Saturday, February 2, 2019

Luther's Sermon on Christ stilling the Tempest, or Faith and Unbelief, and Love.
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany, Matthew 8:23-27



Matthew 8:23-27. And when he was entered into a boat, his disciples followed him. And behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the boat was covered with the waves; but he was asleep. And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, Save, Lord; we perish. And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, 0 ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. And the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him?


1. This Gospel, as a narrative, gives us an example of faith and unbelief, in order that we may learn how mighty the power of faith is, and that it of necessity has to do with great and terrible things and that it accomplishes nothing but wonders; and that on the other hand unbelief is so fainthearted, shamefaced and trembling with fear that it can do nothing whatever. An illustration of this we see in this experience of the disciples, which shows the real state of their hearts. First, as they in company with Christ entered the ship, all was calm and they experienced nothing unusual, and had any one asked them then if they believed, they would have answered, Yes. But they were not conscious of how their hearts trusted in the calm sea and the signs for fair weather, and that thus their faith was founded upon what their natural eyes saw. But when the tempest comes and the waves fill the boat, their faith vanishes; because the calm and peace in which they trusted took wings and flew away, therefore they fly with the calm and peace, and nothing is left but unbelief.

2. But what is this unbelief able to do? It sees nothing but what it experiences. It does not experience life, salvation and safety; but instead the waves coming into the boat and the sea threatening them with death and every danger. And because they experience these things and give heed to them and turn not their fear from them, trembling and despair can not be suppressed. Yea, the more they see and experience it the harder death and despair torment them and every moment threatens to devour them. But unbelief cannot avoid such experiences and cannot think otherwise even for a second. For it has nothing besides to which it can hold and comfort itself, and therefore it has no peace or rest for a single minute. And thus will it also be in perdition, where there will be nothing but despair, trembling and fear, and that without end.

3. But had they had faith, it would have driven the wind and the waves of the sea out of their minds, and pictured before their eyes in place of the wind and tempest the power and grace of God, promised in his Word; and it would have relied upon that Word, as though anchored to an immovable rock and would not float on the water, and as though the sun shined brightly and all was calm and no storm was raging. For it is the great characteristic and power of faith to see what is not visible, and not to see what is visible, yea, that which at the time drives and oppresses us; just as unbelief can see only what is visible and can not in the least cleave to what is invisible.

4. Therefore God bestows faith to the end that it should deal not with ordinary things, but with things no human being can master as death, sin, the world and Satan. For the whole world united is unable to stand before death, but flees from and is terrified by it, and is also conquered by it; but faith stands firm, opposes death that devours everything, and triumphs over it and even swallows the unsatiable devourer of life. In like manner no one can control or subdue the flesh, but it reigns everywhere in the world, and what it wills must be done, so that the whole world thereby is carnal; but faith lays hold of the flesh and subdues and bridles it, so that it must become a servant. And in like manner no one can endure the rage, persecution, and blasphemy, infamy, hatred and envy of the world; every one retreats and falls back exhausted before it, it gets the upper hand over all and triumphs; and if they are without faith it mocks them besides and treads all under its feet, and takes pleasure and delight in doing so.

5. Further, who could conquer Satan with his innumerable, subtle suggestions and temptations, by which he hinders the truth and God’s Word, faith and hope, and starts so many false doctrines, sects, seductions, heresies, doubts, superstitions and innumerable abominations? The whole world compared with him is like a spark of fire compared with a fountain of water. All must be here subject to him; as we also see, hear and understand. But it is faith that keeps him busy, and it not only stands before him invulnerable, but also reveals his roguery and puts him to shame, so that his deception fails and he faints and falls; as now takes place with his indulgences and his papacy. Just so no one can allay and quiet the least sin, but it bites and devours the conscience, so that nothing avails even if the whole world were to comfort and support such a person, he must be cast down into perdition. Here faith is a hero, it appeases all sins, even if they were as many as the whole world had committed.

6. Is there now not something almighty and inexpressible about faith that it can withstand all our powerful enemies and gain the victory, so that St.

John says in his first Epistle 1 John 5:4: “This is the victory that hath overcome the world, even our faith?” Not that this is done in peace and by quietly resting; for it is a battle that is carried on not with out wounds and shedding of blood. Yea, the heart so severely experiences in this battle sin and death, the flesh, Satan and the world, that it has no other thought than that it is lost, that sin and death have triumphed, and that Satan holds the field of battle. The power of faith however experiences but little of that. This is set forth in our narrative, when the waves not only dashed into the boat, but even covered it, so that it was about to go under and sink, and Christ was lying asleep. Just then there was no hope of life, death had the upper hand and had triumphed; life was lying prostrate and was lost.

7. As it went here, so it goes and must go in all other temptations of sin, Satan, etc. We must experience how sin has taken captive the conscience and nothing but wrath and perdition wish to reign, and how we must be eternally lost. Satan must start so many things by his error and false teaching that it appears God’s Word must fall to the ground and the world must glory in falsehood. Likewise the world must rage and persecute to such an extent that it appears no one can stand or be saved, or even confess his faith; but Cain will rule alone and will not rest until his brother is dead, so that he may never be in his way. But we must not judge and act according to appearance and our experience, but according to our faith.

8. Therefore this Gospel is a comforting example and doctrine, how we should conduct ourselves, so that we may not despair in the agony of sin, in the peril of death, and in the tumult of the world; but be assured that we are not lost, although the waves at once overwhelm our little boat; that we will not perish, although we experience in our evil conscience sin, wrath, and the lack of grace; that we will not die, although the whole world hates and persecutes us, although it opens its jaws as wide as the rosy dawn of the morning. These are all waves that fall over your little bark, cause to despair, and force you to cry out: “Save, Lord; we perish”. Thus you have here the first part of this Gospel, faith, how it should thrive and succeed, and besides, how incapable and fainthearted unbelief is.


9. The second part of our text, treating of love, shows forth Christ in that he rises, breaks his sleep for their sake, takes to heart their need as though it were his own, and ministers to them help out of free love without any merit on their part. He neither receives nor seeks any reward for his help, but permits them to enjoy and use his power and resources. For as we have often heard it is characteristic of Christian love to do all freely and gratuitously, to the praise and honor of God, that a Christian lives upon the earth for the sake of such love, just as Christ lived solely for the purpose of doing good; as he himself says: “The Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister.” Matthew 20:28.


10. Christ pictured to us in this narrative the Christian life, especially the office of the ministry. The ship signifies Christendom; the sea, the world; the wind, Satan; his disciples are the preachers and pious Christians; Christ is the truth, the Gospel, and faith.

11. Now, before Christ entered the ship with his disciples the sea and the wind were calm; but when Christ with his disciples entered, then the storm began, as he himself says, Matthew 10:34: “Think not that I came to send peace on the earth: I came not to send peace but a sword.” So, if Christ had left the world in peace and never punished its works, then it would indeed have been quiet. But since he preaches that the wise are fools, the saints are sinners and the rich are lost, they become wild and raging; just as at present some critics think it would be fine if we merely preached the Gospel and allowed the office of the ministry to continue in its old way. This they would indeed tolerate; but that all their doings should be rebuked and avail nothing, that they call preaching discontent and revolution, and is not Christian teaching.

12. But what does this Gospel say? There was a violent tempest on the lake when Christ and his disciples were in the ship. The sea and the wind allowed the other ships to sail in calm weather; but this ship had to suffer distress because of Christ being in it. The world can indeed tolerate all kinds of preaching except the preaching of Christ. Hence whenever he comes and wherever he is, there he preaches that he only is right and reproves all others; as he says in Matthew 12:30: “He that is not with me is against me”, and again, John 16:8: “The spirit will convict the world in respect of sin, and of righteousness and of judgment;” he says that he will not only preach, but that he will convict the whole world and what is in the world. But it is this convicting that causes such tempests and dangers to this ship. Should he preach that he would allow the world to go unpunished and to continue in its old ways, he would have kept quiet before and never have entered the world; for if the world is good and is not to be convicted then there would never have been any need of him coming into the world.

13. Now it is the consolation of Christians, and especially of preachers, to be sure and ponder well that when they present and preach Christ, that they must suffer persecution, and nothing can prevent it; and that it is a very good sign of the preaching being truly Christian, when they are thus persecuted, especially by the great, the saintly, the learned and the wise.

And on the other hand that their preaching is not right, when it is praised and honored, as Christ says in Luke 6:22-26: “Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you; for in the same manner did their fathers to the false prophets. Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake; in the same manner did their fathers to the prophets.” Behold our preachers, how their teachings are esteemed; the wealth, honor and power of the world have them fully under their control, and still they wish to be Christian teachers, and whosoever praises and preaches their ideas, lives in honor and luxury.

14. Hence, people have here an example where they are to seek their comfort and help, not in the world; they are not to guard the wisdom and power of men, but Christ himself and him alone; they are to cleave to him and depend on him in every need with all faithfulness and confidence as the disciples, do in our text. For had they not believed that he would help them, they would not have awakened him and called upon him. True their faith was weak and was mingled with much unbelief, so that they did not perfectly and freely surrender themselves to Christ and risk their life with him, nor did they believe he could rescue them in the midst of the sea and save them from death. Thus it is ordained that the Word of God has no master nor judge, no protector or patron can be given it besides God himself. It is his Word. Therefore, as he left it go forth without any merit or counsel of men, so will he himself without any human help and strength administer and defend it. And whoever seeks protection and comfort in these things among men, will both fall and fail, and be forsaken by both God and man.

15. That Jesus slept indicates the condition of their hearts, namely, that they had a weak, sleepy faith, but especially that at the time of persecution Christ withdraws and acts as though he were asleep, and gives neither strength nor power, neither peace nor rest, but lets us worry and labor in our weakness, and permits us to experience that we are nothing at all and that all depends upon his grace and power, as Paul confesses in Corinthians 1:9, that he had to suffer great affliction, so as to learn to trust not in himself but in God, who raised the dead. Such a sleeping on the part of God David often experienced and refers to it in many places, as when he says in Psalm 44:23: “Awake, why sleepest thou, O Lord? Arise, cast us not off forever.”

16. The summary of this Gospel is this, it gives us two comforting, defying proverbs, that when persecution for the sake of God’s Word arises, we may say: I indeed thought Christ was in the ship, therefore the sea and wind rage, and the waves dash over us and threaten to sink us; but let them rage, it is ordained that the wind and sea obey his will. The persecutions will not continue longer than is his pleasure; and although they overwhelm us, yet they must be subject to him; he is Lord over all, therefore nothing will harm us. May he only give us his help that we may not despair in unbelief. Amen.

17. That the people marveled and praised the Lord that the wind and sea were subject to him, signifies that the Gospel, God’s Word, spreads farther through persecution, it thus becomes stronger and faith increases; and this is also a paradoxical characteristic of the Gospel compared with all worldly things which decrease through every misfortune and opposition, and increase through prosperity and peace. Christ’s kingdom grows through tribulations and declines in times of peace, ease and luxury, as St. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 12:9: “My power is made perfect in weakness, etc.” To this end help us God! Amen.

Krauth - From the Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry

Charles Porterfield Krauth: A Compact Biography by Beale Melanchthon Schmucker

“Dr. Krauth was beyond all question the most learned and distinguished among all Lutheran theologians that use the English Language, and the great scholars of our church in other parts of the world have long ago ranked him among the chief scholars of the great church of theologians.” – Dr. G. F. Krotel
“He understood the faith, and he gave his best energies to its exposition, inculcation and defense against all assailants.” – Dr. Joseph Seiss

About The Author

Beale M. Schmucker, by nature and education, was a great lover of books, and his friendship with Dr. Charles P. Krauth greatly developed and nourished this love. Their letters of those early years, 1849, when a lively and regular correspondence was carried on, deal sometimes exclusively with lists of new books, catalogues, prices, and the prospects of securing some rare and valuable volumes. “How glorious a thing the gathering of books is!” he says in Read more…

Download the eBook 

From Johann Heinrich Kurtz

From Kurtz:
“The table of nations (Gen. ch. 10), which may seem to be uninteresting and useless, is, nevertheless, very significant in this connection. For at this point, when Sacred History allows the nations from which it is turning away, to walk in their own ways, the preservation of their names implies that not one of them shall be ultimately lost to it, or be forgotten by the counsel of eternal love.
This table, besides, exposes the fallacies of the mythical genealogies of pagans, contradicts their fables respecting gods, heroes and periods of millions of years, and also affords a firm foundation for investigations concerning the origin and the traditions of nations.

(1809–90). Luth. ch. hist. and exegete; b. Montjoie, near Aachen, Rhenish Prussia; educ.Halle and Bonn; prof. Dorpat 1849–70. Works include Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte für StudierendeHandbuch der allgemeinen KirchengeschichteDie Astronomic and die BibelBiblische GeschichteGeschichte des Alten BundesLehrbuch der heiligen GeschichteAbriss der Kirchengeschichte.

Fouth Installment - Calvin Ruined the Protestant Faith

Zwingli Is the Forerunner of Calvin

Many more people will admit to Calvinism than to following Zwingli, but the perspective is quite similar. Zwingli began the unfortunate stance of opposing Luther while pretending to be allied with the Reformation. The basic error is proclaimed with boldness in Zwingli and continued in Calvin. They did not grasp the Biblical teaching of God’s effective Word associated with earthly elements. When Zwingli ended the Biblical concept of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion as sacraments conveying grace, Calvin continued this disaster and canonized for many Protestants the role of human reason judging the Scriptures.
Zwingli is not well known because he formed a military alliance to promote his reform, and the Catholic cantons opposed him. This conflict ended in a battle where Zwingli and other clergy died in their armor, 1531.
He began his reforms in 1522, which were certainly the groundwork for Calvin’s. Herman Sasse in Here I Stand wrote about the Zwingli turning the Holy Communion service into a memorial meal. People poured into church for the last presentation of the Body and Blood of Christ, and Zwingli was haunted by a dream about abandoning “the Lord’s Passover.”
One result of rationalizing Christianity was the emergence of Anabaptists in Zurich, where Zwingli preached. Although baptism was just an ordinance, the city council passed a death sentence on those who refused it for their children. Some Anabaptists were killed and the rest fled around 1527. This became part of the Radical Reformation - Mennonites, Ahmish, Hutterites – defined by their understanding of believer’s baptism.
Luther’s connection with Zwingli came at the Marburg Colloquy, where Zwingli refused to accept the Real Presence. Luther wrote in chalk, “This is My Body” in Latin on the table. The doctrinally indifferent see this argument as a matter of opinion. One Mequon senior answered the question in church history by saying, “Luther was wrong!” But the issue is the efficacy of the Word, which is not a franchise issue, but a foundational, Biblical teaching.

Calvin’s Reform in Geneva

In 1509, John Calvin was born in France and had a dual education. He was known for his intellect, perhaps aiming for the priesthood but directed toward law by his father. He had a conversion experience around 1530 and earned his law degree In 1532. He was allied with reform movements in the Church, which led to an initial stay in Geneva, Switzerland  - expulsion – and an invitation to come back in 1541. He agreed with Zwingli’s view of Holy Communion and became the figure for opposition to Luther until his death in 1564.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Third Installment of Calvinism Ruined the Protestant Faith - Translations - Draft

Watchful Dragons

The watchful dragons, as C. S. Lewis described them, are always on guard and ready to shred anyone who meddles with their safe, apostate, easily flexible teaching. As one LCA author wrote for a study, “We will assume for the purpose of this study that Paul wrote the Epistle to the Romans.” Did he read but not comprehend the salutation? – “Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God…”
The attacks are fashioned as a signal to the knowing that it is “against the Gospel to take the Gospel seriously.” Believers read the words and assume, “This man knows Paul wrote Romans.” The membership is relaxed by a Biblical study and slowly moved into the right frame of mind. Those who react in anger are dismissed and hated away.
For example, the laziest pastors in America are the Fulleroids who refuse to do the one thing needful, meditate on the Gospel and teach faith. Instead, they plagiarize sermons from those they deem successful – i.e. not faithful to the Word – barely budge from their computer planning programs. Their reaction to critics? – lazy!

The Scriptures are the Solution

If we go back to the Scriptures and see how Zwingli and Calvin turned Protestants against God’s Word, then the return to truth will will be the foreordained process of comparing the teaching of the Holy Spirit to the unfounded claims of man. But first, the fatal traps of fraudulent text criticism and toxic translations must be addressed.

Text and Translations – Or – The Fatal Trap

People no longer have an agreed-upon foundation for their Christian Faith because a faithful text and translation have become the target for mockery, deception, and greed. Seniors have watched this develop since the 1950s, but the origins were earlier. The apostates have this advantage, almost no one receives serious training in text issues during seminary, so of the serious students are laymen troubled by the dubious claims of chattering clergy.
The Biblical text is Hebrew and Greek, but the disputed Testament is New Testament Greek. If the text is so flexible and old, why is the newer one the toy of Biblical scholars while the ancient Hebrew is barely touched by critics? The Jewish tradition is one of extraordinary care in copying the text, with every letter of every book counted to make sure the Hebrew copy is precise. Besides that we know that copies for worship were given special care and preserved even when no longer in active use in the synagogue.
Oddly, the history of the largest Christian empire, the Byzantine, is hardly studied by scholars and therefore seldom taught or described in books and magazines. For eleven centuries, from 300 to 1453, the Eastern Roman Empire continued while the pagan Western Roman Empire fell apart, from 400 AD onward. Constantine turned the village of Byzantium into a Christian city nicknamed Constantinople, and later nicknamed Istanbul by the Muslims who conquered it. For 1100 years, Byzantium served as the cradle of Christianity and the preserver of all things Christian, especially the Greek New Testament.
Normally, a wealth of evidence will prove a case, but clever con-artists worked against the traditional New Testament text with attacks based upon man’s resistance to faith and vulnerability to liars.
The first snake oil salesman of note was Count Von Tischendorf, who belongs to that fraternity of men who become famous by conveniently discovering artifacts they manufactured or mislabeled. He told a fable about leather pages of the world’s oldest New Testament being used to keep a monastery library warm. The brave Count of Monte Crisco never explained how leather burned so well, why monks would burn their greatest treasure, and how the bound book ended up in two tones – part new and modern, part old and stained, yet bound together.
He obtained the entire book and matched it with his Vaticanus to create the myth of the true, original, untainted-by-orthodoxy New Testament text. Thus Codex (bound book) Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus became the stars of the Greek New Testament show. The traditional text for the King James Version was sneered at for being Byzantine and the leaven of text manipulation began to gather momentum slowly, as it always does in academia. Now no one would be hired as a New Testament professor at any prestigious divinity school – or most seminaries – if he argued for the Byzantine text and the King James translation of the Bible.
Notice that the “conservative” synods are glad to sell the horrible NIV and the equally bad ESV Bibles, which are the equivalent of minting money. However, the Southern Baptists voted to keep the NIV out of their stores, not even displaying them.

Text Criticism – Lower Criticism

The magic of text criticism flourished under the dark arts of Wescott and Hort, two clergy given the opportunity to update the KJV and leave the text alone. Instead, they made themselves the authorities over this field and invented the most hilarious rules for deciding whether a reading was good or bad. An example of a variant reading would be:
1.     I did not say seven times, but seventy times seven.
2.     I did not say seven times, but seven times seven.
That mistake is easy to make in English or Greek, especially if copying is done by one person reading the original and a number of clerks copying at once. We all lose concentration and some hear or speak better than others. If there are thousands of manuscripts and fragments – as there are in the long Byzantine tradition – there will be thousands of errors, but 99% of them minor, obvious, and not significant for Christian doctrine.
So Wescott and Hort drew up rules for judging manuscripts. Although I was an eager seminarian pursuing the bright elusive butterfly of text, I found these rules to be self-serving, ridiculous, and counter-intuitive.

“The shorter reading is better.”

We all know people who lengthen their version of the story, as LBJ did with his store-bought Silver Star, but this is not a rule that can be applied with any reliability. Some condense their stories upon retelling them. Having only a word count, which one is earlier and more precise?

“The more difficult reading is better.”

This rule is even more ridiculous. How do we define the word difficult? Is it difficult for traditional Christians? If so, why does that make it a better reading. This rule comes naturally from the evolutionary concept of religion, that all were animists, then polytheists, then matured into monotheists. A supposedly scientific view of Christianity – simply rationalist – argues that the Faith was based upon a nice man, a good teacher, who died and was buried. The Apostles and Paul thought so much of Jesus that they made Him into the Son of God and the Savior, following pagan myths.

“When in doubt, against tradition.”

The most ridiculous rule asks the reader to determine what the tradition is – and condemn the traditional reading in favor of the exotic and exceptional.


The “conservative” Lutherans were anxious to observe the 400th anniversary of the King James Version without hinting that the translation was much older than 1611. The translation was much closer to the Reformation, which the Lutheran leaders were eager to forget. More observers should have previously noticed the same hypocrisy concerning the life and hymns of Paul Gerhardt, which they honor even less than they sing – once a year at the most. After 400 years, he too is largely forgotten by his own people, who have alienated themselves from the power of God’s Word in favor of the cleverness of their methods. The connection between faithful translations and hymns is strong - and essential to the soul of Christianity.
The first person to translate the original text of the Bible into English was William Tyndale, who was born in 1494, not long after Luther, and died at the hands of King Henry VIII in 1536, strangled and then burned at the stake for his extraordinary efforts. Tyndale was a language genius who could not find support for translating the Bible into English, so he traveled in Europe and possibly enrolled at Wittenberg. Luther and his group of scholars were already known for translating the Bible into German.

Tyndale’s first English effort was printed in Worms, a name that should resonate with all Lutherans.[1] Luther’s translation is still the standard of excellence in Germany – nach der Übersetzung Martin Luthers (following the translation of Martin Luther) – is included on many editions. When I look for the most accurate translation of a passage, Luther’s original German and the King James agree. Unsurprisingly, the KJV is actually the English Luther Bible in disguise. Tyndale’s name was tainted by his martyr’s death, so when the clergy asked King James I for one, unified English version, the commission edited Tyndale’s work, which became the Authorised Version, which we call the King James.


Tyndale’s final words were “Open the King of England’s eyes!” a prayer that was answered almost one hundred years later through King James. Now Lutheran eyes are closed, their lids heavy with sleep from being told, “The KJV is a verbatim translation. The good translations use dynamic equivalence.” Nothing matches the hoax of Count Tischendorf better than the wizardry of dynamic equivalence.

Eugene Nida and Dynamic Equivalence

How fitting to have the KJV come from a martyr of God’s Word, an associate of the Lutheran Reformation, but the new translations from an apostate, Eugene Nida. Apart from the King James updates, all the new translations and revisions have two things in common:

·        The eclectic, ever-changing New Testament text.

·        Improbable, erroneous, and anti-Biblical dynamic equivalence.

Wrong Historical Order?

Some will think that we should not consider the butchered text of the New Testament and the abhorrent translations, which happened centuries after Calvin. However, the English Scriptures are the way in which doctrinal point are made or lost. The “conservative” Lutherans have watered down language requirements, so few clergy can examine the translation issues. Even the older clergy of WELS, who always bragged about their superior education, have trouble with the simplest to read New Testament Greek, such as 1 John.
Therefore, trying to explain the Biblical Means of Grace, infant faith, and the Real Presence are made doubly difficult with modern editions which pointedly reject those ancient teachings from Jesus Himself. A reliable English Bible with the traditional text is the only way. That honor belongs to the King James Version and – more or less – to the KJV updates available.
What is dynamic equivalence?
As the failing New York Times declared, on the death of Nida, the older translations were word for word, while Nida trained people to use dynamic or functional equivalence.[2] That approach is contrasted with the formal equivalence of the KJV. However, the typical argument is that the KJV is word-for-word while the modern translations actually get at the real meaning of the text. How horrible it was to suffer under the KJV for 400 years! Now we can finally find out what the Bible reveals, they suggest. At best, the KJV is tolerable, but too wooden and archaic for people to understand.
Word-for-word translating is impossible, because of word order and many other issues. The problem is a clash of philosophies. The KJV is a precise translation while the Nida-inspired versions are exercises in creative writing, loaded with denominational agendas.

Manufacture Disciples

This is one difference for which the Church Growth Enthusiasts will die – the Great Commission, pivotal in their distorted concept of ministry and evangelism.
           KJV Matthew 28 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the       name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

           20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and,       lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
The ESV, NIV, and other popular versions have “make disciples of all nations,” a complete departure from the text, because the verb is not make and the object of the verb is not disciples. This horrible paraphrase, a delight to Fuller Seminary alumni, turns a Gospel admonition into Law. Everyone is commanded to make disciples. The result is ministry and evangelism based on compelling people to make disciples rather than teaching all nations.
The false emphasis of a bad translation takes away from the combination of go, teach, baptize, and instruct. The modernists are scandalized by the use of “teach” twice, so they imagine they have improved the words of Jesus. But the original meaning is far better. Go (rather than stay) teach all nations (not just the most likely to convert) and baptize in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Lacking is the warning against baptizing babies, as they were in the Christian Church until the Zwinglian Reformation that spawned the Anabaptists.
Missions are best defined in the original – Teach all nations and baptize in the Name of the Trinity. The feeble excuse for “make disciples of” is that the verb is the same root in Greek as disciple. More honest would be – disciple really means one who is taught, who is under the leadership of a teacher. Jesus was hailed as Rabbi and Teacher, not as Disciple-Maker. He chose and instructed the Twelve.
The final verse of Matthew is a reflection of this Gospel –
           20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and,       lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Once people are converted and baptized, with their children, they need careful instruction in the complete Gospel message. We need that instruction the rest of our lives, for without the energy of the Gospel Word within us, we grow cold and inert toward the grace of God.
My experience with this passage among Lutherans is that the Church Growth leaders rant in favor of “make disciples” and positively explode at the thought of the actual wording. One young Lutheran pastor wrote about this to WELS and found himself hated out of the ministry and synod. The Fuller Seminary alumni network is comprised of watchful dragons who make sure their territory remains under the control of Calvinism.
Abandoning the Sacraments
The non-Lutheran Protestants largely reject the sacraments as God accomplishing His will through the Word united with earthly elements. Zwingli and Calvin rejected Holy Baptism and Holy Communion as sacraments, conveying forgiveness, demoting them to ordinances or laws man should obey. Therefore communion with God is not to be tolerated, even when the original text teaches that concept.
KJV 1 Corinthians  10:16 The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?
NIV 1 Corinthians 10:16 Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ?
ESV 1 Corinthians 10:16 16 The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ?
And yet – The ESV agreeing with the NIV that koinonia is fellowship.
ESV 2 Corinthians 13:14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
Koinonia, before it was used as a name for Pietist cell groups, meant fellowship or communion. No one wonders what it means when a church member says he communes with God when hunting deer. Participation does not clarify but removes a hotly debated verse from the Biblical doctrine of forgiveness received through the Body and Blood of Christ. As Reu observed in his excellent lectures on unionism, creating an agreement when none exists is the surest sign of ignoring false doctrine.
Once everyone is reading the NIV and ESV, and these horrible paraphrases permeate the synodical textbooks, the congregations and pastors will ask, in their ignorance, “Where is the Biblical difference between us and the rest of the Protestants?” That will also calm the guilty conscience, if one is left, for going to Fuller Seminary, Willow Creek, and other enclaves of Enthusiasm.

[1] For graduates of Mequon – Worms is the location of the Diet of Worms, where Luther said, “Here I stand. I can do no other” – though he was facing death at the stake for his Biblical teaching. For graduates of the LCMS and customers of Concordia Publishing House – Here I Stand socks are not an appropriate way to honor the Reformation.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Doting on a Plant in the Creation Garden

Once wimpy and not blooming, this crepe myrtle owns our cul-de-sace most of the summer, and reblooms too.

Doting - "to be lavish or excessive in one's attention, fondness, or affection"

I do not work very hard on plants; instead, I concentrate on the soil they grow in. Each year I dote on one or two plants and do everything possible to improve the soil.

When we moved here, we had a scrawny Crepe Myrtle that never bloomed. I pruned and manured it, gave it all kinds of excessive organic matter, including wood shavings and grass droppings from the lawn mower. I added red wiggler earthworms to help digest and pull down the amendments.I was startled to see how bags of mushroom compost and piles of autumn leaves could be devoured by the plant base. A friendly mole circled the plant base and ate the worms, but I did not mind. The stirring of the soil was good and the survivors would quickly build another colony.

My project for 2019 is to dote on the purple butterfly bush, supposedly the largest variety but not very big so far. I am not too keen on them for gathering butterflies, though they do entertain a few and stay in bloom if I prune them. The chief merit of this butterfly bush is the hummingbirds sipping from its flowers.

People always have similar answers when they are interviewed on the street about having a chance to ask God just one question. I would say, "Why did you create so many wonders with the tiniest creatures, often the most overlooked? Is it to give us encouragement in our own lives?"

The key to Creation gardening is ignoring everything they try to sell in the gardening department: insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and man-made fertilization.

What is left? Mushroom compost, peat compost, manure, and mulch. Plastic trash cans converted to rain barrels are also good for real gardening.

 Butterfly bush makes our backyard smell like grape jelly.
Hummingbirds look for more than nectar - they need insects in their diets.

How Did I Dote in the Autumn of 2018?
I had a lot of leaves from a wild ginger plant. I put them around the base of the soon-to-be-spoiled butterfly bush. Next I dumped two bags of peat compost (Stinky Peat), which is wet manure mixed with peat moss. I had some wood mulch, so I added a generous layer of wood chips. Then I put bags of rotting leaves around and on the previous layers.

Coffee grounds always go on the butterfly bush.

Much rain followed. That means the roots had a chance to grow and aerate the soil, and soil creatures had the time and materials to multiply and do their work.

This is important - the ideal is to maximize the chemical swapping in the root zone - this goes on with life, death, and feeding. The eaten food is not gone but recycled into another creature.

Living roots provide most of the fertility in the soil and increase rain infiltration. When I prune the butterfly bush in the early spring, the roots will be triggered to grow even more, and the upper bush will sprout faster and bloom more - just like roses (John 15).

The organic mass I layered around the butterfly bush will decompose and feed the soil creatures, holding rainwater and gently hydrating the plant. I could buy tree diapers that do the same thing, but they cost about $20 each. No, they do not call them Treepends.

My goal is to have a generously blooming purple butterfly bush that will attract larger numbers of hummingbirds and butterflies.

 Buckwheat grows easily and seeds itself. 

Mobbing Is Another Word for Unbelieving Synod Officials with Dollar Signs in Their Eyes

The original MOBBING article is still getting attention on the Net. I was amused by the liberals in a state of denial about their methods, especially heresiarch David Benke, retired DP, DP, ex-DP, DP - LCMS.

Enabler Hall of Fame: WELS headquarters, DP Robert Mueller, VP Kuske, and the Michigan District pastors, George Orvick, John Shep, Jay Webber, and Roger Kovaciny.

I wrote a follow-up post on MOBBING, too. Few people realize the source of mobbing - the unbelieving officials - Synod Presidents, District Presidents, Circuit Pastors, and Bishops who meddle with congregations to protect the guilty and expel the faithful. Seminary faculties get involved too.

Never overlook the networks: Church Growth, women's ordination, lavender, and worse. They look out for each other and overlap in their agendas.

The system works because evil and incompetence are rewarded, and the absolved but unrepentant clergy become extra loyal and obedient to their organizations. If a pastor is involved in adultery in the course of counseling a troubled wife, he is promoted from the parish to a position as a mission counselor or Planned Giving Tetzel. If the newspapers find out, the only question among the leaders is not "How can we remove this sin?" but "Who told?" and life goes on.

The more someone is aligned to important people, by birth or marriage, the more he is protected from facing consequences. My example is well known:

  1. Floyd Luther Stolzenburg was caught in the act, forced to resign, was divorced by his wife, and moved to Columbus, Ohio.
  2. Even though Stolzenburg sat in the pew and insulted the circuit pastor during the sermon, whispering his remarks to a relative, Floyd was made the head of a Church Growth cancer "agency" funded by a rich man. Why? 
  3. Columbus WELS people did not want the arrogant Stolzenburg doing this work, so even more money was given to have a second divorced pastor, Roger Zehms, share in the destructive work.
  4. VP Paul Kuske was behind this - with Robert Mueller - and they always backed these two losers, who said, "We answer to nobody because we were called directly by the Holy Spirit."
  5. Once the area was finally purged of Zehms and Stolzenburg, the WELS leaders got Floyd by backing his efforts to run Immanuel, where he still is.
  6. Jay Webber and Roger Kovaciny raised money from Floyd Stolesomeburgers and Floyd bragged about his support of them and the ELS. Meanwhile, a large sum of money went missing from the parish funds. The police were invited to investigate, to satisfy the insurance agency. 

So guess what happens to anyone who questions the genius leadership of WELS-ELS? MOBBED.

After WELS stopped propping Stolzenburg up, the ELS took over. Kovaciny, backing Faithless Floyd, sent rants against me on email, so I forwarded them all to George Orvick and WELS officials. Webber had no problem working with Floyd and naming a Ukraine church after Floyd's Masonic parish.

Otten's Christian News Features Thrice-Married Phil Giessler - Above the Fold!
He Received Schwan Money Too, Because St. Marvin Loved To Fund Adulterous Pastors. Ask UO Jay Webber about Floyd Luther Stolzenburg's Schwan Dough.

Using a gimmick during a sermon?
Otten featured Giessler's book in the 2-4-19 issue, above the fold, then reproduced part of it. The Pietists, like Jay Webber and Herman Otten, have no trouble with supporting adulterous fake pastors. However, rationalistic Pietists choke on Justification by Faith.

Earlier Post on Ichabod - 
Missionary to Africa Dr. Phillip B. Giessler has been a Lutheran day-school & high school teacher; a parish pastor & Bible teacher in excess of 40 years; Christian author; an Instructor of students at Concordia Theological Seminary—Ft. Wayne, IN; CEO of God’s Word to the Nations Bible Society; and Editor of the New Evangelical Translation (NET) of the NT. Currently, he is a commissioned missionary professor to seminary and evangelistic students in Kampala, Uganda; Yambio, Sudan; Nairobi, Kenya, Africa. Dr. Giessler is on his fourth missionary journey to Africa. This journey brings him to: Pretoria, South Africa; Mwika, Tanzania; Meru, Tanzania; Nairobi, Kenya; Kisii, Kenya; Entebbe/Kampala, Uganda; Gulu, Uganda; Arua, Uganda; Lira, Uganda; Mbale, Uganda. Pr. Giessler’s ministry primarily involves teaching seminary students, local pastors and missionaries wherever they can be gathered. Pr. Giessler often has to cover the traveling expenses of those who come to be equipped for outreach in their local areas. Dr. Giessler has visited Peace the last several years and receives financial and prayer support from our members.

In 1978, it was decided that Beck's translation would be revised. Phillip B. Giessler, a pastor from Cleveland, Ohio, then formed a committee and revision work began in 1982. The work of Giessler's committee (although it was—much like Dr. Beck's earlier work—essentially a "one-man" translation team with a single English reviewer) yielded another translation of the New Testament that was released in 1988 titled New Testament: God's Word to the Nations (GWN) This work was later renamed the New Evangelical Translation (NET) in 1990. (Important note: Beck's AAT, according to Rev. Hackbardt, only served as a basis for "English style.") In early 1992, according to Hackbardt, all the earlier New Testament work was abandoned by the Society and an entirely new Bible translation based on the best Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek texts and using the translation principle "closest natural equivalence"—beginning with the Old Testament—was completely re-translated by the Society's five scholars, 17 technical reviewers, and four English reviewers. In early 1994 the translation was renamed GOD'S WORD prior to being turned over to World Bible Publishers in October 1994 for publication in March 1995.

Back to the Giessler issue. Nobody knew? He was cheerfully running a Bible society as a pastor and spending money on his mistress? How many times will Missouri repeat the Bishop Stephan example? Nobody knew! And yet when finally everyone knew, he was still a pastor albeit in a more Pietistic sect that does not - officially - accept divorced and remarried pastors. "Dr." Phil sold the dishonest Rich Food Plan, too.

Exactly what did this Beck translation accomplish? As far as I can see, it ended up in the hands of a lying adulterous spendthrift, then morphed into one more liberal translation. The final results? Nobody cares. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Third Sunday after the Epiphany - Sunday's Service - 7 PM Central Standard

 Graphic by Norma A. Boeckler

The Third Sunday after the Epiphany, 2019

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual       
The Gospel              
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn # 264  Preserve Thy Word           

Two Examples of Faith

The Hymn # 249    Isaiah Mighty Seer - Luther             
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn #45     Now the Hour of Worship           

Gary and Alicia Meyer's anniversary is today.
Their great-granddaughter Alice Rose is baptized.

  Graphic by Norma A. Boeckler

KJV Romans 12:16 Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits. 17 Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. 18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. 19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. 20 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. 21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

KJV Matthew 8:1 When he was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him. 2 And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. 3 And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed. 4 And Jesus saith unto him, See thou tell no man; but go thy way, shew thyself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them. 5 And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him, 6 And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented. 7 And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him. 8 The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed. 9 For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it 10 When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.11 And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven. 12 But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 13 And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.

Third Sunday After Epiphany

O almighty and everlasting God, mercifully look upon our infirmities, and in all dangers and necessities stretch forth Thy mighty hand, to defend us against our enemies; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.

Background for the Sermon
The Matthew 8 Gospel text has a specific location, based on the time it happened. Many worldly wise men consider the Sermon on the Mount a collection of sayings, not a sermon by Jesus. That means some genius edited Jesus' sayings so well that they comprised a powerful sermon, a fact so obscure that only an even greater genius - the Biblical scholar - could detect it.

The seminary professors have been brought up with these notions, one way or another. Even if they consider themselves great  academics, they have had the truth of the Scriptures watered down by these fanciful notions.

The initial attack on the Bible was the New Testament text. They could not easily do this with the Old Testament because of the tradition of counting every letter of the Old Testament book after copying it, to make sure nothing was left out. In other words, Jewish copying standards were extremely strict and precise. However, three celebrity clowns changed views of the New Testament - at the expense of the truth - by claiming two rogue sources, Vaticanus and Sinaiticus, as the best and purest copies of the New Testament. They invented nonsensical rules for excluding words and verses from the New Testament. The result? - almost all new translations - NIV, ESV, etc - have their text butchered by a few self-appointed international critics who continue to work their magic, voting on the "true NT text."

The attack on the NT text fed the corrupt translating revolution by Eugene Nida, an apostate who taught them that they could do a better job than the Holy Spirit in conveying the Word of God. This dynamic equivalence nonsense is promoted in all the schools, so the result is a bad text used to provide a paraphrase that may even be opposed to the original text (NIV Romans 3). 

The KJV family uses the traditional text and the various KJVs are faithful to the extent that their editors agree with the Word of God. Here is a good statement by a Lutheran pastor about the doctrinal issue:

A short passage from Simon Peter Long’s sermon “The Conflict of the Christian in Christ” for the Third Sunday after Epiphany, from The Eternal Epistle.

From Alec Satin, Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry

Look at Luther. Dr. Luther might have had peace with John Calvin, and with Zwingli, and with all the reformers; they held out their hands and said. Dr. Luther, we are willing to admit that you are the hero of the Reformation, but there are one or two points upon which we disagree, and now we ask of you to extend the hand and we will call it all right; it is only a difference of opinion. Dr. Luther said, I cannot afford to sell truth for peace. I cannot afford to sacrifice the truth in this great work of the Reformation. The real truth of it is, if you are right, then we have no Lord’s Supper, and if I am right, then you have none; consequently the truth must stand at my cost; I will stand alone rather than sell the truth. And so we need men in the present day that will not let themselves be overcome of evil. It becomes our duty to know the teachings of God’s Word and as we understand them, to stand by them at any cost.
The more a translation suits Zwinglians, Calvinists, Pentecostals, and Baptists, the greater the sales, the more the visible church is brought into organic union, cooperation, and social justice warrior projects. Peter Long predicted those Lutherans who have excused selling the NIV, ESV, and other corrupted and corrupting Bibles - they gave away Holy Communion to the Zwinglians to sell more Bibles - and it is a very lucrative business. Now the Lutherans - in that sense - have no Holy Communion, which is why they worship with the Zwinglians and Calvinists at Fuller and Willow Creek, and look for ways to worship with Zoroastrians, Muslims, and pantheists, as LCMS DP David Benke did unashamedly. Causes have effects.

Therefore we have the best text and translation with the KJV, and the best interpretation by treating each book of the Bible as God's Word rather than a springboard for our assumed wisdom. The more we inject our wisdom into the text, the less God's actual spiritual wisdom is conveyed.

Over 20 books are being delivered to the Philippines.
Graphic by Norma A. Boeckler

Two Examples of Faith
KJV Matthew 8:1 When he was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him. 2 And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. 

After Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5 - 7), He performed a number of miracles to display His divine power as the Son of God and Messiah. 

This is explained carefully in the Gospel of John, where Jesus said, "If you do not believe My Word, believe My miracles, which confirm the Word of the Father." 

We can also see the order of events. The Word on the Mountain converted many to faith. They trusted in Him and came up to Him for His healing power.

The leper believed and set aside all the societal condemnations about being around the healthy. He should be far apart from them, and doubtless the crowd opened up to allow that. He was ritually unclean and - as far as they knew - contagious. Physically weak from his disease, he came to Jesus and worshipped Him as God.

Therefore, anyone within sight of this event could see, first of all, the leper bowing in humility toward Jesus. His request should be read as it was, not "if you want", But "If it is Your will..." His act of devotion showed his submission to the Son of God, and his request was equally so. He asked in faith but also subordinated his request to the will of God.

This leper would not have been so bold as to go to the Lord and ask to be cleansed, if he had not trusted and expected with his whole heart, that Christ would be kind and gracious and would cleanse him. For because he was a leper, he had reason to be timid. Moreover the law forbids lepers to mingle with the people. Nevertheless he approaches, regardless of law and people, and of how pure and holy Christ is.

2. Here behold the attitude of faith toward Christ: it sets before itself absolutely nothing but the pure goodness and free grace of Christ, without seeking and bringing any merit. For here it certainly cannot be said, that the leper merited by his purity to approach Christ, to speak to him and to invoke his help. Nay, just because he feels his impurity and unworthiness, he approaches all the more and looks only upon the goodness of Christ.

This is true faith, a living confidence in the goodness of God. The heart that does this, has true faith; the heart that does it not, has not true faith; as they do who keep not the goodness of God and that alone in sight, but first look around for their own good works, in order to be worthy of God’s grace and to merit it. These never become bold to call upon God earnestly or to draw near to him.

3 And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed. 4 And Jesus saith unto him, See thou tell no man; but go thy way, shew thyself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them. 

Seeing that miracle would have been enough for almost anyone to believe and know Jesus as the promised Messiah. The disfigured and weakened man became clean, healthy, and strong again. 

"Tell no man" can be misunderstood by itself. There is an important conjunction - BUT - a big break in the thought. The healed man could stop and talk to hundreds of people there, who had already heard the Word of God and seen the miracle. It is as if to say, "Instead of talking to those who already believe and know, do this..."

  1. Go down the road.
  2. Show yourself to the priest in Jerusalem.
  3. Offer the gift for being cleansed, according to the Law.
  4. And testify about the Gospel of Jesus.
Jesus directed the healed man to take the Gospel to the priesthood in Jerusalem, which was the old-fashioned Internet of the day. Jesus was there for His circumcision, there for His discussion with the teachers and elders. The Gospel seed had been planted and nurtured there already, in the fertile soil of the Old Testament lessons.

Simplistic teaching tends to make the era out to be Jesus versus the Jewish opposition, which is a good summary. However, at the same time, He was infiltrating and undermining the Pharisaical attitudes with the Gospel. 

No doubt many were like me looking at exotic plants when we moved here. I spotted one growing in the crack of the sidewalk. Colorful. I misnamed it but saw it continue to flourish. Then it appeared in a larger form, flowered, and produced fruit. (wrong name, wrong plant, wrong family of plants) It was Poke Weed, a huge weed that could grow to 30 feet. I found it all over, pulled it and dug it from my yard. Then Poke ended up on the very top of the list of foods loved by birds. I began to smell the pot roast: birds love the berries of the plant and planted their own gardens in their favorite spots to roost. What seemed so bad and dangerous became desirable for many reasons. And so is the Gospel - a strange and forbidden force to some and only later, not dangerous but life-giving and valuable.

5 And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him, 6 And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented.

We can picture this servant, who had served the centurion for so long, lying in torment from nerve pain, which can be terrible. The centurion in Greek is literally a leader of 100 men. He was a veteran, a highly skilled leader, used to commanding. His commands were actually life and death to his soldiers, since he could have them punished for various offenses, including being slack on the job. When we have known someone for so long, we hate to see them disabled and in pain.

The centurion was likely one of those people who knew the Promises from being stationed in that land. He built a synagogue for the Jews (Luke 7) and was honored by their leaders. Thus the soldier was not simply someone struck by the previous miracle but someone already taught by the Word of God. The world was weary of polytheism and the x-rated stories of the gods and goddesses. Monotheism promised a different understanding of life, eternal life, and God.

7 And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him. 8 The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed. 9 For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.

Jesus offered to come in person to heal the servant. That offer is set aside as not necessary. The emphasis is not so much on "I am not worthy" but on the officer's trust in the Word of God. The centurion knew from training and experience that a commanded only needs to say the word - and it happens.

All Jesus needed to do is speak the Word and his servant will be healed. Here is a lesson learned by the centurion that has been missed by the Lutheran leaders - the efficacy of the Word. He was necessarily a literate man, which meant he knew how to read and write Greek, Latin, and perhaps other languages. He had access to the Greek Old Testament, where God promises that His Word is like the snow and rain, always returning with a powerful effect - always accomplishing His will, always prospering His will.

He knew from Genesis 1 that God commanded and brought the universe into being by His Word.

But, in contrast, the worldly wise (from Pilgrim's Progress) know they have to:
  • Dumb down the Bible so more people can read it;
  • Take away offensive ideas like infant baptism and Holy Communion;
  • Draw people in with gifts for kids, popcorn, peanuts, and soda pop;
  • Entertain them so they have fun in church;
  • Appeal to their base instincts. One WELS pastor invited visitors to swim parties that day with their lovely, grinning, young women members.
  • Appleton WELS offered an R-rated worship service led by their bad boy, who sailed in on Cutty Sark.
10 When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.

This is an important statement by Jesus. No one had given such an important witness to faith in the Word - not even in Israel. Some may quibble about the Apostles, Mary, and such, but this stands as it is. A man outside the Old Testament tradition, outside of Israel, though a friend, gave a perfect illustration of how powerful God's Word is:

  • His Word does not require the visible presence of Christ.
  • His Word will have instant, powerful results when necessary.
  • His Word will accomplish exactly what God intends.
  • His Word can give life or end it.
Those conclusions by the centurion turns modern wisdom into hilarity. 
  1. We have an important mission - that requires a whole pile of your money, building a new church in a rich suburb, Round Rock (Ex-SP)
  2. God has no hands but ours, no feet but ours, no wallet but yours. He needs you. He can do nothing without you.
  3. We have to pull visitors in by any means so we can apply the Word of God to them (Mequon professor).
  4. Yes, I know they are false teachers, but we need their world missions databases (WELS pastor, suitably brainwashed).
  5. We were small and weak, so we had to use Waldo Werning and Church Growth (Pastor Bischoff, Otten friend, "conservative")

11 And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven. 12 But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

We can say this is just as true of the heirs of the Lutheran Reformation as it is of the Jews. Abraham is listed for a reason - Justification by Faith. Many should know this but teach against it. God is already showing them that they are sowing sterile weed seed that grows up in abundance but is useless. 

13 And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.

Luther pointed out that the centurion did not tell Jesus what to do or when to do it. He only expressed his sorrow over the terrible torments of his servant. Jesus provided the solution and was willing to go to the man's house to accomplish it, thus allowing the centurion to witness to God's greatness.

The pagans pretending to be Christians say, like Paul (or David) Y. Cho, "you have to tell God what you want or He cannot give it to you." Notice that by enlarging what man does, the snake oil salesman must diminish God 99%. What is left but a religion about a man who gloried in numbers and make a shipwreck of his work?

The centurion is an example of praying to God about needs but not ordering the solution or its time. People confuse God with Peter Drucker because the inventor of Management by Objectives attached himself like a tick to the Church Growth Movement.

When a minister says, "We have to do this, and this, and this," I remind him it is not the doing it is the trusting in God's Word.

 Graphic by Norma A. Boeckler