Celestine Fejervary, with a legacy to carry out the plans. Karolina died in 1890 and is buried in Oakdale Cemetery in Davenport, Ia.

Celestine was born in 1848 in Budapest, Hungary. She was named after Celestine Dvornikovich, who was her father's aunt. (This aunt was like a mother to Nicholas Fejervary since his real mother died four weeks after his birth.) Celestine was the second child of the family, following the birth of Nicholas Jr. in 1847. In 1863 she became the surviving child, since Nicholas Jr. passed away that year. He fought in the Civil War on the Union side, but the circumstances of his death are unclear. He is buried with his parents in Davenport.

In her formative years Celestine attended church with her mother at St Mary's Catholic Church in West Davenport. At times she walked there with a friend, Susan Glaspell (later a Pulitzer prize winning author). In 1883 the church acquired a new organ, built by the Moline Pipe Organ Co. At the opening concert Miss Celestine Fejervary was one of the organists, probably instrumental in selecting two scores for the program by Franz Liszt, her compatriot. Celestine then became the main organist of the church.

In 1888, using her assets in Hungary, Karolina set up a foundation in her will to build an orphanage in Horgos. Following Karolina's death in 1890, Celestine carried out her mother's wishes, and deposited 91,600 florins in the foundation. The orphanage, run by an order of teaching nuns, was opened in 1898 for 20 girls.

In 1893 she visited Europe and in Belgium acquired a painting for St Mary's, still the altar piece at the church. The painting is a copy of Raphael's "Assumption of the Blessed Virgin", painted by Guido Rene, an 18th century court artist for the King of Belgium.

In 1895 Count Fejervary died, leaving a large estate for his daughter. The following year Celestine returned to Hungary, presumably to Horgos. She retained the Fejervary family's holdings in Davenport, and only in 1902 offered the family mansion and the surrounding 23 acres to the City of Davenport. We know of only one trip back to Davenport: in 1906 she returned, bringing her niece on a tour of America. That was probably the occasion when Celestine brought the Cezanne painting, Boy with the Red Vest, as a gift for Alice French, her friend. (Alice French was another accomplished local writer. She was known to have visited the White House, was a good friend of Andrew Carnegie, and others. Many details of Celestine's life come from a biography of Alice, where their correspondence is referenced.)

In 1912 Celestine added 63,00 krones and 132 acres of land to the orphanage foundation to double its size. There was space now for forty orphans and very poor girls to attend elementary school (6 to 12 years of age), and to learn home economics (12 to 16).

In 1914 the war broke out. In a letter Celestine asked Alice for help in disposing some Fejervary property. Alice agreed and also organized aid drives for Hungarian war wounded. She organized sewing and knitting groups and was instrumental in arranging the sending of supplies to Hungary by the local chapter of the American Red Cross. Still later Alice organized a Fejervary Committee to continue a program of aid. In 1915 Celestine turned the Karasz mansion in Horgos into a nursing home for wounded soldiers.

In 1917 the US entered the war, and Hungary was now an enemy. That year, the rest of the Fejervary estate was ceased by the Federal Government, as alien property. Alice opposed the seizure by organizing petitions to return the property to its rightful owner, who after all was an American citizen. With the war over, in 1921 Alice succeeded. In response to a petition with 6,000 signatures Celestine was granted $10,000 for the property seized by the Government.

The above episode is the last mention of Celestine in Alice's biography. The biography stretches to 1934, when Alice passed away. It would be reasonable to suppose that at the conclusion of the war, Celestine would move North, as Horgos and the district of Bánság (now Vojvodina) became part of Yugoslavia. She moved to Mezöberény, Hungary, and died there on Nov 4, 1937. Efforts are under way to find information about her life in that community.

Other members of the Karasz family stayed and are still living in Horgos, YA, and the surrounding area. On Oct 10, 1945 the advancing Russian troops marched into Horgos and "liberated" the village. The new communist regime confiscated the holdings of the Karasz family and the nuns were turned out of the orphanage. At first the buildings were used as soldiers' barracks. In 1949 the orphanage became a grade school. In 1966 the orphanage, still a school, was renovated and enlarged. In 1969 the Karasz mansion too was modified into classrooms. To honor the Russian liberators and the new order, the communist leadership named the school The Oktober 10 Elementary School. It was to remind the village forever of their benefactors. In 2002, the school's name remains, even though the communist influence subsided. Villagers are regaining their freedom, and are ready to part with the names and institutions imposed upon them. Some of them feel that the Fejervary-Karasz name for their elementary school would pay homage to the families who contributed so much to the history of their village and school. That is why in 2002 an email message arrived in the Davenport City Hall. It requested information about Fejervary descendents. Subsequent contact with Horgos indicated that they would like to establish contact with Davenport, perhaps on a formal or semiformal level. They intend to publish a pamphlet on the history of the Davenport – Horgos connection.

In July 2003 a package was received from Zoltan Nagygyorgy, the Horgos district historian. It contained the Karasz family tree; four beautiful postcards (color) of Horgos historic sites; three illustrated pamphlets on Horgos history, and of a colorful periodical published in Hungarian; a brochure about the local farmers COOP; articles reflecting the recent relations of the Hungarian minority with the Yugoslavian majority; and finally the book Beszelo Multunk* noted below. This book of 256 pages contains an abundance of information and illustration beside the three articles also noted below. Contents of the package will be offered to the Davenport Public Library.

Ferenc Beiwel, Davenport, 9/2/03.


Octave Thanet, Nicholas Fejervary in Memoria, A Tribute of Affection and Respect (Budapest, Hungary, 1898.)
George McMichael, A Journey to Obscurity, 1965 (a biography of Alice French, also known as Octave Thanet, her literary name.)
William L. Smith, ST. Mary's Church 1867 - 1967
Istvan Palatinus, A Karasz Csalad es Horgos Telepitesenek Tortenete, 1995. (About The Karasz Family and the Resettlement of Horgos)*
Ilona Karasz, A Horgosi Arvahaz es a Zarda Kronikaja, 1995.(The Story of the Horgos Orphanage and Convent)*
Imre Taborosi, Fejezetek Horgos Oktatasugyenek Tortenetebol, 1995. (Chapters from the History of Educational Institutions in Horgos)*
* All three of these works were published in Beszelo Multunk (Our Past Speaks), (Ujvidek, Yugoslavia, 1995)

Time To Review Luther for Trinity 6. Matthew 5:20-26.
Except Your Righteousness Shall Exceed....
Two Luther Sermons


Text. Matthew 5:20-26. For I say unto you, that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Ye have heard that it was said to them of old time Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: but I say unto you, that every one who is angry with his brother shall be in danger of the judgment; and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council; and whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of the hell of fire. If therefore thou art offering thy gift at the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee, leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way, first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. Agree with thine adversary quickly, while thou art with him in the way; lest haply the adversary deliver thee to the fudge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. Verily I say unto thee, thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou have paid the last farthing.



Works by no means make a person pious. 1-3.



A. The first part. 5-7.

B. The second part. 8.

C. The third part. 9.

There is no person who can keep the fifth commandment. 5-10. How and why no one can be saved by his works. 11.

D. The fourth and fifth parts.

1. The sense and understanding of these parts. 12-14.

2. How and why God desires these parts to be observed. 14-15.

3. How the Papacy cared very little about them.

4. The motives why this part was added. 17f.

Works develop hypocrites, and the law develops despair.

18. How the conscience should act when terrified by the law. 19.


Concerning the civil sword.

1. Among what persons should the civil sword be exercised, and where not.

2. The way It is to be used is indicated: a . By examples. b. On the coat of arms and shield of the Elector of Saxony. (1) The first part of this coat of arms and shield. 23-24. (2) The second part. 25-27.


1. The righteousness of God is through faith and that is the righteousness of the heart. The outward righteousness, however holy and beautiful it may appear, is hypocritical, deceptive righteousness.

2. The Lord wants a good tree, without Which the fruit can not be good.

3. It is a hypocritical, deceptive righteousness, if one does not commit murder with the hand, and yet at the same time cherishes anger in his heart; but the Christian righteousness requires that we be not angry. To do this we must constantly obtain from God grace and forgiveness, and confess ourselves to be sinners, which belongs to Christian righteousness.

4. It is not pleasing to God, if we be not reconciled to our brother. Here we all can learn, what the good works are that God esteems as great.

1. This Gospel teaches us the difference between true piety and dissimulation, or hypocrisy. And it is one of the best Gospels for teaching how our works cannot render us pious; something higher than anything we can do is re-required. For the Pharisees also led a pious life; they did what they should, externally; they did not break any of the commandments of God, abstained from property not their own, went about in fine showy clothes, and hence derived their name, being called Pharisees, meaning those set apart, or the select.

2. In like manner he also attacks the scribes, the flower of the Jews, who were so well versed in the law of God and the Scriptures as to teach other people, lay down rules for the community and render decisions in all matters. To sum up, we here have the best, the most learned and the most pious of the Jews. These Christ attacks, whom of all men he should least have attacked. But he says of them to his disciples: “Unless your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees. ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven.”

3. As though he would say, Behold the Pharisees and scribes lead such a good life that both they and other people believe they will possess the kingdom; but they are wide of the mark. Therefore he reproves them and says: Verily, I say unto you, if you will not be more pious than the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter heaven. Here the question of those is disposed of who ask, What shall we do in order that we may be pious? For here all works that man can do are overthrown and disposed of, and the most holy of the sanctimonious are cast to the’ ground. Hence you cannot do any deed by means of which one may be saved and rescued from sin. If a man now says that, he surely is a heretic.


4. They at that time might have said, Well, you are a heretic; ate you going to reject good deeds? He pays no attention to that, however, but freely concluded that their works are nought. They might now have said, Pray, if works do not make us holy, why have we the law through which we hope to be saved, if we live up to it? This now gives Christ an occasion to introduce the commandments, explaining them, telling us how they are to be understood. He says: “Ye have heard that it was said to them of old time, Thou shalt not kill and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment; and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council; and whosoever shalt say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell-fire.”


5. These words are too high and too deep for any one fully to put into practice. To this our Lord not only here testifies, but every man’s experience and his very emotions. Four points are here presented, to-wit:

Thoughts, demeanor, words and deeds; which no one can avoid; he must be guilty. As though he would say, You might find persons that do not kill with their hands; but to be without hatred, not to be angry, be of smiling countenance, not to snub persons — of such a nature none is to be found.

Now, experience teaches this.

6. For take a godly man or a godly woman; as long as everybody keeps his distance, peace and harmony prevail, but if one comes along that speaks harshly and possibly intrudes, even to the extent of the smallest word, he cannot keep from becoming angry; and follows this up by irritating and enraging the offender. Our reason can never come to the conclusion that we are to be considerate to the wicked. Peruse all your heathen books, enter into your own experience, and you will find it so, we cannot refrain from becoming angry, if not against our friends, then against our enemies.

Now God is not satisfied with this, nor can my flesh and blood evade the question, for mark the wording closely when he says, “Thou shalt not kill.”

Who is “thou?” Your hand? No. Your tongue? No; but thou, thou and all that is in thee and with thee; thine hand, heart, and thoughts shall not kill.

7. Thus Christ interprets the law saying with authority, “Every one who is angry with his brother shall be in danger of the judgment. “This sentence pertains to the whole world, for I ask, Who is there on this earth that is not a debtor to this commandment? Seeing that we are to comply with it and cannot, what are we to do? For we can never remove the filth. Then despair must be ours, depend on that. So the commandments of God are but a mirror, wherein we behold our filth and wickedness; for they conclude us all under sin, we being unable to work our way out by our own efforts and free will; unless something else comes to our assistance.

This is the first point.

8. The Lord continues: “Whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca,” which indicates various manifestations of wrath and hatred. But no one is free from this. For if I am told to be friendly to the person I hate, they can tell it on me that my heart is not in it. For you cannot confine the heart; it will out, and show its presence by signs or words. It does not hide itself, and it cannot be hidden. Hence we conclude that we are found guilty of saying Raca, that is, of not being kind to both friend and foe. Now go to past experiences and see this in other people and in yourselves, namely, that no one can deliver himself out of this condition, from this wicked heart, which is planted so deeply in the nature of man. You may act friendly toward your brother; but for you to give him your heart, this you cannot do though you should rend yourself to pieces. Therefore no man can here help himself.

9. Following this he says, “Whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of the hell of fire.” This too makes you appear as nought, without the grace of God, for nobody is so fraught with loving-kindness as never to utter an unseemly word, if not to his friends then to his enemies. Even when you are compelled to speak kindly to your neighbor, your heart is not in it, and whenever you with seeming propriety can do so, you will say, “Thou fool.” That already is contrary to this commandment, embracing, as it does, both friend and foe, since it reads, “Thy brother. “We all, you know, are brethren, descended from one common father, and Scripture brings us so closely together as to call us all one flesh. Isaiah says, 58:7, “When thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh. “Here the prophet is speaking of your neighbor; and the word “fool” is to embrace all manner of infamy, cursing, slandering, abuse, judging, maligning and all reviling.

10. It clearly follows that we all are guilty of the commandment: “Thou shalt not kill,” and whoever is not born again of God cannot abstain from murder. Though he desist from the act itself, he cannot banish thoughts and inclinations, for if our enemy meet with death, we will be ready to say, This served him right! And soldiers compose a song on the enemy they have slain or put to flight. But that again conflicts with this commandment, for God does not look at the outward act, but at the heart. Hence much is contained in the words: “Thou shalt not kill,” as much as to say: You must be born again and become a new creature.

11. So the Gospel always reverts to this question, What shall a man do that he may become pious? For, pray as long as you will; fast as long as you will; give alms as long as you will; pay for masses and build churches as many as you will; you are, nevertheless, still a murderer, for you hate your brother; you cannot give him a kind look nor a kind word. It follows that your righteousness is nought; it is of and pertains to perdition.

And now we have two more points that are about as severe as the preceding. We read: “If therefore thou art offering thy gift at the altar, and there remeberest that thy brother hath aught against thee, leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. Agree with thine adversary quickly, while thou art with him in the way; lest haply the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and thou be cast into prison.

Verily, I say unto thee, thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou have paid the last farthing.”

12. Here are two things that go against our nature. The first: When I am angry, my brother is to conciliate me. The other: My feelings being hurt, I am to forgive my brother, though he offer no apology; I am to have a kind heart toward him, so he does not deliver me to the judge, as you have just heard. This last part they formerly severed from this Gospel, and I hold that Augustine did so in writing, as appears from his book, “De spiritu et litera. “ The sense of the passage is as follows: 13. Here are two persons: the one offending is to ask pardon. The other being offended, is to forgive kindly and willingly, even though he be not asked to do so. By nature we can do neither. Our nature may prompt us to go and say, My dear friend, forgive me! but doing this under compulsion, in fear of hell and God’s wrath, hatred still remains in our heart. On the other hand, the one offended cannot forgive from his heart; and as the one acts the hypocrite in asking forgiveness, so does the other in granting it.

But that certainly is of no avail before God, for thus says our text: “If therefore thou art offering thy gift at the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee, leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. And this reconciliation must proceed from the heart; mark well the words of the text.

14. The passage conveys the meaning that God does not want you to come and serve him without having previously been reconciled with your brother; “then come and offer thy gift.” As though he said: “Behold, man, I have created and redeemed thee; recognize this, and shape thine whole life toward serving thy neighbor. If not, do not serve me either. If thou wilt not do the one (serve thy neighbor), seeing that is needed, you had better not do the other (serve me), since that is not needed. “So God would much rather be deprived of his service than of the service you owe your neighbor, and would sooner see you less stringent in your service toward himself, if you are pious at the expense of serving your neighbor. Summing up, God wishes you to see first to your neighbor’s service and interests.

15. Now, there are many ways of harming our neighbor, as for instance, when I do not protect his reputation, being well able to do so; when I am not kind to him, or fail to aid him; I am already his antagonist. So, if I want to be agreeable to God, I must, in the first place, be reconciled to my brother; if not, I cannot be pleasing to him. For God rejects the service rendered him, if the service due our neighbor is not performed.

16. Now look at the kind of life we have led hitherto. We have been going to St. James, to Aix-la-Chapelle, to Rome, to Jerusalem, have built churches, paid for masses, and withal have forgotten our neighbor; this now is the wrong side up. The Lord, however, here says, Go and take the money with which you were about to build a church and give it to thy neighbor. Look to your neighbor how you may serve him. It is not a matter of moment to God if you never build him a church, as long as you are of service to your neighbor. But all this is now being neglected, and only the contrary is observed. Oh, the miserable, perverted life that we have learned from the Papists! This is why no one wants to enter the married state, for nobody lends him a helping hand, nobody offers him any aid, so that he might support himself and get along. Hence it comes to pass that the one turns monk, the other nun, the third a priest, a thing we could indeed obviate if we would but show works of love. Thus they go along, forgetful of maidservants and manservants, and finally bequeath a legacy and go to perdition with their legacy.

17. It follows that God simply wants you to serve your neighbor, doing your duty to him, so that matters are righted first of all between yourself and him and you be first reconciled to him; or God will neither see nor hear you. Furthermore, if my adversary come to me, I am to forgive him willingly; if he does not come, I am still to be conciliatory and kind to him, while I am on the way with him, in this life, so that he does not deliver me to the judge.

18. How does that come about? He does not take me by the hand and conduct me to the judge; but when I face judgment my conscience realizes that it had been unwilling to forgive the neighbor, entertaining secret but inveterate hate even then. My conscience over against my neighbor delivers me to the judge; he delivers me to the officer; and he, in turn, casts me into prison, that is to say, into hellfire, until I pay the uttermost farthing, which means forever; for there the liquidation of the debt and deliverance are impossible. Here you see the exalted works that no one can attain, neither by work righteousness nor by the law. For works, if alone, will make hypocrites and dissemblers; the law, if alone, brings forth despair.

19. But what am I to do? Do I hear correctly: am I to be damned? Do as follows: Flee to Christ when thus conscious of iniquity, saying: Oh, my God, thy law is now a mirror to me, whence I see how perverted and lost a being I am! Oh God, now save me for thine only begotten Son’s sake.

Thus, by faith God gives you the Spirit, who changes your heart, so that you will be very kind to your neighbor and will argue thus: Behold, if God has acted thus toward me, forgiving me more than I can ever hope to forgive, why should I not be willing to forgive my neighbor a little?


20. Now the sword of the government seems to conflict with this, and the question arises: If I am to forgive, not to hate, not to kill, how then am I to correct and chastise? If I am to wield the sword and with it execute, how can I help being angry? This question is in order, for the Gospel here seemingly subverts the sword of the government. But we are to bear this in mind: Christ is here a spiritual teacher, solely guiding the consciences, showing them how much hatred, envy and wrath they contain, and how to get rid of it. That is his office in which he is engaged; with the worldly sword he has nothing to do, he lets those see to it whose duty it is.

21. Well, this doctrine does not enter all hearts; most of it remains on the surface. But those, into whose heart it falls, prostrate themselves before God and cry to him for help, are at once pious and have no need of the worldly sword, for they are being ruled by words. Now those who do not grasp this but lead an outwardly wicked life, there the worldly sword must be used. Thus you are now to understand that a secular prince or whoever he be that wields the worldly sword, must conform to what is here taught, namely, not to be angry and not to kill.

22. How then are they to conduct themselves who wield the sword in God’s stead? Thus: the fact that they wield the sword is a part of their office. In a sense, the Gospel has claims on them’, and then they are to be very kind in heart; meek and compassionate; then again, when duty calls, they are to be grave, punishing with alacrity, without regard to friend, foe, beauty, riches or learning. We see this in the case of Moses. He was the meekest man that has ever lived, so much so as to fall down and ask to be blotted out of the Book of Life, Exodus 32:32, if only the multitude be saved. Behold, was he not a mild, sweet and kind man, being willing to go to perdition and be condemned in body and soul that the people might be spared? But, when placed as chief in command, he, in questions of government, took energetic measures, executing three and twenty thousand, by which he might appease the wrath of God.

St. Paul acted in like manner. He too was ready to surrender his soul’s salvation for the Jews, as shown by Romans 9:3. But on learning that a man at Corinth “had his father’s wife,” he wrote so stern and severe an epistle as he had never done before, ordering that such a one be delivered unto Satan, “that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus,” 1 Corinthians 5:5. Likewise David and others acted. In fact, we find a number of such in the Old Testament as would, externally, use the sword in full rigor, executing the people as they would kill chickens, and at the same time be very tender and kind at heart.

23. Let us take a bold illustration, that you may see how a person in authority is to conduct himself. Take the coat of arms of the Elector of Saxony. It shows, two swords in a white and black field, so arranged as to have the hilt below on a white background, and the blade above on a black background. These indicate how you are to conduct yourself when in authority: below, holding the sword by the hilt, you are to be clean, white, tender-hearted and gracious, having the best of intentions; above, when on duty, you have the blade in a black field, that is to say, a determined and strict enforcement is called for, in order outwardly to stay transgressors.

And the red color of the swords indicate that blood is to be shed. Moses, David and others have thus beautifully handled the sword by the hilt in the white field, being sober, mild and kind at heart; and have wielded the blade in the black field, being grave and austere in their official duties.

24. Just so should a citizen or civil judge also do. When dealing with a wicked person that will not be controlled by words, his thoughts are to be: “Oh, my God, how gladly I would die for this man, if it could be done! He has a soul that I cannot succor; besides, he leads a wicked life, not being able to bring his flesh and blood under subjection to the spirit. “And then when comparing the two and seeing which outweighs the other, he will find that it is an easy thing for the man to die, but a grave matter for the soul to die, for the soul’s dying is eternal. Hence his thoughts and words should be: “Ah, see how your soul might enter into judgment; see, how you might enter into perdition. For that reason, in order that sin may make no further inroads, I must divest you of your body, and see to the saving of your soul, since I cannot save your body. “And then we must strike hard, resolutely take to the sword, so that we may prevent wrath and stern judgment, as did Moses with the children of Israel. In that event you are carrying your swords in a white and a black field.

25. The design of the two swords crossing each other, as though one would stay the other, is well conceived. This is to teach that a judge should be wise and prudent, and see, where he must temper and modify a harsh sentence, where it is just and right. It is like two sentences clashing when one will annul the other. You are not always to proceed secundum strictum jus, strictly according to law, but see what is just and right, and where a case can be adjusted, there he should also give his attention.

26. Take an example. The disciples of the Lord plucked ears of corn and ate, when passing through the fields. Now the Sabbath was by divine command to be observed under pain of death, Numbers 15:35; but the disciples were hungry, so one law cancelled the other. For that reason the Lord excuses them over against the Pharisees, saying: “The Son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath day,” Matthew 12:8. Although the observance of the Sabbath was a matter of divine command, the disciples nevertheless were excused, inasmuch as the Sabbath was not to be so strictly observed as to prevent them from eating and thus to cause them to perish because of this very observance. The same holds true of David, who partook of the consecrated bread which no layman was allowed to eat, 1 Samuel 21:6. This was a case of the two swords clashing, it being necessary for one law to give room to the other. For this reason David and also the disciples were excused. For no law has been established by God for the ruin of man, but for his bodily and spiritual welfare.

27. Hence, to sum up all, civil authorities should be severe externally, staying transgressions; but internally, they should harbor a tender, gentle, Christian, amiable spirit; withal they are to be wise and prudent, so that they may know how to temper stern justice, in accord with what is right and proper. This may suffice on this Gospel. Let us pray God for grace.




MATTHEW 5:20-26.

KJV Matthew 5:20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the
scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. 21 Ye have heard that it was
said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: 22
But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the
judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever
shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. 23 Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there
rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; 24 Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy
way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. 25 Agree with thine adversary
quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the
judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. 26 Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no
means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.

This sermon appeared in tract form twice during 1523 and in “The Thirteen Sermons by Luther, 1523.”





A comparison of this exposition of the fifth commandment with that given by the Jews and the Papists. 4.


All men by nature are murderers. 5.

How one should conduct himself when anger takes possession of his heart. 6.


How a Christian should conduct himself toward an enemy. 7-8.



A. These degrees and steps in detail.

1. The first degree and step.

2. The second degree and step.

3. The third degree and step.

4. The fourth degree and step. 16.

B. These degrees and steps In general. 17-18.

How a Christian should behave toward one who offends him. 19.


1. In this Gospel the Lord takes in hand the office of extolling and explaining the law of Moses, for it would not have been becoming for him to have insisted in an unfriendly manner to make the people pious. He is not a lawgiver, but a Savior, who never takes aught from anyone, but always gives. So he also in this instance proves his kindness in explaining the law and gently instructing; where there is need and want, he does not sternly insist, as did Moses, who without much ado wished that people were either pious or dead. For this reason Christ’s action on this occasion is to be considered one of great benefit to us, in that he teaches us where we fail and come short. Here he particularly treats of the failings due to wrath, which causes so much havoc among men, as is seen on every side, yea, nearly the whole world is under its sway.

2. Now let us examine the command, “Thou shalt not kill,” in the sense the Jews took it, and how we should take it. The Jews considered those only murderers who committed the act of murder with their hands; while those who abstained from the outward act were considered by them as pious. In like manner they treated Christ. Having delivered him to Pontius Pilate for trial, they remained without, thus fancying to be innocent of his blood, and to have perfectly kept the law, John 18:28. Again, Saul acted the same way toward David; he believed himself to be godly so long as he only did not kill David with his hand, 1 Samuel 19. Thus they have interpreted the law, failing to see that its roots run into the heart. In view of this Christ here says to his Christians: “For I say unto you, that except your righteousness shalt exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shalt in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven.”

3. This is a strong, yea, a dreadful sentence, whereby all false saints and hypocrites, who go about with their own external works, are condemned.

4. But how have we interpreted this commandment? A little better, that is to say, doubly worse is our interpretation. On this wise: it is indeed a matter of the heart that we are to be free from hatred. But a man, according to our conception, may conduct himself friendly and thus banish hatred from his heart. So we have made it a question of free will, going from bad to worse. The Jews have made it a matter of deceptive appearance; we placed the issue with free will. Thus the hypocrisy of the Jews rests in their works; ours in our thoughts. For we argue thus: Well, I will forgive him, will be good to him, and thus lay hold of the doing in the strength of our free will, then it shall be accomplished.

5. Well, how then are we to do? We are to take the fol. lowing position:

There is not a man on earth, unless he be born again, who does not become angry, and give forth evil words and evil deeds; nature cannot do otherwise. For there stands the law and says: Thou shalt be a fine, sweettempered man in heart, in words and in works; and no evil fiber shall be found in thee. Well, where am I to find such a man? My mother does not give him to me; he must come down from heaven. For there is not a man on earth, so far as he is flesh and blood, that can help becoming angry and giving forth evil words and actions. But if I abstain, it certainly is because I fear the sword or I seek a selfish end. If I do not curse, if I do not calumniate, either the sword or hell deters me, the fear of death or of the devil; these I have in my mind and abstain, otherwise, I could not abstain.

Not alone this, but I would actually murder and massacre, wherever and whenever I could. By nature I cannot produce a single kind word or action.

If I do, it certainly is hypocrisy, since the heart at least always remains full of poison. This you now hear from Christ, who so explains the law as to cause you to feel ashamed in your inner heart. He would say: Thou art not sweet in heart, thine heart is full of hatred, full of murder and blood, and so thy hands and eyes would also gladly be full of the same; nor canst thou prevent it, any more than thou canst prevent the fire from burning, for it is its nature to burn.

6. A person might here say, What then am I to do? I feel all that within me, but I cannot change conditions. I reply, Flee to the Lord, thy God, lay thy complaint before him and say: Behold, Lord, my neighbor has injured me a little, has spoken a few words touching my honor, has caused some damage to my property, this I cannot suffer, therefore, I would cheerfully see him killed. Oh my God, how gladly would I be amiable to him, but, alas, I cannot! See how wholly cold, yea, dead I am! O Lord, I cannot help myself, I must stand back. . Make thou me different, then I will be godly; if not, I will remain like I have been. Here you must seek your help and at no other place; if you seek it in yourself, you will never find it. Your heart perpetually bubbles and boils with anger, you cannot prevent it.

7. Now, this is the sum of the law: You are to be kind, amiable and benignant in heart, word and deed; and even though they take your life, still you are to suffer all in love, and render thanks to your Lord. Behold, thus a great deal is included in the short sentence, “Thou shalt not kill.” Christ lived up to this; do the same, and you are a good Christian. When nailed to the cross, his name, which was above every name, and his honor were profaned by the Jews, while they reviled him by words of the following and similar import: Well, what a nice God he has! If he be God’s son, let him come down! Let his God come now, in whom he banked and boasted so much, and help him! Matthew 27:43, Mark 15:32, Luke 23:35.

Such words pierced his very heart, hurting him more than all his other sufferings; still, he suffered all this with patience; he wept over his enemies, because they would have no part in the great benefit to be derived from his death; yea, he prayed for their sin. And in the face of this we are ready to snarl and growl over the least trifle, when asked to yield even a little to our neighbor.

8. Here you see how far we are still from Christ. It is indeed necessary to suffer with Christ, if we would enter with him into glory. He has gone before, so we should follow, as St. Peter says, 1 Peter 2:21f.: “For hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, that ye should follow his steps: who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: who when he suffered, threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously. “Now see what kind of an example St. Peter places before us; truly we should emulate it, endeavoring to be and to act like him. But this we cannot do by nature; it follows that we without exception are the devil’s own, there being not a man on earth that is found not guilty. Hence the sentence holds good: You must be likewise skillful, namely, good at heart, or you belong to perdition.

9. What then must we do? You must do as follows: You must acknowledge that you are condemned by the law, and the devil’s own property and that you are unable to rescue yourself by any power of your own. Therefore you must flee to God, pray him to change you, or all is lost and ruined. This was well understood and observed by those highly learned, but they argued thus: If we preach that the whole world is condemned and the devil’s own, what is to become of the sanctimonious priests and monks, for then they too would be condemned? God forbid!

Wait, wait, we will sharpen our tongues, bore a hole into the paper for our God, make a comment and say thus: Why, God never meant it in that sense, for who could keep it? He did not command it, but merely suggested it to such as wished to be perfect. Again, the perfect are not under obligations to be so, it suffices, if they strive after perfection. Many large books, called Formas conscientiarum, treatises to comfort and acquit the consciences, have been written on this subject. Thomas Aquinas was about the leading heretic in this line. Later the same doctrine was confirmed by the Pope, and diffused throughout the world; this explains the later origin of the Orders, which aimed at perfection. Well, God be praised that we have understood the error, so that we can avoid it.

10. We comfort consciences in a manner quite different, namely thus: Dear brother, all this is addressed not to the monks and priests only; Christ is not trifling with his words; it is a direct command, you must conform to it, or you are the devil’s property. This is our way of comforting. Alas! exclaims our nature, Do you call that comforting? It is rather a transfer of souls to the devil. True, friend, but I must first take you down to hell before taking you up to heaven, you must despair in the first place, then come to Christ, behold his example, how he conducted himself toward his enemies, in that he wept over them. But the bare example alone moves you; yet, it does not help you to any extent.

11. In view of this lay hold of his word and promise, that he will change you; this only will help you. Pray thus: Oh my God, thou hast placed Christ, thine only beloved Son, before me as an example, so that I might lead a like life; but I am not able to do this. O my God, change me, grant me thy grace! God then comes and says: Behold, since you know yourself and seek grace from me, I will change you and do as you desire. And though you are not so perfect as Christ, as indeed you should be, I shall nevertheless have my Son’s life and perfection cover your imperfections.

So you see we must always have something to keep us in the right humility and fear.

12. This is true comfort that does not rest on our ability, but on the fact that we have a gracious God, who forgives our sins; on the fact that we believe in Christ and not in our own worthiness, he cleansing us from day to day; on the fact that whenever we fall short, we should always place our hope and trust in Christ. See, this is the main drift of our Gospel. Now let us briefly run over the text and consider the contents.


13. The Lord here notes four grades or degrees of anger or wrath. The first is the anger of the heart; and that is the main grade; it should be so pure that you are not sensible of it. But this cannot be in our present state.

Hence when you are sensible of it, come direct to Christ and ask him graciously to change you; ask him to extinguish the fire where it starts to burn; you cannot work a way out by your own efforts.

14. The other grade is “Raca,” which means an angry, unfriendly expression with the eyes, with the neck and with the whole countenance, and in whatever other way it may be made. This too should by no means be. So you should at all times know when and how to obtain help.

15. The third grade consists in saying, “Thou fool.” This implies the use of all kinds of scolding and profane words, by which our neighbor is degraded. This should also be laid aside; but we should defend and protect our neighbor with the utmost zeal, wherever we can.

16. The fourth grade consists in gross murder with our hands. The meaning is that we are to help our neighbor with our hands, give and advance to him, so that he may be sustained. For if I behold a poor person lying in distress and-fail to help, protect and give, so that he be sustained, I murder him with my own hand.

17. Now if you want to see and know who you are, you must not judge yourselves by those whom you love. Nature teaches that we do not want those we love to meet with any ill. But judge yourself by your enemies, and you will soon see who you are. Do you find that you are not in your heart kindly disposed toward them, nor kind in conduct, but speak evil of them, failing to help them with your hands, you are a murderer.

18. But in that our Lord says: “Everyone who is angry with his brother shall be in danger of the judgment; and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council; and whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of the hell of fire,” he uses the language in vogue in the civil courts, when the accused is brought before the court, the question of guilty or not guilty is first discussed; afterwards the deliberations are on the penalty to be imposed; and lastly, the culprit is delivered over for punishment. The same holds true with these grades of wrath; that is to say, as they advance, the one is punished more severely than the preceding.

There is indeed but one hell, but there is a variety of penalties and punishments, and of these the one is always nearer infliction than the other: just as he is nearer death concerning whom the question is being debated what death he is to die, than the man just cited before the court.

The Lord himself further explains his words when he says: “If therefore thou art offering thy gift at the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee, leave there thy gift before the altar and go thy way, first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gilt. Agree with thine adversary quickly, whilst thou art with him in the way; lest haply the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. Verily, I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the last farthing.”

19. Here you see what God demands of us, that he does not want anything done even for himself, unless it be done in love, after the proper relation has been established with one’s neighbor. So you see, anger cancels all good deeds that might be done, for instance, prayers, fastings, selfmortification, giving of alms, and other like deeds. And God in the first place wants those to be reconciled who live in discord, they asking the pardon of the ones they have offended, as indeed is proper. This is the meaning he would convey when he says: “If therefore thou art offering thy gift at the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee, leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way, first be reconciled to thy brother,” that is, ask his forgiveness. Again: “Agree with thine adversary quickly;” and even though he does not come at once to you and beg pardon, be kindly disposed toward him nevertheless and forgive him. See how God has balanced both sides: on the one hand, when offended, we are to be kind and forgiving, on the other hand, the offender is to beg pardon, so all things may go well.

20. Now one might ask: You tell us not to say, “Thou fool,” but how about Christ often calling his disciples “fools” and “unbelievers,” Mark 16:14, a great and strong slander for a Christian? Reply: We must judge according to the condition of the heart: that determines the nature of our actions. Christ and Paul rebuke and reprove harshly, but they have the best of intentions, hence their words are to be counted good deeds. Even as a father ofttimes calls his son a fool, yea, and adds bodily correction, yet he does all this out of love, in that he is always kind in his heart to his son; so Christ and the Apostles and all the faithful act; whatever they do, they do from a paternal and maternal heart, hence they are truly good deeds.

Therefore we must judge such questions according to the heart and the person. This may suffice for the present on this Gospel.

Stand Firm: Cutting Down on the Cost of Seminary Education: Is This the Next Step?

Enjoy a magic carpet ride to MDiv-dom.

Stand Firm: Cutting Down on the Cost of Seminary Education: Is This the Next Step?:

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Pastor Nathan Bickel on UOJ in WELS.
Aaron Frey Still Preaching in WELS.
How Far Will He Go?

Ichabod – Thank You for Highlighting the Erroneous Teaching of Universal Objective Justification! You are Spot On!

Again, I appreciate your continued emphasis about the false teaching of "universal objective justification," commonly known as UOJ. I think that I share your view that this UOJ erroneous teaching has pathetically permeated Christian churches. Especially, has it permeated Lutheran churches, as you highlight on your website. I only wish that more faithful pastors would shed their timidity and feel free to share (from their Scriptural) perspective, how this dangerous teaching, passed on from synodical schools and promulgated by church bureaucracies, is spiritually and publicly infecting their synodical church bodies.

When I first visited this website, I immediately understood what you were trumpeting. Your many and varied articles, (sometimes smattered with humor and interesting pics), speak directly to some very disturbing trends in Christianity - especially within the "world" of Lutheranism.

Hence, I believe, (by reading your website) I've become a better listener. And, listen is what I do when I attend my congregation of WELS Bethel Lutheran, (Bay County Michigan). And, increasingly, I hear the unscriptural teaching of universal objective justification. Here, following, are some recent and pointed examples:

# 1 Example –

It was a Holy Trinity Sunday sermon based upon Romans 8:14-17. The pastor was preaching from Romans 8:14-17:

As is his mode, he initially launches his sermon with an illustration and carries that illustration theme to the bitter end. This time though, he launched what seemed to be a shorter introduction based upon Shakespeare’s Romeo soliloquy about how a name does not define a person. Then he spoke how it actually does. He then continued by saying that as a Christian, God's Name is stamped upon a person beginning with Christian Baptism. Hence, what God did and does, indeed, defines us. [I’m sure that you get the picture]

This particular Sunday I was listening with rapt attention because for the first time (that I can remember) unless I've been otherwise dozing, [and, I think not] he spoke at some concerted length about the Holy Spirit and His work in the individual. I was very pleased as he seemed to be headed in the proper doctrinal direction. But, then, (sadly) to my disappointment, he ended his sermon by encouraging the graduates to remember who they are.

Now, that would have been okay to say, but not to immediately stop at that point. I don't remember the Scripture saying:

" thou in remembrance of who you are, unto death and I will give you a crown of life."

No, - not at all. The Scripture does (though) read:

" thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life." - Revelation 2:10b

Also, I don't recall Scripture's words penned (under inspiration) by the Apostle Paul, saying:

"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have remembered who I am."

No, - Instead the Scripture reads:

"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith......" - 2 Timothy 4:7

The pastor [he is young and about 10 years out of the seminary] got all the way to the end of his sermon and stopped short. He blew it! He didn't go "full circle!" He left the graduates, essentially with cheap grace. No mention of the necessity of them persevering in the faith until the end. No mention of personal belief and faith. No mention of justification by faith alone.

Note: I also highlighted the aforementioned in my topical message: 

“Cheap Grace is a Worthless Substitute for a Faith That Saves:”

# 2 Example –

I happened to come across one of my grandson's 1st grade WELS parochial school paper booklets. It was [is] one of those copied school materials that is stapled together as a simple paper booklet. This one, is 27 pages with pictures to be colored (by the student) on every page. The printed material is somewhat poetic. The booklet is entitled:

"Who is Martin Luther?" - c. 1995 WELS Parish Services Commission on Youth Discipleship - Milwaukee, WI  53222 - Author:  Burow-Gauger - Illustrator: Gail B. Day

One of the portions of this 1st and 2nd grade booklet is, as follows:

Pages 11-12 –

"John Tetzel came near Wittenberg selling papers that were bad. When Martin read the lies they said, it made him very sad. Luther wrote down many truths-- there were ninety-five in all. Later he told about the Bible and that Jesus saved us all."

Nowhere in this booklet did I recall reading the words, “belief,” “faith” and the “Holy Spirit.” Nowhere in this booklet does it state the hallmark Scriptural teaching of Luther, - that being, that the sinner is justified by God's grace through faith in Christ.

The booklet's error is that it teaches tender souls, that Jesus "saved us all," rather than what the Scripture actually says, that Christ died for all. Just because Christ died for all sins, - that does not then translate into all people being "saved," no more than a cookie jar, is guaranteed to possess cookies within it. Thus, Scripture is, undermined and children are subjected to a type of spiritual molestation. In the process of it all, children miss out on what the Word, actually says:

Galatians 3:11 - "But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, the just shall live by faith."

Also:  Romans 3:28 ; Romans 5:1 ; Galatians 2:16 ; Galatians 3:11 ; Galatians 3:24 and James 2:24
Personally, I think it is repulsive that little minds should be so spiritually abused with false teaching. It's bad enough that church attending adults hear this UOJ (universal objective justification) throughout the church year. But, to spiritually mess up these young minds with this damning doctrine, (as they regularly attend Christian Lutheran schools), is, I believe, inexcusable! I think of the Scripture where Jesus stated:  “Whoso shall offend one of these little ones who believe in Me……”

If my first grade grandson is presented [and, he is] the aforementioned teaching about Martin Luther and the erroneous misapplication of Scripture at his WELS parochial elementary school (about) 20 miles from Saginaw, - I then ask:  "What type of false teaching goes on at the MLS (Michigan Lutheran Seminary), there, in Saginaw? Or, is the damage already done from pre-K to 8th grade, - and there is no further need to solidify the UOJ mindset? What then "tops" this false UOJ teaching beginning at grades 9 through 12?

Come to think of it, the aforementioned teaching booklet came out in 1995. That's about 17 years ago - about the same time frame which MLS - Michigan Lutheran Seminary students are about to graduate and then some of them go on to other WELS schools in preparation for teaching and pastoral ministries. I cannot but help conclude, that it's no wonder why there are some Lutheran pastors and teachers out there who avoid Scripture’s teaching about personal faith, belief and the mention of the Holy Spirit's role (from beginning to end)  in the life of the believer. Sadly and pathetically, it’s easier to preach and teach the blanket Lutheran synods’ sanctioned teaching of overall (sinner) absolution through UOJ - universal objective justification. All this is the sorry case for Lutherans and other Protestant Christians who have been so richly and divinely blessed by the great reformer, Martin Luther.....

Note:  The aforementioned was also related on the following website:

"UOJ in the Schools:"

Finally - # 3 Example –

The following is another example of universal objective justification proclaimed from our Bethel congregation's pulpit:

Aaron Frey

Our (10 years out of the seminary) young pastor was still on vacation, so our local Bethel congregation had a fill-in Sunday preacher. He was [is] the (recent and brief) former Saginaw MLS - Michigan Lutheran Seminary president, Rev. Aaron Frey.

Unless I dozed off during the sermon (and I think not, as the Rev. Frey has a boisterous voice at times; then a quieter one with pauses, at other times) - I again heard the nasty UOJ - universal objective justification creep into his sermon about the Gospel of Mark's account of Jesus calming the sea storm - Mark 4:35-41.

Part and parcel of the former MLS president's emphasis was, "Who starts the storm?" He readily discounted (a) nature; (b) the devil but, credited it to God the Father.

He then went on to ask and answer the question: "If God allows storms [in the life of the Christian] - what is His purpose?

Furthermore Rev. Frey went on to distinguish between "saving faith" and the Christian's "measurement of faith," mentioning that the faith that Jesus was talking about to His disciples (in the boat) was that (everyday type) trust faith - that "measurement of faith."

In the process, Rev. Frey stated [Paraphrase] - "that God goes to any length to remove your obstacles to saving faith."

He went on a little while after that, to assert how God looks upon us - [Paraphrase] - "You are forgiven; you are my son, my daughter - nothing in all creation can change that. No cause to concern; no worry; the Lord will bring you home to heaven." [Paraphrase]

Consequently, [then] am I to suppose that the Apostle Paul was just blowing hot air when he penned the Scripture (under the Holy Spirit's pointed inspirational direction)? - 2 Timothy 4:7 - "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith."

Michigan Lutheran seminary is the shrinking prep school
where Ski, Glende, and Frey
learned the closeness of WELS fellowship.

And, if the Apostle Paul was just blowing hot air, it would be a lot less struggle if I and all Christians were to believe what the Rev. Aaron Frey related to the congregation this morning. Then we wouldn't have to struggle and fight the good fight of faith like the [apparent] disillusioned Apostle Paul. We could all then just attend Sunday morning worship; pray the confessional prayer, get absolved and cap it off with Holy Communion. [Oh yes - no mention in the sermon of the Holy Spirit - His work of creating and sustaining personal faith and belief]

Finally, again, I am disappointed in what WELS has been apparently seeding in their present and future parish pastors! In this case (with Rev. Frey), this was the man who was called to preside over a WELS high school and prep school for future parochial school teachers and parish pastors. In another posting to Ichabod I've illustrated (from WELS own educational materials) how the elementary children are being UOJ conditioned, and more recently a Vacation Bible School where personal faith, belief and the working of the Holy Spirit were scratched (eliminated).

Note:  This above example was highlighted as a comment on the 2 websites of:  and

Ichabod –

So there you have it, - my observations. And, I believe that “my” observation can be multiplied hundreds and hundreds of times over throughout this one small “Lutheran” synod. [WELS]

I began with the one preaching example of a young pastor, about 10 years out, from the WELS seminary. I then offered what the parochial elementary youth are being incorrectly taught. And, then I ended (with the third example) of a former Michigan Lutheran Seminary (high school) president, who was also preaching universal objective justification. This has all taken place at the congregation and school where my wife and I are members, - Bethel Lutheran – WELS – Bay County, Michigan

What am I to conclude - that, this unscriptural and dangerous universalism teaching is isolated? I would be a fool to conclude that; - and, very naïve.  So, as I stated at the beginning of my remarks, what you are highlighting on your website is very timely and most important! Once Scripture’s teaching of God’s grace through faith alone is destroyed, there is no other genuine Christian foundation for the Christian Faith. May the good Lord, have mercy!

Nathan Bickel – emeritus pastor
Bay City, Michigan
