Saturday, March 17, 2018

Luther's Sermon on Jesus as the Great I AM . John 8:46-50. Judica Sunday


TEXT: John 8:46-59. Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? 47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. 48 Then answered the Jews, and said unto him, Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a devil? 49 Jesus answered, I have not a devil; but I honour my Father, and ye do dishonour me. 50 And I seek not mine own glory: there is one that seeketh and judgeth. 51 Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.

52 Then said the Jews unto him, Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and thou sayest, If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death. 53 Art thou greater than our father Abraham, which is dead? and the prophets are dead: whom makest thou thyself? 54 Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he is your God: 55 Yet ye have not known him; but I know him: and if I should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you: but I know him, and keep his saying.
56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad. 57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? 58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM. 59 Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.

1. This Gospel teaches how hardened persons become the more furious, the more one teaches them and lovingly stirs them to do their duty. For Christ asks them here in a very loving way for a reason why they still disbelieve, since they can find fault neither with his life nor with his teaching. His life is blameless; for he defies them and says: “Which of you convicteth me of sin?” His teaching also is blameless; for he adds: “If I say truth, why do ye not believe me?” Thus Christ lives, as he teaches.

2. And every preacher should prove that he possesses both: first a blameless life, by which he can defy his enemies and no one may have occasion to slander his teachings; secondly, that he possesses the pure doctrine, so that he may not mislead those who follow him. And thus he will be right and firm on both sides: with his good life against his enemies, who look much more at life than at his doctrine, and despise the doctrine for the sake of the life; with his doctrine then for the kind of life he leads and will bear with his life for the sake of his teaching.

3. For it is indeed true that no one lives so perfect a life as to be without sin before God. Therefore it is sufficient that he be blameless in the eyes of the people. But his doctrine must be so good and pure as to stand not only before man but also before God. Therefore every pious pastor may well ask: Who among you can find fault with my life? Among you, I say who are man; but before God I am a sinner. This Moses also boast in <041615 Numbers 16:15 that he took nothing from the people and he did them no injustice. Samuel did likewise in 1 Samuel 12:3 also Jeremiah and Hezekiah, who rightly boasted of their blameless life before the people, in order to stop the mouths of blasphemers. But Christ does not speak thus of his doctrine, he says not: “Who among you can find fault with my doctrine”; but “If I tell you the truth.” For one must be assured that his doctrine is right before God and that it is the truth, and accordingly care not how it is judged by the people.

4. Hence the Jews have no ground for their unbelief than that they are not the children of God; therefore he passes judgment upon them and says: “He that is of God heareth the words of God; for this cause ye hear them not, because ye are not of God,” that cannot mean anything else than that you are of the devil.

5. The Jews could not stand this, for they wished to be God’s children and people; therefore they are now raging and slander both Christ’s life and his doctrine; his doctrine, in that they say: “Thou hast a devil,” that is, thou speakest moved by the devil and thy doctrine is his lie; and they slander his life, in that they say, “Thou art a Samaritan,” which sounds among the Jews worse than any other crime. In this way Christ teaches us here the fate that awaits us Christians and his Word; both our life and our doctrine must be condemned and reviled, and that by the foremost, wisest and greatest of earth. Thus one knows the corrupt tree by its fruits, as they, under the pretense of being good, are so bitter, angry, impatient, cruel and mad as to condemn and pass sentence, when one touches them at their tender spot and rejects their ideas and ways.

6. What does Christ do here? His life he abandons to shame and dishonor, is silent and suffers them to call him a Samaritan; while he takes pains to defend his doctrine. For the doctrine is not ours, but God’s, and God dare not suffer in the least, here patience is at an end; but I should stake all that I have and suffer, all that they do, in order that the honor of God and of his Word may not be injured. For if I perish, no great harm is done; but if I let God’s Word perish, and I remain silent, then I do harm to God and to the whole world. Although I can not now close their mouth nor prevent their wickedness, I shall nevertheless not keep silent, nor act as if they are right, as I do about my good life, so that they retain their right. Although they do me injustice at the time, yet it remains right before God. Further, Christ excuses himself, and says: “I have not a demon,” that is, my doctrine is not of the devil’s lies; “but I honor my father,” that is, I preach in my doctrine the grace of God, through which he is to be praised, loved and honored by believers. For the evangelical office of the ministry is nothing but glorifying God, Psalm 19:2: “The heavens declare the glory of God” etc. “But you dishonor me,” that is, you call me the devil’s liar, who reviles and dishonors God.

7. Why does he not say: I honor my father, and ye dishonor him; but says: “Ye dishonor me?” Impliedly he proves by this, that the father’s and his honor are alike and the same, as he and the Father are one God; yet along with this he also wishes to teach that if the office of the ministry, which God honors, is to be duly praised, then it must suffer disgrace. In like manner we will also do to our princes and priests; when they attack our manner of life, we should suffer it and show love for hatred, good for evil; but when they attack our doctrine, God’s honor is attacked, then love and patience should cease and we should not keep silent, but also say: I honor my Father, and you dishonor me; yet I do not inquire whether you dishonor me, for I do not seek my own honor. But nevertheless be on your guard, there is one who seeks it and judges, that is, the Father will require it of you, and judge you and never let you go unpunished. He seeks not only his honor, but also mine, because I seek his honor, as he says in 1 Samuel 2:30: “Them that honor me I will honor.” And it is our consolation that we are happy; although the whole world reviles and dishonors us, we are assured that God will advance our honor, and therefore will punish, judge and revenge. If one could only believe it and persevere, he will surely come. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, if a man keep my word, he shall never see death.”

8. By these words he spoils it entirely, in that he does not only defend his doctrine as right and good, which they attribute to the devil; but also ascribes such virtue to his teaching that it becomes a powerful emperor over Satan, death and sin, to give and sustain eternal life. Behold here, how divine wisdom and human reason conflict with one another. How can a human being grasp the thought, that a corporeal, an oral word should redeem forever from death? But let blindness run its course; we shall consider this beautiful saying. Christ is speaking here not of the word of the law, but of the Gospel, which is a discourse about Christ, who died for our sins etc. For God did not wish to impart Christ to the world in any other way; he had to embody him in the Word and thus distribute him, and present him to everybody; otherwise Christ would have existed for himself alone and remained unknown to us; he would have thus died for himself.

But since the Word places before us Christ, it thus places us before him who has triumphed over death, sin and Satan. Therefore he who grasps and retains Christ, has thus also eternal deliverance from death. Consequently it is a Word of life, and it is true, that whoever keeps the Word shall never see death.

9. And from this we may well understand what Christ meant by the word “keep;” it does not refer to such keeping as one keeps the law by good works; for this word of Christ must be kept in the heart by faith and not with the fist or by good works, as the Jews in this case understand it; they fearfully rage against Christ, that Abraham and the prophets are dead; they know nothing of what it is “to keep,” “to die” or “to live.” And it is not called “to keep” in vain; for there is a conflict and battle when sin bites, death presses and hell faces us; then we are to be in earnest in holding firmly to the Word and let nothing separate us from it. Thus see now how Christ answers the Jews and praises his own teachings. You say, my Word is of the devil and wish to sink it to the bottom of perdition; on the contrary I say to you that it has divine power in it, and I exalt it higher than the heaven of heavens, and above all creatures.

10. How does it then come to pass that man does not see nor taste death, and yet Abraham and all the prophets are dead, who notwithstanding had the Word of God as the Jews say? Here we must give attention to the words of Christ, who makes the distinction that death is a different thing than to see or taste death. We all must face death and die; but a Christian neither tastes nor sees it, that is, he does not feel it, he is not terrified before it, and he enters death calmly and quietly, as though falling asleep, and yet he does not die. But a godless person feels and experiences death, and is terrified before it forever. Thus to taste death may well be called the power and reign or the bitterness of death, yea, it is the eternal death and hell. The Word of God makes this difference. A Christian has that Word and clings firmly to it in death; therefore he does not see death, but his eyes are filled with the life and the Christ in that Word; therefore he never feels death. But the godless possess not that Word, therefore they see no life, but only death; and they must also feel death; that is then the bitter and eternal death.

11. Now Christ means here that whoever clings to his Word will in the midst of death neither feel nor see death, as he also says in John 11:25: “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me though he die, yet shall he live,” that is, he will not experience real death. Here we see now what a glorious estate it is to be a Christian, who is already released from death forever and can never die. For his death or dying seems outwardly indeed like the dying of the godless, but inwardly there is a difference as great as between heaven and earth. For the Christian sleeps in death and in that way enters into life, but the godless departs from life and experiences death forever; thus we may see how some tremble, doubt and despair, and become senseless and raging in the midst of the perils of death. Hence death is also called in the Scriptures a sleep. For just as he who falls asleep does not know how it happens, and he greets the morning when he awakes; so shall we suddenly arise on the last day, and never know how we entered and passed through death.

12. Let us take another example. When Israel marched out of Egypt and came to the Red Sea, they were free and experienced no death, but only life. However when King Pharaoh arrived behind them with all his forces, then they stood in the midst of death, then no life was in sight. For before them was the sea, through which they could not pass, behind them King Pharaoh, and on both sides of them high mountains; on all sides they were seized and enclosed by death, so that they said to Moses: “Because there were no graves in Egypt, hast thou taken us away to die in the wilderness?” Exodus 14:11, so completely and wholly did they despair of life. Just then Moses came and brought them God’s Word that comforted them in the midst of death and preserved them alive, when he said in verse 13: “Fear not, stand still, and see the salvation of Jehovah, which he will work for you today: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today, ye shall see them again no more for ever.” They clung to this Word and held out until victory came; through it life appeared in the presence of death, because they believed the Word, that it would come to pass, and relying upon it they marched into the midst of the Red Sea, which stood on both sides of them like two walls. Then it came to pass that nothing but life and safety were in the sea, where before there were only death and danger.

For they would have never become so bold as to go into the sea, had it divided a hundred times, if God’s Word had not been present, which comforted them and promised life. Thus man triumphs over death through the Word of Life, if he cleaves to it and believes, and marches into death with it.

13. Likewise Christ also says here in replying to the Jews, that Abraham and the prophets still live and they never died, but have life in the midst of death; they however only lie and sleep in death. For “Abraham,” he says, “rejoiced to see my day; and he saw it, and was glad.” Thus, the prophets also saw it. Where and when did Abraham see it? Not with his bodily eyes, as the Jews interpret it, but with the sight of faith in the heart; that is, he recognized Christ when he was told in Genesis 22:18: “In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.” Then he saw and understood that Christ, born of his seed through a pure virgin, so as not to be cursed with Adam’s children but to remain blessed, should suffer for the whole world, cause this to be preached, and thus overwhelm the whole world with blessing etc. This is the day of Christ, the dispensation of the Gospel, that is the light of this day, which radiates from Christ as from the sun of righteousness, and shines and enlightens the whole world. This is a spiritual day, yet it arose at the time Christ was on the earth in the flesh, a day like Abraham saw. But the Jews understood nothing about such a day because of their carnal minds, and hence they reviled Christ as a liar.

14. Therefore Christ proceeds farther and gives the ground and reason why it is just his Word and not the word of anyone else, that giveth life, and says it is because he was before Abraham, or in other words, because he was the one true God. For if the person who offered himself as a sacrifice for us were not God, it would not help or avail anything, even if he were born of the Virgin Mary and suffered a thousand deaths. But the fact that the Seed of Abraham, who gave himself for us, is also true God, secures blessing and victory for all sinners. Therefore Christ speaks, not of his human nature that they saw and experienced; for they could easily see he was not yet fifty years of age, and did not live before Abraham. But with that nature by which he existed long before the time of Abraham, by which he existed also before all creatures and before the whole world. Just as he was man according to his spiritual nature before Abraham, that is. in his Word and in the knowledge of faith was he in the saints; for they all knew and believed that Christ, as God and man, should suffer for us, as is written in Hebrews 13:8: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yea and for ever;” and in the Revelation of John, 13:8: “The Lamb of God that hath been slain from the foundation of the world.” Yet now he is speaking here especially of his divine nature.

15. But here reason is terribly offended and becomes mad and furious because God should become man; this reason cannot harmonize and understand. And this is the article of faith to which the Jews still in our day can not reconcile themselves, hence they cannot cease their throwing stones and their blasphemy. But Christ also continues on the other hand to hide himself from them and to go out of their temple, so that they cannot see nor find him in the Scriptures, in which they search daily. Again, this narrative is not a little terror to all who are so foolhardy about the Scriptures and never approach them with a humble spirit. For even in our day it happens that many read and study in the Scriptures and yet they cannot find Christ, he is hid and has gone out of the temple. And how many there are who say with their mouth that God is become man, and yet they are without the Spirit in their hearts; who whenever tested, prove that they were never in real earnest. This is sufficient on this subject.

Prosecutor says legislator Hank Wilkins took $100,000 in bribes from indicted lobbyist | Arkansas Blog

During the bond hearing, Assistant U.S. Attorney Steve Mohlhenrich said that Jefferson County Judge Henry "Hank' Wilkins IV gave a statement to FBI agents Feb. 22, the day after Cranford was indicted, that he'd taken $100,000 in bribes from Cranford when Wilkins was a Democratic state legislator between 2011 and 2015. The bribes were ostensibly gifts to a church Wilkins pastored, St. James United Methodist in Pine Bluff. The gifts are memorialized in a plaque posted at the church. Wilkins directed at least one $50,000 state grant to a Monticello behavior health center operated by the company for which Cranford worked.

Prosecutor says legislator Hank Wilkins took $100,000 in bribes from indicted lobbyist | Arkansas Blog:

"Let's now say this: Every incident in which Rusty Cranford or his company figured in a state distribution of GIF money has to be viewed in light of Hank Wilkins, Micah Neal, Jon Woods and Eddie Cooper. Association is not proof of illegal activity, but it carries an aroma. There are dozens of legislators with such associations. The money sent to Ecclesia College in Springdale alone had many legislative backers. The Arkansas Times has been howling about that money for years. Why was a tiny Christian college getting hundreds of thousands in tax money when state institutions numerous legislators represented got nothing? Perhaps it was just Jon Woods' charm that brought others on board.  His charitable interest in Ecclesia knew no bounds. He passed a bill to authorize higher education department money to be channeled to Ecclesia, whose president, a friend of Woods, also has been indicted.  (It didn't come to pass.) He talked at one point of having medical marijuana tax revenue dedicated to Ecclesia, but that idea, fortunately, didn't make the ballot measure."

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Rusty Cranford

People Are Reading This 2009 Post.
WELS Students Absolve Themselves for
Their Plagiarized Party in the Fire Island Pines Video

The Wisconsin Lutheran College (WELS affiliated -  but only when raising funds) student newspaper, "The Sword," ran a Front Page! editorial / story on the MLC video, quoted in part:

But once the video left the context of the MLC campus, it came under unforeseen criticism from some who failed to see the humor in the video.

The most pronounced critic of the video was independent Lutheran pastor and blogger Gregory Jackson. Posts from Jackson, as well as comments left by the blog's readers, labeled the actions of the MLC students featured in the video unbecoming to future WELS pastors and teachers.

These claims were based on the video from which the creators of "Party in the MLC" took their inspiration--a previous YouTube video known as "Party in the Fire Island Pines." Set to the tune of "Party in the USA" by Miley Cyrus, "Party in the Fire Island Pines" shows a group of men performing choreographed routines on a beach while lip-syncing the lyrics of the song."

"Party in the MLC" is a parody of the video, using the same soundtrack and many of the same routines.

The controversy over MLC students parodying "Party in the FIP" is derived from the lifestyle associated with "the FIP."

But makers of the "Party in the MLC" agree with other viewers that none of the actions in the "Party in the FIP" video would be considered blatant homosexuality. They also admit no previous knowledge of the reputation of Fire Island Pines. Ben Reichel, MLC student and video contributor, revealed, "We didn't find out until two or three days after we posted it that that's what it stood for. After we learned that we were kind of taken aback."

After learning of the offense caused by the video, the students decided to remove the video "out of Christian love" for those who found the video inappropriate. The decision to remove the video was a personal decision made by the creators of the video.

Reichel stated, "We all got together as a group --the guys who were in the video--and we realized that this caused way too much commotion and way too much negativity, and we all decided together that we were going to take it down."

After meeting amongst (sic) themselves, the students sought the advice of college administration. Reichel continued, "We went and talked to the administration here at MLC--the president and vice-president--and we got their thoughts on it too. But we knew before we even talked to them that we were going to take it down."

Matt Rothe, classmate of Reichel and video contributor, along with the rest of the students involved with the video, are ready to put "Party in the MLC" and the attention it has received in the past; "The group of guys who made this video only wished for good to come out of this video, and I must express firmly we wish for no more negative attention from it."

 But makers of the "Party in the MLC" agree with other viewers that none of the actions in the "Party in the FIP" video would be considered blatant homosexuality.
GJ - This was not in the FIP original.

 Everyone in the MLC video got a call.


GJ - The WLC student newspaper has a lot of facts wrong. They did not make any effort to seek clarification. They are now drawing even more attention to the video and revealing that the students were not at all repentant, just resentful they got caught.

First of all, a WELS layman was furious over the video, which was posted on You Tube for all the world to see. Many people provide information to this blog so the rest of Lutherdom can see it. This layman was unable to watch more than a minute of it. I posted the video so people could see for themselves, as he wished.

The MLC students jumped in to defend the video right away, and now WLC has joined them. Their defense is to attack me, but the video stands on its own as a dubious production, whether I like it or not.

The defense of the video was so ridiculous that I did a little more research and found the original, "Party in the FIP." They knew what they were copying, and they acknowledged it rather quietly in the notes. Apparently the original FIP version went viral right away, thanks to various homosexual websites.

College students know how to use Google. Where else would they copy their homework from? Kelm, Parlow, and Limmer have shown that slavish copying is a good career move in WELS. To plead ignorance about Fire Island Pines is a bit absurd. All of the sudden these guys just fell off the haywagon when they landed in Metropolitan New Ulm.

And they thought the FIP video was straight? They should be on SNL, in a skit about their lack of gaydar.

This is the WLC student paper claim, after conferring with the students:

"Party in the MLC" is a parody of the video, using the same soundtrack and many of the same routines.

The controversy over MLC students parodying "Party in the FIP" is derived from the lifestyle associated with "the FIP." defines parody as "A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule." The students had no idea what the FIP video was all about and were "taken aback" when they learned. Once again, why did they parody what they knew nothing about? 

Why did they make the MLC version gayer than lavender hose, complete with a Michael Jackson move (only worse) in a public park? Cover stories should be a little more consistent to be convincing.

Like most WELS damage control operations, this one is full of contradictions. I also see the handiwork of various administrative officials, spinning the removal of the video as an act of love rather than repentance. After all, the only one who sinned was this humorless blogger and his dour readers. They want to quiet this down with a front page editorial?

When I found the additional information about the original video, which took me a few seconds on Google, I posted some of it on Ichabod. I did not post a lot of the links from Google because of the content of those sites. I needed eyebleach. So please, do not task our patience with how the students were "taken aback."

There is now a You Tube video posted - mourning the loss of the MLC version, again with LOL comments from MLC students. Another video copies both versions, supposedly: Party in the USA/ SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT/ FIP and MLC.

I have linked the FIP video here, in case someone wants to see what was copied by future WELS pastors and teachers. They can draw their own conclusions about the "WELS School of Ministry."

As I wrote before, Fuller Bivens and SP Schroeder both unloaded on the recent decisions of ELCA and The Episcopal Church USA, the two apostate groups enjoying a non-geographical merger.

Doubtless the parents would like to know more about the position of MLC and WLC. The schools seem to contradict what the leader of the synod has said. The editorial used the term "lifestyle." That speaks volumes about the attitude of Wisconsin Lutheran College, called "Our Valpo," the home of Church and Change.


rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Wisconsin Lutheran College Paper Defends "Party in...":

This reminds me of the time when you, Pastor Jackson, submitted a picture and an article to Christian News. I think this was before Al Gore invented the Internet. The photo showed Ralph Bohlmann, Carl Mischke, and Herb Chilstrom all sitting together at the Snowbird conference. The principal of our LES said to me, "it's not what you think it is". Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?

They were not happy I encouraged Christian News to reprint the story from The Lutheran magazine and the photo - Chiefs Confer. Mischke lied about doing a worship radio show - Joy - with ELCA.

The Bible Is - Or Is Not - the Word of God.
Kolb-Wengert Book of Concord Shows the Lutherans Have United around Universal Forgiveness and Salvation - UOJ

The LCMS signaled its surrender to ELCA by publishing - via ELCA - the Book of Concord, jointly written, edited, and translated by LCMS and ELCA intellectualoids (academics who are a pain in the neck). Wengert is the key person in ELCA's loss of 2 million members.

The Prussian Union was the government's effort to prevent the Calvinists and Lutherans from arguing with each other, forming a union church of both. This Calvinist/Lutheran union movement was quite popular in America but led to the formation of the General Council and the Philadelphia seminary. Notice that the re-united seminaries hired a Presbyterian to virtue-signal their ecumenism.

This union movement remains popular, with many WELS and LCMS congregations joining the Willow Creek Association of churches, showing their loyalty to that generic and cross-free church in the Chicago suburbs. (Team Jackson visited once.)

 Heather Larson has been named executive pastor at Willow Creek. WELS paid its pastors to study there. WELS and LCMS entities have joined the association, which have been listed in the past.

Fuller Seminary knows a fish rots at the head first, so they invited all the Lutheran denomination heads to study their gold, silver, and precious gems garbage, forcing subordinates to bow the knee to Baal in Pasadena. However, the clever ones studied there to advance their careers and earn an expensive but quickie drive-by DMin.

An element in LCMS and ELCA loves Rome and Eastern Orthodoxy, but that is really another expression of the same error. Fuller teaches low-brow entertainment evangelism. Rome teaches smells and bells entertainment evangelism.

The issue is not unionism (which is merely a symptom), nor is it any other isolated issue, such as the 2009 ELCA decision on marriage and ordination. Note too how bad translations emerge from this house of horrors. The issue is even broader than Universal Objective Justification.

Barth/Kirschbaum is the theological foundation of Fuller Seminary. Remember that and keep it in mind.

The Bible is the unique, revealed Word of God - or not. Barth and his Commie mistress Charlotte Kirschbaum laid a firm foundation of apostasy by teaching the Bible "contains" the Word of God but is not itself the Word of God. That blasphemy was not invented by the loving adulterous couple - but their gigantic Dogmatics gave other intellectualoids a framework for their creative writing instincts.

I asked John Johnson, an earlier president of Concordia, St. Louis, about Karl Barth, and he became rapturous about the Swiss theologian. Arand later praised Johnson because he said, "We can teach anything we want now."

To teach Church Growth, Romanism, or Universal Objective Justification, one must abandon the Bible as the unique, revealed Word of God.

Anyone can see that emptiness in the vapid writings of the Otten crowd, the equally foolish Steadfast Lutherans, and the hopeless SpenerQuest rabble. They do not start or end with the Scriptures, but teach themselves, their sect, and their favorite mentors. Every Scripture is filtered that way.

But these false teachers are wary lupines, 

  • always ready to bolt from danger, 
  • quick to deny what they disbelieve, 
  • instant in convenient forgetting, 
  • furious when it serves their purpose,
  • gushing in flattery to protect themselves.

That is why the old books from the Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry are so good, compared to the flotsam and effluence from the current denominational leaders.

Energy is the English word that we obtain from the Greek word for efficacy. The denominations are failing, the seminaries are dissolving, because there is no energy in teaching, no energy in worship, no energy in the ministry. Man's wisdom contains no energy. God's Word in the humblest pastor has energy.

 These grandees were already false teachers, but they needed an agenda to use as their shield, a pious and pompous plea for church growth united with UOJ.
They took over, using synodical offering money, and strangled their Desdemona which they professed to love so much.

ChurchMouse Blog Turns Nine - Churchmouse Campanologist | Ringing the bells for Christian traditions and getting our story out there. If we don’t, who will?

Nine years old already?

Churchmouse Campanologist | Ringing the bells for Christian traditions and getting our story out there. If we don’t, who will?:

"I would like to thank my fellow bloggers for their continued support and loyalty, both of which are very much appreciated. I would like to extend special thanks to those who have reblogged my posts.

Subscriber numbers have continued to markedly increase over the past year. I am most grateful for your readership and insightful comments.

My top ten posts over the past year are as follows:

1/  This quiz can help you find the right denomination  (30,495 views, 1st place fourth year running)

2/  Big news coming, ‘Q Clearance’ Anon says (4,606 views)

3/  FBI Anon speaks — part 1 (3,679, down from 2nd last year)

4/  The Anglican Prayer of Humble Access (2,675, up from 9th last year)

5/  Lamb’s hearts — a tasty, affordable alternative to stir-fried steak (2,473, up from 6th last year)

6/  Brendan Dilley’s Intel Source: part 1 (2,230)

7/  The rosary — should you be wearing it? (1,747, up from 10th last year)

8/  The 5 Solas of Calvinism for non-Calvinists (1,649)

9/  Cadbury Dairy Milk: when chocolate won’t melt, there’s a problem (1,641)

10/ How George Washington died — horribly (1,626)

Thank you to all my readers who have helped make these posts into Churchmouse Campanologist ‘classics’!

In closing, I would like to extend a warm welcome to my newest subscribers. Your readership is much appreciated."

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GJ - ChurchMouse covers many topics, and they are always well researched and well written. When I was collecting military books, the British publications were the best.

Friday, March 16, 2018

LCMS Lavender Joint Book of Concord
Sex and America’s Political Conscience: Seared, Hardened, and “Woke” All at the Same Time (part I of II)

This ELCA professor was a key player in the 2009
change of policy in ELCA. See the article below.

 ELCA's Fortress needed to be bailed out, so LCMS worked with themin publishing a Book of Concord where everyone made some bucks.
"It's all about the benjies." - 29A says.

 LCMS Robert Kolb 

Psalm1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. 4 The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. 5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 6 For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.

LCMS Charles Arand is busy turning Concordia St. Louis into another Seminex, with the help of Matt the Fatt and Paul the Plagiarist.

 Theresa Latini - a Presbyterian who taught at Luther Seminary (?!) -
was fired from United Lutheran Seminary for being a milimeter to the right of its board and students.

Sex and America’s Political Conscience: Seared, Hardened, and “Woke” All at the Same Time (part I of II):

"Way back in 2009, when the Lutheran theologian Timothy Wengert provided the justification for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America’s (ELCA) acceptance of homosexual behavior by their clergy, many who both reject Christ and who claim Christ were doubtless gratified. On the other hand, the short paper Wengert wrote which did this, “Reflections on the Bound Conscience in Lutheran Theology,”[1] prompted my own pastor – a Lutheran who loves and adheres to the 1580 Book of Concord – to study the topic of conscience in the work of Martin Luther.

…or with Luther’s existentialist, pragmatic interpreters…
I highly recommend reading Pastor Paul Strawn’s paper, as you will learn about…:

Wengert’s “simply tragic” (I’d use a different word) failure to acknowledge existing scholarship that had been done on Martin Luther and the conscience by highly noted scholars (I add, this is a good way to kill your conscience about conscience).
How for Luther, “the burdening of the conscience with man-made laws or traditions, and the burdening of the conscience by the Law of God in view of sin, are two vastly different things.”
How this conscience burdened by God’s Law is an “evil conscience,” “plagued by guilt and despair in the face of the knowledge of God’s judgment upon a specific sin.”
How an evil conscience can become hardened: “man can and does fight against his conscience and eventually, may even be able to subdue it so that it goes into a type of dormancy.”
How Luther found these things not only in the Bible, but in the character of Orestes in Virgil’s Aeneid: the Erinyes, or Furies, of Alecto (“unceasing”), Megaera (“grudging”), and Tisiphone (“avenging murder,” hounding the guilty for their sin). If hell is not feared, future pain and suffering certainly is."

 Now we begin to smell the pot roast. The bonds of fellowship for ELCA and Missouri are UOJ. Jungkuntz chaired the Seminex board when they became the official seminary for the Metropolitan Community Church.

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Is the $90 LCMS dogmatics book another UOJ fantasy?
I am not willing to spend the money to prove it.

A hit job | The Week That Was | Arkansas news, politics, opinion, restaurants, music, movies and art

Rusty Cranford

A hit job | The Week That Was | Arkansas news, politics, opinion, restaurants, music, movies and art:

"The alleged murder target was D.A. Jones, a Pennsylvania consultant who's pleaded guilty to scheming to get money from Preferred Family Healthcare, the Medicaid-enriched nonprofit that made millions providing mental health and other services in Arkansas and neighboring states. Cranford once worked there, too. Cranford has not been charged, but the information is contained in a prosecutor's motion that Cranford be denied bail on an earlier charge. Earlier court filings indicate Cranford played a role in the kickback scheme in which former Republican state Rep. Micah Neal and former Republican state Sen. Jon Woods, both of Springdale, are accused of working with others to channel a portion of state money aimed at Ecclesia College to themselves. Neal has pleaded guilty. Woods is awaiting trial."

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Luther Examined and Reexamined by William H T Dau (1864-1944) - Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry – "Faithful to the Reformation"

Luther Examined and Reexamined by William H T Dau (1864-1944) - Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry – "Faithful to the Reformation":

"“One may deplore the pathetic courage which periodically heartens Catholic writers for the task of writing against Luther, but one can understand the necessity for such efforts, and, accordingly, feel a real pity for those who make them. Attacks on Luther are demanded for Catholics by the law of self-preservation. A recent Catholic writer correctly says: ‘There is no doubt that the religious problem to-day is still the Luther problem.’ ‘Almost every statement of those religious doctrines which are opposed to Catholic moral teaching find their authorization in the theology of Martin Luther.’”

“Rome has never acknowledged her errors nor admitted her moral defeat. The lessons of past history are wasted upon her. Rome is determined to assert to the end that she was not, and cannot be, vanquished. In the age of the Reformation, she admits, she suffered some losses, but she claims that she is fast retrieving these, while Protestantism is decadent and decaying. No opposition to her can hope to succeed.” – From the Introduction

Contents (245 pages)
1 Luther Worship.
2 Luther Hatred.
3 Luther Blemishes.
4 Luther’s Task.
5 The Popes in Luther’s Time.
6 Luther’s Birth and Parentage.
7 Luther’s Great Mistake.
8 Luther’s Failure as a Monk.
9 Professor Luther, D. D.
10 Luther’s “Discovery” of the Bible.
11 Rome and the Bible.
12 Luther’s Visit at Rome.
13 Pastor Luther.
14 The Case of Luther’s Friend Myconius.
15 Luther’s Faith without Works.
16 The Fatalist Luther.
17 Luther a Teacher of Lawlessness.
18 Luther, Repudiates the Ten Commandments?
19 Luther’s Invisible Church.
20 Luther on the God-Given Supremacy of the Pope.
21 Luther the Translator of the Bible.
22 Luther a Preacher of Violence against the Hierarchy.
23 Luther, Anarchist and Despot All in One.
24 Luther the Destroyer of Liberty of Conscience.
25 “The Adam and Eve of the New Gospel of Concubinage.”
25 “The Adam and Eve of the New Gospel of Concubinage.”
26 Luther an Advocate of Polygamy.
27 Luther Announces His Death.
28 Luther’s View of His Slanderers.

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Easy Does It Roses

Easy Does It ranges from orange to various sunset colors,
and it blooms like crazy all summer.

I made the mistake of allowing a few vendors to include all their business partners in mailings and email. However, I am getting better at resisting temptation from the rose merchants.

The last two times I decided to buy just one type. Mr. Lincoln occupied the newest area last year, and Easy Does It claimed the last piece of former lawn - on Mrs. Wright's side.

The summer of 2017 was the Buckwheat Boondoggle, when that exceptional plant took over the rose garden twice. The lawn crew used weed-eaters when all the buckwheat plants were above the roses, bearing mature seed. The need crop came soon after, so the overgrown ivy and dominant cover crop made the house look abandoned, as one visitor admitted.

 Mr. Lincoln has long legs.

Mr. Lincoln is vigorous, tall, prolific, and the most fragrant rose around. The plants from last year are bursting in growth already.

My neighbor was working on her front yard. She said, "I am not very good with plants." I said, "We all have failures with plants, for a lot of reasons. The idea is - plant more of them to get good results."

That is what I do with publishing. Although both efforts offer some instant rewards, both require long-term gambles.

Roses out-produce everything in value, which can be seen in many ways. Nothing is uglier in winter than a rose bush, but they delight people, spring through fall. Name another flower where one in a bud vase will be a good present. See what I mean?

I gave Mrs. Wright one mature bud in a vase, saying, "Watch it open." She was sceptical, as she admitted later. The tiny bud opened slowly into a spectacular bloom that lasted many days and perfumed her living room.

Sassy the wonder-dog came out to help me with planting the roses. I pulled the bare root plants out of the rain barrel, where they soaked for several days. When Sassy is outside for long, she sets up a security perimeter and scans in every direction. Army Ranger Bob came by for some pour-over coffee.

He said, "You looked peaked and needing some rest." I asked, "Does that mean a coffee break?" He lit up and said, "Oh I could use some." Sassy went inside with us for some pour-over coffee. He calls her Chow Dog and looks for treats for her to enjoy.

We went out later and Bob let me continue my labors. The one thing I needed was to water the roses to help them get started, several benefits accruing - soil is settled down, canes are kept moist before leafing out, roots starting growing.

This morning Sassy wanted her walk, so we went out. I noticed damp sidewalks, overhead clouds gloomy with rain. By the time we returned, rain began falling. The ideal rainfall after planting anything is a long, steady rain.

Which part DID you like?

Matt the Fatt Ordered Joshua Scheer To Cover Up an LCMS Scandal - And He Did.
Some warning from the ELCA… and a great video from the Fort Wayne Symposia | Steadfast Lutherans

Steadfast Lutherans told the horrible story of Darwin Schauer placed in a congregation, only to offend again.

 Matt the Fatt ordered SL editor Joshua Scheer to erase all the evidence from SL, and he did. I preserved the story on Ichabod, which made Scheer grumpy.

 One of your LCMS pastors, Joshua?
Protected by Harrison, too?
 The caption is in the graphic below.
LCMS is still haunted by Walther and Stephan.

Love that cheesehat. A man of the sheeple,
always ready to entertain.

Some warning from the ELCA… and a great video from the Fort Wayne Symposia | Steadfast Lutherans:

"Posted on March 15, 2018 by Pastor Joshua Scheer
So in the heavily antinomian, reductionistic, Biblically uninformed “bound conscience” ELCA a couple recent things should be pointed out as warnings for those who have drank (sic) too deeply of their theology (or fathers) and methodology (largely listening to the culture instead of the Word)."

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GJ - LCMS cover up artists (like Herman Otten) are congratulating themselves for not being ELCA. Did someone spike their dranks, I mean, drinks?

The grandees of Steadfast Lutherans teach the same UOJ as ELCA does. In fact, SL is a closed shop for UOJ. No one can post who teaches Justification by Faith. Comments in favor of the Chief Article are often erased, and those JBFA Christians are called "morons" by the previous editor, a self-inflating bullfrog named. Best of all, no one can link to this blog, which is great for viewer numbers, averaging 3,000 per day - every day.

Tim Rossow called y'all "morons."
LCMS seminaries do not teach manners, grammar, or Lutheran doctrine. They have drank (sic) from the same cup of toxins.

Scheer madness also linked  an ELCA website that seems to be even naughtier than Nadia, but why give them Search Engine Optimization? I know - to enhance that superior feeling, even though the LCMS clergy think Nadia, Leonard Sweet (seminary speaker), and other snake oil salesmen are worthy of study. Here is Nadia and a penetrating question from Sceptical Baby.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Lutheran Seminary Fires President - Latini Responds

 Yes, I was there, interviewed at the Philly Seminary
around 1981. Someone was already hired, so others were interviewed to meet the demands of HEW. Hence, it was called an HEW interview - a free trip to Philly.

Lutheran Seminary Fires President:

"Latini said via email that she was being scapegoated, and that United Lutheran was facing challenges from its recent creation from merging two Lutheran seminaries. "I had been eager to help this newly-combined organization to flourish," she said. "However, given the longstanding, historic divisions between the predecessor schools and what I believe to have been a politically based whisper campaign against me and other members of the board, it became clear that certain parts of the organization were not going to stand behind me and that I could not be effective as president. I have been scapegoated by an historically divided institution resistant to unification, and have been given little chance to respond to the accusations against me.""

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GJ - Gettysburg was the original seminary - the General Synod. When that group became too anti-Lutheran, about half split off to form the General Council and establish its own seminary in Philadelphia.

Ironically, the General Synod came from the Pietism of Halle and that ideology led to the split. WELS also came from Pietism and returned to it via Fuller Seminary.

Bergandoff was an icon of the Augustana Synod, Augustana College, and higher education. He wanted the Midwestern seminaries merged at the U. of Chicago campus, which did take place but failed slowly in the decades following.

Conrad Bergendoff wanted the two seminaries united, and plans were made to do that in the LCA merger of 1962. However, that plan collapsed even though land was already purchased for the merger.

That division was always mentioned with some bitterness, even into the 1980s, so it is no surprise that it is still felt decades after that. I was told, "It is offensive to suggest that a Pennsylvania pastor is from the other seminary, so it is better to start by saying - where did you graduate?"

The reactions to Theresa Latini were so hysterical that some began wondering about Union and Harvard taking "tainted" students from United to finish their seminary degrees at those even-more-Left-wing institutions. The idea is to get Lutheran prerequisites done at an ELCA seminary (Do you hate Luther? Yes? Good. We can ordain you.) to be buffed and polished at Harvard or Union. (Are you an atheist? Yes? Good, you can graduate from our hallowed halls.)

Lutheran seminary education is truly pathetic these days, and I am including the anti-Lutheran ones in the ELS, WELS, and LCMS. The micro-mini ones are jokes not worth mentioning.

Lutheran seminary president ousted in controversy over past 'conversion therapy' work |

 "Nothing to see here. Move on."

Lutheran seminary president ousted in controversy over past 'conversion therapy' work |

"A prominent Lutheran seminary with two campuses in Pennsylvania is having a stormy moment of reckoning over the early-career, "conversion therapy" work by its first-year president.

That moment reached a climax at the United Lutheran Seminary Wednesday, with the school's board of trustees voting to end the Rev. Theresa F. Latini's tenure as president.

Latini, who answered some questions from PennLive via email Wednesday night, called the board's action unfair.

"I have been scapegoated by an historically divided institution resistant to unification," she wrote, "and have been given little chance to respond to the accusations against me."

United Lutheran Seminary is the modern-day result of a merger between longstanding seminaries in Gettysburg and Philadelphia. The jointure was approved in January 2016, and took effect this fall.

The controversy stemmed from Latini's work in the 1990s, according to this report on, as director of One By One, a Pittsford, N.Y.-based organization that believed and taught that sexual orientation change is possible.

That information, the news site reported Wednesday, was made known to the seminary's board chairman during a presidential search process last year.

But the chairman, the Rev. J. Elise Brown, did not share that information with the rest of the board's selection committee, which subsequently hired Latini last summer.

As word of Latini's past leaked out in recent weeks, students, alumni, faculty and staff have pushed back against the presidential search process, the lack of transparency surrounding it, and related issues.

The pushback continued through a board "listening session" in Philadelphia last week, and culminated in Wednesday's actions."

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This just in, as a letter to people in the Lower Susquehanna Synod:

March 14, 2018

Wednesday of the 4th Week in Lent

Dear partners in Christ:

The United Lutheran Seminary (ULS) Board of Trustees held a formal Board meeting on Wednesday, March 14, to address Seminary and Board leadership issues. As you may know, Bishop Dunlop is a member of the seminary board of directors and served as chair of the transition committee leading to the creation of the United Lutheran Seminary.

During today’s meeting, the Board voted to end Dr. Theresa F. Latini’s position as President of the United Lutheran Seminary. This decision was made based on the Board’s concern that the ongoing controversy surrounding her naming as President make it extremely difficult to overcome the issues related to trust as the president of this institution. With the understanding that there is much work to be done in healing, the Board recognized that her ongoing tenure would present a significant obstacle to moving forward. The primary obligation of the Board is to our Seminary and the perpetuation of its critical mission in training leaders for the church.

Also during today’s meeting, the board of directors of the United Lutheran Seminary elected Bishop James S. Dunlop as acting president of the seminary until an interim president is elected by the board of directors. Because of his rich history with the seminary, he feels a deep calling to serve the seminary in this important position at this critical time in the seminary’s short history. Offering full support, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton encouraged Bishop Dunlop to accept this acting position, saying that he is the person best suited to fulfill this role at this time. A search for an interim president will begin in earnest. (For more information regarding the outcomes of the meeting, read today's Board of Trustees' statement here.)

To successfully carry out this role, Bishop Dunlop will be taking a temporary leave of absence from serving as our bishop. His responsibilities as our bishop will be adjusted and shared with staff. Bishop Dunlop said that he could agree to accepting this position because he has complete faith in our staff. He is confident our staff will be able to continue to perform their ministry tasks and to continue to carry out the mission of our synod.

Vice President Lucinda L. Bringman has called for a special meeting of the Synod Council on Thursday, March 22, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is in accord with *S8.58. of our synod constitution: “If the bishop is to be temporarily absent from the synod for an extended period, the bishop, with the consent of Synod Council, may appoint as acting bishop for such period an ordained minister of this church.” Until an acting bishop is appointed and confirmed by Synod Council, the staff will continue to function as it has whenever the bishop is away from this synod.

With the help of God and with requests for prayers, Bishop Dunlop has accepted this temporary position. We are a people whose story is centered in the death and resurrection. We are prayerful that out of these recent painful and difficult events will come new life. We invite your prayers for God’s light and guidance for healing, trust, wisdom, and compassion.

Yours in Christ,
Bishop James S. Dunlop
Vice President Lucinda L. Bringman
Secretary Thomas E. McKee


ALPB Forum Notes a Large Number of Resignations from the "United" Lutheran Seminary Board

"In 2018, we have received resignations from several Board members. Robert King and Nancy Dering Mock stepped down earlier this year due to personal reasons. Lisa Leber, Audrey Moody, Phillip Harrington and Elise Brown tendered their resignations in advance of today’s board meeting. Cheryl Meinschein, Charles Miller, Emma Porter and Janet Montelaro resigned immediately following the meeting."

This is mid-March; the "In 2018..." resignations of two Board members may seem to some to imply "oh, so long ago".  That 4 members resigned in advance of the reported Board meeting and 4 immediately after it, bringing the total "In 2018" to 10 Board Member resignations, is extraordinary and cautionary.  All linked to the Presidential issue?  What was the allegiance to prior institutions of these resignees before it became so "United"?  Were they asked to resign?  This appears on the surface to be a personnel matter, thus "closed session", yet a ton of backroom/backyard conversations and actions had to lead to this.

The search for a new President will be extremely difficult, not just because of the unforgiven transgression of the immediate past-President, but in the main because of the boiling cauldron of discontent that the stakeholders may perceive from the Board resignations.  The laundry must be cleaned now.  But, first and always, prayers for all involved, including those who never forgive.