Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Augustana College, ELCA Got There First - News from The Associated Press

News from The Associated Press:


AP Photo
AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster
AP Photo

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Washington National Cathedral, where the nation gathers to mourn tragedies and celebrate new presidents, will soon begin hosting same-sex marriages.

Cathedral officials tell The Associated Press the church will be among the first Episcopal congregations to implement a new rite of marriage for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender members. The church will announce its new policy Wednesday.

As the nation's most prominent church, the decision carries huge symbolism. The 106-year-old cathedral has long been a spiritual center for the nation, hosting presidential inaugural services and funerals for Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford. The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his last sermon there in 1968. The cathedral draws hundreds of thousands of visitors each year.

In light of the legality of same-sex marriage in the District of Columbia and now Maryland, the Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, the Episcopal bishop of Washington, decided in December to allow an expansion of the Christian marriage sacrament. The diocese covers the district and four counties in Maryland. The change is allowed under a "local option" granted by the church's General Convention, church leaders said. Each priest in the diocese can then decide whether to perform same-sex unions.

The Very Rev. Gary Hall, the cathedral's dean, said performing same-sex marriages is an opportunity to break down barriers and build a more inclusive community "that reflects the diversity of God's world."
"I read the Bible as seriously as fundamentalists do," Hall told the AP. "And my reading of the Bible leads me to want to do this because I think it's being faithful to the kind of community that Jesus would have us be."
Celebrating same-sex weddings is important beyond the Episcopal Church, Hall said. Church debate is largely settled on the matter, allowing for local decisions, he said. The move is also a chance to influence the nation.

"As a kind of tall-steeple, public church in the nation's capital, by saying we're going to bless same-sex marriages, conduct same-sex marriages, we are really trying to take the next step for marriage equality in the nation and in the culture," Hall said.

Hall is the 10th dean of the cathedral and began serving there in October 2012. He has been an ordained minister for more than 35 years. He said he has long been an advocate for gay marriage and began performing same-sex blessings in 1990 when he served at All Saints Church in Pasadena, Calif.

The Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest gay rights group, applauded the cathedral's change Wednesday as a milestone.

"Today, the church sent a simple but powerful message to LGBT Episcopalians - you are loved just the way you are, and for that we embrace you," said the Rev. MacArthur Flournoy, the deputy director of HRC's religion and faith program.

Gay weddings will be allowed immediately. But It will likely be six months to a year before the first marriages are performed due to the cathedral's busy schedule and its pre-marital counseling requirement. Generally, only couples affiliated with the cathedral will be eligible. Church leaders had not received any requests for weddings ahead of Wednesday's announcement.

While Hall does not expect any objections within the National Cathedral congregation, he said the change may draw criticism from outside. It may be divisive for some, just as it was to preach against segregation or to push for the ordination of women, Hall said.

The New York-based Episcopal Church is the U.S. body of the 77 million-member Anglican Communion. The House of Bishops voted last year 111-41 to authorize a provisional rite for same-sex unions. Some congregations have left the church over its inclusion of gays and lesbians over the years.

Same-sex marriage is now legal in nine states and the District of Columbia. Legislators in Illinois and Rhode Island are set to take up bills to possibly join them, and the Supreme Court is scheduled to hear cases on gay marriage in March.

The first same-sex wedding performed last month at West Point's Cadet Chapel drew some protests from conservatives. The National Cathedral is even more visible.
Hall, the cathedral dean, said the church has a long history of taking stands on public issues. But he said he sees marriage as a human issue, not a political issue.
"For us to be able to say we embrace same-sex marriage as a tool for faithful people to live their lives as Christian people," he said, "for us to be able to say that at a moment when so many other barriers toward full equality and full inclusion for gay and lesbian people are falling, I think it is an important symbolic moment."


Washington National Cathedral: HTTP://WWW.NATIONALCATHEDRAL.ORG


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Augustana College, ELCA Got There First - News fro...":

Ichabod -

What an abomination! But, at the same time, I believe it is God's just curse upon America for all its sins against Him and His Ten Commandments.

Furthermore, I believe that evidence of God removing His hand of blessing upon America, is the absence of Christian churches and their perspective denominational and synodical counterparts, being silent; not speaking out, exposing the deeds of darkness.

I'm reminded of a recent blog posting of mine:

Why same sex unions are a perversion of God’s intended order

Nathan M. Bickel

'via Blog this'

The Change in American Education Accelerated in Recent Decades

"You trust me with those educators?"

quercuscontramalum ( has left a new comment on your post "Turning People into Sheeple":

PUBLIC SCHOOL -- CURE FOR MENTAL ILLNESS: "The watershed moment when modern schooling swept all competition from the field was the passage of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in 1965 (ESEA)...opening the door to a full palette of 'interventions' by psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, agencies, and various specialists. All were invited to use the schoolhouse as a satellite office -- in urban ghettos, as a primary office. Now it was the law.

"Along the way to this milestone, important way stations were reached...The strand I've shown is only one of many in the tapestry. The psychological goals of this project and the quality of mind in back of them are caught fairly in the keynote address to the 1973 Childhood International Education Seminar in Boulder, CO, delivered by Harvard psychiatrist Chester M. Pierce. this quote appears to have been edited out of printed transcripts of the talk, but was reported by newspapers in actual attendance:

"'Every child in America entering school at the age of five is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our founding fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a believe in a supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It's up to you as teachers to make all these sick children well--by creating the international child of the future.'"

The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto,


quercuscontramalum ( has left a new comment on your post "Turning People into Sheeple":

"Smarter educators will start thinking about how to update a 19th Century product to suit 21st Century realities. Less-smart educators will hunker down and fight change tooth and nail. Who will win out in the end? Well, how many 19th Century business models do you see flourishing, here in the 21st?"


GJ - I am working on a post about public school violence. The material above is directly related to that.

Bed-Fellows with ELCA - Still Being Defended by WELS, LCMS, ELS

This puppy-blanket will distract readers from the content below.

Hans Fiene has produced a little animation about people confusing the SynCons with ELCA. I saw a discussion on Facebook and interrupted their Pietistic navel-gazing.

I wrote:

The LCMS, WELS, and ELS work on many projects jointly with ELCA. The LCMS voted overwhelmingly to continue. If ELCA is so bad, why work with them? If ELCA is good enough for joint religious projects, why criticize them? You can't have it both ways.

People began to jump into the discussion and post as if I were born yesterday.

"Harrison is gradually phasing out work with ELCA."

I responded - "Jack Preus was phasing it out too, decades ago. Anyone remember him?" That was going on 40 years ago. Here is one liberal version of the events and personalities.

After Jack Preus, Ralph Bohlmann became president (also with Otten's endorsement).

I remember the issue of The Lutheran (LCA/ELCA) magazine that printed a photo of Ralph Bohlmann, Carl Mischke (WELS), and Herb Chilstrom (ELCA) together. The photo said - "Chiefs confer." The big event was one sponsored by Ur-Thrivent: The Snowbird Leadership Conference. It drew together the leadership of ELCA, WELS, Missouri, and perhaps the ELS. The ELS does not count for anything in the big gatherings, but they definitely go along with it all. The lectures were given by apostates, plus the Peter Drucker MBO con game.

I got the account published in Christian News and ghosted the editorial denouncing the event.There was a bit of a hub-bub, some lame excuses from WELS, and everything continued as before. The WELS magazine did not run the photo, for some reason.

More of the same continued under Al Barry. Kieschnick and Gurgle kicked it up a few notches. Now Harrison and Schroeder are going through the same motions.

The best of many recent examples is SP Schroeder (WELS) and Director of Communications Joel Hochmuth sending out a letter denouncing ELCA for its homosexual activism. Meanwhile, Hochmuth was swapping man/boy rape files with his peers, all over the Internet, including one FBI agent. The evidence disclosed that Hochmuth had been caught before and given counseling, so the WELS bosses knew and did nothing. Hundreds of these felonious files were kept at WELS headquarters, from which Schroeder issued his blast against ELCA.

Big Waste of Money
Millions are spent on joint meetings and conferences, among ELCA-WELS-LCMS leaders. ELCA dictates the agenda, which is fine with Missouri and WELS.

However, WELS and Missouri must pretend this is coming to an end or not happening at all. Thrivent does not publish the events in their slick magazine anymore, after many reprints in Christian News. Everyone--including Otten--is in bed with Thrivent, so no one is going to discuss the truth about the events and the money wasted marketing for Thrivent.

--- From 12 years ago:

First VP of WELS, Jim Huebner, is grouped with many of the spiritual leaders 
admired by ELS/WELS/LCMS leaders.

The ELCA statements below are too tedious to quote and have dubious claims at best. My original source is the ALPB discussion group, aka Pooled Ignorance. One minister claimed the Disciples of Christ came from Methodism (!) and are quite conservative (?) and strongest in Indiana (Ha!). In fact, they practice believer's baptism, are extreme Leftists, and are strongest from Illinois down to Texas. LBJ belonged to their sect.

One ELCA claim has Luther arguing for people coming to faith after they die. Hmm. Many Luther items are fake, mistranslated, or misunderstood.

The Matthew 28 treatment is so bad it is being deleted in the new edition.

"It says, in part, "...In contrast to 10:5-6, 23, Jesus now sends the disciples to make disciples of all nations. That does not mean make everyone disciples. Most people who are helped by Jesus and believe in him never become disciples. Jesus includes in salvation people who do not believe in him or even know about him (5:3-10, 25:31-45)."

The professor who published this has defended it here.

Ironically, Paul McCain and Jay Webber--both MDivs from The Surrendered Fort--roam the blogosphere warning people away from what I publish. Yet both men support the passage above, in the form of UOJ. They are both UOJ Stormtroopers, as active and as predatory as the LutherQuest (sic) crusaders.

Normally I do not spend much time on ELCA heresy, but this one is so close to UOJ that one is either the mother or daughter of the other. WELS/ELS unionism is the result of this doctrine.


Exposing the ELCA
Dr. Walter Bouman (Trinity Seminary) said: “Difficult as it is -- because I always think of it as unfair -- I’ve come to accept God’s universal salvation as the final consequence of Jesus’ resurrection” (The Lutheran, Nov 05, p. 24).

"In 1956, Bouman was ordained in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) and served as pastor of two LCMS congregations -- St. Paul Lutheran Church, Chatfield, Minn., and St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Albany, N.Y. -- before joining the faculty of Concordia Teachers College, River Forest, Ill., in 1963."