Friday, December 20, 2013

Arkansas Renewal Project Conference in Little Rock

Mrs. I enjoyed meeting LCMS Pastor Laurence White, Our Savior, Houston,
who was the best of many good speakers the first day.

White mentioned reading my articles to Chris.

We were invited to the Arkansas Renewal Project meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas. The sponsors paid for the hotel, excellent meals, and a number of national speakers, including former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, historian David Barton, and - surprise - a Lutheran pastor, Laurence White.

This was a typical Evangelical-Pentecostal group of ministers, which means that a professional group sang modern songs for everyone. The assembly did not sing on Friday, when we were there.

I wonder if the next generation will even be aware of classical Christian hymns. White's line about not needing entertainment did not get the applause of the rest of his speech.

The conference was 100% pro-life and challenged the ministers to be consistent in their pro-life support rather than get-along go-along guys. Although there was a regular urging of people to get out the Evangelical vote, most of the conference was about spiritual values and spiritual renewal.

Huckabee was asked about running for president in 2016. He switched the topic to the Senate race of 2014. He questioned the wisdom of ObamaCare and offered one possible alternative.

White impressed the audience with his comparison of Hitler seducing the Christian Church with security and privileges while he subordinating them to his Nazi cause.

The most dramatic line was about the beautiful Berlin churches that are now restaurants, art galleries, and museums. When the family traveled from the concentration camp outside of Berlin and saw the skyline of the great city, with spires of dead churches, he argued the direct connection between surrender to Hitler and the secularized buildings today.

Mike Huckabee is a regular on Fox News.
I am optimistic about what can be done, if voters take action in 2014. Only half the registered voters actually vote in national elections.

Special interest voters have almost 100% turn-outs (often fake, but there they are). The traditional Constitutional voters have to act this election or we are doomed to live in a permanent Bosnia.

Hugh Jackman and Duck Dynasty - Recent Walmart Meetings

I walked over to shake hands with Hugh Jackman after the last Walmart meeting.
LI was right behind me and did the same, saying a few words to the actor/singer.

We made a point to be early to the Walmart Saturday Morning meeting for December. We already knew that Hugh Jackman (Les Miz, Wolverine) would be in the area stores and very likely at the meeting. He was the best host ever at the annual stockholders meeting last year.

We went to the Fitness Center, where a large room was set up for the meeting. Usually the meetins are divided among the Sam's Club and headquarters meeting rooms. The Walmart choir sang popular music and Christmas carols.

We were quite close to the stage, positioned stage left. Hugh Jackman was relaxed, friendly, charming. A four year-old girl walked up with her drawing and Hugh was delighted. His father was converted to Christianity at a Billy Graham rally and raised his children in the faith. Jackman told some family stories about his father's pride in his work as a performer.

Jackman made a point of his Christian faith when he introduced the solo he sang from the movie. Best of all, he invited the Walmart choir to join him in singing Gloria in Excelsis Deo, with the audience singing the words on the screen, at the close of the meeting.

We were very impressed with everything Jackman did, but the end of the meeting was special. Jackman (unlike any other celebrity in four years) stayed after the meeting was completely over. He walked over to the mother of the little girl and talked to her. He shook hands with the Walmart executives. I saw my chance and took it.

I power-walked to the center, not far away, and reached out to join the few who realized what was happening. Jackman graciously shook hands with me and then with Martin (LI for Little Ichabod).
That was our favorite - of all the meetings we have attended together in the last four years.

Sometimes I am a little jealous of my cohorts' glamorous travels. Then I realize, "In Northwest Arkansas, the entire world comes to us."

Walmart featured Duck Dynasty's star, Phil Robertson, at their meeting not long ago.
He is the Duck Commander.

I started writing up Walmart Saturday Morning Meetings when the toxic blogger from Fox Valley referred to this area as Podunk-Land.

Sandra Bullock came to the meeting a few days after winning the Academy Award. Almost every celebrity expresses shock that a company can get an energetic crowd together for a 7:30 AM meeting on Saturday.

Contrary to the A and E channel's myth-makers, they did not make Duck Dynasty famous. But lately they have made the star even more famous, the star of every news show all day long.

Long ago, Phil Robertson began marketing his duck calls to Walmart by driving from store to store, on his own. That was off-spec for corporate marketing, so they had to write an official letter making him a vendor to Walmart.

Phil gave up a contract in professional football to keep on duck hunting, but he earned a bachelor's degree and a master's degree. As they say around here, "He ain't no dummy."

As everyone knows by now, Phil is very popular for expressing old fashioned American values in the midst of public media besotted with pro-abortion gay activism and anti-Christian rants.

The Walmart audience is drawn from all over. They are the executives who run marketing, legal, computers, personnel, real estate, and store management. They loved Robertson several months ago, without any special news story.

I read today that Walmart sold out of every bit of Duck Dynasty goods. That happens with hurricanes and tornadoes, but not with news stories.

Enthusiasts at SpenerQuest Criticize Kokomo Theses (Their Own Dogma) and Endorse DP Buchholz

UOJ Enthusiasts devour this swill, from a Missouri professor
who joined the Church of Rome after seeing a brilliant sunset -
a sign from God to join the Pope!

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Christian Schulz (Schulzcj)
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Post Number: 13
Registered: 10-2012
Posted on Tuesday, December 17, 2013 - 3:41 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I don't know if it's been brought up in this long discussion because I haven't followed it all the way through, but as far as "dealing with Scripture," what do you have to say about this paper? [GJ - Vernon Harley's paper] GFxTlhPMG8/edit?usp=sharing
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Joe Krohn (Jekster)
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Posted on Tuesday, December 17, 2013 - 7:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Harley denies the doctrine of objective justification just as ELDoNA does. Rydecki makes the same error as Harley by translating the two 'many' in Romans 5:19 as describing two different groups. All are called and few are the chosen, so why would you translate one of the 'many' to be just believers? The Bible never talks about believers as the many, but only few. To say that the two 'many' refers to two different groups, you would have to then change the meaning of Isaiah 53:11.

I asked on Rydecki's Intrepid blog on more than one occasion to deal with Isaiah 53 in regard to his position and it never was.
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Franz Linden (Franz_mann)
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Posted on Tuesday, December 17, 2013 - 7:46 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I read through the first several pages and found that there are many leaps in his explanations of the texts.

For example, in discussing the Romans passage, he makes a big deal out of the context of a verse helping us to understand its meaning, but then leaps away from the immediate context of the verse to the context of the entire book. The extended context helps us in flow of thought, but it doesn't help us understand the precise meaning of a specific verse.

It is a horrible way to do theology. A person could prove anything his sinful heart can imagine by Harley's method of hermeneutics.

The whole paper is semi-Calvinism. Sorry, Mr. Schulz.

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Rev. David R. Boisclair (Drboisclair)
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Posted on Wednesday, December 18, 2013 - 3:03 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Those of us, who are old duffers remember the controversy about the possibility of Dr. WAM, Jr. being elected SP in 1981. The rank and file synod wanted him to succeed J.A.O. Preus, but President Preus raised the legitimate concern of WAM's doctrine of Justification in his class on Romans. So, Vern Harley said that instead of the problem being WAM it is Objective Justification. His article in Christian News was "Problems with Objective Justification."

R.C.H. Lenski is one that doesn't believe in the doctrine of Objective Justification either. This generation carries on with Jackson, Rydecki, and ELDoNA.
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James Warble (Warble)
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Posted on Wednesday, December 18, 2013 - 3:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Looking at the link above, and reading the 4 questions posed to the couples in Kokomo, Indiana, is this a proper way to speak? Do we speak of sainthood apart from faith? God forgives and declares the whole world whose sins Christ bore righteous at his resurrection. Yes. But is this the same as receiving the status of saints? I don't think so. I think a saint is one who is a member of the holy Christian Church, as we confess in the Creed. A saint is one who in faith receives God's declaration and so receives his status as saint. There is a distinction between righteous and holy, isn't there?
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David Bickel (Drb)
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Posted on Thursday, December 19, 2013 - 8:49 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Luther's advice on election (Luther: Letters of Spiritual Counsel, Martin Luther, ed. & trans. Theodore G. Tappert, Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 2006):

"… the highest of all God's commands is this, that we hold out before our eyes the image of his dear Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Every day he should be our excellent mirror wherein we behold how much God loves us… In this way, I say, and in no other, does one learn how to deal properly with the question of predestination. It will be manifest that you believe in Christ. If you believe, then you are called. And if you are called, then you are most certainly predestined." (p. 116)

"Do you believe what you hear in the preaching of the Word and do you accept it as the truth? … To have faith in him is to accept these things as true without any doubting. God has revealed himself to you. If you believe this, then you are to be numbered among his elect. Hold to this firmly in with assurance, and if you accept the God who is revealed, the hidden God will be given to you at the same time… If we cling to him, he will hold us fast, and he will tear us away from sin and death and will not let us fall." (pp. 133-134)

"We should think of [Jesus Christ] daily and follow him. In him we shall find our election to be sure and pleasant, for without Christ everything is peril, death, and the devil, while in Christ is pure peace and joy. Nothing but anxiety can be gained from forever tormenting oneself with the question of election. Therefore, avoid and flee from such thoughts, as from the temptation of the serpent in paradise, and direct your attention to Christ." (pp. 137-138)

Theology of the Cross: 
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Rev. David R. Boisclair (Drboisclair)
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Post Number: 437
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Posted on Thursday, December 19, 2013 - 9:29 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I completely concur with James Warble about the Kokomo Theses. Jon Buchholz of WELS also finds fault with them, and he is from WELS! His essay is here. The provocative idea is that Judas in hell has the status of saint as do all those who are in hell. It comes from John P. Meyer's (WELS) 2 Corinthians commentary Ministers of Christ. Jon Buchholz a scholar DP in WELS writes in his paper (p. 40):

Each of these statements is so poorly crafted that it cannot be accepted, regardless of authorship. Dr. Siegbert Becker, in an essay to Chicago area pastors, rightly lamented the poor choice of words, but he upheld the statements on principle. I would like him to have said, “Throw them out and start over!” The Kokomo Statements should be roundly rejected by the WELS as an incongruous mishmash. The rejection of these statements, as they are written, is not a repudiation of universal objective justification, which these statements pretend to defend.


GJ - SpenerQuest posted the argument that everyone destroyed in Sodom has been given the status of a saint. That came from one of their regular ravers.

Typically, they flit from one person to another, their blessings resting on those who agree with their false doctrine, their curses falling on those (already forgiven!) who agree with Luther, Paul, and the Holy Spirit.

Three of the four Kokomo Theses come from J. P. Meyer's Ministers of Christ, recently reprinted  by WELS with all the offensive passages left untouched  - A. Panning (aka Panzer) - editor. The fourth one comes from a controversy between the Augustana Synod (justification by faith) and some Norwegians (UOJ).

SpenerQuesters do not know what they are talking about. When are they going to apologize for linking Paul McCain's Roman Catholic posts that were plagiarized from The Catholic Encyclopedia? He is the knave who extracts apologies from everyone spineless enough to kneel before him, but he never addresses his cowardly dishonesty.

PS - I met Vernon Harley and used his excellent essays in preparation for Thy Strong Word. I also quoted his translation of the early, German LCMS catechism that made no mention of UOJ - circa 1905.

Missouri never charged Harley with false doctrine. The conflict with WAM.2 was manufactured by LCMS President Jack Preus to make his brother Robert the president of the seminary. Apparently WAM.2 had the seminary presidency in the bag until he was publicly assaulted and humiliated by Jack.

The Robert Preus family cannot admit to the sandbagging job, not will they face the fact that Robert repudiated UOJ in Justification and Rome. Their dealing with his last book reminds me of Pentecostals dancing in the Spirit.