Tuesday, January 15, 2013

WELS Is Really Going To Land on Mark Jeske the Intrepid Lutherans Who Support Luther and the Book of Concord

David Becker has left a new comment on your post "LiveLeakers - The WELS COP Minutes - Mostly Boring...":

This is still the entire statement of faith of Time of Grace, as stated at http://www.timeofgrace.org/statementoffaith.php:

“We believe in the triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that God has revealed himself through his word, the Holy Bible, and that the Bible is divinely inspired and without error. We believe that all human beings are terminally sinful and that only through the innocent life and death of Jesus Christ can anyone be saved. We believe we are here on this earth to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible.” 




The Witch Hunt Has (Officially) Begun

The following paragraph is from WELS District President Doug Engelbrecht’s summary of the recent meeting of the WELS Conference of Presidents, sent out to the pastors of his district:

PD.02  Intrepid Lutherans
·         Another item involved the Intrepid Lutheran website.  There is a concern that those who still wholeheartedly support this group by being “signers” are also supporting a pastor who has been removed from the ministerium of the WELS for doctrinal reasons, because he has been given a forum on their website.  The consensus was that each district president should approach pastors in their district who are listed as “signers” on the website and determine whether or not they are in support of the false doctrine that the suspended pastor espouses.   

As for me being "given a forum on their website,” the fact is, it’s our website.  I am still part of it (actually, still the chairman of Intrepid Lutherans, Inc.), much to the chagrin of the WELS leadership.  No one is "authorizing" my posts here.  Each of us posts independently, sometimes running our articles by one another for input, sometimes not.

Also, I don’t know how much clearer we can make this so that the COP will understand, but “being signers” on this blog has never meant anything more or less than what we have stated from the beginning on our Stand With Us page:

In what do we invite you to join “with intrepid heart, willing to appear before the judgment seat of Christ?” To what do we ask you, with great consent, to subscribe your name? To the Biblical and Confessional contentsof What We Believe. We are not asking you to subscribe to the contents of every post and comment that will appear on this blog.

No error or false doctrine has ever been identified or pointed out to us on our What We Believe page, which has not changed since the first day Intrepid Lutherans rolled out.

The only change we have recently made to our Stand With Us page is to remove the reference to ourselves and our signers as “members of WELS.”  This was never entirely accurate in the first place, because, technically, even lay members of a WELS congregation are not “members of WELS,” since only pastors, male teachers and whole congregations can be “members” of the synod.  As it now stands, there is at least one fully and unmistakably non-WELS member who is an Intrepid signer:  Yours Truly.

Of course, it was not my choice to be a non-WELS member.  That decision was made for me by DP Buchholz back in October.  During one of his visits to my congregation in which he labeled me a heretic and tried to convince my flock to rescind my call (before my suspension), one of my members told him point blank, “This sure seems like a witch hunt.”

DP Buchholz was visibly agitated by that comment, and referred back to it several times over the following weeks.  He assumed that it originated with me, but it didn’t.  My members—most of them, anyway—could see with their own eyes what was going on.  He was indignant at being accused of orchestrating a witch hunt.  The truth hurts, as they say.

Now the witch hunt has become official.  I don’t know what else you call the above “consensus” that was reached by the WELS COP.  Apparently there is some new doctrine of “blog fellowship” lurking around out there in the shadows.  Apparently, since DP Buchholz has labeled me a heretic to be “marked and avoided” (Rom. 16:17), the entire COP has reached a consensus that every WELS pastor must “mark and avoid” me and my "false doctrine," even in the blogosphere, on threat of interrogation and other more sinister repercussions.

Let’s remember what, again, they would have me “marked and avoided” for.  What was that wicked heresy that I was teaching—that unscriptural, unlutheran, “novel” doctrine?

That sinners are justified before God by faith in Jesus Christ, and only by faith in Jesus Christ.  Grace alone. Faith alone. Scripture alone. Sola gratia. Sola fide.  Sola Scriptura. 

Luther has surely turned over several times in his grave.

But since the COP apparently wants to continue the discussion about justification with WELS pastors, I will assist them by attempting, over the coming months, to make my position crystal clear here on this blog, so that they can judge for themselves whether “the suspended pastor” espouses “false doctrine,” or whether the suspended pastor is the one proclaiming the true Gospel, the doctrine confessed in the Lutheran Confessions, the faith once delivered to the saints.  Then readers of this blog will have all the information necessary to make an informed judgment about whether I am someone to “mark and avoid” or someone with whom to stand in solidarity.

In either case, although being a signer of Intrepid Lutherans doesn’t mean you agree with everything I say or write, it has, nonetheless, just become a little more dangerous.  Dear WELS reader, you should be outraged at the witch hunt that has been enacted by the COP. This is no time for fear.  It’s time to be intrepid!


Anonymous said...
Five characteristics of a cult:

1) cults tend to centralize power in the hands of a single individual or small group that is considered beyond question

2) they treat all questions about the group and its beliefs as intolerable challenges to the group's authority and authenticity

3) they demean all those who do not share their beliefs and sow fear and mistrust amongst their believers about all such people

4) they typically cut off all or most opportunities for members to interact freely with those outside the group

5) they take revenge upon those who choose to leave the group in ways which include cutting them off from all relationships with those who remain inside, confiscation of material goods and even physical harm

From "The Thin Line between Religions and Cults"


+ Pr. Jim Schulz
Daniel Baker said...
Anathema to the council of presidents and their popish behavior. God will not be mocked by their treachery against His holy Church.
Joe Krohn said...
Those points were hauntingly familiar to the experience we had, Pr. Schulz. I would say that until the WELS jettisons the business model, it is doomed for much more of this. There is too much 'group think' going on. Re-visiting what the Office of the Ministry is and what it isn't would also go a long way.

Oh, and by the way...I have been a non-WELS signer now since 2011. I am in good company. :)
Tim Niedfeldt said...
I'll be a non-WELS signer soon enough Joe. Remember way back when when certain people warned me of what happens to the best of intentions and where the path of CG leads? (Doug Lindee, everybody on BW, and eventually even you) Also remember I said I would leave when I felt that discipline had been lost and the post-modernism, relativism, and CG crept in? Well it's that time. I'm not going to be a prick and leave them high and dry on my technology duties but I am tutoralizing a new person to take over my Sunday morning role and hopefully by the end of February I will extricate myself.

I will become more active again...It's time to shed the slide down the slippery slope..and let others know not to go down it.

Tim Niedfeldt
Anonymous said...
There definitely is such a thing as "blog fellowship" now. I contribute to a blog called Ecclesia Augustana (http://ecclesiaaugustana.blogspot.com/). So far there are three names listed as contributors (more to come), two of which are WELS and then me -- not WELS. Of the two WELS laymen one is an MLC student. Big wigs at WLS got wind of it, phoned the big wigs at MLC who in turn asked to meet with him. During the meeting and since then, they've asked him to take his name down from the blog because it would "be in [his] best interest" (use your imagination on what that means). They listed that my congregation voted to leave the WELS and how a certain article about fellowship was really out there and he needed to be aware of it. They also told him that he's not allowed to perform organ concerts at non-WELS churches anymore because it wouldn't be in his best interest. Yes, concerts, not worship.

Point is, yes, you aren't even allowed to have your name next to someone who presents topics for discussion that may differ from the WELS' doctrine. If the WELS would ever be consistent, MLC should then, logically, stop hosting free conferences. WELS pastors should never present papers at any free conferences. I guess it's okay if they're live streamed and hosted at physical locations but once it's a blog it's criminal. It's also okay when it's Mark Jeske teaching alongside those outside of WELS' fellowship on how to do Ministry at the Change or Die conference (http://www.intrepidlutherans.com/2011/03/change-or-die-issues-etc-comments.html). They also should ask their brother in the ELS, Pastor Joseph Abrahamson, to stop contributing on Brothers of John the Steadfast (steadfastlutherans.org) or any WELS/ELS pastor from ever contributing a single comment on any forum where there are also people outside of WELS' fellowship. This is scary stuff if you really think about it. My mind keeps going back to the first comment on this thread. Well, at least DPs are actually examining the pastors in their District. Too bad it's not with Chemnitz's Enchiridion and too bad it's not to weed out those who are killing souls with the third use of the Law. Instead, it's to weed out those who teach along with the whole Catholic and Apostolic Church that sinners are justified and considered righteous by God, freely, by faith alone (Ap IV, 88-89) Witch hunt indeed, witch hunt indeed...

Christian Schulz
Anonymous said...
I, too, am a fully and unmistakably non-WELS member who is an Intrepid signer. I left WELS by choice, in no small part due to the increasingly cultish collectivism of the synod bureaucracy.
"The Holy See of Milwaukee"

Fellow laymen, ensure your pastor is preaching the Scriptures and upholding the Confessions. There is more at stake than congregational identification; our pastors have a unique responsibility for our souls and will be held accountable by God. Support these good pastors through your prayers and your voices.


Joel Dusek
Aurora, Colorado
LPC said...
This reminds me of the time when I used to belong to a Pentecostal denomination that uses similar tactics.

The book by Ronald Enroth, "Churches that Abuse", should be updated with this recent development.


AP said...
I'm sure some out there are questioning the use of the term witch hunt here. What is now apparently happening in WELS meets the major criteria of a witch hunt:

1. An insecure leadership or governing authority who for some reason feel threatened. A historical example would be the Puritan ministry in 1690s Salem after the colony had lost its charter.

2. The perception (and only perception) of some secret, internal enemy that is blamed for all that is wrong with society (or in this case church). This enemy is organized, there is never just one, and there is some leader. At Salem, former minister George Burroughs was thought to be the leader or a secret society of witches.

3. An inquisition of some sort, meaning an effort to uncover members of this secret organization. Guilt or innocence is never the issue at these "trials". The point is to get the accused (who is already presumed guilty) to name names.

4. Overreach. Eventually, the witch hunt goes too far, and slowly the absurdity and flat out wrongness of it all becomes apparent. It usually takes some very brave souls to stand up to it, often to go down for it, for the thing to end. Giles Corey was pressed to death at Salem for refusing to offer a plea before the witch hunting court. His brave stand was a turning point. Guilty people do not die for principle.

It seems that Intrepid Lutherans have now become the "enemy within" as John Demos calls the victims of witch hunts. Let us hope that the absurdity of an inquisitorial witch hunt in WELS will become quickly apparent and that a rising swell out outrage will shame the powers that be into stepping back from the cliff.

Dr. Aaron Palmer
Paul McCain said...
While I have no spoon in this soup, I would simply like, with respect for all involved, to say that if a church body has determined for itself a doctrinal position and has chosen persons and processes for assuring that members of the church body in fact adhere to those doctrinal positions, it should come as no surprise when a person who has been removed from said church body and still is running a blog site involving members of his former church body causes those members to come under suspicion of sharing in that person's positions.

I can't see how, as a matter of principle, the actions of the WELS Council of Presidents can be faulted.

It seems only natural that the WELS would wish to assure itself that those who participate on this forum do not share in the opinions and positions of the person who was recently removed from the WELS.

And if they do, would they not also be duty bound to leave the WELS and find their church fellowship elsewhere?
AP said...
With sincere respect to Pastor McCain, who is quite right on the NNIV:

I have been hearing this argument over and over. It is based on logical fallacy and faulty assumptions.

This silly notion of blog fellowship is rooted in a classic fallacy: Pastor Rydecki believes X. Pastor Rydecki is a member of Intrepid Lutherans. Therefore, all Intrepid Lutherans believe X. It would be like saying, Thrivent gives financial support to WELS. Thrivent gives financial support to ELCA. Therefore, WELS and ELCA are in full doctrinal agreement. The fallacy isn't even then applied consistently.

Moreover, why is it so difficult for people to read the original statement that we endorsed when we signed onto Intrepid Lutherans. It clearly explains what a signature here means and what it does not mean. So why is it logical to assume anything different? You are talking about pure "guilt" by association here, which was actually one of the strongest forms of evidence used against so-called witches in the early modern period.

I agree that the COP's job is to oversee doctrine and practice in WELS. I wish they would in fact! I would like someone, for example, to explain to me why it has allowed questionable (the kindest word I can use) practices adapted from heterodox sects to freely flourish in WELS. I hear the LCMS has the same problem. Seems like selective prosecution to me.

Dr. Aaron Palmer
Anonymous said...
Amen, Dr. Palmer.

Christian Schulz
Anonymous said...
WELS J.P. Koehler in “Gesetzlich Wesen unter uns,” "Legalism among Us," put it this way (pp. 238–39; emphasis in original):

"Owing to the Lutheran emphasis on justification and faith, it is natural that among us doctrinal presentation receives emphasis for the purpose of preaching the gospel. . . . by this term I understand such adhering to orthodoxy where the stress is shifted from faith to correct faith. . . . Such adherence to orthodoxy is primarily of an intellectual kind and functions by demanding and with an admixture of consciousness of one’s own being in the right or having everything right.

This bravado of orthodoxy feeds on the factious spirit which opposes the ecumenical spirit. For that reason it gets caught up in words instead of living in the facts. The result is traditionalism which has lost the spirit of the words, the spirit of the gospel. All of this is of a legalistic nature and opposes the gospel, and shows that in the course of doctrinal controversy the adherence to orthodoxy has deserted the basis of the gospel."

+ Pr. Jim Schulz
Anonymous said...
In the situation with Ecclesia Augustana, Rev. McCain, the contributor hasn't broken the WELS' fellowship laws. The only thing they were right about, according to their doctrine, was that he couldn't play the organ at a Vespers hosted by a non-WELS, but confessionally Lutheran, parish (which actually, ironically, agrees with WELS' Article II of the constitution). He did, in fact, pull out of that service (which is much more than Rev. Mark Jeske did with the Change or Die conference). The most significant thing, however, is that they have now gone beyond their written fellowship doctrine and have now included, ex cathedra, blog fellowship -- the same thing as free conferences which they actively host and participate in. In addition, according to his meeting with the high ups, he can't perform organ concerts. Concerts, before this, we're never in question; Worship services were. But then again, being selective, whether it's our contributor or Rev. Mark Jeske, is ridiculous. They'll pick on a confessional college kid but refuse to discipline liberal, non-subscriber of the BoC, Rev. Mark Jeske, as mentioned in my previous comment. Same with all organ players who perform concerts in their local AGO chapters. This is the new, de facto and massively hypocritical, doctrine and ridiculousness of the WELS' leadership.

In regards to justification and Fr. Rydecki, again, the Lutheran Confessions are all (including the Scriptures of course) the pastors subscribe and swear to, as I hope you are aware. Not other booklets produced in the 90s or 30s, etc. So according to the WELS' doctrine, Article II of their constitution, Fr. Rydecki has done absolutely nothing heretical.

So with these two anecdotes, it should be be shown that neither of these men have violated WELS' doctrine according to Article II of their own/previous constitution. If the WELS wants to be honest they should include This We Believe in Article II of the constitution and get on that stat. Same with their old, and now ex cathedra, theses on fellowship.

Christian Schulz
Pastor Spencer said...

To all readers, especially those engaged in this current discussion -

Many times over the past several months, I have said that I will not allow this blog to become absorbed in the justification debate going on in the WELS. I have said this to proponents on both sides and to various of our synod's leaders.

Upon further consideration, I have come to believe that I was wrong. I was being stubborn and arrogant. Who am I, after all? I do not "own" Intrepid Lutherans. It does not belong to me. If people want to debate this issue and want to do so on this blog, they should have the right to do so. While I may not think it is as important as, say, the translation issue, others may feel different. This is, after all, a "discussion forum," not a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pastor Spencer. I for one am not beyond admitting when I make a mistake or act arrogantly and prideful. This was not always the case in my younger days. I hope I have grown and matured in this regard, at least somewhat.

In addition, I believe I am following the thinking of Gamaliel, which God the Holy Spirit inspired St. Luke to record in Acts 5:33-42. Let Pastor Rydecki thoroughly explain exactly what he believes, and what he does not, and why. Let others argue and debate with him as much as they want. If his ideas are truly opposed to the Gospel of Christ, they will come to nothing. However, perhaps in the process we can all learn something, deepen our understanding, explain God's plan of salvation even better, and grow in our faith. Thus, I see it as a win-win situation. Again, if people don't want to debate this or even hear about it or see it on this blog, they will "vote" with their keyboards and wallets, and we will go out of business post haste!

Oh, and no one has asked me to step aside and allow this discussion, and I have not received any pressure or "advice" from either side. This is my own decision. For myself, I still hope to remain on the good Lutheran middle path, and serve mainly as a referee.

One thing: I urge both sides to keep your comments civil and brotherly. You can be firm, make strong statements, and even be strident and passionate. However, there is a big difference between a heretic and a damned heretic! If I see any comments which declare people on either side as "going to hell" or words to that effect, and I can reach the delete button first, they will not see the light of day. I hope my fellow moderators will follow me in this. Marquis of Queensberry debate rules, if you please.

OK, go to your corners and come out punching. And may God defend the right!

Pastor Spencer
Anonymous said...
Pure doctrine is simple and easy to understand. To paraphrase Dr. Luther: "For, thank God, a child seven years old knows" what justification is:

Justification is by faith alone.

nnuf said.

Cf. Formula of Concord - Solid Declaration III:25

+ Pr. Jim Schulz
Anonymous said...
Let the witch hunt begin. That is not what COP comments said. This is not a civil response in my humble opinion.
Rod Dietsche

Joe Krohn said...
Pr. Dietsche, it is not what the words said but what is implied. These signers will be 'interviewed' and systematically 'encouraged' to withdraw their names from the roll, or else. As one who has witnessed the dark side of the WELS; Whereas; in one meeting with a future DP, there was a fleeting moment where I feared for my physical safety; Pr. Rydecki was not removed from the WELS ministry for false doctrine, but because he would not adhere to their agenda. I am not 'grinding my ax' as some are wont to say, but to simply state the truth on what I have seen.

In the spirit of fraternal admonishment,
LPC said...
The tenor of the COP comment implies that these DPs want to know the colours of the signers of IL.

So, to the IL signers, show your colours when they come around to ask you through your pastors whether or not you stand or oppose Pr. Paul Rydecki on Justification. It is not Pr. Rydecki who is forcing this, it is the COPs, so OK fair enough. I am quite glad that it is not Pr. Rydecki who is forcing the issue for it shows he has no interest in being divisive, but just to articulate his faith, his conviction, as to what he believes the Scripture teaches.

IMO, I do not think any IL can be in the middle here; at least if we read the statement made by the COPs as documented in this post. It appears an IL signer is required to state where he/she stands.

By not showing where you stand, by default you have announced your colour - it is yellow. Thus, let them know. This is a great opportunity to make your confession known.

LPC said...
The tenor of the COP comment implies that these DPs want to know the colours of the signers of IL.

So, to the IL signers, show your colours when they come around to ask you through your pastors whether or not you stand or oppose Pr. Paul Rydecki on Justification. It is not Pr. Rydecki who is forcing this, it is the COPs, so OK fair enough. I am quite glad that it is not Pr. Rydecki who is forcing the issue for it shows he has no interest in being divisive, but just to articulate his faith, his conviction, as to what he believes the Scripture teaches.

IMO, I do not think any IL can be in the middle here; at least if we read the statement made by the COPs as documented in this post. It appears an IL signer is required to state where he/she stands.

By not showing where you stand, by default you have announced your colour - it is yellow. Thus, let them know. This is a great opportunity to make your confession known.


Anonymous said...
This is starting to put things, around me, in a certain perspective.
What does this mean, to laity, who signed, those deemed non members?

What exactly, is being done & what are those who stand fast & firm, in for?
Heidi Stoeberl
Pastor Spencer said...

I'm not sure, frankly, what this means. I have spoken to the synod President about this. It is my understanding that each District President will handle this in his own way.

I can say this much: I have had dozens of contacts from Pastors around the synod who have said they are not going to change the way they preach and teach, namely, that we justified freely by grace and saved by faith in Jesus given by the Means of Grace. To a man, they have deemed this debate "an argument over words." Ovbiously, Pastor Rydecki does not see it that way, and neither does the CoP. So, exactly how this will play out in the end - God alone knows. Again, I say, let Pastor Rydecki explain his position thoroughly and completely, and let the Pastors and people "test the spirits." (First John 4:1)

Thank you.

Pastor Spencer
Rev. Paul A. Rydecki said...
Just to remind everyone, I was perfectly willing and even eager to continue studying the doctrinal issues with my brothers in the WELS in order to determine if it was all just "an argument over words." I wasn't the one condemning people as false teachers or calling on them to repent for their teaching on justification. Not once. It was the WELS leadership that determined I was the false teacher and called on me to repent for teaching that sinners are only justified through faith in Christ. So at this point, if one believes that it was all "an argument over words," then what will he do with the WELS COP that has condemned a man (and divided a congregation) over a simple matter of words? It seems to me that one cannot sit on this fence for too long.

LiveLeakers - The WELS COP Minutes - Mostly Boring and Secretive

Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

Conference of Presidents

January 4-9, 2013


Saturday, January 5

8:30 a.m.         Bible study (wives welcome!)                                                       John Seifert
District President Seifert led us in a Bible study on 1 Peter, making reference to particularly the matter of suffering unjustly as a Christian in the world today. [GJ - This is especially ironic, since the DPs cause so much of it, with their apostasy, hardness of heart, and persecution of the Gospel.]

9:00 a.m.         Plenary session – preliminary business
            Consent agenda
CA.01 Minutes, October 2011 meeting and November and December  2011
Motion made, seconded, and carried to accept. 

P.01     Approval of the agenda
P.02     President’s report
President Schroeder reported on the progress of the sale of the two properties that the synod owns.   There are a couple of prospective offers on the table.   CMO still looks good for the end of the year.  Subscriptions for next year already look encouraging. 

P.03     Preview and initial discussion of committee tasks
P.04     Future meetings and significant dates
            April 3-5 @ SAB                 8:30 AM Wednesday to Noon Friday
May 16-18 (at MLC)
May 16-17:                   Assignments (begins 8:00 am)
May 17                          MLC Commencement concerts (4:00 &7:30 PM)
May 18                          MLC Graduation (10 AM) and call service (2:30 PM)
May 20                                  Meet at SAB
May 21-24 (at WLS)                         
May 21:                         Vicar assignments (begin 8:00 am)
Vicar call service (7:00 pm)
May 22:                         Pastor assignments (begins 8:00 am)
May 23:                         WLS Call day service (10:00 am)
May 24:                         WLS Graduation (10:00 am)
                                                July 29-August 1                Synod Convention at MLC

10:00 a.m.       Plenary session – personnel

P.05     Green sheet review and update 1
The DP’s spend a considerable amount of time discussing various situations in their districts where individuals would benefit from the ability to consider a call. 
P.06     Interviews, inquiries, and colloquy update
P.07     Special situations
A number of special situations were discussed and district presidents offered advice to those who brought up the particular situations in their district. 
P.08     Retirement calls
P.09     Vacancy profile
A poll of the districts indicated about 30 parish pastor vacancies, 6 part-time, 2 professorships and 5 others, for a total of 43 vacancies.  Preliminary

1:30 p.m.        Plenary discussion (see list) or possible committee meetings

3:15 p.m.        Plenary discussion or possible committee meetings

Sunday, January 6

Morning        Worship at area churches
The member of the COP divided up to attend local WELS congregations.  Several served as preacher for the day and several led Bible studies at the congregations. 
Afternoon     Group activity

Monday, January 7

8:00 a.m.         Bible study                                                                                       John Seifert
Pastor Seifert continued with his study of the ways in which we, as Christians, may have to suffer for our faith.   We concluded our devotion with the singing of a hymn.

Tuesday, January 8

8:30 a.m.         Bible study                                                                                       John Seifert
Pastor Seifert continued his study of 1 Peter and led us in a discussion of how suffering for Jesus’ sake affects us particularly as pastors and district presidents. 

9:00 a.m.         P.10 Plenary:  Calling for CCC director
A call was extended by the COP to Jonathan Hein to serve as the CCC director.  This call is a limited (2 year) call, and requires the individual called to still serve in his present parish, but would be assigned a graduate assistant to compensate for the time he spends on establishing the CCC program.

9:30 a.m.         P.11 Plenary:  NPH presentation 1                                             John Braun
Rev. John Braun joined out meeting to explain a variety of things that NPH has in the works, including a possible catechism revision, an update on the plans for the 500th anniversary celebration of the Reformation, and Forward In Christ.

                          Catechism survey
The Kuske text has not been revised in quite a few years.  NPH sent out a survey that helped them determine what kind of catechism they should seek to produce for pastors, if a revision/new type of catechism is to be made.  A number of very interesting “reflections” were formulated from the information that the pastors sent back.   NPH will continue to work toward the production of materials that will assist pastors in  teaching the catechism/doctrines of Holy Scripture to the youth in their congregations.

                          Reformation 500
A logo for the celebration has been produced, three Bible studies will be made available, DP’s are being encouraged to assign district essays focusing on our Lutheran heritage, district rallies are encouraged, NPH will reissue several books on Lutheran topics, a biography on Luther is being reviewed, and a new work on the Augsburg Confession is being prepared.

                          FIC Centennial
NPH continues to provide a voice for the WELS through FIC.   AT present FIC is self-supporting.  In order to not jeopardize the revenue stream that keeps FIC self-supporting it is looking at ways to go digital.

10:45 a.m.       P.12 CECW presentation                                                   James Huebner
Vice President James Huebner presented the resolutions that the CECW hopes to send to the 2013 synod convention with the approval of the COP.   The members of the COP thoroughly discussed the proposed resolutions.  VP Huebner took note of the discussion and stated that he would take the gist of the discussion back to his committee. 

11:30 a.m.       Plenary discussion

1:00 – 5:00      Committee meetings
5:00 p.m.        Adjournment

Wednesday, January 9

7:00 a.m.         Plenary discussion and/or resolutions
8:30 a.m.         Bible study                                                                                       John Seifert
Pastor Seifert continued with his Bible study on “Our Savior Surrounds Our Suffering, based on 1 Peter. 

9:00 a.m.         Plenary discussion and/or resolutions
11:00 a.m.       Adjournment

COP January 2013
Called Workers Committee

W.01  Develop Guidelines for retirement calls
Background:  There are currently no comprehensive guidelines for congregations and called workers when retirement calls (or “semi-retirement calls”) are being contemplated.
The Called Worker Committee recommends the following revised guidelines be adopted:

 Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
Conference of Presidents

Guidelines for Congregations Considering Calling 
A Retired Pastor To Serve 

Definition:  A retirement call is a one year renewable call extended by a congregation to an individual who has fully retired, which will allow him to work less than 20 hours per week (in order to comply with WELS VEBA pension requirements and Social Security requirements if applicable.)

Criteria for Congregations
  1. The congregation will pay an appropriate amount of compensation for the work that is required.    The congregation will arrange for all allowable tax deductions, including utilities and mileage allowance. Reasonable moving expenses should be provided for the pastor when he arrives and when he leaves. The congregation should consider paying the retirees’ health insurance premiums.
  2. The congregation will provide adequate housing, if needed.
  3. The congregation will do its best to maintain reasonable congregation mission offerings.
  4. The pastoral work requested should be limited in scope and spelled out in writing.   (Congregations should keep in mind the amount of preparation time required for various pastoral duties.)
5.    A formal call should be issued with the right of mutual renewal each year. 

Guidelines for Retirees Considering 
   A Retirement Call

Qualifications:  The pastor who is considering a retirement call….
  1. Should be in general good health.
  2. Should be flexible regarding type of service and willing to work toward congregational growth (not just in a holding operation of a “dying” congregation).

Guidelines for District Presidents 

  1. A questionnaire will be sent out by the synod office  to all pastors 60 years of age and older to determine those interested in a retirement call.
  2. District Presidents are responsible for disseminating information to pastors on opportunities to serve after their retirement.
  3. District Presidents will have access to a data base listing those interested in receiving a retirement call.
  4. District Presidents should share locations where retired men could serve.


W.02  Caribbean ministerial education
Background:  The WELS mission in the Caribbean has made proposals regarding the training of “native” workers.
The Called Worker Committee recommends the adoption of The Caribbean Ministerial Education Proposal.  ADOPTED

W.03  Teacher certification revisit
Background:  This issue was discussed at a previous meeting and a resolution was passed.  Due to communication problems, however, the COP misunderstood the concerns of MLC and the adopted resolution did not address those concerns.
We concur with the opinion that training for the teaching ministry in the WELS is best accomplished at MLC.   However, we do not feel that the moratorium proposed by the MLC Administrative Council will solve the problem of using the certification program as an alternative to an individual receiving his or her teaching degree at MLC.   Therefore we reiterate our recommendation that the COP not adopt this proposal.    ADOPTED

 W.04  Changing minds on retirement plans
Background:  There have been instances in which called workers have announced certain retirement plans and dates, only to “change their minds” later as the date approached.  This causes difficulties for congregations making plans for the future.
The Called Worker Committee does not see this as a major issue requiring the formation of a policy.  The Called Worker Committee asks that District Presidents include in their district or conference reports an encouragement to those who have officially reported to their congregation and/or the synod their plans to retire, not to rescind their decision once it has been made. 

W.05  Provisional calls for non-MLC graduates in specialty call
Background:  It is recognized that there are times when a non-MLC graduate will be called to serve in an area requiring a specialization not provided by MLC.  Since such calls are extended to non-certified teachers, by policy those calls should be extended provisionally.
Since there is already a policy that states that non-certified teachers who receive calls should be given provisional calls, the committee feels that there is no need for a policy designed specifically for those who have “specialty calls”?

W.06  Use of recent MLC graduates on call lists
Background:  There have been questions regarding the time when a graduate of MLC can receive his/her first call. 
The Called Worker Committee concurs with District President Guse, who has suggested that  “ no graduate of MLC  be used on a call list until having fully completed three years of service”  in the call to which he or she was assigned.   ADOPTED

W.07 Initial Compensation For Second Career Graduates
The Called Worker Committee reaffirms the current practice when it comes to initial compensation for second career graduates.    We also recommend that, if possible, the nature of and duration of previous career experience be made available both in the seminary graduates assignment book and on Progress.  ADOPTED

W.08   Pastoral Staffing Of Smaller Ministry Settings
The Committee decided to defer this item until our April meeting in order to have more time to consider the ramifications.

Rev. David Rutschow, Chm               Rev. Robert Pasbrig               Rev. D.J. Engelbrecht
Rev.  James Huebner                                    Rev. Donald Patterson

Congregations Committee Report

C.01  CCC Director position and plans
The Congregations Committee reviewed the director position description and will present it to the COP prior to issuing a call.   (This was done and the call was issued.)

C.02  Special offering for debt retirement
The Congregations Committee recommends a special synod-wide offering for debt elimination commencing in 2015 and concluding with the 2016 district conventions.

Resolution for 2013 synod convention:
SUBJECT: Debt Elimination
Resolution: 2015 Debt Elimination Program
WHEREAS                  1) five years ago a special offering resulted in our synod’s capital indebtedness being reduced by $4.2 million from $22.4 million to $18.2 million; and
WHEREAS                  2) since then the synod has made payments against the debt and donors have contributed an additional $700,000 towards debt elimination so that the debt now stands at $8.8 million and is projected to be about $5 million by the 2015 convention; and
WHEREAS                  3) the complete elimination of WELS capital debt would impact our budget by a positive $1.6 million dollars; therefore be it
RESOLVED                 a) that at the 2015 synod convention a special synod-wide offering for debt elimination be launched; and be it further
RESOLVED                 b) that all WELS congregations be encouraged to participate in this offering and observance; and be it further
RESOLVED                 c) that we pray that God bless this offering so that it would be successful in eliminating all synodical debt; and be it finally
RESOLVED                 d) that this special offering and observance come to a conclusion at the 2016 district conventions.
Motion carried.

C.03  Home Missions strategic plan
The Congregations Committee thanks the BHM for sharing this document with it. It also thanks the Lord for our home mission brothers and their dedicated efforts. It appreciates the time and effort expended in producing this document. The committee members, however, did not feel qualified to speak to the specifics of this document since it is unaware of the background, issues, discussions, etc., that produced it. The committee does suggest, however, that the BHM and its DMBs contact the respective district president about congregations that they deem unhealthy.* 

*Note: This is the type of work that the newly initiated CCC will be doing.

C.04  Designated Day for Walking Together Sunday
The Congregations Committee disagrees with the effort to select a particular Sunday of the year for the Walking Together Sunday, but it encourages that the MCG continues producing the excellent materials so that congregations can use them at their discretion as has been done in recent years.  ADOPTED

C.05  Final memorial for District Council
                The synod bylaws currently state:

District Council
Section 1. The districts shall have a district council. The council shall be composed of the president, the vice presidents, the secretary, synodical council lay member, the circuit pastors, the chairmen of the district boards, commissions and committees and coordinators.
Section 2. The council shall meet at least once a year to counsel together in matters pertaining to the welfare of the district. At the discretion of the president, it may meet more often.
Section 3. The council shall nominate a slate of candidates for election to the nominating committee of the district, composed of at least two nominees for each position. The slate of
candidates shall be sent to the convention delegates at least 30 days prior to the
Section 4. The council shall submit a written report of its activities to the regular district

Section 1 (rewrite)
The districts MAY have a district council which would be composed……
Section 5 (new)
In districts without  district councils, the nomination of a slate of candidates for election to the district nominating committee shall be done by the circuit pastors of the respective conferences.

C.06  Final memorial for district legislation committee
                The Congregations Committee agrees with the wording as is.

To:                          Convention 2013 Constitution Committee
From:                    WELS Conference of Presidents
Date:                     October 12, 2012

The WELS Conference of Presidents requests that a change be made to the Constitution for the Districts, Article XVII, Legislation Committee.  Below is that section, with proposed changes in red:

Section 1. If it is deemed to be valuable to a given district, The president and vice presidents may appoint a district legislation committee from each state in the district as the synod’s interests may require or designate another standing district committee (e.g. the District Constitution Committee) as the district legislation committee.

Section 2. The committee shall take note of bills introduced into the state legislatures and provincial assemblies in their district which may affect the interests of the synod. In cases where the interests of the synod may be affected, the committee shall inform the district president and the synod president. The district president and the synod president shall take such action as they deem necessary. 

C.07  Youth Rally timing
The Congregations Committee thanks the Commission of Youth Discipleship for their information and rationale on the timing of future youth rallies and encourages the CYD to continue its planning and efforts.

Respectfully submitted,
Chairman, Rev. John Guse
COP January 2013
Doctrine Committee

D.01 Women professors at MLC
Background: Long-standing discussion item addressing concerns about the role of women serving as professors at Martin Luther College.
The Doctrine Committee will discuss this issue and present its findings at a future meeting of the COP consistent with our doctrine and practice and providing direction and guidance for remaining unresolved issues.
D.02 Women lectors in worship
Background: A COP member raised the question about the propriety of using women as lectors in worship services. Initial consensus agreed that this is a practice that should not take place in our churches in view of the biblical statements on authoritative teaching as well as how the divine call to the public ministry comes into play.

The Doctrine Committee will discuss this issue and determine whether this matter should be addressed by COP policy resolution, a consensus agreement, or by some other means. 

D.03 Choir fellowship issue
Background: Questions have been raised about the practice of Lutheran high schools and colleges having non-WELS/ELS members as a part of choirs and other musical groups that participate in worship services.

For resolution by the COP:
The Doctrine Committee would like reaction and feedback from the plenary COP in preparation for a meeting with the executive committee of the Association of Lutheran High Schools (ALHS). The Doctrine Committee would like to meet with the ALHS leadership to determine what issues our high schools and colleges are wrestling with relative to this matter.

Following our meeting with the ALHS leadership, the Doctrine Committee would like to produce a study document for use in our high schools and colleges, so that we can grow together in our understanding of the Biblical principles of fellowship and God-pleasing applications. We hope to achieve consensus around God’s Word and consistency in practice across our synod.

D.04 Military Chaplaincy
Background: The COP has received a document suggesting a possible change in the WELS view of the military chaplaincy.

The Doctrine Committee will react to the document and determine if further action is required.

D.05 Question from seminary student on COP policies regarding pornography
Background: A seminary student working on his senior project has asked for specific COP policies regarding the way that pastors involved with pornography are dealt with.

The Doctrine Committee recommends that due to its complex nature another topic be considered for a senior thesis project. 

Herb Prahl, Chairman
Jon Buchholz
John Seifert
Earle Treptow
Don Tollefson

Plenary Discussion items:
            PD.01  Called workers with non-WELS spouses
·         One item of discussion involved called workers who marry spouses that are not of our fellowship and do not wish to join our fellowship.  The COP has a policy in place already when it comes to assigning graduates who are married or plan to be married to non-WELS individuals, who are not in the process of becoming communicant members of the WELS.    It was moved that some sort of procedure be put in place to flag those who are already serving who are married to non-WELS spouses so that calling bodies would be aware that such a situation exists before they would extend a call to such an individual. 

            PD.02  Intrepid Lutherans
·         Another item involved the Intrepid Lutheran website.  There is a concern that those who still wholeheartedly support this group by being “signers” are also supporting a pastor who has been removed from the ministerium of the WELS for doctrinal reasons, because he has been given a forum on their website.  The consensus was that each district president should approach pastors in their district who are listed as “signers” on the website and determine whether or not they are in support of the false doctrine that the suspended pastor espouses.   

            PD.03  Pornography use among called workers
·         There is a concern that there may be an increasing problem with the use of pornography among called workers, reflecting a similar problem in our society in general.   There are a number of programs available to help deal with this problem, should a congregation or a district presidium be faced with this issue.

            PD.04  Post-CRM men preaching (“licensed” preachers)
·         This item was deferred by the Called Worker Committee in order for us to more fully discuss the issue and its ramifications.

            PD.05  Future of the off-site meeting
·         There should be funds available yet from the Thrivent grant to continue the practice of one off-site meeting for one more year.

            PD.06  Time of Grace board membership
·      President Rutschow did not have anything new to report on the issue of Time of Grace and its board membership.  The SEW district is continuing to work with TOG to resolve any issues that remain.

            PD.07  Special support payments
·         DP’s were reminded that congregations are responsible for the 3 months support of called workers whose calls are terminated or who resign for the good of the kingdom.  Thereafter the synod may provide support for another 3 months (declining amount) if application is made.  It should be noted that synod support is not automatic, but that individuals who apply for synod support must submit documentation on income and expenses on a monthly basis to determine whether/how much support can be offered.

            PD.08  Access to Progress by former DP’s
·         Giving access to Progress to former DP’s has not been a policy in the past.  We do not feel that a change in policy in this regard would be advisable.

            PD.09  Appointment of Caleb Bassett to the hymnal project
·         This appointment was made.