Saturday, May 9, 2020

Luther's Overlooked Sermon - Jesus Taught Faith in HIM - Cantate Sunday

Jesus washes the disciples' feet,  by Norma A. Boeckler.


Text: John 16:5-15. But now I go unto him that sent me; and none of you asketh me, Whither goest thou? But because I have spoken these things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart. Nevertheless I tell you the truth: It is expedient for you that I go away; for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I go, I will send him unto you. And he, when he is come, will convict the world in respect of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: of sin, because they believe not on me; of righteousness, because I go to the Father, and ye behold me no more; of judgment, because the prince of this world hath been judged. I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, shall come, he shall guide you into all the truth; for he shall not speak from himself; but what things soever he shall hear, these shall he speak; and he shall declare unto you the things that are to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall take of mine, and shall declare it unto you. All things whatsoever the Father hath are mine; therefore said I, that he taketh of mine, and shall declare it unto you.

1. The meaning of this Gospel lesson we have also often heard elsewhere; the only trouble is, the words have not generally been understood to have the meaning of things with which we are familiar. Therefore we will explain it a little, in order that one may see that the same teaching is contained in these words, that is found in all the other Gospel lessons. It is a fine Gospel, but it also requires fine students. We will omit the first part and consider what the Lord says, that the Holy Spirit is to convict the world in respect of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment, and will see what the meaning of all this is.

2. In the first place, we see here that the world is accused of blindness and ignorance. All those who are without the Holy Spirit, however wise they may be in matters pertaining to the things of this world, are, before God, fools and blind. They do not like to hear this; and when they are told that their doings are of no account before God, it displeases them and makes them angry, because they insist that they are in possession of reason and the natural light, which God created in them. But what does this matter to us? There are the Scriptures and the Word of God plain and clear, that the Holy Spirit is to come to ‘convict the world, because it does not know what sin, righteousness and judgment are. Thus it is determined, there it stands; let be angry who will, Christ does not care.

3. It is much to be deplored that the world is convicted, not only because of its sin and want of righteousness, not being able to judge rightly, but that it does not acknowledge nor see this, to say nothing of its endeavor to alter the matter. Oh, how completely the praise of all comes to naught, who, while they endeavor to make other people pious, know not themselves what sin is! Let us take, for example, at the present day, all the schools of learning and the learned men and see whether they can tell us what that one little word “sin” is? For who has ever heard that not to believe in Christ is sin? They say, it is sin if one speaks, desires or does something against God’s will and commandment. But how does that correspond with this saying of Christ: It is sin because they do not believe on me? Therefore, they are easily convicted of the fact that they know not what sin is; and if they be ever so learned, they will not be able to explain this text.

4. In like manner, they are not able to know what “righteousness” is. For who has ever heard that a man should become pious and just because Christ ascended to heaven or goes to the Father and we see him no ,more?

There we must say, a fool has thus spoken and not a wise man. For they say, righteousness is a virtue, which teaches man what he owes others.

This is true, but the trouble is, they do not understand their own words, such blind fools they are. Therefore, one needs not be surprised that they rage so much against the Gospel and persecute the Christians. How could they do otherwise? They know no better.

5. Neither do they know what “judgment” or right is, that is, a right judgment, a correct good opinion and sense, or whatever you may call it.

For they say: Right is that which is written in books, how one is to know and distinguish things, to quiet and end quarrels. But how does Christ define it? He says: “It is right, that the world is to be judged.” Who understands such speech, and where will it go in or out, and how does it correspond with reason? Let ut see whether we can explain it so that it may be understood.

6. In the first place one must know that the Word of God does not speak only of the outward existence and appearances, but it takes hold of the heart and the depths of the soul. Accordingly it does not judge man as to his outward appearance and action, but according to the depths of his conscience. Now, everyone will experience in himself, if he wishes to acknowledge it, however pious he may be (even though he were a Carthusian or as holy as any one on earth), that in his heart he would rather do the contrary, and otherwise than what he is outwardly compelled to do.

Thus, if I were left to myself, a monk, who walks about in poverty and chastity, as they pride themselves, but were made to confess how I feel in my heart, I must say: That which I do, I would rather not do. If there were no hell and I would not feel the disgrace, I would leave my office have the misfortune, and run off. For I have no desire from the heart to do it, but am compelled thereto, and must do it in spite of hell, punishment or disgrace.

It is not possible that I should do it from choice and gladly. Such everyone who is without grace finds in his own heart. The same you will find continually in other matters. I am never from my heart kind and friendly to my enemy, for this is impossible to nature; and though I act otherwise, in my heart I think thus: If it were not for the punishment, I would have my way and not remain without revenge. Thus, I still go about before the world, and do not as I would like and feel inclined to do, for fear of punishment or disgrace. Likewise if you go through all the commandments, from the first to the last, you will find that there is no one who keeps God’s commandments from the bottom of his heart.

7. Now, against this evil God found a remedy and determined to send Christ, his Son, into this world, that he should shed his blood and die, in order to make satisfaction for sin and take it away, and that the Holy Spirit then should enter the hearts of such people, who go about with the works of the Law, being unwilling and forced to it, and make them willing, in order that without force and with joyous heart they keep God’s commandments. Otherwise there might be no means of removing the misery; for neither human reason and power, nor even an angel could rescue us from it. Thus, God has done away with the sins of all men who believe on the Christ, so that henceforth it is impossible for one to remain in sin who has this Savior, who has taken all sins upon himself and blotted them out.

8. Inasmuch as Christ has now come and commanded to preach that everything we may do, however great and beautiful it may appear, is sin, because we do nothing that is good with pleasure and willingly, and that for this reason he has stepped forward and has taken away all sin, in order that we may receive the Holy Spirit, through whom we obtain love and pleasure to do what God wants us to do, in order that we do not attempt to come before God through our own works, but through Christ and his merits, therefore it cannot be called any longer sin committed against the Law, for the Law did nothing to assist us in becoming pious, since we are not able to do anything good.

9. What sort of sin then remains upon earth? No other than that one does not receive this Savior and refuses to accept him who has taken away sin.

For if he were present, there would be no sin, since he, as I have said, brings the Holy Spirit with him, who kindles the heart and makes it willing to do good. Therefore, the world is no longer punished and condemned on account of other sins, because Christ blots them all out; only this remains sin in the New Testament, that one will not acknowledge nor receive him.

Therefore he likewise says in this Gospel: “When the Holy Spirit is come, he will convict the world in respect of sin, because they believe not on me.”

10. As if he wished to say: Had they believed on me, everything would already have been forgiven them, whatever sin they might have committed, for I know that they by nature cannot do otherwise. But because they will not receive me, neither believe that I can help them, this it is that will condemn them. Therefore, God will at the final judgment pass a sentence like this on them: Behold, thou wast in sin and couldst not free thyself from it, still I did not on this account wish to condemn thee, for I sent my only begotten Son to thee and intended to give thee a Savior, in order that he might take the sin from thee. Him thou didst not receive. Therefore, on this account alone, thou wilt be condemned, because thou hast not Christ.

11. This sentence, then, is given for the honor and glory of the high grace, which God has given us in Christ the Lord. What reason would have ever been so wise as to discover that this was done for man’s sake? Reason is not able to rise higher in its thoughts than to say: I have sinned in deeds done. I must make good by doing other deeds. I must blot out and pay for the sin, in order that I may thus obtain a gracious God. If reason comes so far, it has reached its climax. Still it is nothing but foolishness and blindness.

12. But God speaks thus: If thou wilt be rid of sin, thou must do other works wherewith to pay the price. But with all the works which thou dost, thou canst do nothing but sin, even with the works wherewith thou thinkest to reconcile me and to do penance for thy sins. How wilt thou then, thou fool, blot out sin with sin? For even in the works which thou considerest the best and which thou canst do, thou sinnest if thou dost not do them willingly and from the heart. For if thou didst not fear punishment, thou wouldst rather not do them at all. Thus thou dost no more than that thou seekest to blot out little sins by doing greater ones; or else to commit such great ones that thou mayest lay aside others.

13. Wherefore, it is ever great blindness that a man does not see what sin is, nor know what good works are, but accepts sin for good works. When the Holy Spirit comes, he convicts the people and says: The works which thou hast done, as well as those which thou art still doing, are nothing but sin; therefore, it is all in vain that thou dost attempt to make satisfaction for thy sin according to thy ability. Then they feel compelled to say: Behold, this I did not know. Then says he: For this purpose I am here, in order to tell thee this. If thou hadst known it, it would not have been necessary for me to come and make it known. What wilt thou do now in order to be helped? This thou must do: Believe on the Savior, the Lord Christ, that he has taken away thy sin. If thou believest this, he is thine and thy sins will disappear; if not, then thou wilt never get rid of sin, but wilt always fall into it deeper and deeper.

14. Thus, with this passage everything has been completely overthrown that has hitherto been preached about penance and satisfaction for sin, and all else that has been practiced and urged. For this reason there have been founded many orders and masses, and on this account we have become priests and monks and have run to and fro in order best in the world, which the world considers pious and holy, to get rid of sin. Therefore, it also follows: Whatever is that is nothing but mere sin and a damnable thing.

Thus we have considered one part of this Gospel.

15. The second thought then follows: “The Holy Spirit will convict the world in respect to righteousness, because I go to the Father,” says Christ, “and ye behold me no more.” Rigtheousness means piety and a good and honorable life before God. What is this now? It is, says Christ, “because I go to the Father.” We have often said about the resurrection of Christ that it came to pass not for his sake, but for our sakes, in order that we may apply it to ourselves as a blessing which is our own. For this reason he is risen from the dead and has ascended to heaven, that he might begin a spiritual kingdom, in which he reigns in us through righteousness and truth.

Therefore, he sits above; he does not rest and sleep, does not play with himself, but, as Paul says, Ephesians 1:22, has his work here upon the earth, governing the consciences and the souls of men with the Gospel.

16. Wherever Christ is now preached and acknowledged, there he reigns in us, from the right hand of his Father, and is himself here below in the hearts of men. There he reigns with might, power and dominion over you and all your enemies, and guards you from sin, death, devil and hell. Thus is his resurrection and ascension our comfort, life, blessing, righteousness and everything in one. This is what the Lord means when he speaks of righteousness, that the people thereby should become pious and righteous, that he ascends to heaven to the Father and we see him no more. This the world does not know, therefore the Holy Spirit must come and convict the world of it.

17. How does this come to pass? Just as we have heard. Am I to become pious, it will not be enough for me to perform outwardly good works, but I must do them from the bottom of my heart, gladly and willingly, so that I may be free from the fear of sin, death and the devil; be joyous, and with a good conscience, and all confidence stand before him and know how I stand with him. This no work, no creature can give unto me, but Christ alone, who has ascended into heaven — there, where one cannot see him, but must believe that he sits yonder and wishes to help one. Such a faith makes me acceptable unto God; Christ gives me the Holy Spirit into my heart, who makes me willing and happy in the doing of every good work.

In this manner I become righteous, and in no other; for the works themselves make me more and more unwilling, the longer I occupy myself with them.

18. But the longer one is engaged in this work, the more willing it makes one’s heart; for wherever there is such knowledge, there the Holy Spirit cannot be wanting. When he comes, he makes the heart willing, joyful and happy, so that one may be free and willingly do what is pleasing to God, with joyous courage, and suffer whatever there is to suffer, yea, and even die willingly. And in proportion as this knowledge is clear and great, in that proportion the willingness and joy will also be great. Thus the commandment of God is fulfilled and everything done that one is to do, and thus thou art righteous. Who would ever have thought that this would be righteousness and that thus it should be. This question we have hitherto often heard about and considered, and although the words here be different, yet the sense and meaning are the same.

19. In the third place, the Holy Spirit is to convict the world in respect of judgment , that is that the world does not know what right is. For who has ever heard the definition of this right to be, because the prince of this world hath been judged? The prince of the world, to be sure is the devil, which one may readily see in his government.

20. If now I have learned to know what sin is and am free from it, and have obtained righteousness, so that now I stand in a new character and life and have become another man — have now the Lord Christ and know that something else than our works is required to get rid of sin — if these have come to pass in me, it then follows that I may have a correct judgment, having learned to judge differently before God. For, according to such understanding, I know how to discuss, conclude and judge of all things in heaven and upon earth, and to pass correct judgment; and when I have passed such a judgment, I can live accordingly. This no one else can do.

21. The world, in its holiness, maintains that righteousness means to perform good works wherewith to do penance for sin and reconcile God.

This has been taught in all the schools of learning. Such teachers think it is right and well done if only they can accomplish good works. But now comes the Holy Spirit and says: Not so. You err and are mistaken. Your judgment is wrong. Therefore there must be another judgment. You should judge thus: Everything that your reason concludes, is erroneous and false, and you are a fool and a simpleton.

22. Reason may do other things; for instance, know how to judge in worldly and human matters and affairs, how to build cities and houses, how to govern well, and the like. In such matters one may easily be able to judge and decide more wisely than another. Of this, however, we do not speak here, but of judgment in the significance of what is right or wrong before God. Here the Holy Spirit concludes thus: Every judgment of reason is false and worth nothing. Everything that is born of man and is not born from above, must be rooted out and crucified, so that no one may boast of it and depend upon it. Again, whatever the world considers as wisdom, that which it votes as wisely and intelligently devised and accomplished, is foolishness before God. In short, whatever the world does, is useless and cursed, unless it proceeds from Christ, the Lord, and is of his Word and Spirit, as he teaches us. If it does not proceed from him, it is surely mere blindness and there is no good in it.

23. Therefore everything that the world considers good is debased.

Everything is evil because it does not proceed from the Word and the Spirit, but from the old Adam, who is nothing more than a blind fool and sinner. And why? Should not your wisdom and reason be foolishness and count for nothing, since the most exalted one, who has all the power and wisdom of this world in the highest degree, is condemned? For, without doubt, there is no one in the world so wise, shrewd and rational as the devil, and no one is able to make a more pious appearance. And all wisdom and holiness that do not proceed from God, as well as the most beautiful things in the world, are found in their highest degree in the devil. Since he is a prince and the ruler of the world, the wisdom and righteousness of the world must proceed from him; here he reigns with all his power. Therefore, Christ says: Since the same prince of the world is condemned, with all that he has and can do, the world is ever blind because it considers that to be good which has been condemned already, namely his wisdom and piety.

24. We must, therefore, pass a correct judgment, such as Christ passes, if we are to guard against everything that the world considers and declares precious in order that it may appear before God prudent, wise and pious. If people who have not the Word and Spirit of Christ, desire to teach and govern, everything is already condemned; for in this way one accomplishes no more than to make the old Adam stronger and to establish him in his opinion that his works, his piety and prudence are to avail before God.

Thereby one must work himself deeper and deeper into the devil’s kingdom.

25. But now, since the prince of this world and the Holy Spirit, the kingdom of Christ and the kingdom of the devil, are directly opposed to one another, and the Holy Spirit is not willing that anyone should parade his own deeds and praise himself on account of them, the holy cross must soon follow. The world will not consent to be reprimanded for its blindness. Therefore one must willingly submit and suffer persecution. If we have the right kind of faith in our hearts, we must also open our mouths and confess righteousness and make known sin. Likewise we must condemn and punish the doings of this world and make it known that everything it undertakes, is damned. For this we must be considered heretics, and must pass through the fire. They say: This is against the holy councils and the canon of the holy father, the pope. Then you are to answer: How can I help it? Here it stands — the text does not say the Holy Spirit is to convict them and say their doctrine is error, blindness and the government of the devil. This, of course, they will not endure, but would have us call them gracious noblemen. Therefore, one must here risk his neck.

26. These are the three parts we have in this Gospel lesson: Sin is unbelief; righteousness is faith; the judgment is the holy cross. Therefore give heed and learn to consider everything that is without the Spirit as nothing and as condemned, and afterwards be prepared for the holy cross that thou must suffer on account of it. Now follows in the Gospel further: “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he shall guide you into all the truth.”

27. These words ought to be understood in all their simplicity, as if the Lord were to say: “These three parts which I have now related, you cannot yet fully understand, even though I were to explain them unto you. I would have to say much about them in order to explain them more fully, to make plain how things shall be, and you still stick too deep in your coarse, carnal reason to be able to comprehend it. Therefore, I will forbear now. When the Holy Spirit comes, he will enlighten your hearts, so that you will understand it, and will call to your remembrance all things, I tell you of it now, in order that you may think about it. Thus, we give these words in their simple meaning. It is as if I conversed with some one and said: I would yet have many things to say, but they are too difficult for you. You cannot yet comprehend and grasp them.

28. But our doctors and highly learned men have made use of these words in a frivolous way and said that it was necessary to have something more than the Gospel and the Scriptures; therefore one ought also to hear what the councils and the popes decree. They endeavor to prove in this way that Christ says here: “I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now;” therefore, because he has not told them all things, it must follow that he told them to the councils, popes and bishops, who are now to teach them.

29. Now look at these fools, what they say. Christ says: “I have yet many things to say unto you.” What does “you” mean? To whom does he speak?

Without doubt, to the apostles. To these he says: “I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he shall guide you into all truth.” Therefore, if Christ is not to lie, his Word must have been fulfilled at the time that the Holy Spirit came. The Holy Spirit must have said everything to them and accomplished everything that the Lord here refers to, and, of course, he led them into all the truth. How, then, do we get the idea that Christ should not have said everything, but should have kept much back, which the councils were to teach and to determine? With this idea his words do not at all harmonize. Christ gives to understand that soon the Holy Spirit would tell and explain to them all things, and that afterwards the apostles should carry out everything, and through them should be made known to the world what they have learned from the Holy Spirit. But, according to the councils and popes,’ it depends on what they say, teach and command, even to the end of the world.

30. Moreover, Christ says further: “He shall guide you into all the truth.”

Here we conclude: If what the councils teach be the truth, that one is to wear the tonsure and the cap and live a life of celibacy, then the apostles never came to the truth, since none of them ever entered a cloister, nor kept any of those foolish laws. Thus, Christ must indeed have betrayed us in this, that he said the Holy Spirit should guide us into all the truth, when in reality he wished to teach how we were to become priests ‘and monks and not to eat meat on certain days, and like foolish things.

31. Without doubt it is “truth” before God when one lives an upright and sincere life. But if we now look at our ecclesiasts, pope, bishops, priests and monks, we see nothing but carnival masks, who give themselves the outward appearance of being pious, but in their hearts they are villains.

What popes, bishops, and orders have ever led us into this truth, which should spring from within — out of the heart? In everything they are concerned about the outward appearance of things, in order that they may make a display before the eyes of the people.

32. Thus they have perverted this text masterfully in order to strengthen their lies; and yet we are to call them gracious lords! To hear such things is exasperating and it should grieve our hearts that we are to suffer such great outrage — should see how shamefully the people act against the precious Word of God and that they make the Holy Spirit a liar. Should not this single passage be powerful enough against the pope and the councils, even if we had no other in the Scriptures?

33. Thirdly, Christ says: “You cannot bear them now.” Here we ask: My dear, should it have been too hard for the apostles to understand or to obey such laws as abstaining from meat, and the like? They had been accustomed in the law of Moses to observe many such outward ceremonies, and had been educated therein all their life, so that it would have been child’s play for them. Moreover, they understood this better than we do. Is it such a difficult matter — that a monk must wear a black or gray cap, the pope three crowns, a bishop a pointed hat, or the manner of dedicating churches and altars and baptizing bells — are these so difficult as to make it necessary that the Holy Spirit should come from heaven to teach such things? If it is not acting the fool enough that one jests with these noble words, then I do not know how one may be a worse fool.

34. Therefore, beware of these liars and understand the words rightly, thus:

Christ wishes to speak of the inward, actual character, not of outward jugglery. He wishes to make the heart, before the eyes of God, pious and righteous in order that it, in the first place, acknowledge its sin, and in the second place, that it acknowledge him to be the one who forgives sin and suffers himself to be sacrificed upon the cross. This is that “truth” which the apostles were not yet able to hear and understand. But those outward things make no one righteous, lead no one to the truth. They make only hypocrites and a show, by which the people are deceived.

35. Thus, we have the true meaning of this passage, from which we see how fools who seek from it to bolster up their jugglery, place themselves in opposition to it and build upon the sand. There is scarcely a passage that is more strongly opposed to them than this one. We have briefly explained this Gospel lesson in order that we may see how it teaches just that which we have always preached.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Paul Gerhardt - From The Bethany Lutheran Hymnal Blog

The Morris biography of Gerhardt is linked here.

Luther wrote that the Gospel is not for the rich and secure, but for the poor and broken-hearted. Few Lutherans suffered as much as Gerhardt, and few wrote so beautifully for those afflicted with terrors of conscience, rejection, suffering, and persecution.

Tune - Warum sollt' ich mich denn graemen - linked here

"Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve Me?"
by Paul Gerhardt, 1607-1676

1. Why should cross and trial grieve me?
Christ is near With His cheer;
Never will He leave me.
Who can rob me of the heaven
That God's Son For my own
To my faith hath given?

2. Though a heavy cross I'm bearing
And my heart Feels the smart,
Shall I be despairing?
God, my Helper, who doth send it,
Well doth know All my woe
And how best to end it.

3. God oft gives me days of gladness;
Shall I grieve If He give
Seasons, too, of sadness?
God is good and tempers ever
All my ill, And He will
Wholly leave me never.

4. Hopeful, cheerful, and undaunted
Everywhere They appear
Who in Christ are planted.
Death itself cannot appal them,
They rejoice When the voice
Of their Lord doth call them.

5. Death cannot destroy forever;
From our fears, Cares, and tears
It will us deliver.
It will close life's mournful story,
Make a way That we may
Enter heavenly glory.

6. What is all this life possesses?
But a hand Full of sand
That the heart distresses.
Noble gifts that pall me never
Christ, our Lord, Will accord
To His saints forever.

7. Lord, my Shepherd, take me to Thee.
Thou art mine; I was Thine,
Even e'er I knew Thee.
I am Thine, for Thou hast bought me;
Lost I stood, But Thy blood
Free salvation brought me.

8. Thou art mine; I love and own Thee.
Light of Joy, Ne'er shall I
From my heart dethrone Thee.
Savior, let me soon behold Thee
Face to face, - May Thy grace
Evermore enfold me!

Hymn #523
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Psalm 73: 23
Author: Paul Gerhardt
Translated by: composite, based on John Kelly, 1867
Titled: Warum sollt' ich mich denn graemen
Composer: Johann G. Ebeling, 1666
Tune: Warum sollt' ich mich denn graemen

God Bless Our Native Land - From the Bethany Lutheran Hymnal Blog

 Norma A. Boekler's Artwork

"God Bless Our Native Land"
Siegfried August Mahlmann, 1771-1826
Recast by John S. Dwight, 1813-1893

1. God bless our native land!
Firm may she ever stand
Thro' storm and night!
When the wild tempests rave,
Ruler of wind and wave
Do Thou our country save
By Thy great might.

2. For her our prayer shall rise
To God above the skies;
On Him we wait.
Thou who art ever nigh,
Guarding with watchful eye,
To Thee aloud we cry,
God save the State! Amen.

Hymn #577
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Romans 13:1-7
Author: Charles T. Brooks, 1834
Recast by: John S. Dwight, 1844
Tune: "America"
1st Published in: Thesaurus Musicus, 1740

Mainstream Denominations Will Die with the Mainstream News

General Michael Flynn was drained of all his money while the Obama era officials were stating for the record - Congressional testimony - that they had no evidence at all.

I told you what was developing with Michael Flynn. Those of us who studied the case knew it would blow up in the face of the liars, like Schiff, Nadler, and the media.

The news is dead.
You are what matters now.
Handle with care.

As the mainstream media go, so will the mainstream denominations - especially the WELS-LCMS-ELS-CLC (sic). They will howl about the shortage of money, but it is really from the Gospel deficit.

The Lutherans sects treat people like dirt. They depend on slander, dirty tricks, and violating the law to continue in office while robbing widows and orphans. They are like the hedonists at Balshazzar's feast, but they cannot read the writing on the wall - YOU ARE FINISHED. CAPUT.

 A graduate of Martin Luther College, the WELS School of Ministry, has left his mark on Lutherdom.

Sometimes I think about the pastors, teachers, and laity who have been scarred by WELS, the Little Sect on the Prairie, the LCMS, or the CLC (sic). The worst do not know or acknowledge how evil Holy Mother Synod is. Blinded by the lies and conceit, they parrot the evil of the hyper-Pietists.

I remember one WELS pastor saying his rich adulterous money-man was far better than his counterpart in another city. When the facts came out, the comparison was laughable. But everyone knows, anything goes, when nobody knows.

That deception is the secret of LCMS history. They cover every person in the Saxon Sex and STD Migration with halos, absolutions (as if needed?!), and alternative stories. Bishop Stephan's long-term mistress, from Germany to exile in Illinois, has been badly portrayed, LutherQueasies insist.

Walther has been fast-tracked to sainthood, much like Mother Theresa, so nobody can ask questions about his support of Stephan up to the point of robbing and kidnapping the bishop he helped enthrone.

But all the historical Lutheran falsehoods mean nothing now. The Boomers are the last generation to read books. I found that the only literature undergraduates could recall was something in a recent movie.

The Church Growth/OJ leaders retiring are those who shoved aside traditionalists and boldly regurgitated the tripe of Fuller Seminary and Willow Creek.

  • The liturgy is boring and irrelevant!
  • The Confessions are just as bad!
  • The Bible has to be in today's English!
  • Sermons are dead. We have to coach them about their felt needs!
The denominations could recover if they began singing Biblical hymns, using the Biblical Christ-centered liturgy, and delivering individual Biblical sermons. Knowing Luther instead of wearing Here I Stand socks would help a lot.

Just Like Last Night - Big Thunder, But Clouds Without Rain, Hale Warning

Christian News is so banal. It has all the excitement of a parish newsletter mimeographed on topsham paper.

The 4-11-2020 issue is posted on the Net. I am sure the cub editor meant to write 5-11-2020, but details seem to evade his attention.

To avoid eye fatigue, I scan CN using control-f on the Net version.

With one or two exceptions, each issue this year is devoid of

  1. Justification by Faith,
  2. Means of Grace,
  3. Efficacy, efficacious.
But looky here - another eructation -

"Our sins were buried and forgiveness for all was declared on Easter. As one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men." [Hale, ex cathedra]

There is no explanation for the part in red - it is  proclaimed from the altar of his heart, just as Calvin delivered his majestic nonsense, volume after volume.

This is a classic case of misdirection of the eye, a trick used by magicians, OJists, and Church Growthers.

KJV Romans 5:18 Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.

19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

manyοι πολλοι - hoi polloi.

When I was a young lad, hoi polloi was used as a circumlocution, but I doubt anyone is using much Greek now. The seminarians know less Greek than Sassy does.

The verse Hale forgot to cite - I am being kind - destroys his argument entirely. The term justification in the Bible always refers to God's declaration of forgiveness, as it does here. 

Justification is always Justification by Faith, the Chief Article of Christianity - ignored by Hale, just as he ignores all of Romans 4 and Romans 5:1-2

Be sure to act startled and pleased when pulling Calvinist dogma out of the sacred Scriptures. The trouble is, most laity are not confused - they still believe.

The Calvinist Claw Machine never tires of mining false doctrine from the clear, plain words of Scripture. Let me explain briefly.

Due to the Fall, we inherit from Adam our sinful nature. From one man came all sin in humanity. (verse 18)

Righteousness always refers to the righteousness of faith. Did Paul not explain that concept for four chapters and conclude his meaning in Romans 5:1-2? He denied the righteousness of the Law, of man, of traditions, every way possible in the opening chapters of Romans.

 Norma A. Boeckler

The preaching of the Report (Isaiah 53, Romans 10) brings the righteousness of faith to many - not to all. All who are justified are justified through faith in Christ alone - not Buddha or Jove or a turnip. Luther made that point clearly enough, but who is Luther compared to Scaer, Hale, and Webber?

Who has believed our Report? 

Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

I am not sure if the LCMS acolytes of ELCA and Rome are using the classic reading of John 16 for this Sunday. The Holy Spirit will convict the world (yes, the entire world) of sin -

John 16:9 Of sin, because they believe not on Me;

Norma A. Boeckler

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Joe Pye Weed Arrives - My Rainwater Methods

Today the Joe Pye Weed arrived, 10 plants carefully wrapped and each one positioned in a box to arrive whole, looking great.

Growers Exchange is the only place where I buy herbs.

I had to chase a bunny out of the back garden, where I planted six of them. While I was gathering up tools and trash, he hopped back, doubtless curious about what was new on his menu. I chased him away, yelling, "Not your garden. Get out." He hopped a few steps and waited. I pursued him until he was in the front yard.

Rain Water - Always for Planting
My mother's secret recipe was either 1) rainwater, or 2) stored water to let the chlorine evaporate out. Her school room flowers bloomed while others drooped. The teachers asked her secret; she smiled.

When plants arrive, I soak them for hours if possible. We have an all-night rain coming, so I gave them a few minutes of rainwater, then a soaking at the end.

Roses get several days of soaking, the bottom half only.

Plants can be immersed before digging them in, but not overnight. The more fragile ones, like Bee Balm, will start to die from too much water.

Rain water lacks chlorine and has usable nitrogen for the plants. During a storm, tons of nitrogen come down and green up everything, as noted in Isaiah 55:8ff.

I have rain-barrels and buckets all over the back, where the roof collects and dumps the water. I usually have a supply, and if not, I fill a garbage pail with Springdale water to let the chlorine evaporate out.

Yes, I dump water out from the barrels to avoid mosquitoes multiplying.

Rainwater for Doting on Flowers
One member (name withheld) kids me about dumping rainwater from the barrels, filling in the sentence for me - "because rain is coming."

I pick flowers to dote on so they grow even better. I did that with the slow-growing Crepe Myrtle, which now reaches up to the kitchen sink window. The plant grew faster and flowered better than its "drought tolerant" identical brothers in the front yard.

A day or two after a rain, I will pour a bucket on the kitchen window Crepe Mytle, for continued growth and flowering. I saw damage that could only have been caused by a Fluffy-Tailed Food Thief, aka a young squirrel. Looking closer, tender new branches were torn off on one side.

Over-watering can be bad from the garden hose, but it seems fairly difficult to over-water with stored rainwater. Last year was such an extended deluge that I saw lack of growth (little sun) but no death from extensive rain storms followed by more of the same. I did not use rainwater supplements.

I was happy to get the garbage barrels out of the flooded backyard, several times rolling the barrels through the house to avoid sinking into the mire, with muddy groan, unknelled, uncoffined, and unknown.

My Life Was Foreshadowed in Moby Dick - The Spouter Inn

Fishiest of all fishy places was the Try Pots, which well deserved its name; for the pots there were always boiling chowders. Chowder for breakfast, and chowder for dinner, and chowder for supper, till you began to look for fish-bones coming through your clothes. The area before the house was paved with clam-shells. Mrs. Hussey wore a polished necklace of codfish vertebra; and Hosea Hussey had his account books bound in superior old shark-skin. There was a fishy flavor to the milk, too, which I could not at all account for, till one morning happening to take a stroll along the beach among some fishermen’s boats, I saw Hosea’s brindled cow feeding on fish remnants, and marching along the sand with each foot in a cod’s decapitated head, looking very slip-shod, I assure ye.

Chapter 15, The Spouter Inn, Herman Melville, Moby Dick, or, The Whale.

I am reliving chapter 15, only in books, no, in media. Books are all over the house and in the car, as well as the hard drive of my computer, where even more are kept as PDFs. Graphics are in the books, the book covers, the hymns, and Facebook. The Audio Gutenberg is more than readings, but a small book in audio now.

I am not talking primarily about my books but the publications of our Lutheran Spindletop, Alec Satin. Many of them go beyond answering dreams. They are treasures that few had - or even know about before. These books, largely unknown, are found two places:


Norma Boeckler has her own books, books she has helped to publish, and graphics for the hymn blog and Facebook.

Norma Boeckler's artwork is here -

Just think of how little we could do if we had millions of dollars in the bank!

The Hummingbird Made a House-Call - He Did Not Even Wear a Mask

Ranger Bob, in his role as Porch Director of Gardening, told me, "You need to get the hummingbird feeders cleaned and filled."

"I have the food, Bob."

"I'll be over to clean them."

"I haven't seen a bird yet. I am sure they will let me know."

Yesterday, I had the garage door open. As I walked into the garage, a hummingbird dive-bombed me from behind. I turned around to look. He came back to the empty feeder close to the driveway and mimed sipping from the empty feeding point.

"OK. I will clean and fill them."

Hummingbirds are known for this behavior, sometimes hovering in clear view to remind the gardener where the food had been last summer.

I took five feeders in, two-by-two, cleaning and assembling them in the kitchen sink. I like the little plastic ones. Bob supplied the garden hook to hang three of them. Several hooks are on the porch for additional feeding.

I filled them outside, using prepared food from Pennington. I had to buy more because I poured myself a glass of it during the winter dryness, thinking it was sugar-free cranberry juice. Instead, it was a watered down cherry flavor. The jars are  a matching red and the same size, stored in the fridge door.

Last year we had a constant show of hummingbird feeding and guarding of the feeder. Every visitor enjoys the show, which costs a little to start and maintain.

The Creator might have gotten by without the hummingbird. Many insects pollinate, and most birds are entertaining in their antics, the tinier the better. Chickadees hold a sunflower seed in its claws and does toe touches to open each seed up with its beak. Cardinals have such powerful beaks that they chew the seeds open and expel the husk. Cardinals do this with a droll look on their faces, proud of their power.

PFC said his parents' home had 20 hummingbirds feeding at once, thanks to a long tradition of feeding them.

I washed the last feeder, filled it outside, and replaced it outside the kitchen window. That feeder is not visited often, but the location is strategic. First of all, the birds are territorial, so it opens up another place for birds. Secondly, the Crepe Myrtle is just behind and below the feeder, a good place for tiny birds to rest between sips or to line up for the next treat.

I thought of hummingbird feeders as trouble, mess, and cost, but that was all exaggerated in my mind. They use up little time, create no mess, and cost very little all season.

Feeding with seeds is messier and costlier, but the seeds attract many species.. I use black oil sunflower seeds twice a day. The fluffy-tailed Thief Bird often shows up, but they all share the bounty.

 The Fluffy-Tailed Thief Bird figured the swing and the feeders were for him.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Greek Lesson Tonight at 7 PM Central Daylight


37 και ηκουσαν αυτου οι δυο μαθηται λαλουντος, και ηκολουθησαν τω ιησου

38 στραφεις δε ο ιησους και θεασαμενος αυτους ακολουθουντας, λεγει αυτοις "τι ζητειτε" οι δε ειπον αυτω "ραββι" [ο λεγεται 'ερμηνευομενον διδασκαλε] "που μενεις"

δε - post-positive, so in our minds it belongs before the οι. Foreign names are often not it vocative (Rabbi) but the Greek word for rabbi is , short e. Recall "Et tu, Brute?" "And you, Brutus."

39 λεγει αυτοις "ερχεσθε και ιδετε"; ηλθον και ειδον [που μενει, και παρ αυτω εμειναν την ημεραν εκεινην]; ωρα δε ην ως δεκατη

40 ην ανδρεας - ο αδελφος σιμωνος πετρου - εις εκ των δυο των ακουσαντων παρα ιωαννου και ακολουθησαντων αυτω

41 ευρισκει (ουτος Andrew) πρωτος [τον αδελφον τον ιδιον σιμωνα] και λεγει αυτω ευρηκαμεν τον μεσσιαν ο εστιν μεθερμηνευομενον ο χριστος


42 και ηγαγεν αυτον προς τον ιησουν, εμβλεψας δε αυτω ο ιησους ειπεν, "συ ει σιμων ο υιος ιωνα; συ κληθηση κηφας," ο ερμηνευεται πετρος

43 τη επαυριον, ηθελησεν ο ιησους εξελθειν εις την γαλιλαιαν και ευρισκει φιλιππον και λεγει αυτω "ακολουθει μοι"

44 ην δε ο φιλιππος απο βηθσαιδα εκ της πολεως ανδρεου και πετρου

45 ευρισκει φιλιππος τον ναθαναηλ και λεγει αυτω [ον εγραψεν μωσης εν τω νομω - και οι προφηται] ευρηκαμεν ιησουν τον υιον του ιωσηφ τον απο ναζαρετ

46 και ειπεν αυτω ναθαναηλ "εκ ναζαρετ δυναται τι αγαθον ειναι?" λεγει αυτω φιλιππος "ερχου και ιδε."

Understanding The Pilgrim's Progress -
From Travis and Lauren Cartee.
Print Book from Amazon

This so fitting these days, with our history in the balance.

 Christian put on the spiritual armor of Ephesians 6, which is why he appears as a soldier in the rest of the book. His final weapon against Apolleon is the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.

 Kindle edition - Understanding the Pilgrim's Progress.

 This is a proven remedy against the Giant Despair in Doubting Castle. The prescription is renewable.

These are from Loy's Sermons on the Epistles., emphasis added:
"…This righteousness of God as revealed in the Gospel is acquired for all men, so that no weary and heavy laden soul need now despair. “He died for us, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto Him which died for them and rose again.” 2 Cor. 5:15. In Him should all the nations of the earth be blessed; so that there is no foundation for the Jewish notion that the blessing of Abraham should come only upon the Jews as the chosen people. The chosen people are the believers, as the apostle assures us “that they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.” Gal. 3:9. And this holds equally against the error that God has made an absolute election of certain persons who shall be saved, whilst no provision has been made for the salvation of the rest. All election is in Christ, and in Him all who believe are saved. It is the eternal counsel of God that salvation shall be by faith, and the elect are those who believe." Matthias Loy, President of Cap Seminary, Long Ago