Wednesday, August 15, 2018

That Timeworn Claim - Used To Support UOJ

 UOJ is the magic wand - misdirecting our eyes.

"I cannot believe it (Universal Forgiveness without Faith, UOJ) unless I know it is already true."

An ELS pastor repeats this claim, which is really an argument without any proof. A thesis has not value unless it is supported by Biblical evidence, so the claim is unpersuasive and malignant on its own. But people think repeating it will make it true.

 This is the dogma, or rather, the catma of Jon-Boy Buchholz. So many genius types support UOJ. Join the mob.
The only sin in WELS-ELS is Justification by Faith.

That is exactly how the modern LCMS slid UOJ into the mainstream in 1932. The thesis - 

Scripture teaches that God has already declared the whole world to be righteous in Christ, Rom. 5:19; 2 Cor. 5:18-21; Rom. 4:25...

The statement is a direct attack on the Book of Concord, Scriptures, Luther, and Missouri's own stance. However, it is a nod to Walther and Pieper and their disciples. Romans 4 teaches Justification without Faith? Why do people refrain from screaming with laughter? The whole argument fails there, as it does with Romans 5:19 and 2 Corinthians 5. But now Matt the Fatt, Mrs. Matt the Fatt, the Dogmatanic, and the Enormous Not Small Catechism bray the same  OJ/SJ nonsense.

Citing a passage does not make the thesis true. Anyone familiar with the various sects or Romanism will recognize that this is their tactic too. The rapture is promoted the same way. David Valleskey, an ardent UOJist, promoted his true love - Church Growth -  with similar theses and false information.

So UOJ is in the Book of Concord? You blokes are not looking hard enough.

 Mark Zarling called UOJ a diamond and the Chief Article.
Frosty Bivens said, "Me too!" WELS rewarded their blasphemies.

Supplanting Instead of Attacking the Truth
"I cannot believe it (Universal Forgiveness without Faith, UOJ) unless I know it is already true."

This is like mercury's attachment to silver and gold, handy in mining, deadly in doctrine.

The Atonement is true, even objectively true - without our effort, thoughts, or merits. The Gospel is truth and this truth proclaimed by believers has the Spirit's power to convert hearts hardened against it. Putting forgiveness before faith and without faith is the clever ruse of the UOJists.

John 3:18 King James Version 

18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

They think that forgiveness and salvation without the Means of Grace makes grace more full of grace. That fact should make them pause when they realize their "confessional Lutheranism" is the stance of ELCA and all the mainline denominations.

Warren Malach - Luther Quote

Dear Dr. Jackson: With your GEMS volume in mind, I wanted to commend to your notice a 2009 translation of Luther's TABLE TALK which is larger than LW 54: 

OFF THE RECORD WITH MARTIN LUTHER, with a Forward by Dr. Paul Maier.

The volume is arranged in 8 topical sections and lists the WA Tr citation for each quotation.  I got a used (appears to be brand new) copy from Amazon for under $10 including shipping.

I thought of you when I read the following sentence from #912 on page 213 in the section 

"Advice to Pastors:"

912. The devil’s greatest skill is to take from us and falsify the Articles of Justification, how man is to be redeemed and saved by God. He is good at reproaching and tormenting us with these thoughts: “Okay, it’s true, you preach the Gospel, but who called you to do that? And now you are preaching what has not been taught for several hundred years. What if that is not what God wants, and you are responsible for condemning so many souls?” 

He slanders everything good you have ever done, and can turn your very best work into sin and disgrace. And that is why he has the name and is called diabolical and a blasphemer; because he knows his art like a master, and not only is he great at doing what is evil and sinful, but he can also destroy and corrupt all the good that is done. That is why one must truly be certain of his position, faith and what he teaches, and not lean toward this or that person, no matter how holy and educated he may seem, nor should one trust his own thoughts, no matter how brilliantly they seem to shine and glisten. No, never! Because you will be lost. The devil can change himself into a beautiful white angel working for God, and still be a right black devil. A man of human flesh would never recognize him.

Luther, Martin. Off the Record with Martin Luther (p. 180). Hansa-Hewlett Publishing Company. Kindle Edition. 

The whole of #912 sounds like a post in Ichabod blog!  --Warren

GJ - I ordered the book used, and also bought the Kindle for quoting here.