Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe - DON'T PANIC was written on the cover - in large, friendly letters. |
I spent election night, 2016, talking people out of their gloom and despair. GJ - "We already won."
"No Broward County - we lost Florida."
GJ - "The plurality in BC is not enough to offset the GOP Panhandle. Some of the pinheads on TV already realize it."
"Are you sure?"
GJ - "I read all the time. The key counties are winning for the Demsheviks, but not by enough. Heavy turnout means heavy cheating in metro counties. It's not heavy, so it will not pan out for them in the swing states."
Midnight - "You were right!"
Predicting is just a function of knowing as much information as possible. So let us turn to the current crisis.
The news was packed with
Wuhan Flu Virus! panic stories, seven days a week. Very tiresome. And now we learn - it was deliberately over-reported, exaggerated, falsified, etc.
Jackson's First Law of Journalism - "What leads is never the real news."
Now the massive threat of revolution has peaked and the
Million Man March! has dissolved into nothing. The coverage, masks, and self-abasement are truly depressing, but that is just another case of
Jackson's First Law of Journalism. Instant nation-wide response to an incident is proof of long-term planning, especially when it is opined to death with severe restrictions on communicating the truth of the charade. I found a cotton mask in the street gutter - it's over. They will soon sell for 10 cents, like the Hula Hoops in days of old.
An old Marxist said he would have fun with the police, walked up to them, fell over backwards, and set off fake blood dripping from under his mask. Journalists ran with it like the police actually hurt the old fake.
Jackson's Second Law of Journalism -
Do your own research. The mainstream media are in bed with everyone.
When Prosecutor Durham was hired, Q began. Q is a group headed by President Trump and some military intelligence people, plus a few civilians, about 10 in all. That was 2017. They had a typical military style plan, which means planning backwards.
- The final goal was victory in 2020.
- Cryptic messages are posted here.
- Every step of the way was charted and put on the calendar.
- Each previous goal had to fit in with the ultimate victory.
- They would follow the principles of The Art of War. Those who have not studied that book are like deaf orchestra conductors, missing everything but waving their hands around a lot.
- Military tribunals started in earnest.
- This stage, faking a civil war, was predicted as very ugly and unsettling, but marking the very last step toward victory.
Deception is very important in all wars, and this is the ultimate war. "When you are strong, appear weak. When you are weak, appear strong." The Art of War.
Whenever people are squawking about Trump, I figure he is quietly working on something else. He began by saying child trafficking was the worst of all sins, but that never comes up in his speeches now (as far as I know). I expect a lot will be revealed soon and important arrests will happen.
I cannot do your research for you. No source is 100%, so I do not tire of searching and reading to keep up. Google shadow bans a lot of topics, so use Duckduckgo.com for honest searches. I have to use it to find my own posts, especially the ones that offend the false teachers.
I just ordered two copies - one for Ranger Bob, one for PFC. |