Saturday, December 14, 2013

Group Lovies for LCMS-WELS-ELS.
Predicted Here Long Ago - Like the Sears/Kmart Merger

As my judo instructor said,
"Everyone start crapping."

Matt Harrison:
We enjoyed a significant meeting with the leadership of the Wisconsin and Evangelical Lutheran Synods this week past in AZ., per direction of the conventions of WELS and the LCMS. Very frank. Very positive. Like meeting a twin brother who was separated at birth, fifty years later. Humbling.


GJ -  Cough. Cough.

They share Mark/Avoid Jeske, one of the worst ecumaniac false teachers around, so they are hardly twins separated at birth.

They are more like a three-way morganatic marriage, denied by all three parties.

Readers may go to the link to enjoy the sanctimonious exchanges.

The ELS is going away soon, according to their own study. WELS and Missouri cannot drive people away fast enough for the Shrinkers.

Soon no clergy will comprehend Lutheran doctrine or Lutheran worship. They will be entirely devoted to Fuller/Trinity or the Church of Rome. That would make a good division. The Fuller crackpots could all move over to WELS while those who covet Holy Mother Rome could gather around the McCain/Weedon papalists at the Purple Palace.

WELS would gain the most at first, but at least Missouri could get rid of Jeske.

Thrivent could have two divisions, to fool them. One would be similar to Thomas A. Nelson and pretend to be bland, generic Protestant. The other division would be like TAN and be virulently anti-Lutheran, as befits the Roman wing.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

St. Mark Eau Claire, Wisconsin - WELS

St. Mark Special Voters Meeting:  December 16th, 2012 @ 9:20 AM  
Opening devotion and prayer – followed by roll call
   1.  Approve Council recommendation to revise 2012‐2013 ministry plan  
Remove the 50% synod subsidy reimbursement in the 2012‐2013 ministry plan/budget.
Because Pastor Prahl serves as District President, our congregation is eligible to invoice the synod monthly for nearly 100% of Pastor Naumann’s total compensation. The St. Mark budget/ministry plan approved in July 2012 called for our congregation to  challenge ourselves to invoice the synod for 50% reimbursement rather than 100%. This has been a significant challenge and we have been unable to fulfill our intention.
2.  Approve Council recommendation for 3333 State Street property
a)      Apply for tax exempt status to alleviate property tax burden for 2013
Winterize house (i.e. drain pipes, turn off main electrical service in home)
Use the winter 2012‐2013 to assemble plans for the site, said plans to include:
i) Arranging contractors for asbestos abatement, well abandonment, septic abandonment/destruction, empty fuel oil, remove/reclaim structure, lumber, appliances, cabinetry, pipes, wiring, etc.
ii) Tree removal and earthwork.
b) Garage to be used for storage, dwelling to be unoccupied, insured with Church Mutual accordingly
Announcements and Adjourn with prayer.

Christmas gift for called workers,
hourly staff, and volunteers
The Council has decided the
congregation will not distribute a
separate envelope for any type of
Christmas gift for called workers,
hourly staff, or volunteers. This is
because of the tax impact to both the
church and individuals receiving the
gift. St. Mark is tremendously blessed
with a tireless, gifted, and humble staff.
Everyone is encouraged to express your
gratitude and thanks individually, or
amongst (sic) small groups outside of any
officially recognized St. Mark group
such as CCCW, PTP, AA, WINGS, etc. If
gifts come through an official St Mark group,
they will be taxable and would need to
be included when taxes are filed. The
Council apologizes for any
inconvenience and we appreciate your
help and understanding. God's

Midweek Advent Service, December 11, 2013

Advent, December 11, 2013

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

Mid-Week Advent, Wednesday, 7 PM Central

The Hymn # 61    Comfort, Comfort Ye               2:21
The Order of Vespers                                             p. 41
The Psalmody            Psalm 100                             p. 144
The First Lection                   
The Second Lection        
 The Sermon Hymn # 76 Great and Mighty Wonder     2:2

The Plain Words of Isaiah

The Prayers and Lord’s Prayer                         p. 44
The Collect for Peace                                           p. 45
The Benediction                                                   p. 45
The Hymn #  558                                                 2:9

Second Mid-Week Advent Sermon

Isaiah 7:10 Moreover the Lord spake again unto Ahaz, saying,
11 Ask thee a sign of the Lord thy God; ask it either in the depth, or in the height above.
12 But Ahaz said, I will not ask, neither will I tempt the Lord.
13 And he said, Hear ye now, O house of David; Is it a small thing for you to weary men, but will ye weary my God also?
14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

The Plain Words of Isaiah

The Christian faith has been attacked primarily on two fronts in the last century. One is justification by faith.

The other is the divinity of Christ. The third front has been the humanity of Christ (in various eras) but the first two mentioned have been the favorites in our lifetimes and before that by 50 years or more.

When we understand the Bible as the Word of God, the Isaiah prophecies move us to faith and to greater trust in God.

Isaiah is like mine full of jewels, where they are increasingly numerous. The verses stand out because they are often quoted and so clearly Messianic.

When someone starts with the denial of the divinity of Christ, as so many modern theologians do (and Biblical critics, or so-called scholars), the verses are simply explained away.

But explanations do not work well if we look at the plain wording of the passages.
In Isaiah 7 we are expected to believe that the prophet predicted the birth of a king. That is all. A young woman will have a baby in the ordinary way and that is all.

But the words alone betray this as reading an assumption into the text. The prophet offered any miracle that Ahaz might want, down on earth or in the heavens. That is a remarkable offer, but God knew the response in advance. Ahaz refused the miracle in the guise of his great piety or humility.

This made God angry, because a gracious offer of a spectacular miracle should not be refused, especially with such a show of self-righteousness. Therefore the response of God is one designed to be unforgettable and beyond all expectations. For that reason, a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son is not an ordinary prediction but the greatest miracle of all, the Word becoming Flesh, dwelling among us. That is sealed with the name, Immanuel – God with us.

There we have the Two Natures of Christ, God and Man, just as taught in Romans and everywhere else in the Bible. The Two Natures are so clearly taught, so often taught, that we can overlook them. For instance, Jesus said in John 4 that He was thirsty. In that regard He was completely human. But in the same passage He had divine knowledge of the woman at the well – the kind only God could know. His knowledge and teaching were so powerful that she was converted and ran to tell her friends and relatives.

This is a great miracle none the less, one we should never take lightly, because the Incarnation is the message of God becoming one of us to reach us, to show compassion, to be an example, and to die as our Savior, to rise as our Redeemer.

Isaiah 9 is another example of plain words expressing a message that cannot be rationalized.

It is a baby, but Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father.

And although the greatest empires have fallen, or reduced to nothing but names, the Kingdom of Christ has grown from the beginning and extended its reach across the world. No tyranny has been able to stop it. No political effort can thwart it, although there have been and will be persecutions until the end.

If someone is wondering about the truth of the Bible, these two passages alone show how the Word of God has been fulfilled so many times, far beyond man’s expectations.

Moreover, these are Gospel passages offering hope and comfort to people. 

WELS Foreclosing on Tim Glende's First Call - Star of Bethlehem in Savoy, Illinois.
Glende Moved Prosperous Church in a Choice Location to a Cornfield,
Then Skipped Town Before It Was Built

WELS threw Gausewitz under the bus a long time ago. That set the stage for replacing justification by faith with the Calvinism and Enthusiasm of UOJ - universal salvation without faith.

Tim Glende, spoiled nephew of John Brug, looked at his first call and demanded a better building - that is - one with a coffee bar.

The debt-free building was sold off for a song to the Eastern Orthodox, who love their location on a university campus.

The congregation had to dissolve and start over again to qualify for funds! So they took on a new name, new debt, and a new location, far out of town.

Not to worry. When the mission board is done foreclosing on the loan, all that equity will go to them.

When WELS or Missouri or ELCA does something stupid, the members pay and pay, often being gouged for huge interest rates on their loan.

When these missions fail, the synod keeps the cash, so there is plenty of motivation to close congregations where the town has grown around choice property with little cash flow.

This happened because Glende had to have things his way, which may sound familiar to the excommunicated and shunned in Fox Valley.

Missouri and the Church of Rome Rise Up To Defend Braaten and Jenson;postID=2465082660885114152

Scott Yakimow

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Re: Walther
« Reply #107 on: December 09, 2013, 09:40:57 PM »
Good  grief! What foolishness. let's hear some other people on this forum speak of Dr Braaten and Dr Jenson. or do we let foolishness have the last word?

Calm yourself. Or if you wish, Google "Braaten" "Jenson" "apostasy". You will find entries going back to 2007 for a blog called ichabod-something or other, written by someone named Gregory Jackson, who may be the same as GregoryLJackson. Otherwise, you won't find those three words together except in an entry for a book Braaten and Jenson wrote that mentions apostasy. In other words, Pr. Jackson has a long-running single-handed animosity toward those two theologians. He has expressed himself long, vigorously, and frequently, but may not have made many converts. Let him alone.



While there was some problematic elements in Braaten & Jenson's earlier work, it did not rise to the level of "apostasy".  Both of their later work, however, is stellar on most fronts, with Jenson being one of the premier theologians of late 20th century and early 21st century Lutheranism.  His "Systematic Theology" (published in the late '90s) is well worth the study.
Associate Professor of Theology
Concordia University, Portland

GJ  - First of all, the ELCA journalist Charles Austin begged his chat-friends to defend Braaten and Jenson.

Michael is a Roman Catholic priest, happy to add some irrelevant remarks in the style of LutherQuest/ALPB.

Yakimow startled me by flat-lining on the topic. I looked up his bio and his school to avoid making a mistake. He is an LCMS professor of theology, having studied at Valpo and Luther Seminary. He has not completed his PhD at Virginia, listing his progress as ABD, which is not a degree. Grad students use it as shorthand for "all but the dissertation." That is where many fail to finish.

I remember when the Braaten/Jenson dogmatics came out. People were so shocked in the Lutheran Church in America that their own seminaries denied it was a textbook. Of course, it was. Official denials are almost always confirmations.

Adding to the shock - one LCA veteran told a group of clergy that Braaten/Jenson's two-volume work was a conservative effort to ward off attempts by current faculty (1980s) to dismiss all efforts at theology.

Braaten/Jenson simply mocked  the atonement and rejected every single article of faith. One famous quotation was something like this - "Luther believed in those things, but we do not."

Another one - "The Holy Trinity is nothing more than God the Father, the man Jesus, and the spirit of the believing community." That is almost verbatim from memory.

I ordered the volumes so I could read them and take notes, sending them back with a demand for a refund and a blistering note of no-thanks. The smart-alack response from Fortress Presss, "This is a best-seller."

I was leaving the LCA, so that episode became a building block for Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure. I have watched the career of Braaten ever since. After working his entire life to establish post-Christian theology, he revolted against the natural consequences of his leadership and earned his spurs as a born-again ELCA critic.

Not content to ruin the LCA and ELCA, he appeared at the LCMS-NALC conventicle in Iowa to lay down another smokescreen of Butmannian neo-paganism in the guise of - you guessed it - confessional Lutheranism.

Needless to say, the first openly gay (an I emphasize first openly gay) bishop of ELCA is the former Professor of Confessional Lutheranism at Berkeley.

Every MDiv in ELCA and LCMS is a confessional Lutheran. WELS is confessional, according to apostate Mark Schroeder, and orthodox Lutheran as well.  Let us take that in the spirit intended - an official denial of the Mark/Avoid Jeske takeover of the sect.

Why does my simple description of known apostates set off the ankle-biters of ALPB?


There is not simply a vast gulf between believers and the mainline leaders of Lutherdom. There is an active war, which only one side is waging. The former-believers (apostates) have fallen away from trust in the divinity of Christ, the efficacy of the Word, and justification by faith. Instead, they comfort themselves with universal forgiveness and salvation without faith. No matter where they are nestled, they unite on the basis of a common unbelief.

The apostates jump to the defense of anyone who is accurately labeled. This group has a set of verbal weapons they use to obscure the real issues. They call up all their experts among those who agree with them, their friends, their former professors, and the book reviews they have glanced at.

Apostates are always far more active and antagonistic than those who have never believed anything. Apostates have a special loathing for faith in Christ as the divine Savior, for the Word of God as the unique revelation of God through the Holy Spirit. Therefore they quibble about every term and use their superficial reading as a cover for their malignant hatred of the truth.

Apostates have a special standing in this world. Satan rewards them by giving them the most influential positions, not in spite of their short-comings, but especially because of them. Their insecurities make them more frantic to keep their influence, their un-earned salaries, and their perks. However, God punishes them by keeping them in a constant state of spiritual pain and distress. They are the mirror opposite of Romans 5:1-2. They have no inward peace, the only kind that matters, because their service to their Father Below constantly rebels against  "peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,  through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand."

So here we have on the ALPB chat-board:

  • an ELCA journalist, 
  • a Roman Catholic priest, 
  • a liberal LCMS professor, 
  • and a SpenerQuester (Carl Vehse) 

piling on poor me because I questioned the divine inspiration of the Great Walther.

Yes, the unifying factor is justification by faith. They cling to one another because they reject the Chief Article, just as Walther did.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Second ALPB Meltdown over Walther

Someone questioned Walther, Braaten, and Jenson!?


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Re: Walther
« Reply #106 on: Today at 09:38:42 PM »
Good  grief! What foolishness. let's hear some other people on this forum speak of Dr Braaten and Dr Jenson. or do we let foolishness have the last word?

Calm yourself. Or if you wish, Google "Braaten" "Jenson" "apostasy". You will find entries going back to 2007 for a blog called ichabod-something or other, written by someone named Gregory Jackson, who may be the same as GregoryLJackson. Otherwise, you won't find those three words together except in an entry for a book Braaten and Jenson wrote that mentions apostasy. In other words, Pr. Jackson has a long-running single-handed animosity toward those two theologians. He has expressed himself long, vigorously, and frequently, but may not have made many converts. Let him alone.


I am hardly alone in questioning the fidelity of Braaten and Jenson, but they are clearly in the style of this little discussion group.

I have some good information from a dissertation on Walther and the Synodical Conference. It can be found here -

The dissertation clearly explains how the Synodical Conference has fallen for relying on the work of Walther and making an idol out of every word he ever put into print. Some moan today that the Great Walther is not published completely in English.

Hoenecke, who was far better in theology, tended to look down on Walther as a religious journalist, according to Fuerbringer.

The people who want to call themselves confessional Lutherans never confess the doctrine of Luther at all.

The motley assembly of confessions, sects, and cults on this group blog should admit that they have one thing in common, the unifying creed of the Synodical Conference and ELCA - universal absolution without faith.

I dare not say Unitarianism or Universalism. Those bonded brothers are honest about their unbeliefs. Here - not.

Dr. Cruz Discovers a Dissertation - Walther Was Not the Ultimate Theologian

As Zion on the Mississippi points out, the ladies' "confession of adultery with Stephan"
was bogus, and the clergy admitted later they knew about their bishop's promiscuity.

Dr. Lito Cruz, an essential part of Team Ichabod, has been sending me material about Walther tonight. The research brings up matters that others have discussed (in hushed tones) in the past.

Here is the link to the dissertation:

Below are some comments from Dr. Cruz -

I was looking at Walther's teaching on Church and Ministry. I stumbled on this thesis 

The author of this thesis is pro-Walther yet I find it strange he did not cast suspicion on Walther's theological method.

It must be Waltherolatry.


According to A. Pieper, dissertation, p 46...

Not only did Walther use terms that were readily misunderstood by others, but another cause for 
his naevi [faults], according to his student August Pieper, was that Walther depended too heavily on the secondary sources of theology, i.e., Luther and the lesser fathers. In spite of all his  emphasis on Scripture, there can be no denying this. Although Walther was a great, and a very talented leader, he was a poor, even an inferior exegete. He had only an average knowledge of the original biblical languages. Frequently he would cite dozens of Bible passages merely because  Luther and the dogmaticians had done so. Yet these passages did not prove what they were supposed to prove. Although very eager to express himself on matters, he failed to recognize that his position was based on translations and not on the original text. Thus, he could say something as if it were doctrinally true, but without a firm scriptural basis. Over all, the knowledge of Scripture that Walther had was more an intimate acquaintance with Luther’s Bible and knowledge of certain passages rather than knowledge of the whole line of thought of a biblical book and of the original text.

Also p. 47-

According to the author

Walther built his theology more heavily on the writings of Luther and his faithful followers than even Walther would admit. This is evident from his entire way of doing theology. This characteristic appears in all his doctrinal books, papers, and essays. “His dogmatics textbook consists entirely of material taken over from others.” The method that Walther used was understandable at a time in which there was searching for true Lutheranism, and it also fully corresponded with Walther’s  spiritual development. Another reason that is frequently cited for his use of this format is that he realized how inadequate his knowledge of Scripture and doctrine really was in comparison with Luther and Chemnitz, Gerhard and Calov, thus in all modesty he was afraid of going astray in even the smallest point of doctrine.49 
Walther was a great leader and the Lutheran Church benefited much from his leadership, still no matter how justified Walther’s method of citing Luther and the Lutheran dogmaticians might have been in the beginning, it was wrong both in principle and in practice. The problem was that unlike Luther, who stressed the Bible and the study of the Bible, Walther’s positions neither rested directly on Scripture nor did they lead one directly into it. Instead he strongly stressed, to the extreme, the importance of Luther and the Lutheran Confessions and the Lutheran fathers, and certainly much more than he cited God’s Word. Utilizing this format Walther led people to think that the matter under discussion or being presented had been established sufficiently by the quotations from Luther and the fathers; therefore it was unnecessary to study Scripture. This format actually hampered people in their use and study of the Bible. And eventually, it has come to the point where the citation theologians not only quote Luther and the old fathers but now they have also included Walther and others as proof of the doctrinal stand. As pastors, theologians, and theological students took up the study of doctrinal maters in subsequent years the subject of study was not as much a study of the Bible as it was a study of old synodical reports and conference and  convention essays. And now quotations from these, not the Bible, are frequently used to support doctrinal positions.50 

In other words, LutherQuest (sic) and the ALPB Online Forum suffer from a debilitating flaw - 

Instead of accepting the limitations of CFW Walther, BA, Pietist, they make him out to be the greatest theologian of all time.

Therefore, anyone who questions the Great Walther, as he is named on a statue in Missouri, is by definition a rogue, a maggot, and a leper.

Myth versus Fact about CFW Walther

Forster's vast research reveals the true nature of the
Saxon migration that became the LCMS.
He was trained in the Missouri Synod and earned a PhD
as a historian. 

When I tried to point out the vanity of promoting the CFW Walther myth on ALPB Online's forum, I was savagely attacked in the most bizarre fashion. The ELCA journalist Charles Austin and the apostate LCMS District President ganged up with some Walther disciples to launch a series of personal attacks, which I found amusing.

I fed their rage by answering them appropriately. They made such fools of themselves that the entire thread was erased and started over again. The Austin/Benke tag-team retreated for the second round.

This is a glimpse of what the group posted when I published some facts about Walther in the erased thread:
1. I had no right posting on the discussion board until I had proved all of my credentials, including where I was trained, where I was ordained, who ordained me, whether I went to Notre Dame or not, and whether I taught in higher education.
2. I was trashing Walther.
3. I had no right posting about Walther because I was not LCMS.
4. I made fun of Notre Dame graduates (not true).
5. I belonged to more than one synod, although they failed to mention Al Barry (four synods), Robert Preus (three synods), and Rolf Preus (LCMS twice, ELS, rejected by Canada's synod, Rolf Synod once but  abandoned by the Rolf Synod pastors). The Rolf thread on ALPB has 22 pages already.
6. Did I study urban ministry under Mark Jeske? Did I know about the Jeremiah Project?
7. Did I read Arabic script? One dysfunctional pastor said I had the pillars of Islam wrong on some details. He used a post on a rarely used blog from seven years ago.
8. The same people could not find biographical details about me, though those details are published all over the Net.
9. Not to be outdone, the "moderator" Peter Speckard blocked one of my new comments and later asked,;topicseen#msg324081


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Re: Walther
« Reply #64 on: Yesterday at 06:40:57 PM »
How (and why) do so many of you know the historical details being shared in this thread? It one thing to be an historian, but something else entirely to go celebrity stalking in the church triumphant.


Allow me to briefly compare the Walther myth to the reality.

1. Myth - Walther was an orthodox Lutheran who sought to bring true Lutheran doctrine to America, which was awash in Pietism, revivalism, and all kinds of doctrine error.
Fact - Walther's academic training was limited to a bachelor's degree in a rationalistic university. He placed himself under the leadership of one severe Pietistic guru and also joined a Pietistic Bible study group. When the first guru died, he and his cell group placed themselves under Martin Stephan, a Pietist with a Pietistic congregation that was allowed to have cell groups at the church's location.

2. Myth - Walther was a leader of the Saxons.
Fact - Stephan was the person who brought the large group over the America. Walther took over gradually after organizing the riot that deposed Stephan. Without Stephan there would have been no pilgrimage to America.

3. Myth - Walther taught Luther's doctrine.
Fact - Walther learned Halle's Easter absolution from Martin Stephan who studied at Halle. Walther taught this Easter absolution, contrary to Luther, all his life. Ironically - Stephan never graduated from the two universities he attended. His role as a Bohemian Pietist allowed him to serve a special congregation in spite of his lack of qualifications.

4. Myth - Walther never went along with Stephan being made bishop for life.
Fact - Walther signed the document pledging his obedience to Stephan, as all the clergy leaders did. Oddly, Walther listed himself as the pastor of the congregation where he had resigned his call. All this happened was after Stephan left his wife and family in Dresden (except one healthy son) - taking his female groupies along on the trip, including his main mistress Louise.

5. Myth - Walther and the clergy suddenly found out about Stephan's adultery.
Fact - Vehse and Marbach defended Stephan in court in Dresden, on the issues of serial adultery and financial mismanagement. The young ladies hanging around Stephan created questions on the ship (son's account) and lots of talk in St. Louis. Stephan avoided choice land in St. Louis over garbage property in Perryville, where he was less likely to be strung up along with his obedient clergy followers.

6. Myth - The riot was caused by a sudden, shocking discovery of the adultery of Stephan, after a moving sermon and a confession by one or two ladies. Louise later denied any confession.
Fact - Since the clergy knew all about the adultery, thanks to the court case, the walks at night with young women, and various other obvious signs of moral turpitude, the riot had to have another cause. Based on the research of others, I agree that the outbreak of syphilis among Stephan's girlfriends was the breaking point (potentially fatal for the leaders) and also an ideal opportunity for Walther.

7. Myth - No one can figure out how Stephan, known for his understanding and leadership of people, became so bizarre in his behavior and demands in America.
Fact - His children died from syphilitic symptoms after being institutionalized. His wife was also ill. Stephan complained of rashes, which are a sign of syphilis. His mental decline is consistent with the neurological phase of the disease, called "the great imitator." His trips to spas and his night walks were convenient ways to be with his various girlfriends. He even moved one into his house, like Karl Barth, and moved her back in when his long-suffering wife threw the girl out.

7. Myth - Walther handled the situation well.
Fact - Walther violated the Scriptures when he failed to confront the bishop about the adultery, passing up many opportunities. When Walther went down to Perryville, he used to opportunity to arrange support for the upcoming spontaneous riot and to steal the land the group gave to the bishop. He failed to meet with Stephan. Walther arranged the riot and only took his supporters along. No dissent was allowed.

8. Myth - Things got better after a rough but necessary action.
Fact - Walther and his crew stole a vast amount of gold from Stephan, a library of 1500 books, all personal possessions, and a total of 120 acres of land. The gold went a long way toward making the society solvent again. The land was divided among the winners. The books were handy for the new seminary (a theft copied later by Seminex, with howls of outrage from the grandchildren of the original thieves). Stephan was accused of stealing money from the group, so they piled slander on top of their crimes. As Luther noted, deception is always used as a cover for greed.

Zion on the Mississippi has almost all the information needed. The book has been around for about 50 years, so there is no excuse for the fairy tales broadcast by the LCMS.

The Stephan book, In Pursuit of Religious Freedom, makes it clear that Stephan left house arrest to pursue sexual freedom for himself in America. The group felt persecuted because Stephan was under a cloud for his corruption. They were sure the Gospel left Europe when they set sail, even though Walther himself was escaping arrest warrants for kidnapping his niece and nephew.

If the readers do not think the LCMS is as mean, vindictive, petty, and dishonest as Walther appears in the Stephan book, they should follow LutherQuest (sic) or ALPB for a few hours.

I found Servant of the Word, a gushing hagiography, to be useful in filling in details, including the Missouri fable about Stephan smuggling gold pieces in his hollow cane. Sure - while they were threatening his life, stripping him down to look for money, and forcing him to sleep outside for the night, the bishop was jingling away with his gold-filled cane.

I have bought the Fuerbringer books 2.5 times, giving them away to friends to read. Fuerbringer has interesting points about NOT KNOWING the early history from his Uncle CFW and the source of the jewel encrusted chalice stolen from Stephan and used by Walther as a trophy - for Holy Communion.

There is another book, CFW Walther, The American Luther. I read that long ago.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Wit of Mrs. Ichabod, Part LXXIII

I told Mrs. Ichabod, "There were 3,600 page-views yesterday, almost 3,000 already today. What do you think of that?"

She said, "Snowed in. Nothing else to do."

I responded, "You get a post for that one."


The Second Sunday in Advent. Romans 15:4-13

Romans 4 establishes justification by faith,
with Abraham as the example,
repeated in Galatians.

The Second Sunday in Advent, 2013

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

The Hymn # 58 – Gerhardt              O Lord    4:49
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual      Romans 15:4-13
The Gospel            Luke 21:25-36 
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn #71            Watchman     4.9 

Joy in Believing

The Hymn # 304 An Awesome Mystery            4.6
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn # 647 O Little Town   4.13

Second Sunday In Advent
Lord God, heavenly Father, who by Thy Son hast revealed to us that heaven and earth shall pass away, that our bodies shall rise again, and that we all shall appear before the judgment seat: We beseech Thee, keep us by Thy Holy Spirit in Thy word; establish us in the true faith, graciously defend us from sin and preserve us in all temptations, that our hearts may not be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness, and cares of this life, but that we may ever watch and pray and, trusting fully in Thy grace, await with joy the glorious coming of Thy Son, and at last obtain eternal salvation, through Thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.

KJV Romans 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. 5 Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: 6 That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 7 Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us to the glory of God. 8 Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers: 9 And that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy; as it is written, For this cause I will confess to thee among the Gentiles, and sing unto thy name. 10 And again he saith, Rejoice, ye Gentiles, with his people. 11 And again, Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles; and laud him, all ye people. 12 And again, Esaias saith, There shall be a root of Jesse, and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles; in him shall the Gentiles trust. 13 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

KJV Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. 27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. 29 And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees; 30 When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand. 31 So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. 32 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled. 33 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. 34 And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. 35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

Joy in Believing

Romans 15:5 Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: 6 That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The apostle Paul had a mission to the Jews first and then to the Gentiles. This modeled Jesus own mission – first to His own people and then to the Gentiles as well.

The New Testament is built up on the Old Testament, so we can see that genuine Judaism is Christianity, since Jews believed in the Messiah from the beginning, long before anyone else thought of such things.

Paul’s challenge was to include the Gentiles in his Jewish-Christian congregations. Each group had a set of traditions that did not mesh with the Christian faith, but the Jewish believers had that charter membership attitude that continues today. Charter members know more than anyone else. They like to remind everyone of the past, when they worshiped at the Masonic Lodge or the funeral home, when they only had paper cups and plastic silverware. How they suffered! But they endured!

There is a modern equivalent of Judaism among Lutherans today. They comprise the infallible sect known as the Missouri Synod. They hand down the Law as given by Walther at Zion on the Mississippi. They do not agree on much of anything, but they agree about their special status and everyone else’s inability to be what they are – charter members of American Lutherdom.

God ordained that the one truth faith would be revealed to the Jews first, even though many of them became apostate. One reason for the decline of Israel was Satan’s hot pursuit of the future Messiah. When he was ejected from Paradise and cursed, the Messiah was promised that would crush his head – Genesis 3:15. Therefore, as Luther noted, Satan pursued Israel until nothing was left but a stump when Jesus was born.

When Gentiles were converted to Christ, their training consisted of learning the Scriptures, which were the Old Testament (at first). They had a very large amount of knowledge to acquire. Jews knew the Scriptures already, so the tendency to feel superior was difficult to ignore.

This struggle is exemplified in Paul’s confrontation with Peter and with Peter’s indecision about Jewish kosher laws versus Christian freedom.

This verse is an appeal by Paul that both groups show patience with one another, not just one toward the other. Unlike the great Donald McGavran, Paul and Luther did not separate groups so they could grow together in cultural ghettos. The answer to unity was not separation but mutual understanding and patience.

When people emphasize their customs and traditions, they praise what they know from their own past. When Christians have divisions based on trivia (adiaphora in the Book of Concord), they do not create unity based on one being superior to another, but through their common faith and praise of Christ.

Paul’s appeal is thus – God has been patient and forgiving with you, so be patient and forgiving with each other. We find this genius, this wisdom of the Holy Spirit in all his letters. Starting with a problem, he answers with the Gospel, because the Gospel solves problems of conflict and resentment.

7 Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us to the glory of God.

The NIV translates this as “welcome one another,” which a bit more creative than the text allows. Of course it is appealing in one sense, since we want congregations to welcome outsiders, even though the clergy do not
Receive has a double meaning here, since John also uses it as a synonym for faith. Christ came into the world He created and His own people did not receive him (John 1), but as many as received Him, He gave the power to become the children of God.

So Paul is using Gospel motivation, since Christ receives not us based on perfection but because of faith.

Romans 15:8 Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers: 9 And that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy; as it is written, For this cause I will confess to thee among the Gentiles, and sing unto thy name. 10 And again he saith, Rejoice, ye Gentiles, with his people. 11 And again, Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles; and laud him, all ye people. 12 And again, Esaias saith, There shall be a root of Jesse, and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles; in him shall the Gentiles trust.
This passage unifies the Jewish and Gentile mission. Each had its place, and they still do, since Judaism continues to be a source of Christian conversion and opposition. Just as we see within the visible church, faith creates unity and division, benefits and the cross.

So it is a great irony that this world religion for all races would come from a tiny nation so completely unified by custom. As we discussed in a class the other day, one common aspect of Judaism is kosher. They have a saying, “The Jews have kept kosher, and kosher has kept Judaism.” Few keep all the laws, but they know what they are, especially when breaking them on purpose.

Every detail of the Old Testament is part of the Gospel, so this tiny group became the launching point of Christianity, which was according to God’s plan.

Romans 15:13 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Many verses in the Bible teach justification by faith if we have eyes to see. Romans 5:1-2 addresses the effect of justification by faith, which gives us peace and access to God’s grace.

In believing we have joy and peace, for the God of hope gives us hope.

Here is the Pentecostal passage – through the power of the Holy Spirit. By that we know Paul means through the Word, not through dancing and speaking in tongues.

If we waver, the Word reminds us and teaches us again that He is the God of hope. This is a rhetorical device, where a word is repeated in the same sentence to underline a point. The God of hope fill you…that you may abound in hope.

Hope comes from the source of all hope. Reading the history of God’s actions, as we do in the Easter vigil service, calls us back to the Promises of God.

There is joy and peace in believing in Christ.