Saturday, July 25, 2020

Hummingbird Says Thanks

 What we normally see is more like a fluttering leaf, but it zigs left and right, up and down in the window to say, "Thanks for the food!"

Going to the clinic, I described the aerial acrobatics I saw through the kitchen window.

Mrs. Ichabod said, "Why would he do that?"

I said, "He was thanking me for the food in the hummingbird feeder. Hummers always do that for humans. They are the bravest of all the birds. Or the most commercial."

In Phoenix they would hum around me to get my attention - and fly through the garden hose spray for an in-flight bath."

They have established a big industry just by rewarding us for filling plastic feeders with diluted sugar water. Unfortunately, I poured myself a glass from the fridge, thinking it was cold cranberry juice. But the magic solution was more like watered-down cherry Kool-Aid. Come to think of it, I started humming a lot that day.

 Ann Geddes photo

We are now at the apex of the summer garden. The late bloomers opened up:

  • Joe Pye
  • Clethra
  • Crepe Myrtle

adding their attraction to

  1. Cat Mint
  2. Mountain Mint
  3. Bee Balm
  4. Borage
  5. Comfrey
  6. Yarrow
  7. Buckwheat
  8. Roses
  9. Hosta
  10. Daisies
  11. Blackberries
  12. Poke Berries
  13. Wild Strawberries 
  14. Beauty Berries
  15. Trumpet vine
  16. Butterfly Weed
  17. Swamp Milkweed
  18. Balloon flowers
Notice that, apart from some wild berries, the food was planted, tended, and watered to generate this supermarket for birds and bees.

I wonder how all the insects keep up with the bounty. I see three sizes of bees at once on the same Joe Pye bloom - big bumble bees, honey bees, and hover flies that look like bees. I think Ichneumon tiny wasps are there, but I do not put my nose on the flower just to verify the insect. 

Do they have time for the Borage?

My guess is that we draw from a larger area now. Almost Eden has many types of plants, but a lot of grassy field. The woods harbor a lot more insects than food, so we are the cafeteria for all creatures great and small. Our neighbor's daughter said, "The rabbits don't even budge when I get near!"

Our front porch is the best theater in the area for flying and walking animals. When the Military Gardening Group convenes, everyone is looking at the wildlife. The Milkweed plants crowd the picket fence at our feet, so the bees are inches away. Watching a bee work and ignore us is more tranquilizing than any medicine - and much less expensive.

Our friend, the late Pastor Newman, was always complaining about the beavers on his property. They were creating dams where he did not want them. They were persistent and good at it. 

Meanwhile, for decades we listened to China praise itself for the glorious Three Gorges Dam, 12 years in the building, a million people displaced. It would tame the Yangtze River! The dam was a money maker and now is falling apart, according to live feed observations and a blanket of secrecy hiding the facts.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Two Locations, Two Sets of Flags

Before the Flood, During the Flood - Buddhist 700 Year Old Temple

Standing on "a rocky island on the Yangtze River in Wuhan, a 700-year-old Guanyinge temple in China."

The same temple now.
As worries grow, coverage of the Three Gorges Dam almost disappears.

Creation Should Humble Everyone

The surest sign of detachment from Creation is the vainglory that permeates our culture. So many claims are issued, condemnations published by journalistic Oracles of Delphi. They forget that the original Oracle was a priestess who got high from subterranean fumes and jabbered nonsense. A second person had to interpret her ecstatic speech.

Thucydides was unimpressed. His History of the Peloponnesian Wars is seldom read now, because nobody can remember how to spell Peloponnesian. The greatest historian of all time concluded - "the Oracle was correct only once." Anyone could make one accurate prediction in a lifetime, even one addicted to inhalants.

China is the ultimate example of atheistic arrogance, though America is not far behind the Chinese. Some have theorized that China doomed itself by building money-dams and calling them flood control devices. Socialism is not so pure that people do not make millions from state projects. Another reason for the ongoing disaster may be their attempt to get more rain from manipulating the weather, something America has also manipulated.

The dam complex was doomed from the beginning. China lusts for technology but does not perfect what they start. Many accounts of Chinese construction claim that shortcuts and sloppiness are the standard, not the exception.

The world's largest dam - should that also be - the best engineered and constructed dam? They knew the concrete was sub-standard and the structure not attached to the bedrock. Even then, a gigantic dam in the middle of a flood prone river was destined to flood the tailwaters (east) or the headwaters (west) when Creation took them by the hand.

Norma Boeckler's home in Midland, 30 feet above the river, has been flooded three times since 1986. The communities failed to provide good drainage in a very flat area and also neglected two earthen dams. Yes - earthen. I would not want two lakes separated from my home by a big, neglected pile of sod.

Multiply those factors by one billion and there is China. The leaders response to the growing catastrophe - silence, avoidance, public relations notes on the beauty of mists, fogs, and floods.

In one, neglected Book we have the answers. God created and engineered the Universe through the Logos - the Son of God. I taught confirmation students that everything they could see, touch, and read about was created by power of the Word, the Logos, Jesus the Son of God:

  • Trees
  • Plants
  • Flowers
  • Animals
  • Fish
  • Metals
  • Jewels
  • Planets and stars
  • Constellations and comets
  • Mankind.
If that does not humble us, then gardening surely will. Great plans turn into nothing on a very small scare. On the other hand, wonders develop that far exceed our expectations.

I was laughing with our neighbor about the food plants that get eaten before they get anywhere. I said, "This is a haven for rabbits. We have storage sheds which make wonderful shelters for their nests, warm, dry, protected." The only food that ripened in my yard was corn, and squirrels ate that while leaving the stalks straight up bare to taunt me. 

But the flowers grown for pollinators - they have produced a mix of blooms and fragrances. The bees and insects work the blossoms until the sun sets. The air is filled with a mix of vanilla, cinnamon, mint, sweetness, rose, and medicine. The medicinal plants have that Vicks smell that suggests they must be healing herbs - Yarrow, Chaste Tree, Comfrey.

The messes in our world come from man's reckless arrogance and reliance on human wisdom. There is an alternative to that.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

THE News - Watch the Water

YouTube videos often have ads built into them. I am not a gold bug.

I have been watching the Three Gorges Dam for some time now, and found that - suddenly - the Chinese source had no new data. No news is bad news when that happens in a totalitarian state. The country's leaders are in hiding and no one wants to visit a truly flooded area.

Internet chatter shows that some people assume the Three Gorges Dam will fail. The water and silt are backed up, all the way to their major Western city - Chonqing - (the tail waters of the dam). That build up continues, even with the dam discharging horrendous amounts of the headwaters, the very flaw the original dissenting scientist, a hydrologist, declared repeatedly. That may soon wipe out Wuhan, east of the dam.

Heavy rains continue and they usually last in China into August.

If the Three Gorges Dam holds, the losses will still be catastrophic.

Rehwinkel wrote a great book on the Genesis Flood. He offered a lot of modern examples of the power of water. The video above is a small indication of that, and it is staggering.

Headwaters discharge and provide electricity, but the enormous volume and speed of the water is now adding to flood problems east of the dam, toward Wuhan.

Working on CFW Walther, The American Calvin

Daily trips to the oncology radiation building have a way of filling the weeks, with 10 sessions, one each day, week-ends off. The latest move to honor the Wuhan Flu is to ban spouses from entering the building, so we are left outside like Lazarus, even with a mask on and washed hands.

I bought anew the Stephan tell-all, In Pursuit of Religious Freedom, used, at a discount. The Alibris post said it had writing in the front. Indeed! The author wrote his thanks to one helper and signed his name. That is called a gift edition of a book, and more valuable, but I am interested in the content, not laying up treasures on earth.

I urged someone to do what I had not - visit Bishop Hill in Illinois. There he purchased Wheat Flour Messiah: Eric Jansson of Bishop Hill.

You may wonder what the connection is. Jansson was a Pietist lay leader. He established a commune near my hometown, where he taught that his mind was 100% righteous but his body was not. He was another Pietistic adulterous leader, like Bishop Martin Stephan. He also left his wife behind when he came to America.

Pietism is the enemy of Biblical, Lutheran doctrine, and Walther is a prime example of that flaw.

This is a topic difficult to unravel, but the labor is worthwhile.

 Walther was not the founder of the LCMS, but the usurper, using anti-Biblical methods to kidnap his niece, nephew, and bishop, to steal the bishop's land, and to rob Stephan of his gold, personal possessions, and books. He knew all along that Stephan was an adulterer, biding his time to exploit the bigger scandal.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

God the Father, Be Our Stay - The Bethany Lutheran Hymnal Blog

 Norma Boeckler's Christian Art

"God the Father, Be Our Stay"
by Unknown Author, c. 1400
Translated by Richard Massie, 1800-1887

Tune - Gott der Vater wohn - linked here

1. God the Father, be our Stay,
Oh, let us perish never.
Cleanse us from our sins, we pray,
And grant us life forever.
Keep us from the Evil One;
Uphold our faith most holy,
Grant us to trust Thee solely
With humble hearts and lowly.
Let us put God's armor on:
With all true Christians running
Our heavenly race and shunning
The devil's wiles and cunning.
Amen, Amen, this be done,
So sing we, Hallelujah!

2. Jesus Christ, be Thou our Stay,
Oh, let us perish never.
Cleanse us from our sins, we pray,
And grant us life forever.
Keep us from the Evil One;
Uphold our faith most holy,
Grant us to trust Thee solely
With humble hearts and lowly.
Let us put God's armor on:
With all true Christians running
Our heavenly race and shunning
The devil's wiles and cunning.
Amen, Amen, this be done,
So sing we, Hallelujah!

3. Holy Ghost, be Thou our Stay,
Oh, let us perish never.
Cleanse us from our sins, we pray,
And grant us life forever.
Keep us from the Evil One;
Uphold our faith most holy,
Grant us to trust Thee solely
With humble hearts and lowly.
Let us put God's armor on:
With all true Christians running
Our heavenly race and shunning
The devil's wiles and cunning.
Amen, Amen, this be done,
So sing we, Hallelujah!

Hymn #247
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Psalm 18:18
Author: unknown, c. 1400
Translated by: Richard Massie, 1854, alt.
Titled: "Gott der Vater wohn' uns bei"
Tune: "Gott der Vater wohn'", 14th century melody

Watering the Garden Worked - Washing the Dog Tipped the Scales.
Rain Is Pouring Down

Fresh-scrubbed, Sassy enjoyed walking over to Bob's, wet, and sneaking up on him. He thought some mangy coyote was behind him. He just finished waxing his truck, which definitely contributed to the thunderstorm today.

Instead of washing and waxing the car, a surefire rain generator, I washed Sassy yesterday. I am sure that precipitated the precipitation we are enjoying now.

Earlier today, the Schwan rep told me he did not get stung when he drove up with the Bee Balm hanging out over the driveway and sidewalk. He also appeared to be soliciting an apology, but I was thinking how he bruised my pollinators. Bees foraging are as dangerous as Golden Retrievers. Bees are so busy getting their work done that they pay no attention to humans hovering over them or brushing into them.

 Bee Balms of various types are like fright wigs, and they attract bees and hummingbirds.

Jumping up and down, screaming, and waving arms may get the swarm interested in driving away the intruder. I have never been stung by bees while gardening and often brush them away gently with the back of my hand.

The mailman cut some of the Bee Balm down from around the mailbox. I kept moving the buzzing blooms away, but they had an affinity for the box. Once he did some cutting, I cut more away. Only 500 stems are left to bloom now. The cut ones bloomed right away, but much lower to the ground.

 Shasta Daisies grow in big clumps, but they need cutting to keep them budding and blooming. Fresh as a daisy soon looks like a dying weed. This is the mulch I use, but grassy weeds easily burst through it, even with a cardboard base underneath.

In fact, I will be cutting off blooms in the earliest  Bee Balm group to let them rebloom. Daisies and roses need and enjoy the same kind of regular pruning. Shasta Daisies become dark buttons quickly after blooming, and I planted them specifically for their hosting of beneficial insects.

Cutting promotes growth above and below. Likewise, many congregations go to seed because lazy clergy want to live off the endowment fund instead of tending to their work. The unrighteous servant took care of business, shrewdly, but the drones of the synods fail to see how their own children will have few educational opportunities and very few church occupations. Moreover, they have let the weeds take over, prolific growth in false doctrine, anti-Biblical approaches to everything - rank but sterile growth.

 This little fuzz-ball is as scary as a poodle.

Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve Me? - Hymn by Paul Gerhardt

The Morris biography of Gerhardt is linked here.

Luther wrote that the Gospel is not for the rich and secure, but for the poor and broken-hearted. Few Lutherans suffered as much as Gerhardt, and few wrote so beautifully for those afflicted with terrors of conscience, rejection, suffering, and persecution.

Tune - Warum sollt' ich mich denn graemen - linked here

"Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve Me?"
by Paul Gerhardt, 1607-1676

1. Why should cross and trial grieve me?
Christ is near With His cheer;
Never will He leave me.
Who can rob me of the heaven
That God's Son For my own
To my faith hath given?

2. Though a heavy cross I'm bearing
And my heart Feels the smart,
Shall I be despairing?
God, my Helper, who doth send it,
Well doth know All my woe
And how best to end it.

3. God oft gives me days of gladness;
Shall I grieve If He give
Seasons, too, of sadness?
God is good and tempers ever
All my ill, And He will
Wholly leave me never.

4. Hopeful, cheerful, and undaunted
Everywhere They appear
Who in Christ are planted.
Death itself cannot appall them,
They rejoice When the voice
Of their Lord doth call them.

5. Death cannot destroy forever;
From our fears, Cares, and tears
It will us deliver.
It will close life's mournful story,
Make a way That we may
Enter heavenly glory.

6. What is all this life possesses?
But a hand Full of sand
That the heart distresses.
Noble gifts that pall me never
Christ, our Lord, Will accord
To His saints forever.

7. Lord, my Shepherd, take me to Thee.
Thou art mine; I was Thine,
Even e'er I knew Thee.
I am Thine, for Thou hast bought me;
Lost I stood, But Thy blood
Free salvation brought me.

8. Thou art mine; I love and own Thee.
Light of Joy, Ne'er shall I
From my heart dethrone Thee.
Savior, let me soon behold Thee
Face to face, - May Thy grace
Evermore enfold me!

Hymn #523
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Psalm 73:23
Author: Paul Gerhardt
Translated by: composite, based on John Kelly, 1867
Titled: Warum sollt' ich mich denn graemen
Composer: Johann G. Ebeling, 1666
Tune: Warum sollt' ich mich denn graemen

Great King of Nations Hear Our Prayer - The Bethany Lutheran Hymnal Blog

 Norma Boeckler's Christian Art

"Great King of Nations, Hear Our Prayer"
by John H. Gurney, 1802-1862

1. Great King of nations, hear our prayer
While at Thy feet we fall
And humbly with united cry
To Thee for mercy call.
The guilt is ours, but grace is Thine;
Oh, turn us not away,
But hear us from Thy lofty throne
And help us when we pray.

2. Our fathers' sins were manifold,
And ours no less we own;
Yet wondrously from age to age
Thy goodness hath been shown.
When dangers, like a stormy sea,
Beset our country round,
To Thee we looked, to Thee we cried,
And help in Thee was found.

3. With one consent we meekly bow
Beneath Thy chast'ning hand
And, pouring forth confession meet,
Mourn with our mourning land.
With pitying eye behold our need
As thus we lift our prayer;
Correct us with Thy judgments, Lord,
Then let Thy mercy spare.

Hymn #583
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Psalm 65:2
Author: John H. Gurney, 1838
Tune: "Old 137th"
1st Published in: Anglo-Genevan Psalter, 1556

Enslaved by Sin and Bound in Chains - The Bethany Lutheran Hymnal Blog

 Norma Boeckler's Christian Art

"Enslaved by Sin and Bound in Chains"
by Anne Steele, 1716-1778

1. Enslaved by sin and bound in chains,
Beneath its dreadful tyrant sway,
And doomed to everlasting pains,
We wretched, guilty captives lay.

2. Nor gold nor gems could buy our peace,
Nor all the world's collected store
Suffice to purchase our release;
A thousand worlds were all too poor.

3. Jesus, the Lord, the mighty God,
An all-sufficient ransom paid.
O matchless price! His precious blood
For vile, rebellious traitors shed.

4. Jesus the Sacrifice became
To rescue guilty souls from hell;
The spotless, bleeding, dying Lamb
Beneath avenging Justice fell.

5. Amazing goodness! Love divine!
Oh, may our grateful hearts adore
The matchless grace nor yield to sin
Nor wear its cruel fetters more!

The Lutheran Hymnal
Hymn #141
Text: 1 Pet. 1:18-19
Author: Anne Steele, 1760
Tune: "Wenn wir in hoechsten Noeten"
1st Published in: Genevan Psalter, 1547

All Praise to God Who Reigns Above - The Bethany Lutheran Hymnal Blog

 Norma A. Boeckler's Christian Art

"All Praise to God, Who Reigns Above"
by Johann J. Schuetz, 1640-1690

Tune - Lobet den Herrn, ihr - linked here

1. All praise to God, who reigns above,
The God of all creation,
The God of wonders, power, and love,
The God of our salvation!
With healing balm my soul He fills,
The God who every sorrow stills,--
To God all praise and glory!

2. What God's almighty power hath made
His gracious mercy keepeth;
By morning dawn or evening shade
His watchful eye ne'er sleepeth;
Within the kingdom of His might
Lo, all is just and all is right,--
To God all praise and glory!

3. I cried to Him in time of need:
Lord God, oh, hear my calling!
For death He gave me life indeed
And kept my feet from falling.
For this my thanks shall endless be;
Oh, thank Him, thank our God, with me,--
To God all praise and glory!

4. The Lord forsaketh not His flock,
His chosen generation;
He is their Refuge and their Rock,
Their Peace and their Salvation.
As with a mother's tender hand
He leads His own, His chosen band,--
To God all praise and glory!

5. Ye who confess Christ's holy name,
To God give praise and glory!
Ye who the Father's power proclaim,
To God give praise and glory!
All idols under foot be trod,
The Lord is God! The Lord is God!
To God all praise and glory!

6. Then come before His presence now
And banish fear and sadness;
To your Redeemer pay your vow
And sing with joy and gladness:
Though great distress my soul befell,
The Lord, my God, did all things well,--
To God all praise and glory!

The Lutheran Hymnal
Hymn #19
Text: Deuteronomy 32:3
Author: Johann J. Schuetz, 1675, cento
Translated by: composite
Titled: "Sei Lob und Ehr' dem hoechsten Gut"
Composer: Melchior Vulpius, 1609
Tune: "Lobet den Herrn, ihr"

Every Morning Mercies New - The Bethany Lutheran Hymnal Blog

 Norma Boeckler's Christian Art

"Every Morning Mercies New"
by Greville Phillimore, 1821-1884

1. Every morning mercies new
Fall as fresh as morning dew;
Every morning let us pay
Tribute with the early day;
For Thy mercies, Lord, are sure,
Thy compassion doth endure.

2. Still the greatness of Thy love
Daily doth our sins remove;
Daily, far as east from west,
Lifts the burden from the breast;
Gives unbought to those who pray
Strength to stand in evil day.

3. Let our prayers each morn prevail
That these gifts may never fail;
And as we confess the sin
And the Tempter's power within,
Feed us with the Bread of Life;
Fit us for our daily strife.

4. As the morning light returns,
As the sun with splendor burns,
Teach us still to turn to Thee,
Ever-blessed Trinity.
With our hands our hearts to raise
In unfailing prayer and praise.

Hymn #537
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Lam. 3:23
Author: Greville Phillimore, 1863, alt.
Composer: Johann G. Ebeling, 1666
Tune: "Voller Wunder"

Rain Predicted, So I Watered the Entire Rose Garden

 A dog can melt in this combination of heat and humidity.

The weather maps were showing some optimism about rain arriving mid-week, so I watered the entire Rose Garden. That is one technique to make it rain. Washing and waxing the car is the last desperate act to bring on a thunderstorm.

Clouds without rain - but plenty of thunder - arrived about 2 AM. Some rain is still expected, even though the radar suggests otherwise.

I water with a little gadget from Amazon. When it arrived, I thought it was some little toy thrown into the box. Previous watering tools were heavy and much more expensive. This one spits out water into the air and flings it around in circles.

Joe Pye is the clue that the soil is getting dry. The leaves wilt the way pumpkin and corn leaves do. I had some good Veterans Honor roses for Sunday, and Ranger Bob took them to the cemetery for his step-father and mother. More of them were glowing in the garden, and I wanted to keep them blooming.

The diligent gardener is bound to soak himself, I assume. The faucet is in the bushes - what a great place to hide it! Three locations water the garden with the water spinner. Inevitably, the water will fall on the faucet area and make changes tricky.

Sassy was not sympathetic. I washed her earlier so she would start drying. Towel drying and walking to see Bob were not enough to dry the undercoat. Waiting outside or sitting on a towel were not enough to make much difference. She was not angry with me, just disappointed.

Crepe Myrtle are drought hardy but they respond well to water. The one I dote on - by the kitchen window - is twice as tall as their kin planted in the bright sun, yet lacking extra rain portions. A total of nine of them will provide seeds in the fall for birds short on food.

As expected, Mrs. Gardener['s fence plants have grown under the fence and bloomed where I used to have roses. I saw that coming when Morning Glory compost was dropped along the fence, followed by Hosta and Day Lilies carefully planted. Those three are invasive, but Crepe Myrtles are bully plants, claiming their own turf by growing tall and throwing shade on the competition.

Watch the Water - China Is Flooding and Also Suffering Drought

China built the enormous Three Gorges Dam to control floods and to generate electricity. The dam was a failure from the beginning.

"In a recent interview with NTD TV, Huang’s son Huang Guanhong said if both the upstream Chongqing City and the downstream Wuhan face the risk of flooding in summer, the authorities will have to choose between sacrificing Chongqing or Wuhan. In other words, there is no way both cities can be saved."

That is also called "the tail waters versus the head waters." If the tail water builds up to protect the eastern city of Wuhan with 11 million people,  the western Chongqing City will flood. To save Chonqing City, Wuhan must be flooded with the head waters. Both are major cities. 

The authorities have also admitted that the dam is deformed, as satellite photos show. They sound fatalistic about the dam failing altogether.

If that is not bad enough, various articles claim that the dam was built with shoddy materials and not secured to the bedrock. That was noted by an outside engineering firm, which was fired for being racist, anti-Chinese. That may explain the dam showing definite deformation, a scary prospect given the damage caused by the Midland area earthen dams, which failed together - Edenville collapsing and overwhelming the Sanford dam.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Congregations May or May Not Wake Up

 PFC asked, "You can eat Borage flowers?"
Yes they are often put in salads and are listed as medicinal herbs. "I Borage, give thee Courage." Stay healthy with vitamin D, zinc, and Borage.

Yesterday, we had a double birthday party for Christina and PFC at the Military Gardening Group event. Sassy insisted on handling perimeter defense - until the heat and humidity sent her inside. We exchanged gifts, had pour-over coffee with sugar, whipped cream, or both, and birthday treats. They noticed the Clethra was now almost fully bloomed.

 The Cinnabon Tree has bloomed.
None dare call it Clethra around me.

Via the blog and Facebook, we also celebrated Jeshra's 12th birthday. She is the daughter of Missionary Jordan Palangyos and his wife Amabel.

We discussed the new rule at WalMart - face diapers must be worn by customers, not just by staff. That made me think about the sudden shift to online education fostered by the Wu Flu. Needless to say, no educational institution was too proud to go online when face-to-face classes stopped. As a result, everyone is clamoring for training in online education, something I have practiced and taught for 17 years.

In fits and starts, sputtering and gasping, congregations jumped or dragged themselves into online services. I wonder - how many applied for federal relief money? The lethargy was overwhelming.

Online broadcasting and teaching are great opportunities for pastors and congregations. I have promoted it - with blogging - for a long time. However, my impression is that ministers will continue to do as little as possible. Lethargy and laziness will be their downfall.

If ministers cannot visit - not that modern pastors were taking the time - they have the week to prepare a service and write a sermon out. They can lay out the foundations of the Christian Faith - without interruptions, to the world - for 30 minutes to an hour each week: simply by online broadcasting. Services are archived. How many congregations preserve their precious worship bulletins, only to have them fill up cupboards that smell vaguely like mice? Archive or broadcast - the cost is minimal with both, the effect quite different.

Our church, for example, has taught the entire Gospels of John and Mark, plus Romans 1-5 in Greek. We piggyback Advent and Lent services with teaching opportunities after the service.

I have been improving our worship service with better links, partly from panic that the online hymn lyrics were disappearing. A 10 day blog adventure - The Bethany Lutheran Hymnal Blog - solved that problem. Google Blogger decided to change its tools, so I have been dealing with that too.

At the same time media ministries in the congregation have blossomed, with each person working independently and also in harmony with the rest. (That is the Linux model, not the Microsoft-denomination model of dictatorial stupidity, enforced by Synod President B. L. Zebub.)

The last time the Christian Church had the chance to communicate everywhere was the Reformation. In effect, they were saying, "The Word is so effective and powerful that we must get it out in as many ways as we can, from illustrated catechism posters to commentaries."

In this rich and somewhat free country, anyone can do the best or the worst with Christianity.

Missionary Jordan Palangyos and his wife Amabel. They care for their Philippine mission with the Means of Grace and with rice for the hungry (due to bad weather and crops).

 World missionaries are crying for support. Every parish can adopt one and see how "The light that shines abroad shines brightest at home." In common English, that means - "A congregation supporting a mission has even more support locally." Something about the Efficacy of the Word Motherlode.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Happy Birthday, Jeshra!

Jeshra is celebrating her 12th birthday today. She is the daughter of Pastor Jordan and Amabel Palangyos.

God's blessings and joy to Jeshra.

 Jordan and Amabel Palangyos serve as our world missionaries in the Philippines.

Another Reason To Enjoy Late Bloomers.
Berries Very Appreciated by the Birds

Clethra is the most interesting shrub planted - buds, flowers, fragrance, and pollinator attraction.

The two Clethra shrubs started out strong this spring, and I looked forward to their Cinnabon fragrance and blooms. The fragrance cannot be missed from 10 feet away. This seems to begin with actual blooming but lasts the rest of the season.

We are nearing the end of July and the buds are only starting to open up. I caught the first sweet and cinnamon aroma when a couple of buds bloomed. Once I moved them to the front yard, their bonus features began to be realized.

Everything else has bloomed, so the celebrity Clethra is the last to arrive at the party. Hundreds of Bee Balm and Shasta Daisy bloom, plus a second round of rose blooms have attracted the bees and a few butterflies. The Clethra opening increases the impact of a pollinator garden, yard, and property.

Clethra has no competition in fragrance and even less competition in petite, fancy blooms. I get an endless supply of garden catalogs, usually featuring strange flowers that will never be sold at the local hardware store. I have tried exotic and highly touted fancy blooms. Nothing compares to Clethra, which looks dainty but remains hardy and disease free.

 Joe Pye and Bee Balm flowers are crawling with various bees and insects once their buds turn to blooms. The vanilla scent is strong this year, like being in a car parked in the sun, with windows up and a new freshener doing its work.

Joe Pye takes second place for late blooming. The Military Gardening Club was fascinated with its growth, reaching 8 feet before the wind storm knocked down some of the tallest stalks. The buds were so promising; the large, compound blooms are more of a hairy version of the buds, truly anti-climatic, except for one thing. The blooms are at eye level and swarming with bees and insects. I watch them, inches away.

As Jessica Walliser promised - or threatened - the dynamic insect population easily becomes dominant over the flowers, an ever-changing movie ending in thousands of seeds. I have her masterpiece on Kindle, so I can match the insect desired to the most favorable host.

Berries for Birds and Scoundrels
Meanwhile, the birds are being fed better than Roman emperors. Scratch away some leaf litter and there are Wild Strawberries offering tiny treats. Triple Crown Blackberries are at all stages of growth, from pale to black. The Society of Scoundrels (squirrels) cannot keep up, so birds drop by all the time to check up on how their crop is doing.

Some of the meanest Raspberries ever grow in the jungle area.

 The white elderflowers signal where insects, birds, and squirrels will find nutrition. 

I tend to overlook the giant Elderberries, but why? I planted two varieties from Almost Eden and put a tool shed between them. Earlier they were 10 feet tall with big white clouds floating (elderflowers) in the green leaves. Now they are black fruit. I have to remember to try some of the thousands ripening.

Poke Weed flies in with the birds and grows to feed its transportation crew - almost like it was planned from the beginning.

 Like many plants, Poke has several sets of helpers. Scientists are divided, but this looks like a clear case of design.

Poke Weed is planted in abundance where birds congregation. They form a jungle around the abandoned bird (squirrel) feeder. They host beneficial insects in the bud stage and feed more birds than any other food with its fruit. This begins to develop in July.

Mrs. Ichabod loves berries, which are highly nutritious. The mutually approved deal is this - she gets as many fresh berries (blueberries, blackberries) and older leftovers are added to the barrel tops.

The Beauty Berries are just starting to form. They will finish the gardening season by glowing like lavender jewels. Did I mention they are bully plants? Yes, the two original samples now touch branches and seek to take over their section of the backyard. But they will provide the latest fruit of the year for birds to eat, a thank-you for entertaining us with song and feeder antics.

Sunday Worship - Sermon, Liturgy, and Hymns

Today's worship service - with the sermon - is at this video link:

This is the blog link with the hymn lyrics and tunes, plus the sermon printed out -