Saturday, April 14, 2018

Luther's Sermon for Shepherd Sunday - John 10:11-16

He shall feed His flock like a shepherd.
He shall carry the lambs in His arms,
and gently lead those with young.
Norma A. Boeckler


Psalm 51 (Misericordias. Also called “Shepherd Sunday”).

Text; John 10:11-16. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd layeth down his life for the sheep. He that is a hireling, and not a shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, beholdeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth, and the wolf snatcheth them, and scattereth them: he fleeth because he is a hireling, and careth not for the sheep. I am the good shepherd; and I know mine own, and mine own know me, even as the Father knoweth me, and I know the. Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep. And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and they shall become one flock, one shepherd.

1. This is a comforting Gospel, which so beautifully portrays the Lord Jesus and teaches us what manner of person he is, what kind of works he does, and how he is disposed toward men. And there is no better way to understand it than to contrast light and darkness and day and night; that is, the good shepherd with the wicked one, as the Lord himself does.

2. Now, you have often heard that God has given the world two different proclamations. One is that which is declared in the Word of God when it says: Thou shalt not kill, not commit adultery, not steal ( Exodus 20:13-15), and when it adds the threat that all who do not keep these commandments shall die. But this declaration will make no one godly at heart. For though it may compel a man outwardly to appear godly before men, inwardly it leaves the heart at enmity with the Law, and wishing that there were no such Law.

3. The other proclamation is that of the Gospel. It tells where one may obtain that which will meet the demands of the Law. It does not drive or threaten, but tenderly invites us. It does not say, Do this and do that, but rather: Come, I will show you where you may find and obtain what you need to make you godly. See, here is the Lord Jesus; he will give it to you.

Therefore, the two are as contrary to each other as taking and giving, demanding and presenting; and this distinction must be well observed. Thus God ever has ruled and still rules the world today. To coarse and rude persons, who are not influenced by the Gospel, the Law must be declared, and they must be driven until they are humbled and acknowledge their imperfections. When this has been accomplished, the Gospel is to be applied.

4. These are the two divine proclamations, which come from heaven.

Besides these there are others that are not from heaven, but are human prattle, which the pope and our bishops have invented that they might terrify our consciences. Such men are not worthy of being called shepherds or hirelings, but they are here designated by the Lord Jesus as thieves, murderers and wolves. For if men are to be savingly governed, it must be done with the Word of God; and if it is not done by the Word of God, they are not properly governed.


5. Now, here Jesus has in mind the second proclamation. He explains it and sets himself forth as the chief shepherd, yea, as the only shepherd; for that which he does not tend is not kept. This comforting and sweet proclamation we will now consider.

6. You have heard that after his sufferings and death Christ our Lord arose from the dead and entered upon, and was enthroned in, an immortal existence. Not that he might sit up there in heaven idly and find pleasure in himself, but that he might take charge of the kingdom of which the prophets and all the Scriptures have so fully spoken, and might rule as a king. Therefore, we should think of him as being present and reigning among us continually, and never think of him as sitting up there doing nothing, but rather that he from above fills and rules all things, as Paul says to the Ephesians 4:10, and especially that he is taking care of his kingdom, which is the Christian faith, and that therefore his kingdom among us here on earth must prosper. This kingdom, as we have said, is so constituted that we all must daily increase and grow in holiness, and it is not governed by any other power save the oral proclamation of the Gospel.

7. This proclamation is not of men, but Christ himself sent it forth, and then put it into the hearts of the apostles and their successors so that they understood it, and into their mouths so that they spoke and declared it.

This is his kingdom, and so does he rule that all of his power is comprehended in and connected with the Word of God. They who hear and believe it belong to this kingdom, and the Word then becomes so mighty that it provides all that man may need and bestows all the blessings that we may desire. For it is the power of God, and it can and will save all who believe it, as St. Paul declared to the Romans 1:16. If you believe that Christ died to save you from all evil, and will hold fast to that Word, you will find it so certain and sure that no creature can overthrow it; and as no one can overthrow the Word, neither can anyone harm you who believe it. Accordingly, with the Word you will overcome sin, death, devil and hell, and you will find a refuge in the Word and attain that which is found where the Word is, namely, everlasting peace, joy and life. In short, you will be participants in all the power that is in the Word. Therefore, it is a peculiar kingdom. The Word is present and is orally proclaimed to all the world, but its power is deeply hidden, so that none but they who believe realize that it is so effective and that it accomplishes such great things. It must be experienced and realized by the heart.

8. Hence, all that we preachers can do is to become the mouthpieces and instruments of Christ our Lord, through whom he proclaims the Word bodily. He sends forth the Word publicly so that all may hear it, but that the heart inwardly experiences it, that is effected through faith and is wrought by Christ in secret where he perceives that it can be done according to his divine knowledge and pleasure. That is why he says: “I am the good shepherd.” And what is a good shepherd? “The good shepherd,” says Christ, “layeth down his life for the sheep; and I lay down my life for the sheep.” In this one virtue the Lord comprehends and exemplifies all others in the beautiful parable of the sheep. Sheep, you know, are most foolish and stupid animals. When we want to speak of anybody’s stupidity we say, “He is a sheep.” Nevertheless, it has this trait above all other animals, that it soon learns to heed its shepherd’s voice and will follow no one but its shepherd, and though it cannot help and keep and heal itself, nor guard itself against the wolf, but is dependent upon others, yet it always knows enough to keep close to its shepherd and look to him for help.

9. Now, Christ uses this trait or nature of the animal as an illustration in explaining that he is the good shepherd. In this manner he plainly shows what his kingdom is, and wherein it consists, and would say: My kingdom is only to rule the sheep; that is poor, needy wretched men, who well see and realize that there is no other help or counsel for them.

10. But that we may make it the plainer, and may understand it the better, we will cite a passage from the prophet Ezekiel, where he speaks of the wicked shepherds that are against Christ, when he says (34:2ff): “Should not the Shepherds feed the sheep? Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill the fatlings; but ye feed not the sheep. The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought back that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost; but with force and with rigor have ye ruled over them. And they were scattered, because there was no shepherd; and they become food to all the beasts of the field and were scattered. My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and upon every high hill: yea, my sheep were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and there was none that did search or seek after them,” and so forth. Accordingly, God reproves the shepherds who do not keep the sheep. And now mark well what he has written. His earnest intent in this paragraph is that the weak, sick, broken, those who are driven away and the lost, are to be strengthened, bound up, healed, and sought again, and that they are not to be torn to pieces and scattered. This you should have done, says he to the shepherds, but you have not done it; therefore, I will do it myself. As he says further on, in verse 16: “I will seek that which was lost, I will bring back that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick.”

11. Here you see that Christ’s kingdom is to be concerned about the weak, the sick, the broken, that he may help them. That is, indeed, a comforting declaration. The only trouble is that we do not realize our needs and infirmities. If we realized them, we would soon flee to him. But how did those shepherds act? They ruled with rigor, and applied God’s Law with great severity; and, moreover, they added their own commandments, as they still do, and when these were not fulfilled, they raved and condemned, so that they were driving and driving and exhorting and exacting, continually. That is no proper way to tend and keep souls, says Christ. He is no such shepherd as that; for no one is benefited, but is rather wholly undone, by such a course, as we shall presently hear. Now let us consider this citation from the prophet in its order.

12. First, he says: The sheep that are weak are to be strengthened; that is, consciences weak in faith and troubled in spirit and of tender disposition are not to be driven and told: You must do this. You must be strong. If you are weak, you are lost. That is not strengthening the weak. St. Paul, speaking to the Romans ( Romans 14:1) says: “But him that is weak in faith receive ye, yet not for decision of scruples.” And shortly afterwards ( Romans 15:1) he says: “Now we that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak.” Accordingly, they should not be driven with rigor, but should be comforted, even though they are weak, lest they be driven to despair; and in time they will grow stronger.

13. Isaiah, the prophet, speaks of Christ likewise ( Isaiah 42:3): “A bruised reed will he not break, and a dimly burning wick will he not quench.” The bruised reeds are poor, tender consciences, which are easily distracted so that they tremble and despair of God. He does not fly at them then, and trample them under foot; that is not his way. But he deals with them gently, lest he break them to pieces. Again, the dimly burning wick, which still burns at least, though there be more smoke than fire there, he does not wholly quench, but lights, and again and again trims it. That is a great consolation, indeed, to such as experience it; and, therefore, he who does not deal gently with tender consciences is no good shepherd.

14. Secondly, the prophet says: “Neither have ye healed the sick.” Who are the sick? They are those who are manifestly deficient in certain of their works. The first clause has reference to tender consciences; the second, to outward conduct. As, for instance, when one growls and sulks, and now and then lapses, and in anger and other foolish ways oversteps the bounds; even as the apostles, at times, grievously stumbled. But even those who in their outward works before men manifest their shortcomings, so that people are offended at them and say that they are rude and peculiar, he will not cast away; for his kingdom here below is not so constituted as to embrace only the strong and the whole, as it will be in the life to come.

Christ is sent here that he might receive and help just such people.

15. Therefore, even though we are weak and sick, we must not despair and say we are not in the kingdom of Christ. But the more we realize our sickness, all the more should we turn to him; for that is what he is here for, to heal and make us whole. Accordingly, if you are sick and a sinner, and realize your condition, you have all the more reason to go to him and say:

Dear Lord, I come just because I am a sinner; that thou mayest help me, and make me good. Thus, necessity drives you to him; for the greater your ailment, the more imperative it is that you seek relief. And that is what he wants; therefore, he tenderly bids us to be of good cheer, and to come unto him. They who are not good shepherds, however, expect to make people good by hatefully scolding and driving them, whereas they are thereby only making matters worse. And this may be seen when we look upon present conditions, brought about by this wrong method, when everything is so piteously scattered, even as the prophet has here said.

16. Thirdly: “Neither have ye bound up that which was broken.” To be broken is as though one had a bone fractured or were otherwise wounded.

As when a Christian is not only weak and infirm, so that he makes a misstep at times, but when he falls into such great temptation that he breaks his leg; for instance, if he should fall and deny the Gospel, as St.

Peter did, when he denied Christ. Well, even though one should make such a misstep as to be impeded or overthrown — even then you should not cast him away, as though he no more belonged to this kingdom. For you must not rob Christ of his characteristic, that in his kingdom abounding grace and mercy alone prevail, so that he helps those who realize their misery and wretchedness, and desire to be helped, and that his kingdom is wholly one of consolation, and that he is a comforting, friendly shepherd, who tenderly invites, and would induce, all men to come unto him.

17. Now, all this is effected through the Gospel alone, by means of which we are to strengthen all the weak and heal all the sick; for this Word will satisfy every want of those whose consciences are troubled, and will give full consolation to all, so that no one, no matter how great a sinner he has been, need despair. Hence, Christ alone is the good shepherd, who heals all our infirmities and raises up again those who have fallen. He who does not do that is no shepherd.

18. Fourthly, the prophet says: “Neither have ye brought back that which was driven away.” What is meant by “that which was driven away”? It is that despised soul that is fallen so low that all efforts to reclaim it seem to be in vain. Nevertheless, Christ would not have even such dealt with rigorously. He would not have his kingdom narrowed down so as to include only such as are strong and healthy and perfect. That will be the case in the future kingdom that follows this life, as has been said: Now, because he reigns, pure grace and bliss only shall prevail. Even as God promised the children of Israel ( Exodus 3:8) that the promised land would be a land flowing with milk and honey. Likewise St. Paul says that our uncomely parts shall have more abundant comeliness ( 1 Corinthians 12:23).

19. Fifthly, he concludes: “Neither have ye sought that which was lost.”

That which was lost is that which is given up as already condemned, so that there is no expectation that it ever will return; as the publicans and harlots mentioned in the Gospel, and as the dissolute and intractable in our day, were and are. And yet, even these he would not have us pass by, but would have everything possible done to reclaim them. This was done by St. Paul, on different occasions; as, for example, when he delivered two men unto Satan, as he said to Timothy ( 1 Timothy 1:20): “Whom I delivered unto Satan that they might be taught not to blaspheme.” And, again, to the Corinthians he said ( 1 Corinthians 5:5): “I have concluded to deliver such a one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.” He had cast these away as condemned, and yet he goes after them again.

20. Therefore, we should so preach Christ as one who will reject nobody, however weak he may be, but will gladly receive and comfort and strengthen everybody; that we may always picture him to ourselves as a good shepherd. Then hearts will turn to him of their own accord, and need not be forced and driven. The Gospel graciously invites and makes men willing, so that they desire to go, and do go, to him with all confidence.

And it begets a love for Christ in their hearts, so that they willingly do what they should, whereas formerly they had to be driven and forced. When we are driven, we do a thing with displeasure and against our will. That is not what God desires; therefore it is done in vain. But when I see that God deals with me graciously, he wins my heart, so that I am constrained to fly to him; consequently, my heart is filled with happiness and joy.

21. Now see what an evil it is when one person judges another. Christ’s kingdom, as we have heard, is calculated to heal and sanctify only such souls as are sick and needy; therefore all must err who look only upon those who are strong and holy. Consequently, the knowledge that rightly apprehends Christ is great and mighty. By our nature we are knaves to the very hide, and yet we expect everyone to be pious. With open mouth, we do not want to look at anybody but strong Christians. We ignore the sick and weak, and think that if they are not strong then they are not Christians at all. And others who are not perfectly holy we reckon among the wicked, and yet we, ourselves, are more wicked than they. That is what our evil nature does, and our blind reason, that wants to measure God’s kingdom by its own imagination, and thinks that whatever does not appear pure in its eyes is not pure in the sight of God.

22. Therefore we must get that idea out of our minds; for if we keep it before us too much, we will finally get into such a state of mind as to think:

Oh, what will become of me if only they are Christians who are strong and healthy and holy? When will I ever reach that state? And thus we, ourselves, will make it impossible. Therefore, we must eventually be driven to say: Dear Lord, I realize that I am very weak, very sick and despondent.

Nevertheless, I will not allow that to confound me, but I will come to thee, that thou mayest help me; for thou art ever the good and pious shepherd, which I also confess thee to be, and therefore will I despair of my own works.

23. Let us, therefore, ever be wise and learn to know Christ well, and to know that in his kingdom there are only weak and sickly people, and that it is nothing but a hospital, where the sick and infirm, who need care, are gathered. And yet there are so few who understand that! And this fact seems so obscured that even they who have the Gospel and the Spirit are lacking in the knowledge of it; for it is the most profound wisdom that man can attain. For even though they see that the Scriptures praise this kingdom and speak of its preciousness, yet they do not realize what the words mean, and do not understand that they contain that true wisdom which is far above the wisdom of men. For it is not our wisdom that we deal with, and that we speak of and preach to sensible, prudent and wise people; but it is this, that we go among fools and simpletons, and care for them, not because we find pleasure in so doing, but in order that we may help them to get rid of their sins and foolishness and to find righteousness and true knowledge.

24. So you see that Christian wisdom does not consist in raising our eyes to that which is lofty and wise, to see ourselves reflected there, but in lowering our eyes to that which is lowly and foolish. Let him who knows this, thank God; for such knowledge will fit him to accommodate himself to, and guide him under, all circumstances in this life. Therefore you will yet find many even among those who preach the Gospel, who have not yet attained it. They never taught us thus before, and we were accustomed to think we did not dare to come to Christ until we had first become perfectly pure. Now you must get out of that way of thinking and come to a proper understanding of Jesus, and learn to know him as a true shepherd. But we have heard enough on this point for the present.


25. Now, he contrasts the good shepherd with a wicked one, or a hireling, and says: “The good shepherd layeth down his life for the sheep. He that is a hireling, and not a shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, beholdeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth, and the wolf snatcheth them and scattereth them: he fleeth because he is a hireling, and careth not for the sheep.”

26. In the strictest sense, he alone is the shepherd; and yet, as he alone is Christ but nevertheless calls us by the same name — Christians — even so, though he alone is the shepherd, he designates all those who exercise the office of the ministry among Christians by that name also. In like manner in Matthew 23:9 he forbids us to call any man on earth father, for one is our father, even he who is in heaven, yet Paul calls himself a father of the Corinthians when he says: “I begat you through the Gospel.” Corinthians 4:15. Thus God acts as though he alone would be our father, and yet he attributes the name to men also, so that they are called fathers.

But they have no right to this name in themselves; only in Christ is it theirs: even as we are called Christians though we have nothing of our own, but all we have has been given to us, in him. Now, “the hireling,” says he, “whose own the sheep are not, beholdeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth,” etc. That is a hard saying, indeed, that some who truly preach and administer the Gospel and strengthen and heal the sheep, finally allow themselves to be carried away and leave the sheep when they are most in need of help. As long as no wolf is in sight, they are active and. tend the sheep; but when they see the wolf breaking in, they forsake the sheep. If the sheep have been well kept, till they are strong and healthy and fat, they will then be all the more acceptable to the wolf, for whom they have been kept.

27. How does that happen? Well, says Christ, in my kingdom, whose whole object is to strengthen the weak, heal the sick, comfort the sorrowing, and so forth, the holy cross will not be wanting. For, if we preach that Christ alone must receive, strengthen, heal and help us poor sheep, and that we cannot, by our own strength and works, help ourselves, and that, therefore, all works and whatever else the world pretends to offer in its many religious services are of no avail, the world cannot abide such preaching. Hence, it is but natural that the Gospel should bring with it the holy cross, and that they who confess it before the world should risk their necks in so doing.

28. Because this is so, the good shepherds are thus distinguished from the hirelings. Whoever is a hireling will preach the Gospel only so long as they say of him that he is a learned, pious and good man; but when he is attacked, and men begin to denounce him as a heretic and a knave, and challenge him to a dispute, he recants or runs away, and abandons the poor sheep in their distress, and things are in a worse state than they were before. For what advantage has it been to the poor sheep that they had once been well kept? Had the shepherds been faithful, they would have sacrificed their bodies and lives for the sake of the sheep, and would have given their necks to the executioner for the Gospel’s sake. Accordingly, they are never true shepherds who, in preaching, have their own popularity, profit and advantage in view. They are surely hirelings; for they seek their own advantage, even when they dispense the true doctrine and Word of God. Therefore they continue only as long as they are honored and praised.

Hence they retract, and deny the Word, when the wolf comes, or flee and leave the sheep in the lurch. The sheep bleat for pasture and for the shepherd to protect them from the wolves, but there is no one to succor them; thus they are deserted when they most need some one to help them.

29. Such will be the result when men once begin to lay hands on and persecute us in earnest. There will be preachers who will hold their tongues and flee, and the sheep will be pitiably scattered, the one running here and the other there. God grant that there may be at least some who will stand firm and risk their lives to rescue the sheep. Thus Christ has here portrayed the hireling. He then proceeds: “I am the good shepherd; and I know mine own.”

30. There is a great deal contained in these words, far too much to be exhaustively treated here. He speaks here of his own peculiar calling. “I know mine own,” he says, “and mine own know me.” How is this to be understood? That he explains further when he says: “Even as the Father knoweth me, and I know the Father.”


31. How is he known of the Father? Not with an earthly, but with a heavenly, knowledge. Of that we have spoken more fully before, and the substance of it is this: Christ recognizes us as his sheep, and we recognize him as our shepherd. Now, we have heard what a good shepherd is, and also who the weak sheep are. He knows us to be such sheep as are weak, sick and broken. That is: It does not make any difference in his regard for them that they are weak and sickly, and he does not despise and reject them on that account; but he pities and heals them, even though they be so diseased that the whole world concludes they are not his sheep. Such is the world’s knowledge, but that is not the way that Christ distinguishes them.

He does not look upon their condition, but looks to see whether they are sheep, whether they may be designated sheep. He looks at the sheep, not at the wool.

32. Now, they are good shepherds who imitate Christ and know the sheep in the same way; who look at the person, not at the faults, and know how to distinguish between the sheep and the disease.

33. Even so the Father knows me also, says Christ, but the world does not know me. When the time comes for me to die a shameful death upon the cross, all the world will say: Well, is that the Son of God? That must be a malefactor, owned, body and soul, by the devil. And thus the world will look upon and know me; but my Father will say: This is my beloved Son, my King, my Savior. For he will not look upon my sorrows, nor upon my wounds, nor upon my cross and my death, but he will see the person that I am. Therefore, though I were in the midst of hell and in the jaws of the devil, I must again come forth, for the Father will not desert me. And thus I know my sheep and am known of them. They know that I am the good shepherd and know me; and therefore they come to me and abide with me, and they are not afraid because they are weak and sick, for they know that I will receive such sheep. He now concludes and says: “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold; them also must I bring, and they shall hear my voice; and they shall become one flock, one shepherd.

34. Some have explained this passage in such a way as to make it appear that it will be fulfilled shortly before the last day, when the Antichrist appears, and Elias and Enoch. That is not true, and it is the devil himself who is responsible for this belief of some, that the whole world will become Christian. The devil did this that the true doctrine might be so obscured so that it might not be understood. Therefore be on your guard; for this passage was verified and fulfilled shortly after Christ ascended into heaven, and is still in process of fulfillment. When the Gospel was first proclaimed, it was preached to the Jews; that nation was the sheepfold.

And now he says here: “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also must I bring.” Here he declares that the Gospel is to be preached to the gentiles also, so that they also might believe in Christ, that there might be one Christian communion, composed of Jews and gentiles. This was afterwards brought about through the apostles, who preached to the gentiles and converted them to the faith. Accordingly there is now but one church or communion, one faith, one hope, one love, one baptism, etc.

And this continues to be so at the present day, and will continue until the day of judgment. Hence, you must not understand this to mean that the whole world, and all men, will believe in Christ; for this holy cross will always be with us. They are in the majority who persecute Christ, and therefore the Gospel must ever be preached, that some may be won for Christ. The kingdom of Christ is in process of growing and is not something that is completed. This is, in brief, the explanation of this Gospel.

Reader - how do you see the relation between the crypto-Calvinism of centuries ago and what's happening with UOJ now and with Walther then? That would be quite a series of posts!

 Calvin was poorly trained in theology, like the self-important grandees of the Synodical Conference seminaries today. He was jealous of Luther and wanted to be a leader on his own.

 Karl Barth and his Commie mistress Charlotte Kirschbaum became the 20th century Calvinist leaders, prolific false teachers admired and emulated by Protestant and Roman Catholic theologians.

Calvinism has the same relationship to Lutheran doctrine as mercury has to precious metals. Calvinism easily attaches itself to Lutheran teaching and is very hard to remove.

The earlier crypto-Calvinism of the Lutherans was so hidden from the Elector that he was punishing the faithful theologians while favoring the false teachers.


From 2012
Paul McCain is selling his Calvinist Bible from a supposedly Lutheran publishing house, simultaneously warning everyone about crypto-Calvinism. 

Driscoll, on the far left, is the potty-mouth pastor admired by Glende and Ski.
J. I. Packer is a famous Calvinist who edited McCain's favorite Bible, the ESV.

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Beware of Crypto-Calvinists Selling Calvinist Bibl...": 

I once made a Crypto Calvinist bristle when I jokingly referred to him as one. The whole premise of Crypto Calvinism is deceit. They say that they are Lutheran, but are really in the Reformed camp.


GJ - I have been commenting to readers and on the blog that the Synodical Conference promotion of Universal Objective Justification reminds me of the reasoning of Calvinists. The system is first and must be true - no matter how much their claims repudiate the Scriptures at every term.

Just as Calvin mocked and attacked the Real Presence, so do the new crypto-Calvinists (Buchholz, Webber, McCain, Valleskey) mock and attack Justification by Faith.

The Left wiggle their hooves in delight when they quote Barth. The UOJ Stormtroopers are no less pleased with themselves when they quote Huber, Knapp, and Rambach.

Witness at former state lawmaker's graft trial says Arkansas college struggled

Witness at former state lawmaker's graft trial says Arkansas college struggled:

"Former Ecclesia business office manager Shannon Newman had to use the college's line of credit to pay bills, sometimes several times in a single week, she testified Friday. The line of credit was used to pay Paradigm at least once that she was sure of, Newman testified.

Newman went to work for Ecclesia in February 2015 as its business office manager and stayed until May of 2016, she testified.

Ecclesia hired Seth Duell, also in February 2015, to raise money, Duell testified Friday morning. Paris never told Duell that Paradigm Consulting had a contract to raise money, he said."

'via Blog this'

Friday, April 13, 2018

NATIONAL SCRABBLE DAY – April 13 | National Day Calendar

NATIONAL SCRABBLE DAY – April 13 | National Day Calendar:

National Scrabble Day is observed annually on April 13th. Originally named Lexiko and then Criss-Cross Words, Alfred Mosher Butts eventually settled on the name Scrabble. The amateur artist and unemployed architect developed the word game in the midst of the depression.  Still, it wasn’t until 1948, a final name change and a trademark that Butts finally began to produce the game.  "

'via Blog this'

Arkansas college at center of allegations against ex-lawmaker was broke despite grants, fundraiser says

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (KNWA) --  On Thursday Prosecutors continued to reveal the financial dealings of Jon Woods during the time he is accused of participating in a kickback scheme with Ecclesia College.
A fraud researcher with Arvest Bank testified in court that Woods took out more than $87,000 in loans with the bank between 2012 and 2014.
It was revealed that those loans were all guaranteed by other people. During that same time period, Woods is accused of receiving money for directing Government funds to non-profits.
Woods' attorney argues the money was transferred to pay back those loans. Woods was originally indicted in 2017 along with several other defendants.

Arkansas college at center of allegations against ex-lawmaker was broke despite grants, fundraiser says:

"Ecclesia hired Seth Duell in February 2015 to raise money, he testified Friday morning. Paris never told Duell that Paradigm Consulting had been hired to raise money, he said.

In cross examination defense attorneys produced emails from Paris to Duell dated as early as February 2015 referring specifically to Shelton and Paradigm in reference to fundraising suggestions. Duell testified he did not remember the emails and said they only made suggestions. He never coordinated fundraising with Shelton, he said.

Paris had paid Shelton’s consulting company $267,000 out of college funds from 2013 to 2015 without notifying his college’s board until October 2015 when federal investigators questioned Paris, according to the indictment and testimony.

Paris reported to his board in October 2015 about the payments to the consulting business over the previous two years, the indictment says, and said Shelton’s efforts “resulted in strategic positioning with new large donors, which was anticipated to result in multiple millions of dollars over the next few years.”

The campus was rundown, Duell testified. “Dorms were in a terrible state,” he said.

Ecclesia had no record of any donations greater than $15,000 when he came on board, Duell testified. The college lacked enough enrollment to cover its expenses with tuition, he testified.

“I was kept in the dark about who Paradigm was,” he said.

Duell raised the possibility of seeking General Improvement Fund grants, but was told by Paris that Paris handled those, Duell testified.

“Many people in Springdale had never heard of a Ecclesia, and there was skepticism from those who didn’t know” Duell testified about his fundraising efforts.

Duell worked for the college for about a year he testified.

“When FBI investigators interviewed Mr. Paris in his office, I knew it was time to find another job,” he said.

Woods supported a $200,000 grant to Ecclesia in September 2013, grant records show. Neal supported a $50,000 grant to the college and Woods another $150,000 in December, 2014, also according to grant records. The amount of money Woods is accused of receiving as a kickback isn’t specified in the indictment. It claims much of that money was paid in cash, except for one transaction made to Woods by wire transfer for $40,000.

Arkansas legislators gave nearly $700,000 of taxpayers’ money to help Ecclesia College buy almost 50 acres in Benton County."

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TimberTopper says...April 13, 2018 at 12:25 p.m.

Shows their real belief. Tis better to break the law than be honest and close.

JMort69 says...April 13, 2018 at 12:42 p.m.

BTW, the federal indictment also states that Paris and multiple members of his immediate family and their spouses were paid over 1 million in "compensation" over a 4 year period. I guess God called them all to suck this business dry. These people are an insult to Christianity and the truly good people in that religion. And, apparently no one involved in this mess had any fiscal capabilities or business acumen. Neal and Woods were broke. Paris and his board, primarily made up of preachers, displayed the normal inability, for which preachers are well known, to manage anything. And, one of their sponsors of the grants, Bob Ballinger, Senate 5 district seat candidate, was in default on his home loan 5 times in the last 5 years, finally resulting in foreclosure. Perhaps the lesson in all of this is don't elect people under financial duress. They are easy targets for unscrupulous people and schemes. I have long thought that, in many circumstances, we elect those who have failed in their business lives. They run for these seats because they need the income, not out of any concern for the people or our money. And, most particularly, starving attorneys. There are way to many in that profession and many of them struggle financially. They know the law and how to stay just inside the line, at least most of the time. Unfortunately, sometimes we are faced with only bad choices in these races. But, there is always a choice. Keep this in mind when you vote. There will be people who will vote for characters like Ballinger merely because he cloaks himself in phony religious garb. But, for the rest of us, I don't want anyone around the billions in our tax money paid to the state who can't manage his own business affairs. We are not electing Sunday School teachers, according to so-called "Evangelicals". That's true and it cuts both ways. We are electing people to run the business of our state. But, we do demand ethical behavior. And what we see here is neither. Its up to us to rid ourselves of these leeches with our votes.

Woods of Springdale; Oren Paris III, former president of Ecclesia College in Springdale; and Randell Shelton, formerly of Alma, were indicted in March 2017. Paris pleaded guilty April 4 to one count of conspiracy and will testify for the government. He resigned as Ecclesia's president and from the college's governing board the previous day.
Paris disguised the kickbacks as consulting fees paid to Shelton's company, Paradigm Strategic Consulting, according to the indictment. Shelton then passed money along, the government contends. The grants involved came from the state's General Improvement Fund.

Rose Garden - Remember the Air Umbrella and the Beneficial Insect Plants

Our thunderstorm is scheduled for 9 am with an encore at 1 PM. We had so much wind recently that I watered the entire rose garden on Wednesday. Wind dries up the soil and plants; cover crops and mulch help reduce the evaporation and soil erosion.

The Avian Air Force
Knowing the birds would chow down just before the storm, I bought a big bag of sunflower seeds and filled the feeders. We had some expired fruit that I added to the platform feeder. Birds are excellent bug eaters, so I keep the backyard's status as a destination for them, with plenty of food, shelter, and water.

The Beneficial Bugs and Their Homes
Plants favored by beneficial insects may not be spectacular beauties on their own, but they grow early in the season and provide a base where the good bugs can use their tiny flowers. Roses are themselves good for beneficial bugs, if spared the usual destructive insecticide and herbicide sprays.

Clumping mints and daisies are handy for growing around roses. As bug bases, they give alternative sources for food with constant blooms.
 Notice the volunteer bug protecting Falling in Love roses.

Concepts for Growing Good Roses

  1. Storing rainwater is always good for roses. Lacking that, storing tapwater will evaporate the chlorine and make the water better for all plants. My coffee grounds go into the rainbarrel. 
  2. Each rose wants plenty of elbow room. Think royalty and sensitivities. Disease spreads more easily when roses are touching. They like air movement around them (mildew) sunshine that is not overbearing (morning sun, afternoon shade - East side of the house).
  3. Clay soil is good, but heavy. Sandy soil does not hold water very well. Digging out a hole for each bush is good when filled in with mushroom compost, peat compost, bagged topsoil. I mix the clay soil with peat compost.
  4. I like various ground covers, but there is always the danger of a new bush being overwhelmed by something obnoxious like tall orchard grass. To keep the rose monopoly on its patch of soil, surround the plant with newspaper or cardboard, then add wood mulch on top.
  5. In my yard I can count on wild strawberries growing around the tree stumps placed in the rose garden. Birds plant where they perch, so letting them have places to rest and search for food will yield the plants they like. 

Prune, Prune, Prune
Cutting roses for others is one way to prune. Bending down to a bush means having a closer look at the canes. When a cane is brown and dead, it needs to be cut away. Canes are also cut to open them up to air and give them more shape.

People cry about their roses not blooming when they pour chemical powders on them. Pruning and rainwater will do far more for the roses, but they do not sell rainwater at the hardware store, and prune shears last forever.

Pruning does many things at once, besides yielding flowers to share:
  • Roots grow faster, and roots make the soil richer.
  • Dead wood holds back the canes, so pruning them means growth.
  • Buds and weak blooms can be removed to devote more energy to the favored roses. Do the math: 5 - 2 = 3 superb roses.

Creation Growers Add Organic Matter Whenever Possible
Organic matter can come from ground cover plants, leaves, pine needles, manure, newspaper, cardboard, sawdust, twigs, branches, and logs.

A given amount of organic matter will turn into soil and soil creatures. I am not sure how to do that equation, but matter is not lost. 

The Giver Is Gifted
Setting aside all delicacy, not only does every part of Creation serve as eater and food, but each also produces a constant supply of waste products for the soil. The Creation Gardener who lugs organic matter to land is also improving it faster and increasing the total mass of living creatures, from bacteria to moles and hawks. The number of screaming hawks on my block indicates the abundance of food for them. 

Rich soil packed with creatures will also hold the rain and convert it to more plant and animal.

I was thinking about this yesterday, because I was raised on evolution in all my classes. They may not have danced a jig for Darwin, but they certainly did not build a case for Creation.

When I pursued organic gardening to save money over gardening chemicals, the readings pointed in only one direction. If using organic methods worked so well, how could someone deny Creation - the act itself, plus the engineering and management needed to keep all systems working together for the good?

I was driving people in our Voyager when the wipers went crazy, rammed together, and fell apart - in a rainstorm when wipers were needed most. We had to head toward a dealership to get them repaired at once. The earlier repairman forgot to install them correctly - one little error. And yet all the overlapping systems of the garden work together, repair my mistakes, and thrive when nudged in the right direction. 

If the faculty at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, did more than mow their grass, they might discover Creation by Word before their eyes - and in the Scriptures from Genesis 1:1 on.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Pope Francis makes strange apology to Chilean bishops for ‘grave errors’ in sex abuse case | News | LifeSite

Pope Francis makes strange apology to Chilean bishops for ‘grave errors’ in sex abuse case | News | LifeSite:

"However, the Associated Press reported in February that Cardinal Sean O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston and president of the Vatican’s Commission for the Protection of Minors, had already received from several members of the same commission a signed testimony by a victim on Barros’ witnessing of the sexual abuse, and that O’Malley had told them he had delivered it to Pope Francis personally.

Although O’Malley did not comment on the Associated Press story, he publicly rebuked Francis for his dismissive statements regarding the accusations against Barros, which had been made by sex abuse victims."

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Paris pleads guilty | The Week That Was | Arkansas news, politics, opinion, restaurants, music, movies and art

Paris pleads guilty | The Week That Was | Arkansas news, politics, opinion, restaurants, music, movies and art: "Paris pleads guilty

Oren Paris III, president of Ecclesia College in Springdale, pleaded guilty last week to fraud. Federal prosecutors allege that Paris paid kickbacks to former state Sen. Jon Woods and former state Rep. Micah Neal, also of Springdale, in return for state General Improvement Fund grants to the college. Neal pleaded guilty to a conspiracy count in early 2017. Paris was scheduled to go to trial this week alongside Woods and Randell Shelton, a consultant who prosecutors say served as a pass-through for the kickbacks.

During jury selection Monday for the trial, potential jurors were told that potential witnesses in the trial include state Auditor Andrea Lea, state Treasurer Dennis Milligan and state Republican Party Chairman Doyle Webb."

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. 12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. 13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

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Testimony at ex-state legislator's corruption trial reveals bank loans totaling $87,000 in 2 years


Testimony at ex-state legislator's corruption trial reveals bank loans totaling $87,000 in 2 years:

"AmeriWorks was incorporated by lobbyist Russell “Rusty” Cranford a day before it received the grants. The $400,000 from the 2013 grant was returned Aug. 14, 2014, after federal investigators questioned the company’s founder about the grants, according to Woods’ indictment.

Woods and Neal, both Republicans, then cooperated to use part of the refunded $400,000 to steer another $200,000 to Ecclesia in return for another kickback, the indictment says.

Cranford, 56, is set for trial June 11 in federal court in Springfield, Mo., on one count of conspiracy and eight counts of accepting bribes in an unrelated indictment."

Woods is accused of taking kickbacks from Paris in return for directing $550,000 in General Improvement Fund grants to Ecclesia, all in 2013 or 2014.
The fund consists of state tax money left unallocated at the end of each fiscal year and interest earned on state deposits. Each legislator was given a share of the fund to be directed to a nonprofit group or government entity. The state Supreme Court declared this method of distribution unconstitutional in a ruling Oct. 5.

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Intuitu Fidei Election In View of Faith by Schmidt Lenski and Gohdes - Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry – "Faithful to the Reformation"

Intuitu Fidei Election In View of Faith by Schmidt Lenski and Gohdes - Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry – "Faithful to the Reformation":

"Calvinism’s “doctrines of grace” make unconditional election the first cause of a person’s salvation. In contrast, the Book of Concord places justification by faith at the center of orthodox Christianity.

In 1881 Missouri Synod president C. F. W. Walther split the Synodical Conference by insisting that “‘faith foreseen by God flows from election’; or in other words, that the persevering faith without which no sinner can be saved has its source in election.”1 Many Missouri pastors along with those in the Ohio Synod led by Matthias Loy claimed that Walther’s new doctrine was more Calvinistic than Lutheran. The conflict became known as The Predestination Controversy.

This book examines the Lutheran symbols, their writers and early teachers to see if they teach election in foresight of faith.

“This article [justification by faith] is, as it were, the fortress and chief bulwark of the whole Christian doctrine and religion. If this article remains inviolate, the perversions of the other articles will cease of themselves.” – Chemnitz"


  • The Bible One Harmonious Whole
  • Harassing Yourself With The Secret Counsel of God
  • Apostasy is any doctrine which doesn’t ‘rhyme’ with Justification by Faith Alone
  • Contents (448 pages)

  • The Bible One Harmonious Whole

    “We Lutherans do not consider the several articles of the Gospel as fragments, without connection and mutual affinity, which constitute the one faith once delivered to the saints merely because of their common revelation in the Bible. We believe, on the contrary, that the one faith delivered to the saints forms a harmonious whole, of which the constituent parts are so adjusted as to possess mutual agreement and inner cohesion.
    “We, accordingly, do not see in the doctrine of justification an isolated doctrine… No, we make this doctrine the norm and center of our doctrinal system, so that, like a sun, it throws light upon the whole Scripture and all articles of faith. The Holy Spirit Himself has placed this doctrine as a divinely ordained rule in the service of hermeneutics, when He says: “Let us prophecy according to the proportion of faith.” (According to the analogy of faith; Rom. 12:7)

    Harassing Yourself With The Secret Counsel of God

    “Therefore no one who would be saved, should trouble or harass himself with thoughts concerning the secret counsel of God, as to whether he also is elected and ordained to eternal life, for with these miserable Satan is accustomed to attack and annoy godly hearts. But they should hear Christ (and in Him look upon the book of life in which is written the eternal election); who testifies to all men without distinction that it is God’s will that all men who labor and are heavy laden with sin should come to Him in order that He may give them rest and save them (Matt. 2:28; Decl. XI)
    But if God wills that all men should come to Christ and be saved, it surely must have been His will to elect them all in Christ unto salvation, provided they would believe. The actual “election”, therefore, has taken place with strict regard to faith in Christ. All who shall believe, whether they be all men, or many, or only a few, whether they be Jews or Gentiles, these or those – all believers in Christ shall have part in the election in Christ. All non-believers, however, shall be excluded. For on one hand God has ordained in His counsel to restore all those who in true repentance and faith apprehend Jesus, unto grace, sonship and heirship and to elect them thereto. On the other hand He has ordained in His counsel also, to save no one except those who believe in His Son Jesus Christ. Hence where He did not foresee faith, He did not choose to elect; where He was to elect. He wanted to foresee faith. For it was as true then as it is today: “Without faith it is impossible to please God” and to be restored unto grace, sonship and heirship, or to be ordained thereto.

    Apostasy is any doctrine which doesn’t ‘rhyme’ with Justification by Faith Alone

    “Any doctrine that cannot be ‘rhymed’ with the doctrine of justification, bears on its face the brand of apostasy from the one revealed truth and stands disclosed as a false interpretation of Scripture. For this article of justification is ‘the chief topic of Christian doctrine, which, understood aright, illumines and magnifies the honor of Christ (which is of especial service for the clear, correct understanding of the entire Holy Scriptures, and alone shows the way to the unspeakable treasure and right knowledge of Christ and alone opens the door to the entire Bible. (Apology IV)

    Contents (448 pages)

    • Introduction to the Original Edition
    • Part I. What Were The Contents Or The Substance Of The Doctrine, Taught By Our Lutheran Church Fathers, That God Elected In View Of Faith?
      • Introductory Remarks.
        • 1 Over against Romanism
        • 2 Sola Fide and Intuitu Fidei
        • 3 Dr. Samuel Huber and The Intuitu Fidei
        • 4 Correct Understanding of Testimonies
        • 5 Missouri’s New Discovery
        • 6 Missouri Claims to Hold the Doctrine of Luther and Chemnitz Concerning Predestination and also Rejects It.
        • 7 Meeting of the Synodical Conference in Chicago
        • 8 Quotations From Orthodox Publications and Teachers on “Election in View of Faith”
      • A. Authors Of The Formula Of Concord.
        • David Chytraeus
        • Christopher Koerner
        • Martin Chemnitz
        • Selnecker
      • B. Original Subscribers And Defenders Of The Formula Of Concord.
        • AEgidius Hunnius
        • The Wittenberg Faculty
        • John Wigand
        • The Wuertemberg Theologians
        • Matthew Vogel
        • G. Mylius
        • Stephen Gerlach
        • Daniel Arcularius
        • John George Sigwart
        • Luke Backmeister And Jacob Coler (and Chytraeus)
        • David Lobech
        • John Winckelmann.
        • Adam Francisci.
        • Polycarp Leyser.
        • Solomon Gesner.
        • Wolfgang Mamphrasius.
        • John Pappus.
        • Andrew Schaafmann.
        • Philip Nicolai.
        • John Habermann (Avenarius).
        • Matthias Hafenreffer.
        • Luke Osiander.
        • John Coler.
        • Matthew Vogel.
        • Concluding Remarks.
      • C. The Immediate Pupils Of The Subscribers Of The Formula Of Concord.
        • Introduction.
        • Leonhard Hutter.
        • Frederick Balduin.
        • John Weber.
        • David Runge.
        • George Stampel.
        • Joachim Zehner.
        • Esaias Silberschlag.
        • Wolfgang Franz.
        • Balthasar Mentzer.
        • Peter Piscator.
        • John Schroeder.
        • Luke Osiander, Jr.
        • Albert Grauer.
        • John Foerster.
        • John Gerhard.
        • Justus Feuerborn.
        • Nicolas Hunnius.
        • Conrad Dietrich.
    • Part II. Departures From the Confession
      • I. Did Our Lutheran Fathers Depart From The Confession By Teaching, That The Election Of Certain Persons Took Place In View Of Faith?
      • II. Does Missouri really contend that our fathers have departed from the Lutheran Confession with their doctrine of “election to salvation in view of faith”?
        • Northern District and Professor Fritschel
        • Professor Stoeckhardt. Philadelphia Faculty. Lehre und Wehre.
      • III. Did Missouri Hold To Her Present Doctrine in 1872?
        • “Correct Understanding” of a Symbol
      • IV. Colloquy in Columbus, 1879, and Following It
        • Scripture, Fathers, Confession.
        • Huberian Controversy
        • Three Definitions of Election
        • Church of the Formula of Concord knew of no Election to
        • Salvation Except of Believers
        • Testimony of Wittenberg Men
        • Testimony of Rostock Men
        • Tuebigen and Stuttgart Schools, Wuertemberg
      • V. Scriptures, Ordination to Salvation, Acta Huberiana, Wuertemberg Men
        • Specific Election
        • Regard to faith – Wittenberg and Wuertemberg Men
        • Election and Subsequent Will
        • Grace of God and Merits of Christ the Complete Cause of Election
        • Did Rostock, Wittenberg, Tuebingen Know the Lutheran Definition of Election?
    • Part III. Is The Doctrine That God Has Elected Men To Salvation In View Of Faith Found In Our Lutheran Confession?
      • I. Introduction
      • II. Intuitu Fidei Found In The Book of Concord
        • 1 The Augsburg Confession and Election
        • 2 The Apology and Election.
      • III. The Formula of Concord.
      • IV. The Eleventh Article.
        • Election in Detail
        • Trend of the Eleventh Article Against Calvinistic Election
        • Revealed and Hidden Will of God
        • Definition of Election
        • Election of Grace
        • Formula of Concord – Order of Salvation
      • V. Missouri Guilty of Misusing the Confession.
        • Third Thesis, 1879
        • Formula of Concord and Man’s Conduct
    • About the Author - Frederick Augustus Schmidt
    • About the Translator - Richard C. H. Lenksi
    • About the Translator - Conrad B. Gohdes

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