Friday, January 3, 2014

Rot at the WELS Seminary - The Sausage Factory.
You Are WELScome To Agree or To Apologize

WELS never voted on the NNIV itself,
but approved all translations and paraphrases.

On the Late Intrepid Lutherans:

Pastor Spencer -

May the Lord bless you richly as you continue to serve Him as a faithful shepherd.

You article and comments here spoke true. I could not agree more, WELS has set a path that barring the Lord's intervention will lead it away from Confessional Lutheranism. Only my own opinion - but the rot is set in at Seminary and all who pass through her gates will take on the rot, excepting only those few spared by the Grace of God. I always thought of this forum as a healthy place for discussion. (Hopefully the Organization will continue - all be it with a changed focus.) Unfortunately as time has gone by the discussion has become less and less and more one-sided. Now this is not through any lack of IL's wish to engage in fruitful debate but basically no one with a different opinion being willing to engage in debate. Sad as this appeared to be the last best hope for our Synod's future as a Confessional Lutheran Church body, but it appears one side is not into discussion or dialogue.

Let us all continue as God gives us the means to be faithful Berean's.

Lee Liermann

Many Have Simply Given Up on the Synodical Conference

Les Baker said...
As l read these comments and reflect on their rationale l am dismayed at the excuses. The fact is the WELS no longer follows God's Word. There is no rationale that can excuse following false doctrine!

I joined a WELSchurch almost 20 years ago after careful search and study of different denominational doctrines. The WELS was as close as l could find to what scripture taught. As a father of young preschool age children l was elated to bring my family to worship and raise them as WELS christians because there they would grow in God's Word.

lt is for the same reason that l will shortly be talking to my pastor, also my friend, to tell him l am leaving his church and will shortly join ELDoNA. All my friends are WELS. My wife and two of my sons will remain WELS. My heart is broken. At times l cry out to our Triune God asking why he let this happen to my family. Once united in faith, now divided.

So, people can keep their rationalizations about family and friend contacts. The truth is unless God, and that includes His Truth, come first you worship an idol. I speak from experience. My family has been my idol and only recently have l realized and placed them second to God. This has left me psychologically bruised and scared. Yet, God must come first or we worship the Golden Calf all over again.


GJ - Intrepid Emeritus Steven Spencer observed that WELS is incredibly stupid about most things, except for controlling people. They accomplish that superbly - through unity by hazing, abuse, and clan behavior. Like a school of fish, a WELS clan will swim in one direction together and change directions and move another direction, according to some unseen and unheard signal.

Mequon classmates always defend one another, unless the signal has gone out that someone is now a leper. He will not know he is a leper until some time has passed.

New lepers beg to be let back into the Mequon clan. One way they do this is by gushing in public about the great conference they just attended - how wonderful, Lutheran, confessional, and spiritual it was.

One FB friend from WELS just got a promotion out of the parish. He left a message on my wall - "Stop slandering WELS!" Why did he do this, since we have no personal contact throughout the year? Answer - As a FB friend he is immediately suspect as a potential leaker or secret Ichabod supporter.

I am old school.
When I was young, The Bridge was a bridge.