Monday, November 5, 2018

Shameless Concordia Publishing House

 "Don't tell who ordered this junk."

Selling well, not on clearance?
 What says "LCMS gone to the dogs" better than this?

 That alone would make me boycott this trinket.
Besides, we buy ours at Spatula City.
"They have plaster saints. Ours are plastic."

The Worst Swindle for Reformation 500 - Objective Justification Taught in the giant Dogmatics book and the prolix Small Catechism

Leaders who sell gimmicks for the Reformation 500th are drawn to the Cheesehead and...Objective Justification.

Defeat Pagan Objective Justification with Scriptural Exegesis

The Objective Justification salesmen want to sell their goods various ways, which are irrelevant and immaterial:

  • Synodical Conference history - They love to send people into the brambles with their version of SynCon history, minus Walther ignoring the young women Stephan was bedding while teaching Halle's Objective Justification to CFW. Yes, all the clergy knew about Stephan. So did the police.
  • Ad hominem - the personal attack. In love, they hurl various insults, revealing their lack of argumentation and feeble grasp of the facts.
  • Guilt by Association - For some reason, my name comes up often. I have heard that Rydecki is a pariah in WELS, which is also good. What did these lupine leaders do with Dr. Walter A. Maier, PhD, The Lutheran Hour speaker? He listed the two great doctrines as Justification by Faith and Biblical inerrancy.

The Most Direct Hit Against the Rotten Dogma of UOJ - Scriptural Exegesis

The cowardly covens of UOJ never engage in exegesis, which seems like a mysterious word but is not. Jesus is the exegesis of the Father. He explains the Father to us.

KJV John 1:18 No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

Stephanus John 1:18 θεον ουδεις εωρακεν πωποτε ο μονογενης υιος ο ων εις τον κολπον του πατρος εκεινος εξηγησατο.

Jackson Classic Version John 1:18 No one has ever seen God. The only-begotten Son, Eternally in the bosom of the Father - 
That Person has exegeted εξηγησατο (explained, taught) Him.

Exegesis does not begin with dogmatic assumptions and declarations based on the author of Stephan's pimp and enforcer, later kidnapper, CFW Walther, BA.

No book judges the Bible. The Bible judges all books.

All people need to do is study the topic of Justification in the Bible, starting with Genesis 15. Why is Abraham so important in the New Testament? What is said about him each time?

At the very least, in "declaring or exegeting the Father," what did Jesus teach in the Gospel of John?

Since Romans is the summary, doctrinal letter of the New Testament, what does the Holy Spirit teach through Paul in Romans 3 - 5?

If the precious Brief Statement of 1932 so brilliant on Justification, why does it list Romans 4:25 as support for Objective Justification?

How does Romans 5:1-2 serve to summarize Romans 4, the chapter which is the alleged source of Objective Justification?

Norma A. Boeckler

 Norma A. Boeckler

The Language of Creation and Science

One of my Facebook friends asked about the author of Darwin's Black Box being Old Earth or Young Earth. I looked up some information and found the author started out strong in the field called Intelligent Design, but crab-walked into evolution later.

I have a number of books that are scientific and in perfect harmony with Creation by the Word. One author spouts "evolution!" in such a way that I think he is feeding the evolution minders. I doubt whether any of these books would stay on the market if they witnessed to Creation. But that is not the point here.

If a book - good or bad - contributes to our understanding, we should read it. The SynCon Pietists - WELS-Otten-LCMS-ELDONA-ELS-LCMS have their extensive NO GO zones. Tis sad how Pharisaical they are, because Otten will gladly sell Church Growth idiot books like Valleskey and anti-Luther liars like Father O'Hare, but Herman will ban anyone who has ruffled his oh-so-delicate feathers.

Sig Becker is dreadful on Holy Communion and Justification, but his book on Luther's use of reason is excellent. I found WELS Church Shrinkers using "ministerial" reason to individually appropriate Zwinglian dogma - pretty funny. They missed the entire meaning of their adored professor's book. But they cannot grasp Luther or Paul, so what else is new?

The worst books should be read so we know their arguments. I scoured the Trinity ELCA Seminary Library for all the Church Shrinkage books. Why read such awful stuff? Answer - To be inoculated against the disease agents therein. What better statements is this in the graphic below?

If we take the time to read truly awful books, like Valleskey and Werning, we find common patterns. Sometimes it is common language. WELS' constant lying about their addiction to Fuller is always on display in the books and articles promoted. They are like the people caught with white powder under those nose, saying, "Officer, I just had a powdered sugar donut. Really. They are messy. Spiders. Spiders. Get them off!"

When science is against Creation, the same patterns in language can be found. I look for facts rather than theory, because the revelation of the Holy Spirit judges their theories. The facts scream creation, engineering, and management - all divine of course - but the words say:

"Desert plants evolved so that they had a thick waxy skin to hold moisture within the plant." 

So I ruminate about whether mama, dad, or the children made those drastic changes without a single brain cell to use.

I think it is dangerous to try to use science against evolution, because science is a weak argument for Creation. Those who have faith in the Savior can understand through faith, through the  efficacious work of the Spirit, how God does everything through the Word.

I use the data of science to say, "What a fine Creation. Look at the engineering of each component and the management of the entire system."

 Norma A. Boeckler
Comment from California -

Thank you for your remarks in the segment:  "Language of Creation and Science".   Couldn't agree more that limiting reading about issues from secondary sources cannot be compared to reading original source material by purveyors of false ideas.  
Reading about something is always at least one step away from the source...right or wrong.  

Having done a  lot of research about a lot of issues, original source material is essential to identify what other writers or speakers have said, in order to document sources quoted in my own writing.    

Limiting sources to only writers about subjects is  like limiting one's self to articles about the Bible instead of reading the Bible itself.

Pastor James Shrader - On the Errors of Universal Objective Justification and the Writings of Martin Chemnitz

Chemnitz was the senior editor of the Book of Concord, a genius who began his academic work by casting horoscopes. That put him in an excellent private library, which allowed him to become an expert in the early Church Fathers. He abandoned horoscopes completely. He studied under Luther and Melanchthon and worked diligently to unite the Lutheran witness to truth. He is ignored entirely by the LCMS-ELCA-WELS-ELS today.

Pastor James Shrader
October 31 at 10:28 PM · 

Nearly everyone either knows or has heard of Martin Luther. But few really know who was the second 'Martin' of the Reformation. His name was Martin Chemnitz. Both men taught and lived by faith alone. And they made it so simple to understand that man is justified by faith alone. And yet clever theologians came along and screwed with the common Christian's mind teaching that "ALL people, whether they believe it or not, are justified before God and have all their sins forgiven...and whether they know it or not, ALL people have had their sins absolved (forgiven) by God Himself." This is commonly known as Universal Objective Justification. Then these clever theologians try to explain why all people are saved and some people are saved at the same time, which is impossible to do unless God changes His mind.

Therefore, let the second Martin help you. Chemnitz had written his own handbook on the Ministry, Word, and Sacraments called "An Enchiridion" in which he poses certain questions and gives his answers that are found in the Bible. Such as: #148 But, what, then, is the righteousness that faith brings to the judgment seat of God, that God might justify the miserable sinner because of it?" Answer "...For before anyone might render that righteousness of new obedience, it is necessary that the person be reconciled to God, that he be justified by God. 1 John 2:29....And since this righteousness of Christ, rendered for us, is perfect, sufficient and abundant and can stand before the judgment seat of God, therefore God has promised that He would impute it to believers just as if they had rendered it themselves. Romans 3:22; 4:23-25; 5:18."

Now Chemnitz asks in #149: "Are all men justified and saved because of this righteousness of the Son of God?" Answer: "The way is broad that leads to damnation, and there are many that walk in it." Matthew 7:13.

So think about what is taught in this clever Universal Objective Justification doctrine and try with all your might to say that it is God's Word that says that all people are saved and justified before faith, whether they know it or not. And then come to the understanding that the simple answer is no, indeed. The answer will always turn up in the Bible that man is justified by faith alone! And then come to the understanding that Jesus taught Nicodemus in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever BELIEVES in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

Chemnitz quoted this Origen statement.