Saturday, January 11, 2014

Hilarious Reviews of the Andy Stanley Gay Activist Babtist Church - Where Ski, Glende, and Six Other WELS Ministers Were Trained

Research from a non-Lutheran visitor to the Stanley cult:

“The congregation of the Buckhead church, really knows how to party, every time we go on a retreat going to a bar is always on the itinerary” (Parker, 2013). [GJ - Doubtless this inspired the Glende/Ski bar ministry, which was supposedly aimed at coffee shops.]

“One thing that I find different about this huge church is that they do not have Sunday school” (Pearson, 2013) 

“The praise band is very loud and it’s more like a rock concert and the entire sermon seemed more like a very weak, self help seminar” (Brown, 2013). 

“I heard no theology or anything from the Bible until the last ten minutes of the three hour service, and  overall the sermon was boring and had no substance” (Baker, 2013).                                             
“Please don't go there expecting choir robes and a hymnal but more of a rock concert, and most disturbing to me was the fact that attendees’ never get to meet, greet or shake hands with the minister, all the services are pre-recorded on a huge screen” (Baker, 2013).  

“Besides the fact that the congregation is watching the minister on a screen, he also takes several breaks, at which time the rock ban entertains the audience, sort of like watching church on television.” (Baker, 2013). 

“This was the first church I have ever visited that had no alter (sic) call or communion on the first Sunday” (Lloyd, 2013). 

“Honestly I have visited this church on four different occasions and I will never go again because on my last visit I realized that it is nothing more than a cult” (Lloyd, 2013). 

Mark Schroeder and Keith Free had over $500,000 to give away to Ski and Glende to buy this bankrupt bar,
but they refused to help the congregation in Illinois that Glende destroyed with his bullying.
WELS will foreclose on the Savoy congregation soon,
which was "redeveloped" so Glende could make it his Church Growth sandbox.
But Glende evaporated before the new building was finished.

The Children Are Tucked into Bed Again - No More Crying from Their Nightmares.
Intrepid Lutherans Moonwalk Away

Universal Objective Justification teaches against faith
and lives in fear.
Why trust God's Word when men have all the cash?

The self-named Intrepid Lutherans are tucked back into bed again. Mark Schroeder has rocked them back to sleep. They will not bother anyone again with their posts. They give every indication of closing down for good. Later, they will erase their files.

Protests in WELS have had a mild rather than a wild history. Issues in WELS (DP Free, Dave Peters) shrank in horror when pastors found out that SP Gurgle was actually attending a meeting. Most clergy were too scared to show up. Once DP Free was gone, so was IIW and its website.

Previous to IIW, the Orthodox Lutheran Forum (Steve Spencer) folded up when clergy got nasty over sensitive topics like doctrine and practice. The only acceptable theme in any WELS effort is "The Glory of WELS and the Sanctity of Its Leaders."

Several scandals should have been enough to send Mark Schroeder and Jon-Boy Buchholz packing. Instead, they have enjoyed a second chance as members of Team Jeske.

How many sects have had the FBI show up at headquarters to seize equipment and thumb-drives full of man-boy rape videos? Only WELS. And it was not some minor employee in the building but the head of public relations. After repenting several times while pleading non-guilty, Hochmuth went back to the slammer for backsliding and breaking all his promises. Why not? He is WELS. Find one WELS official whose word is his bond.

Likewise, Buchholz was elected (with Spencer's help) to purge his fetid district of Church Growth inanities like Jeff Gunn. Although Buchholz signed the "secret" WELS petition against Mark Jeske, Jon-Boy spoke in favor of Jeske at the convention. He looked and sounded like OJ Simpson pledging to find the real killer of Nicole.

Buchie not only switched on Jeske but soon found a strange affection for the same Jeff Gunn Warren-cloning parish he was keeping off the official rolls of the infallible Wisconsin Synod. Suddenly, they were welcomed into the district, synod, and Kingdom of God by the same man who kept talking and even working against them. Immediately, anyone who criticized Gunn was evil.

At one point Buchie had the funding for Gunn's parish down so low that Jeff went looking for a new job at Wisconsin Lutheran College. Instead they hired that retro-Luther figure Paul Kelm, whose cell groups would explode into Milwaukee and convert the city like lightning - so they claimed. But Gunn was given the consolation prize - a board membership at WLC, bringing the number of people from his parish on the board to three (3). When I published that fact, it was denied (of course) and the board no longer listed parish membership.

I could list dozens of people who are scared to death that I will thank them by name for all their help. They think Jeske and Gunn are the problem when in fact - they are.

Nothing helps the opposition more than criticism followed by reversals and support. Team Jeske loves watching the so-called Intrepids moonwalk away from their blog. That is a clever move - the moonwalk, The person seems to walking forward but instead moves backward.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Strange New Name for Tim Glende's Sandbox - Will It Play in Peoria?


"I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some."
(1 Corinthians 9:22)
These words were written by the Apostle Paul nearly 2,000 years ago, and they still apply today.  Paul's words spoke to the purpose of the Church…to share Jesus with others even if it meant sacrificing his personal preferences.  The purpose of the Church in the 21st century should be no different…"to become all things to all people" without compromising the Bible so that lives might be transformed for eternity.  That's what a 922 church looks like no matter what time in history it is.
We chose this web address to encompass our ministries because it describes the kind of church that we are and strive to be in the 21st century.   We are a Lutheran Christian congregation that consists of multiple campuses in the Fox Valley Area.   St. Peter Lutheran Church & The CORE seek to reach everyone who is impacted by the world’s changing culture with the changeless Gospel, by using traditional and innovative ministries.  For us, being "all things to all people" means the following:
  • offering a variety of worship opportunities each week all grounded on the truth of God's Word but different in style - some using the traditional Lutheran Liturgy, others being modern traditional, and still others that are non-traditional.  We believe this variety is essential so that we can  reach more people.  Different worship styles "speak" to people differently, so our members and guests are able to pick the form of worship that is most meaningful to them so that they're motivated to live their lives for the Lord.
  • using technology and the visual arts in worship and beyond
  • doing life together in small groups that meet weekly throughout the year
  • being a congregation that is committed to developing creative and energetic ministry for our children and youth
  • involving all our members as partners in ministry
  • implementing aggressive outreach strategies in our growing area through programs and special events in order to reach people others aren't reaching
  • partnering with other ministries beyond our walls because the Church is bigger than us
We are passionate about sharing the Gospel of Jesus with everyone we can in our community and beyond!
Thank you for visiting our site.  We hope to have the chance to meet you in person at one of our campuses in the future.

St. Peter Lutheran Church

N2740 French Road
Appleton, WI 54913
(920) 739-2009

St. Peter Lutheran School

N2740 French Road
Appleton, WI 54913
p (920)739-2009
f (920) 739-3615


222 W, Franklin Street
Appleton, WI 54911
(920) 364-0200

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Waking Up to Thrivent's Evil - With Mark Jeske on the Thrivent Board

An Odd Choice

The guy in the Mercedes full of cash is Jordan Belfort, the real-life “Wolf of Wall Street.” Leonardo DiCaprio portrays Belfort in the new movie based on his memoir of penny stocks, prostitutes, cocaine and crime.
Belfort defrauded the clients of his Stratton Oakmont brokerage house out of more than $110 million in the late 1990s. He made (stole) a lot of money for (from) a lot of people. He still owes those people almost $100 million in restitution.
Belfort was also one of the speakers at the most recent Thrivent Financial for Lutherans‘ National Sales Meeting.
No joke.
Belfort seems an odd choice of speaker to address Thrivent’s sales force. Thivent’s website says, “Thrivent Financial does what’s best for our members, supporting the values of faith, family, stewardship and service.” So was Belfort there to teach Thrivent’s salespeople how not to do their jobs?
That must be it.


 GJ - It is well known that AAL/LB (Thrivent) converted whole life policies into Universal Life by giving half the cash value to the salesman as a commission. AAL/LB promised any interest the client or sucker wanted to predict. As everyone knows now, high investment rates are never sustained for long.

One LB salesman illustrated 12%, giving me a fortune at 65. His calculator printed it out. It had to be true. I protested that was impossible, because I knew a little about investments.

One AAL salesman told me that many of his friends retired with a fortune after doing this to their long-term clients. However Universal Life did not pan out and never paid those high rates. The policies tended to tank, requiring more money to keep up the same death benefit. (UL is defined as term insurance with a flexible side portion of cash.)

Those whole life policies had guaranteed values and prices, but the UL replacements promised nothing.

So I think this speaker was ideal for Thrivent - a grifter speaking to grifters.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Details to Follow - Martin Luther College WELS

Sunday, October 9, 2011. It was on the calendar in the student center. I assume it was similar to the "best evangelism fails" session they do during Evangelism Day.

Sending a Message to the New Love Shack in WELS?

Was supposedly leading the opposition to the NNIV.
Never voted on the NNIV but approved all translations/paraphrases.

This is the time of year when congregations are prayerfully determining the level of financial support they can provide for our common work as a synod. Congregation Mission Offerings (CMO) serve as the primary means of support for our synodical mission and ministry.
Over the past four years, congregations have done a commendable job in meeting the commitments they have made. On the other hand the CMO commitments have been relatively flat and have not been meeting the goals established by the synod in convention. CMO are still below what they were in 2007. While we have been able to avoid cuts in ministry and, in fact, have been blessed in our efforts to carefully expand our efforts, God continues to place many opportunities before us to share the gospel with more people.
Plans adopted by the synod in convention assumed a four percent increase in CMO. While this is a greater increase than we have seen in recent years, the synod in convention believed it was achievable.
The "reforming" District Pope kicks out the only Lutheran pastor in the district,
but embraces Jeff Gunn's Ministry of Plagiarism.
It’s our prayer that congregations throughout the synod will recognize the privilege they have in supporting the work we do together as a synod. God’s blessings on our synod, our congregations, and on our families have once again been more than we could ask or imagine, and our offerings for the mission and ministry of the synod are one way for us to demonstrate our humble thanks. Pray about this. Encourage one another. And trust that God will bless our efforts.
Serving you in Christ,
President Mark Schroeder

Tons of WELS money for the Glende/Ski circus,
but Glende's first parish is being foreclosed by WELS -
no mission support for the victims of Glende's bullying.

Lutherdom's Violation of the Seventh Commandment Proves One Thing:
Unbelievers Run the Show

I was preparing for the yet-untaught lesson on the Seventh Commandment, Large Catechism, Book of Concord.

I realized it was one of the funniest passages in Luther. The best humor consists of observations that go beyond the accepted view of a given situation.

Luther - Seventh Commandment:
After your person and spouse temporal property comes next. That also God wishes to have protected, and He has commanded that no one shall subtract from, or curtail, his neighbor's possessions. 224] For to steal is nothing else than to get possession of another's property wrongfully, which briefly comprehends all kinds of advantage in all sorts of trade to the disadvantage of our neighbor. Now, this is indeed quite a wide-spread and common vice, but so little regarded and observed that it exceeds all measure, so that if all who are thieves, and yet do not wish to be called such, were to be hanged on gallows, the world would soon be devastated, and there would be a lack both of executioners and gallows. For, as we have just said, to steal is to signify not only to empty our neighbor's coffer and pockets, but to be grasping in the market, in all stores, booths, wine- and beer- cellars, workshops, and, in short, wherever there is trading or taking and giving of money for merchandise or labor.

Luther expounds on all the ways people steal, such as mechanics charging too much, and ends with the Church of Rome as the primary thief.

229] Therefore they are also called swivel-chair robbers, land- and highway-robbers, not pick-locks and sneak-thieves who snatch away the ready cash, but who sit on the chair [at home] and are styled great noblemen, and honorable, pious citizens, and yet rob and steal under a good pretext.

230] Yes, here we might be silent about the trifling individual thieves if we were to attack the great, powerful arch-thieves with whom lords and princes keep company, who daily plunder not only a city or two, but all Germany. Yea, where should we place the head and supreme protector of all thieves, the Holy Chair at Rome with all its retinue, which has grabbed by theft the wealth of all the world, and holds it to this day?

And now, the "conservative" Lutheran Church takes its place beside the Church of Rome as a den of thieves, stealing from its own members - even stealing from various denominations.

The "conservative" Lutheran congregations either steal from Fuller and Craig Groeschel or they rob Rome of its titles, incensed entertainments, and robes. If they are not stealing the anti-liturgical clown acts of Evangelicals, they are cloning the smells and bells of popery. The emphasis is never upon the Word of God, which they do not trust, but upon their methods of amusing the masses.

They are lazy, greedy, and violent. If anyone dares to point out their follies, no matter how polite and deferential the critics might be, these clowns drop their smiles and pious gestures to get even. They want an open and honest discussion only among those who agree completely with them. The rest they will silence and eject, shunning them as lepers.

Lutheran pastors and laity - while they are stealing the worship of Rome and Driscoll, they are robbing you blind. They skim all the money for themselves because they are too weak to dig ditches and too proud to beg on the streets.

They scoff at the poor fools in real missions, who barely have enough to keep going, whether on the arid Great Plains or the frozen tundra of the Upper Midwest.

Intrepid Lutherans - This Is "Intrepid" - Just So You Know

LCMS/WELS Pastor Mark and Avoid Jeske
sits on the Thrivent Board.

Thrivent Choice Controversy – An Overview

Thrivent Choice Planned ParenthoodOn or about December 17th, 2013, it was discovered that Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota had appeared in the Thrivent Choice database. Thrivent Choice is a member-directed grant program funded by Thrivent Financial, “a faith-based, not-for-profit membership organization nearly 2.5 million members strong.”
Much controversy erupted, with large protests online directed against Thrivent and asking them to immediately remove Planned Parenthood from the list of approved Thrivent Choice organizations, and to setup a moral criteria for organizations allowed in the Thrivent Choice program.
This page is intended to provide an overview of the events and related links pertaining to the controversy. Please provide any additional links that should be included.
December 17th, 2013
December 18th, 2013
December 19th, 2013
  • The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod issues a statement on the matter.
  • The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod Reporter published a more detailed news story.
  • The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod also issues a statement.
December 20th, 2013
  • Thrivent issues a statement officially responding to the controversy. In their response, they remove Planned Parenthood from the list of eligible Thrivent Choice organizations.
  • At the same time, Thrivent also temporarily removes all pro-life organizations from the program. (Thrivent’s Statement)
  • My article “Thrivent’s Statement” is republished at
  • The LCMS responds to Thrivent statement with a statement of their own.
  • The LCMS Reporter publishes a follow-up news story.
  • A list of the “temporarily suspended” organizations is published. (Download PDF)
  • Christianity Today publishes a short story on the controversy.
  • Christian Life Resources issues a statement on the controversy.
  • Issues, Etc. has a half-hour open-lines discussion of the controversy. (12/20/13)
  • Rev. Todd Wilken posts some thoughts about Thrivent’s resolution. (12/21/13)
Lutheran Satire Video

St. Peter and The CORE Have Plans

Lutheran Wall of Shame on Facebook

Can't wait for January 10th when this site is launched. Watch the video below announcing it.

Will it be an effort to be This 922 Church ?

or this one?

Can't wait to see how "The Core" and all the various affiliates join together to be a 922 Church. You know you are Lutheran when you are all things to all people.


Nearby - In the Valley of the Fox -

Men of His Work or Men of His Word - Cannot get their headlines to match the story.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Grilling Outside - 20 Below Wind Chill - Chicken Ichabod Recipe

The Kingsford Grill - aka T-Rex.

Our son and daughter-in-law got us a very large portable grill, which we put together as a group. Like many projects, the directions made more sense after we were done.

We awoke today to temperatures around zero and a minus wind chill, perhaps 20 below but not bad at all around noon. It was sunny with no wind.

Everyone was crying about wind chills all over the Midwest, which were slightly better than what we had in New Ulm, Minnesota 20 years ago - 60  below for about two weeks. I do not remember anyone caring.

In that vein - Green Bay hosted an outdoor football match last night but canceled indoor school this morning and tomorrow.

Father Hollywood convinced me to try the paleo-diet, going easy on the breads (hard for a baker's son) and heavy on meat, fruit, and vegetables. However, I was aghast at the price of such things as sliced turkey and chicken. I was grilling chicken often and knew what meat prices were. Besides, deli sliced meat is really salty.

So I decided to grill twice a week, especially after finding out how good my BBQ meat was for sandwiches, warmed up or cold. I adopted a meat market (Dime's, Springdale, a few miles away), and a secondary one (Harp's) when Dime's is not open. We have used Sam's Club quite often for chicken and bacon. We figure all chicken is Tyson's anyway, since this town is their headquarters.

Here is the recipe for Chicken Ichabod. It is easy, fast, and delicious.

A grill with a rack above the main rack is best, since it is hard to make bacon-wrapped meat and grill it. One problem is the heat and the blazing, smokey fires that erupt.

I put the chicken on the main level and the bacon on the mezzanine level. T-Rex makes the bacon sit above the chicken below and drip bacon grease on it as it cooks.

I use Kingsford charcoal, mesquite style. In the past I have soaked hickory chips in water and added them to the hot coals. That really adds a great hickory smoke flavor to the meat. In Phoenix I simply cut green mesquite from my trees and tossed it in.

The drop-down hood on the T-Rex allows the bacon to heat up enough to drip down. If I leave the hood down too long, the bacon napalms and I get a roaring grease fire. Still, the results are not that bad with the roaring fire. The bacon gets crisp fast and the chicken is still good. Still, it is better to lower the hood for short periods of time. The volume of smoke is a good indication of how well it is going. I try to keep it at "Habemus papam!" rather than "Abandon hope all ye who enter here."

The Chicken Ichabod recipe works just as well for pork, so I use boneless pork steaks, which are only $5 a pound at Dimes. Boneless chicken breasts are $2 to 3 a pound, only the low end at Sam's Club. Harp's had me buying chuck eye for beef, which is a way to have a small, inexpensive steak, about $6 a pound. We would rather eat pork and chicken overall.

Sassy takes an immediate interest in my cooking efforts, as soon as she sees indications of BBQery. She decided against outdoor supervision today, but stayed in the living room - inside. She has a fur coat, but it is more of a sweater.

Sassy loves to get her share of the meat and then some.

The bonus for Chicken Ichabod is the grilled bacon. The chef and assistants get to sample the bacon as it cooks. When I cook for Team Jackson, everyone enjoys bacon and chicken. The last vote went against pepper bacon in favor of maple bacon.

The most delicious bacon is from Nicollet, Minnesota, so I may try that out on the family.

The best compliment I have had was hearing a granddaughter say, "Mom. Make sure you take home some chicken."

There is nothing like grilled chicken with that bacon-glaze flavor. It is great off the grill and superb as a replacement for $9 sliced deli chicken.

We have gone out for lunch with our son's family, but cooking together is more fun. The grandchildren are great helpers. Tammy brings fantastic desserts and other dishes. Everyone helps with the set-up and the clean-up.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Second Sunday after Christmas.

The Second Sunday after Christmas

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

Bethany Lutheran Church, 10 AM Central Time

The Hymn # 131           The Star Proclaims                4:89
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual       
The Gospel              
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn # 305:1-5                   Soul Adorn Thyself                4:23

 Planned from Eternity for Us

The Hymn #305:6-9               Soul Adorn Thyself             
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn #657            Beautiful Savior                                       4:24      

Ephesians 1:3-16
King James Version (KJV)
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:
According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.
In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;
Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence;
Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself:
10 That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:
11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:
12 That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.
13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.
15 Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints,
16 Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers;

Planned from Eternity for Us


Matthew 2:13-23 (King James Version)

13 And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
14 When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt:
15 And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son.
16 Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men. Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying,
18 In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.
19 But when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to Joseph in Egypt,
20 Saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they are dead which sought the young child's life.
21 And he arose, and took the young child and his mother, and came into the land of Israel.
22 But when he heard that Archelaus did reign in Judaea in the room of his father Herod, he was afraid to go thither: notwithstanding, being warned of God in a dream, he turned aside into the parts of Galilee:
23 And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene.

The Wise Men and the Star
We have a curious reversal about science. Today we have vast sums of money spent on exploration and astronomy, but few people know anything about the night skies above them. One reason is our lighting wiping out the star-scape, and we need them less for navigation and weather predictions.

When I had a large telescope, I looked forward to the nights when I could use it and share the views with friends. I got to know the weather and get a feel for what would happen. The moon tended to wipe out the best views, and nights with the full moon were the clearest of them all. After a full moon, we usually had days of rain in Michigan.

When the skies are blackened by a lack of artificial light, and night vision is keen, everything in the sky is known and significant. When Jesus was born people were quite observant of the sky and everything happened. The Chinese wrote down their observations.

The people who mocked the Star of Bethlehem (common when I was growing up) showed how little they knew about the sky. During the time Jesus was born, two or three events took place that are considered the Star of Bethlehem. The Chinese recorded them and astronomers can reproduce them for SRO audiences during the Christmas season at the planetarium. We saw this done in Chicago.
Planetary conjunctions are very exciting, because their wandering (Greek name for planet) in the night sky draws them together every so often. I was going to a clergy event with Chris when the night sky featured all the bright planets in conjunction. I said, “Look, that will never happen again for 1100 years.” A Harvard PhD lady pastor said, “My boyfriend loved astronomy. That was boring, so I dumped him.” In fact, I was the only pastor who noticed the night sky. Oh – we are so scientific today.

Since the night sky was the Internet, television, radio and newspapers combined, consider how the entire world viewed those celestial events. According to one theory, the conjunction of planets made it clear that the king was being replaced. Everyone knew something was going to happen. Add to that electric atmosphere, star-gazers from East, traveling a long distance and asking about this king and savior.

Kings are always jealous of their power. If they are not brutal, they are quickly replaced. Everyone knew something was about to happen, and the Scriptures said it would. Once the throne passed from the House of David, the Savior would come. Herod was not a Jew. He fulfilled that prophecy. The Wise Men placed even more emphasis upon the change by asking the king about the star.

We can easily imagine that fear, confusion, and hope were all mixed together at the same time. Herod responded with the slaughter of the innocents. The wise men had to leave town quietly. Joseph, Mary, and Jesus escaped to Egypt.

As Luther observed, the appearance of the Star shows that God ordered His Creation so that the birth of the Savior would be a world event. In many different ways, for Jews and Gentiles alike, His future ministry was announced in the clearest possible ways.

This upsets rationalists, who loved to mock the Star of Bethlehem as a fable, a myth that was invented to make the birth of Jesus more charming. When the reality of the Star is grasped, and people flock to demonstrations of its truth, the rationalists seethe that planetariums are making money from the faith of their patrons.

This is the balance between faith and reason. The Enthusiasts betray their mental laziness by mocking study, as if brainless faith is better because it is based on emotions alone. But emotions are as volatile as the weather.

Knowing and appreciating what God has done in history is one way to guard against our volatile emotions. Gerhardt was a sensitive man and experienced more loss in his lifetime than six men – loss of career, loss of his wife and all his children (except one). He was exceptional in his learning and yet he was faithful to Biblical, Lutheran doctrine – not a crafty schemer using his brains to look for job security.

We can experience his inner thoughts in studying his hymns. “How dearly God must love you” – in looking at the circumstances of the Nativity.

The Star of Bethlehem

Possible Explanations of the Star of Bethlehem

The are many possible explanations of the Star of Bethlehem which have received wide support over the years. The most widely accepted are variations on comets, novae and conjunctions, although a new candidate, which has to be taken seriously, is the idea of a planetary occultation. What are these candidates and what are their strengths and weaknesses in each case?

Planetary conjunctions

The idea that a planetary conjunction might have been the Star of Bethlehem is usually credited, erroneously, to Johannes Kepler. In fact, the planetary conjunction theory only dates back to the middle of the 19th Century. Kepler only pointed out that a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn had occurred near the time of the Nativity whilst himself favouring the nova/supernova hypothesis. A planetary conjunction is when two (or more) planets approach each other in the sky, one passing due south of the other. Conjunctions can be quite spectacular and last for several nights although a really compact conjunction lasts for just a few hours.

It was in 1968 when Roger Sinnott wrote a highly influential article in Sky and Telescope pointing to the June 17th 2 BC conjunction of Venus and Jupiter as having been particularly spectacular from Babylon that this theory took off. Sinnott’s work is still one of the finest ever carried out in this field and all the more laudable for having been done from planetary tables, without the assistance of a computer. Sinnottinvestigated conjunctions over a wide range of dates from 12 BC to 7 AD finding more than 200 conjunctions of the major planets. He also found no less than 20 compact groupings of three or four planets, of which only 4 would have been observable. After carefully filtering the events, Sinnott concluded that the 2 BC conjunction, in Leo, would have fitted the bill.

On June 17th 2 BC, as seen from Babylon, Venus and Jupiter would have set 3 hours after sunset, with the two planets too close together to separate by eye, having closed considerably in the time since sunset. In fact, we now know that the disk of Venus actually passed in front of Jupiter, occulting it partially.

The problem with conjunction though is that they are too common. When the Magi have been waiting several hundred years for the birth of the Messiah, they would have seen all kinds of occultations and it is hard to believe that a single occultation, however spectacular, could have been the Star of Bethlehem, quite apart from the fact that this one happened several years too late.

A Triple Conjunction

Any pair of superior planets (that is, planets outside the Earth’s orbit) can give rise to a triple conjunction whereby, instead of a single pass, the planets meet and separate three times over a period of a few months. The more exterior a pair of planets are, the more frequent are triple conjunctions relative to normal conjunctions, although the more infrequently a conjunction of any kind will occur.

Jupiter and Saturn will enter conjunction about every 20 years. During the last millennium BC, however, no less than 7 triple conjunctions also took place – one every 140 years, on average – although the interval varied from 40 years (as between 861 and 821 BC and again between 563 and 523 BC) to 377 years (as between 523 BC and 146 BC). Over the millennium there were 43 “normal” conjunctions between the two planets and 7 “triple” conjunctions.

In December 1603 Johannes Kepler observed a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (a normal one), followed by a massing of Jupiter, Saturn and Mars, when all three planets were close together in the sky. He calculated that a similar set of circumstances would have occurred in 7 BC. In fact, the 7 BC conjunction was a triple conjunction, although Jupiter and Saturn were never much less than a degree apart.

In 1976 David Hughes popularised this triple conjunction and suggested that it might explain the Star of Bethlehem, particularly as it happened in the constellation of Pisces, a constellation associated with the Jews. Sceptics point out that a far more spectacular triple conjunction (although in the constellation of Cancer) happened in 146/145 BC. Similarly, triple conjunctions were seen in Pisces in 861/860 BC and in 981/980 BC, during both of which the separation of Jupiter and Saturn was less than in 7 BC. Another important point is that the 7 BC triple conjunction was observed from Babylon, as was the massing of Jupiter, Saturn and Mars which followed, but the Babylonian records give no sign that they found the phenomenon of any special interest.

An occultation

A recent and interesting suggestion is that the Star of Bethlehem might have been an occultation. At first sight this seems unpromising. Between 20 BC and 1 AD the Moon passed in front of (occulted) the four main planets (Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) 170 times. In other words, it is hardly a rare event. However, when we calculate which of them would have been visible from Babylon in a dark sky, the number reduces in to just 5 over the 20 years – somewhat better, although still hardly a rare event.

Recently, however, Michael Molnar of Rutgars University has drawn attention to an occultation of Jupiter by the Moon in 6 BC. This took place in the constellation of Aries and was similar to a later occultation of Venus which may be referred to in a coin known as the Antioch coin. This coin shows a Ram (Aries?), the Moon and a bright star, and what appears to be the track of a planet.

Molnar suggests that the 6 BC occultation was the Star of Bethlehem because of its astrological associations, Aries being the ruling star sign of Judea and Jupiter symbolising a king, with the occultation – the reappearance of the planet from behind the Moon – symbolising a royal birth.

I am sceptical because the March 17th 6 BC occultation took place very close to the Sun and just after sunset. It is hard to believe that it would have been observable with the Sun just 3 degrees below the horizon and Jupiter 5 degrees above it. This theory though has been very well received by many astronomers and popular writers and may be more than just an interesting anecdote in the story of the Star of Bethlehem.


A theory which has been popular for many years is that the Star of Bethlehem was a comet. There is no doubt that a bright comet is a very spectacular event and would be an impressive “star”, but scrutiny of the Chinese and Babylonian chronicles reveals no evidence of a bright comet. There is an event observed in 5 BC which may be an account of a comet, but there is no description of classical elements in Chinese reports such as the tail and the comet’s movement which make it doubtful that this was a comet. Similarly, the Chinese reports imply that the object was stationary – most uncometary in an object seen for two and a half months.

Such doubts do not stop many “stars” from being depicted as comets – this practice is particularly widespread in Spain where stylised comets which show a large star with a flowing curved tail (thus getting the best of both worlds), adorn Christmas trees and buildings everywhere.


If the object seen by the Chinese in 5 BC was not a comet, then it can only have been a nova (we know, from the lack of a radio source and a visible remnant that it was not a supernova, despite its long duration of visibility). The position (southern Aquila) is consistent with having been a nova, although a little further south of the plane of the Milky Way than is normal.

The date of its apparition (March 5 BC), coinciding with the best guess as to the date of the birth of Jesus, its position in the sky (in the east at dawn) and long duration of visibility (more than 70 days), make this a very plausible Star of Bethlehem. Again though, we would have to ask the question “why this nova?” given that the Magi must surely have observed dozens of novae over the centuries that the spent watching the sky. It is a little hard to see what would have made this event particularly significant to the Magi – apart from the fact that its date coincides, as far as we can guess, with the date of the Nativity.