Wednesday, July 15, 2020

You Need To Hear This Pipe Organ - Atlantic City's Midmer Losh Organ - 33,000 Pipes

Some of the larger pipes - Midmer Losh Pipe Organ, Atlantic City

Stop walking around - I can't hear the organ!

A reader and friend has always emphasized how much he gets to help with pipe organs and how often he hears the great ones play. New England has a wealth of these beasts.

Almost 100 years ago, about 60 men and women built this, without the advantage of printed circuits and computers.

Are we so advanced? We expect amateurs to provide "music" with their tinker-toy soundboards. One group expects $3,000 cash just for showing up. I would ask, "How much not to show up?"

I would really like one of these! But I would need lessons.

Faster Better

Christina will have a new round of radiation treatments, starting tomorrow, lasting two weeks. Once again, they were very quick to set up.

Thank you for your prayers.

In other news, Carl Roper is having severe problems. Mary Howell continues in treatment. Include them, Pastor Jim Sharder, and Rush Limbaugh in your prayers.