Saturday, March 10, 2018

Jesuit Trained Sparky Brenner - WELS - Would Also Be Fired for Teaching Luther's Doctrine of Justification by Faith
Jesuits Lash Out Against Professor Who Defended Church’s Doctrine on Marriage

WELS' John Sparky Brenner, SJ,
graduated with a PhD from Marquette University.
He is honest about doctrinal history, but takes the side of
Luther's UOJ opponents.

Jesuits Lash Out Against Professor Who Defended Church’s Doctrine on Marriage:

"The Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities is siding with Marquette, alleging in its own friend of the court brief that McAdams violated the university's "Jesuit mission." It claims that, like other Jesuit universities, it is "a Catholic, Jesuit university dedicated to serving God by serving our students and contributing to the advancement of knowledge."

The Jesuit school's well-known for promoting progressive-liberal ideology in the name of Catholicism. Jesuit universities have supported abortion, LGBT ideology, same-sex marriage and paganism. In the past, Marquette has hosted a gay prom and promoted "gay Masses."

The brief slams McAdams for focusing "exclusively on his individual rights" and claims he "wants the Court to adopt his views of how this faith-based educational institution should carry out its mission."

It goes on to claim that Marquette's principals are "faith-based" and reflect the "mission and values of Jesuit education" and that Marquette "applied these Jesuit educational values to Dr. McAdams."

In May 2017, A judge ruled Marquette University was justified in firing him. His appeal was allowed to bypass the appellate court and is now being heard by the Wisconsin Supreme Court."

 Genesis 15 teaches justification by faith,
but Rabbi John Brug, WELS, teaches against it.

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Dumbest Dumb Dogs in the Galaxy - ELCA Search Committee.
Lutheran seminary board chairperson resigns | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Trigger Warning - You Still Want to Work with ELCA?
LCMS-WELS-ELS Accepts the Same New Norms of ELCA

 The following took me about two seconds to find. Do board members have computers, Google, honesty, curiosity, due diligence? Latini has a new statement here.
OnebyOne and Latini are named here - no secret.

Sex: an unlikely subject to round out this year's Jesus Week. Last night, with topics ranging from sexual addiction to reform programs for homosexuals, sex topped the agenda in a 90-minute discussion with Theresa Latini, the executive director of One-by-One -- an organization that counsels homosexuals in conflict with their religious beliefs. Latini, whose talk marked the culmination of Jesus Week 2000, addressed about 40 students in Stiteler Hall. Latini, a self-described "former" homosexual, discussed religion as it pertains to both heterosexuals and homosexuals. She stressed the idea of "sexual brokenness" -- which she defined as "anything about our sexuality that falls outside of God's plan" -- as the basis for whatever problems Christians encounter. In fact, for Latini, homosexuality is "not primarily a sexual issue." "This is not a fundamental part of who [homosexuals] were created to be," she said. "Perhaps homosexuality is meeting legitimate needs in illegitimate ways." Heterosexuals, she argued, often use "illegitimate" means to fulfill a greater need as well. In one of the more controversial parts of her talk, Latini said such behavior -- a "destructive consequence of sin" that plays into the idea of "sexual brokenness." Now, on the other hand, she said the pendulum has swung to celebrating homosexuality, which is not necessarily the answer either. Latini offered her controversial opinion about the causes of homosexuality. She said she saw little biological basis, but rather pointed toward experiences in early childhood, such as the "breakdown in the relationship with the same-sex parent." Latini grew up with a "homosexual orientation" and found difficulties when trying to reconcile her feelings with those of the ministry. But through a combination of support groups and one-on-one talks with a counselor, she said that she and others like her "began to experience significant change, not only in our identities, but also in our orientation." Latini then took questions from the audience, and she found herself challenged on many points. Most students found flaws in the environmental basis of homosexuality in which Latini believes. About Latini's talk, many students were somewhat critical, but by no means offended. "You can't be offended if she wants to share a change in her life," College freshman Jessica Rodriguez said. "I think everyone reacted with a willingness to listen at least." Perhaps, as College junior Nina Harris pointed out, the response was less charged because the discussion "wasn't really focused on homosexuality, but rather 'sexual brokenness.'"

Lutheran seminary board chairperson resigns | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

 Untangle this, sports fans.
She did not know the real Latini history,
and when she knew, she kept it a secret.
Rev. Elise Brown is currently pastor at Advent Lutheran Church in New York City.  Elise is originally from Iowa.  She has served on the ELCA Urban Team and has worked as part of a small group of consultants who advise regional synods and church groups on how to focus on outreach, revitalization and growth in urban churches.  Elise is currently working towards a PhD in Sociology with core concentrations in race & ethnicity and poverty & social stratification.  Elise enjoys reading, and, if time and resource allows, throwing clay on a potter’s wheel. Most of all, she enjoys travel with trips to Peru, Ecuador and India.

"The chairperson of United Lutheran Seminary’s trustees has resigned amid criticisms that she didn’t tell fellow trustees or the seminary community that the school’s president had previously directed an organization that urged gay people to change or resist their sexual orientation.

The resignation of the Rev. Elise Brown, effective immediately, was announced in a Wednesday statement on the website of the eastern Pennsylvania seminary.

The statement did not indicate any change in the status of the seminary president, the Rev. Theresa Latini. But the board said it would be “assessing and making decisions regarding seminary and board leadership” before meeting March 14.

The seminary was formed last year by the merger of historic Lutheran seminaries in Gettysburg and Philadelphia, and it retains campuses in both places.

Rev. Latini, who became president last July, had extensive pastoral and academic experience. But she didn’t tell the search committee that beginning in 1996, she was director for more than five years of the Presbyterian-affiliated group OnebyOne.

Its website features testimonies on “overcoming same-sex attraction,” and Rev. Latini acknowledged she had presented the work of a practitioner of “reparative therapy,” a discredited technique purported to change a person’s sexual orientation."

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ELM Statement Concerning United Lutheran Seminary

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ELM Statement Concerning United Lutheran Seminary

Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries was deeply saddened to hear that the Rev. Dr. Theresa Latini, President of United Lutheran Seminary, previously served as the director of One by One, an anti-LGBTQIA+ organization that promotes conversion therapy as a solution for people “in conflict with their sexuality;” and, that Dr. Latini – in her previously published writings – described herself as someone who had struggled with a “homosexual orientation” but through prayer and one-on-one counseling was able to change her orientation.
Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries believes the public witness of gender and sexual minority ministers transforms the church and enriches the world. By living into the fullest expression of their identities, LGBTQIA+ leaders model God’s liberating love for all and boldly proclaim the goodness of their being – so beautifully captured in the words of the Psalmist: “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139: 14a).
Organizations like One by One and the horrific practices of reparative and conversion therapy are the antithesis of the Psalmist’s beautiful lyric, not to mention the gospel of Jesus Christ. Rather, these practices and organizations promote self-hatred and the systemic oppression and repression of LGBTQIA+ people; they mentally and physically abuse children and youth; and, they cause spiritual, emotional, and physical death.
Rather than boldly stating her past and joyfully celebrating her identity and transformation of heart, Dr. Latini chose not to share the fullness of her story to the ULS Board during the hiring process. Tragically, once informed, the Board also chose not to make an announcement in the interest of full transparency. The mismanagement and secrecy surrounding these events has instilled fear and mistrust in the LGBTQIA+ community towards the seminary and its leaders.
Because, unfortunately, time and again, gender and sexual minorities have been lured into the halls and sanctuaries of our churches with promises of “all are welcome” only to be faced with  heteronormative biases, un-checked prejudice, and statements like “love the sinner, hate the sin.”
Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries condemns and abhors the assumption that gender and sexual identities are sinful, wrong, or need to be changed in any way. We lament Dr. Latini’s history with an anti-LGBTQIA+ organization, and mourn her perceived need to hide her personal story of identity. We grieve our church’s inclination towards institutional preservation over the honoring of God’s beloved children.
Likewise, ELM is deeply saddened and troubled by the entanglement of ELM Board Member, the Rev. Dr. Elise Brown, who has served on ELM’s board faithfully and honorably for the past six years. Dr. Brown is also the Chairperson of United Lutheran Seminary’s Board of Trustees. ELM’s Board of Directors under the leadership of our Co-Chairs, the Rev. Matthew James and Emily Ann Garcia, are engaging in discernment and conversation regarding Elise’s role on our Board.
Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries believes that we are called to respond to God’s love and call to justice by listening deeply, publicly claiming our identities, working collaboratively, acting transparently, and speaking truthfully. We covenant to live into these practices with all those who desire truth, trust, and justice.
ELM dreams of a Church in which gender and sexual minorities do not need to question whether they are welcome wholly as they are – in our congregations, at our seminaries, or in our pulpits. Our lived experiences remind us daily that we are not there yet. While we are on the journey, ELM will continue to advocate for LGBTQIA+ leaders, offer our gifts as resources to the broader community, accompany individuals and communities in the holy work of loving the “fearfully and wonderfully made” Body of Christ embodied in all its queerness, and hold each other gently when the world doesn’t live up to God’s promises.

 Rev. Amanda Nelson                 Rev. Asher O’Callaghan
Executive Director                                  Program Director
Board of Directors
Emily Ann Garcia, Co-Chair                   Rev. Matthew James, Co-Chair
Dr. Margaret Moreland, Secretary          Charles Horn III, Treasurer
Rev. Emily E. Ewing                                 Rev. Brad Froslee
Philipos Ghaly                                           Rev. Jeff Johnson
Rev. Dr. Barbara Lundblad                    Rev. Michael Wilker
*Rev. Dr. Elise Brown is a member of ELM’s Board but is not listed as a publisher of this statement due to her dual roles as Chair of the United Lutheran Seminary’s Board of Trustees.


The United Lutheran Seminary board admits that it messed up big time and will provide therapists for those traumatized by them and Latini.


GJ - Let me explain how easy it is to do an Internet check on someone. Just put that person's full name into Google, and also try Google Images. It is easy to find many examples of the same name. Sometimes I add the denomination or another association. 

LinkedIn can be very useful, because that only has the details volunteered by the individual, including a photo. The work and volunteer history is illuminating. Erasing the entry is also interesting, such as various examples in WELS.

This means the search committee was too lazy or dumb to do the most superficial kind of research. That has revealed how fragmented this United Lutheran Seminary is. But their fight also tells us what their values are.

Would Would Mark Jeske Do? Give them a grant to study their issues?

Keyser on "Lutherans Must Evangelize."
No More One-Hour New Member Class, Like Tim Glende's?

From the final chapter of Election and Conversion. A Frank Discussion of Dr. Franz Pieper’s Book on “Conversion and Election,” with Suggestions for Lutheran Concord and Union on Another Basis
The time has come when the whole Lutheran Church must do more home missionary work; when she must not be satisfied only with “gathering Lutherans” and nurturing the children of the Church (noble and paramount a work as this is); but when she must go out into “the highways and hedges, the lanes and the alleys,” and bring in the unsaved of all classes and conditions. These people before conversion will not be Lutherans, and many of them will not have Lutheran antecedents; but they need Christ and the Church; and after they have been converted, they must be indoctrinated and molded into good and true Lutherans. When some of our sister Lutheran bodies do this kind of work on a large scale, as the General Synod has done all along, they will have some of the difficult problems to deal with that have tested the General Synod’s skill, patience and strength.
Let it be understood that the mission work which we urge must not be done by the so-called “revival” method. God forbid! It must be done according to our sober and solid Lutheran methods – quiet personal work on the part of pastors and people, careful catechization after conversion, and the true preaching of the law and the gospel. When the whole Lutheran Church of America enters this work with sacred earnestness and prayer, much of our controversy will be laid aside.

A Song from the Land Where Bad Singers Are Deported at an Early Age.

Daffodils are the national flower of Wales.


The hymn by Bliss is sung to Calon Lan - I will sing the wondrous story.

Philip Bliss

Calon Lân

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Calon Lân is a Welsh hymn, the words of which were written in the 1890s by Daniel James (Gwyrosydd) and sung to a tune by John Hughes.[1] The hymn has become associated with Welsh rugby union, being sung before almost every Test match involving the Welsh national team.
In 2007 the song was one of the traditional Welsh songs to make it to the screen in an S4C television series Codi Canu, an attempt to bring traditional four-part harmony choral singing back to the Welsh rugby terraces.
Calon Lân is unusual among the most popular Welsh traditional songs in that an English language version of the words is virtually never sung (unlike, for example, Cwm Rhondda), but the tune does appear, for example, in the British Methodist hymn book, Hymns and Psalms,[2] set to the lyrics of "I will Sing the Wondrous Story" by P. P. Bliss.[3]
A Spanish-language version of the song exists, sung mostly by Welsh Argentines in Y Wladfa, the former Welsh colony in Patagonia.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Defendants in kickbacks case involving former Arkansas senator try again for dismissal

Defendants in kickbacks case involving former Arkansas senator try again for dismissal:

"FAYETTEVILLE -- Defendants in the corruption case involving former state Sen. Jon Woods filed notice Thursday that they will appeal U.S. District Judge Timothy Brooks' refusal to dismiss the charges.

Woods, Oren Paris III, and Randell G. Shelton sought to have charges against them dismissed because FBI Special Agent Robert Cessario had a hard drive of a laptop computer used in the investigation erased after being ordered to turn it over for inspection in a evidence-related dispute.

Brooks' released his ruling to allow the charges to stand in a court order last week.

The appeal will be lodged with the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Appeals taken while a case is pending typically result in the case being delayed. The trial is scheduled to begin April 9.

The three defendants have pleaded innocent. They face up to 20 years in prison on the fraud and conspiracy charges, if convicted. Woods faces an additional 10 years on the money-laundering charge, if convicted."

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Some Insights about the Liberal Book of Weirdness - LBW - But the New One Is Even Worse

 In case you wondered, the three-year lectionary
and fancy new colors came from the Vatican.



It is also important to note that the generation of men sitting in the room with me were moderns and had been influenced by the historical-critical method of interpreting the Bible, especially Rudolph Bultmann and his demythologizing. For most, the three-storey universe was gone. To speak of heaven as up and hell as down was proscribed. They could not think of the biblical language and the language of many hymns as being literally true—and any suggestion to the contrary pained them. (Postmoderns would see this attempt to revise everything to fit with their new worldview as culturally imperialistic.) The call of Tillich and others like him for a new language of worship and preaching was imprinted on their minds. In addition, they were fighting the Pietism of their mothers and disapproved of sentimentality

High church foodies follow the liturgical colander.

Charles Arand - pronounced "Errant" - and the LCMS War Against the Word of God.
Why ELCA and Missouri Work Together So Well

Charles Arand's education was 100% LCMS, Concordia St. Louis. Like the rest of the LCMS professors, he works with ELCA honchos.

SpenerQuest actually did some research and linked a bunch of Arand's articles. Here is one about Creation from the Concordia St. Louis blog.

The article is written consistently in the tone and manner of mainline and academic theologians, all post-Kantian rationalists. As Paul Holmer stated so clearly in his lectures - "In the about mode."

Someone can write about any religion in the about mode, without believing a word of that creed. That religion is an object of study, not something to address as something to believe or disbelieve. The result is often a superior and patronizing attitude.

Therefore, what we get from these people - who gobble up the estates of widows and orphans, charging enormous sums for their paltry abilities - is the Bible containing God's Word. Which part? Just wait, they will announce which parts can be trusted.

They cite the speculations of other academic experts, a truly nifty system for enhancing and spreading apostasy. Arand announces grandly that we need to look at other ancient creation accounts. Why?

This is a good sampling of his style.
For a good article on genealogies, see Andrew E. Steinmann, “Gaps in the Genealogies in Genesis 5 and 11?,” Bibliotheca Sacra 174, no. 694 (April 2017): 141–158. Steinmann responds to those who maintain that there are no gaps in the genealogies that such views are not correct. Steinmann also cautions that this does not imply that the earth is millions or billions of years old. “Instead, it simply argues that the earth is older than the 6,000 years that can be obtained by a simple arithmetic calculation based on the Genesis 5 and 11 genealogies” (158).
This statement may have lit up the two districts of the LCMS, who "slandered" the entire faculty (good for them) for questioning an article LCMS published. Once again, this shows LCMS pastors having spine when WELS-ELS clergy are gutless.

Arand has chosen to hide behind this obscure fellow, above, to promote his rationalistic views.

Implied, but never stated, is Arand's denial of the efficacy of the Word. John 1 clearly explains Genesis 1 as the Creating Word, the Logos, the Son of God creating every single thing in the universe, from animal and plant life to the stars and planets to the gold, silver, and jewels of the depths.

That denial is not his alone, but a feature of mainline anti-Biblical theology. The denial of the efficacy of the Word is even more important than rejection of inerrancy. Babtists and Pentecostals endorse inerrancy - at least they think they do, but they deny the efficacy of the Word in preaching, teaching, and the Sacraments.

The LCMS has fallen prey to Barthian/Kirschbaumian apostasy and Enthusiasm by treating their Missouri traditions as canonical, but Biblical doctrines as adiaphora.

Thus Arand speaks for modern Missouri, which reveals so much about his superficial education - as David Scaer (another LCMS ThD) does.

That is so...ridiculous. Where did he learn that?
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, ThD.
His faculty page brags about this essay.

Does the Bible judge all books, as Luther taught? Arand thinks otherwise - that any writing can judge the Bible.

I asked Robert Preus and John Slick Brenner the same question - "Since almost all of the clergy of your synod were trained in your synod, why do they despise and abandon Lutheran doctrine?" In separate locations, at different times, they said individually, "We must not have trained them right."

Consider that, parents and spouses, when looking at the tuition bill for one year of apostasy training.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Lutheran seminary faces leadership crisis over president's past LGBTQ beliefs | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
WELS-LCMS-ELS Happy To Work with Them Through Thrivent

 Repudiate Biblical norms or else, President Latini.
Resist heteronormativity!

Lutheran seminary faces leadership crisis over president's past LGBTQ beliefs | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

"A Lutheran seminary in eastern Pennsylvania is facing a leadership crisis due to a belated disclosure that the president of the LGBTQ-affirming school once directed an organization that said gay Christians should change or at least resist same-sex attractions as a temptation to sin.

The Rev. Theresa Latini, the first president of United Lutheran Seminary, which has campuses in Philadelphia and Gettysburg, now repudiates the philosophy of the group she worked for, saying it was “fear-based, controlling, and particularly marginalizing of LGBTQ+ persons.”

But many alumni and students are expressing dismay that she never disclosed this part of her work history — more than five years of work as director of the group OneByOne, beginning in 1996 — to the search committee that interviewed her.

Rev. Latini said in a Feb. 21 statement that she is committed to working with the seminary in “actively identifying and resisting homophobia and heteronormativity.”

But many are wondering why it took months for this to come out.

The chairwoman of the seminary trustees, the Rev. Elise Brown, is also under fire because Rev. Latini did tell her privately last April about her work record, before she took office. Rev. Brown didn’t inform the board or others in the seminary community.

She did her own background check with people who knew of Rev. Latini’s work record and was satisfied that that Rev. Latini was committed to LGBTQ inclusion.

She informed the full board in December only as word began to spread of Rev. Latini’s work history.

One trustee, the Rev. Lisa Leber of Carlisle, resigned Friday from the board, which she said was slow to act on this news, communicate it with the seminary community, “publicly and unequivocally condemn conversion/reparative therapy” and recommit to educating in a “safe, open and affirming community.”"

We give those Calvinists a chance - and boom - this happens.

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Comment posted at the newspaper site -

David P21 hours ago
Sad state of affairs for a church and seminary that bears the name of one of the great men of the Reformation. If they do not agree with his stand on Sola Scriptura, then they should change their name. Maybe they could call it "The pre-Babylonian Jerusalem Cult." since they are ashamed to call sin, sin and stand on the historic doctrines of repentance, conversion, and salvation. May God help them see the light rather than lead others astray.

A blog reader sent this -

Had you heard about this?
And the mind war against God continues.

GJ - Yes, sad to say. I saw this develop as I was leaving the LCA. The pace accelerated with quotas in ELCA, and LCMS-WELS only encouraged it with their partnership deals via Thrivent.

 Just another stupide Photoshop from Ichabod?
Or prophetic?

 Ma Vie en Rose -
WELS congregational picnic, pastor and council cross-dressing, photos published for everyone to enjoy.
Church and Change Your Dress and Makeup.

 They really vamped it up. No word about repentance or apologies.

Wayne Mueller's son is big in Church and Change Your Doctrine, too.

Our Children Need Cushy Jobs at the Seminary
Legacy Society | Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary

How are we going to employ Brenners, Wendlands,
and Schroeders without your help?
God bless your sacrificial gifts.

Legacy Society | Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary:

"We invite you to join the Legacy Society of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. Since its inception in October 2011, over 130 men and women have:

  • remembered the seminary in their will or estate plan.
  • arranged for a planned gift to the seminary from a life insurance policy. designated the seminary as beneficiary of retirement benefits (IRA, 401k, or Keogh).
  • disinherited survivors after being talked into an Irrevocable Charitable Trust by a Thrivent agent (aka "Giving Counselor") who gets a fat commission,
  • established a gift annuity, a charitable remainder trust, or other qualified agreement that later benefits the seminary.
  • given a successful business like MilCraft, only to have it bankrupted by DP Gurgle and Company,
  • Members receive up-to-date news about seminary events, an invitation to our annual Legacy Society gathering, and a special gift, a Thrivent mouse pad."

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Wednesday, March 7, 2018

MidWeek Lenten Service - Gerhardt Hymns

The material on this post can be shared freely, without asking permission. I have put this together to promote the great doctrinal, praise, and comfort hymns of Paul Gerhardt.

Midweek Lenten Service

7 PM Central Daylight Savings Time

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

  • Words are linked on the hymn number.
  • The melody is linked on the hymn name.
 My Lutheran Hymnal contains lyrics only
in historical order, arranged by author.

Worship and Praise


New Year


Good Friday



The Redeemer

Cross and Comfort


Harvest and Thanksgiving

The Nation

Death and Burial
TLH#586 - A Pilgrim and a Stranger

Evening and Morning, Sunset and Dawning - Not in TLH, but the hymn is in other Lutheran hymnals and very popular.

Below is a great Gerhardt hymn in German. I have not found it in English.

Paul Gerhardt was born in 1607, and grew up in the era after the Book of Concord (1580). The Calvinists worked hard to suppress Lutheran doctrine. He studied to be a pastor at Wittenberg, with good orthodox professors. One of them had a habit of combining sermons with hymn texts.

Gerhardt graduated in 1642 but did not receive a pastoral call until 9 years later. During that time his poetic talents were discovered and he began working with another person on hymns. He was a tutor for the children in one family, which explains his choice of child-like terms and vivid picture language. That is somewhat obscured by the stuffy translations of his hymns into English. See A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth - the "bark" was a "little ship" in German. "To and fro" in German was "zum und zum."

Gerhardt was known for being an orthodox, Book of Concord pastor, but the Calvinist elector wanted peace between the Calvinists and Lutherans. As a result, Gerhardt was forced out of his Berlin call, where he was loved and respected by both sides. He had to get by for a year in Berlin without a call, then was in limbo entirely. Finally he had a call to a difficult parish where he lived and worked until he died.

Three of his five children had already died in infancy, and now he lost one of his two remaining sons, the child on whose death he wrote his touching hymn,
"Thou'rt mine, yes, still Thou art mine own,"
while his wife, worn out by sorrow and anxiety, fell into a long and slow decline. When she died, Gerhardt was left with only one child, a boy of 6 years. Many of his most beautiful hymns were written at this time, and among others, "If God be on my side."

The Lübben congregation commissioned a life sized painting of him for the church where it still hangs. Beneath it one can read the inscription, "Theologus in cribro Satanae versatus" ("A theologian sifted in Satan's sieve").
As a poet he undoubtedly holds the highest place among the hymn-writers of Germany. His hymns seem to be the spontaneous outpouring of a heart that overflows with love, trust, and praise; his language is simple and pure; if it has sometimes a touch of homeliness, it has no vulgarism,1 and at times it rises to a beauty and grace, which always give the impression of being unstudied, yet could hardly have been improved by art. His tenderness and fervor never degenerate into the sentimentality and petty conceits which were already becoming fashionable in his days; nor his penitence and sorrow into that morbid despondency which we find in Gryphius, and for which the disappointments of his own life might have furnished some excuse.
If he is not altogether free from the long-windedness and repetition which are the besetting sins of so many German writers, and especially hymn-writers, he at least more rarely succumbs to them: and in his days they were not considered a blemish. One of his contemporaries, a certain Andreas Bucholz, who wrote a great deal of religious poetry which was then highly esteemed formally announces in his preface that he has spun out his poems as long as he could, for he observed that when people were reading sacred poems at home, they preferred long ones.
Gervinus, a severe judge of sacred poetry in general, says of Gerhardt: "If one man among the poets of the seventeenth century makes an attractive impression on us, it is Gerhardt. He recurred, as no one else had done, to Luther's genuine type of the popular religious song, only with such modifications as the altered circumstances demanded.In Luther's time the old wrathful, implacable God of the Romanists had assumed the heavenly aspect of grace and compassion; with Gerhardt the Merciful and just One is a loving and benignant Man, whom he addresses with reverential intimacy. With Luther, it was the belief in free grace and the work of Atonement, in the Redemption which had burst the gates of hell, which inspired the Christian singer with his joyous confidence; with Gerhardt it is his faith in the love of God.

TLH#349 - Jesus Thy Boundless Love   
TLH#142 - A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth
The Lection                The Passion History and John 10

Sermon - The Good Shepherd

TLH#171 - Upon the Cross Extended                   

Gerhardt - Confession and Bearing the Cross
verses 1, 11-15

The Prayers
The Lord’s Prayer
The Collect for Grace                                            p. 45

10 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.
To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.
And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.
And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.
This parable spake Jesus unto them: but they understood not what things they were which he spake unto them.
Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.
All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them.
I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
11 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.
12 But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep.
13 The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep.
14 I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.
15 As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.

Norma A. Boeckler

The Good Shepherd

10 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.
To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.

The Fourth Gospel is well known for the I AM sermons, and this chapter has four examples of I AM. Moreover, this chapter is especially appropriate for Lent, because Jesus identifies Himself as God - I AM - and teaches the disciples that that means, in contrast to the false shepherd, the hired hands, thieves and brigands.

The sermon itself is a wonderful blend of actual detail and Gospel Promises, which combine to remind us of Jesus as the Creating Word, John 1:3. In those days, sheep were kept in group pens at night. There was only one proper entrance, but thieves came in the other way, like those false teachers send themselves today and cause all matter of mischief. They are not called but call themselves, push themselves on others instead of waiting to be called by God.

One definite sign of a false teacher is that he comes another way, sending himself. The people who troubled Corinth were like that. They only wanted to improve matters for everyone while denigrating the Gospel. Thus the Fulleroids and other pests have charged great sums to teach people to oppose the Gospel and believe in works, in numbers, in material success.

Throughout John's Gospel, Jesus is the One Sent by the Father. He has the ultimate call to accomplish His task of dying for the sins of the world and rising up to show God's victory over sin, death, and Satan. Since He alone is the One Sent, there can be no other Messiahs, no true ones. 

And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.
And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.
This parable spake Jesus unto them: but they understood not what things they were which he spake unto them.

Everyday shepherds did this, and Jesus was using their own customs to teach them about His own work. The normal shepherd went to the group pen in the morning, using the door opening guarded by an associate, and led out his own sheep, calling them by name. The shepherd knew his own sheep and called them by name. Likewise the sheep knew their shepherd's voice and followed only that person.

In that way we know we belong to Jesus the Good Shepherd. We are baptized in His Name and we gladly hear His voice. We follow Him and no other. He goes before us and leads us to green pastures and clear waters. Notice this is told as a parable that was not understood at that time, but became ever so clear later.

Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.
All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them.
I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

These statements are treated simply as identification, but together, they certainly are more than that. The message of John's Gospel is to clarify Jesus' role as the Messiah, to define it in various ways so we are completely clear about it.

I see this more in the light of apposition. We use that all the time, and our grammar is based on Greek and Latin. Answering a question, a woman could respond to the question, "What are you if you do not work outside the home?" I am - a cook, a driver, a mother, a gardener, a teacher of gardener. Jesus' two key answers are "I AM, the One speaking to you." That is what He said to the Canaanite woman who talked about the Messiah, the Christ. Although many believed in the Messiah, they also needed to know He is the true Son of God, God Incarnate, more than anyone expected, though it was all foreshadowed in Isaiah. Like this passage, the people heard but did not fully understand.

It is more than identification because of God speaking from the Burning Bush, Exodus 3 - Tell them I AM is sending you. So Jesus said to the Jewish opposition, "Before Abraham was, I AM." So I believe we should relate all the I AM statements first as that revelation and secondly to those defining roles. In that way, Jesus teaches us what it means to be the Savior.

The door of the sheep is another description of His role as the Savior, the only Savior. We can picture that - one correct door, many false claimants. After His resurrection there was a pretended called Bar Kochba. He caused great turmoil and loss of life, though he was successful for a period of time around 135 AD, about one century later.

The true door gives us life and salvation. The false teachers only provide death and destruction.

11 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.
12 But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep.
13 The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep.
14 I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.
15 As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.

The door of the sheep pen was an opening guarded by someone, so that is one part of this sermon. The next step is to change from that door to the Good Shepherd Himself. This is expressed literally as The Shepherd The Noble, which means The Shepherd above all shepherds.

This explains why Jesus is the door, the only way of salvation. He will lay down His life for the sheep. That is His unique role, because shepherds do not die for their sheep. Anyone acquainted with shepherding would think about their care for the sheep, their efforts to thwart predators and thieves, but this is another level about anything they did. The hired hand does not own the sheep, so he runs when the wolf comes and lets the wolf tear up and scatter the flock. Many celebrity ministers have shown themselves to be wolves, whose behavior and teaching was glorious in the material sense but terrible in shocking and scattering their congregations.

The clergy, DPs, and professors who served their own interests - they are hired hands too - or wolves. They seem to work together well.

But the Good Shepherd knows His sheep and they know Him. The Father knows the Son, and the Son the Father. This relationship to God the Father is expressed various ways in the Gospel, showing God the Father to be gracious in sending His Son. That is why "Show us the Father" is revealed as an absurd request. We see the Father in the Son, and the Son's relationship to us is the same as the Father's.

John 14:8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us.Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.

This is very important because people brought up in an overly strict and accusing household can think of God the Father as threatening, accusing, and condemning. But the gracious love of the Son is exactly the same as the gracious love of the Father. The Scriptures uphold and emphasize faith in God, and condemn unbelief, which is the root of all sin. Sadly, when people have the wrong concept of God, they react accordingly and God becomes to them what they falsely imagine.

 Norma A. Boeckler

Greek Lesson

10 αμην αμην λεγω υμιν ο μη εισερχομενος δια της θυρας εις την αυλην των προβατων αλλα αναβαινων αλλαχοθεν εκεινος κλεπτης εστιν και ληστης
ο δε εισερχομενος δια της θυρας ποιμην εστιν των προβατων
τουτω ο θυρωρος ανοιγει και τα προβατα της φωνης αυτου ακουει και τα ιδια προβατα καλει κατ ονομα και εξαγει αυτα
και οταν τα ιδια προβατα εκβαλη εμπροσθεν αυτων πορευεται και τα προβατα αυτω ακολουθει οτι οιδασιν την φωνην αυτου
αλλοτριω δε ου μη ακολουθησωσιν αλλα φευξονται απ αυτου οτι ουκ οιδασιν των αλλοτριων την φωνην
ταυτην την παροιμιαν ειπεν αυτοις ο ιησους εκεινοι δε ουκ εγνωσαν τινα ην α ελαλει αυτοις
ειπεν ουν παλιν αυτοις ο ιησους αμην αμην λεγω υμιν οτι εγω ειμι η θυρα των προβατων
παντες οσοι προ εμου ηλθον κλεπται εισιν και λησται αλλ ουκ ηκουσαν αυτων τα προβατα
εγω ειμι η θυρα δι εμου εαν τις εισελθη σωθησεται και εισελευσεται και εξελευσεται και νομην ευρησει
10 ο κλεπτης ουκ ερχεται ει μη ινα κλεψη και θυση και απολεση εγω ηλθον ινα ζωην εχωσιν και περισσον εχωσιν
11 εγω ειμι ο ποιμην ο καλος ο ποιμην ο καλος την ψυχην αυτου τιθησιν υπερ των προβατων
12 ο μισθωτος δε και ουκ ων ποιμην ου ουκ εισιν τα προβατα ιδια θεωρει τον λυκον ερχομενον και αφιησιν τα προβατα και φευγει και ο λυκος αρπαζει αυτα και σκορπιζει τα προβατα
13 ο δε μισθωτος φευγει οτι μισθωτος εστιν και ου μελει αυτω περι των προβατων
14 εγω ειμι ο ποιμην ο καλος και γινωσκω τα εμα και γινωσκομαι υπο των εμων
15 καθως γινωσκει με ο πατηρ καγω γινωσκω τον πατερα και την ψυχην μου τιθημι υπερ των προβατων

 Norma A. Boeckler