Friday, August 7, 2020

WELS Discussions on Facebook - Always Good for Furrowing Brows

WELS pastor says he can't say who can preach?

'You know, I'm this close to saying "Amen" but some of you realize I haven't talked about this stuff. Like, but Pastor, what are the answers about, you know, who can preach and who can teach and what about Bible studies and you know, reading in church and serving communion and leading a life group and who can sing and who can have a solo and who can direct and who can be on the board or the council and who can have a vote? You know my answers to all those questions are? I don't know; I honestly don't know. 1 Corinthians 11 talks about head coverings and hairstyles; it does not talk about 21st century American church organizational charts and democratic decision making processes. So I don't know... [I]f I need to get my way on one of those questions or issues and I let go of love, we're not going to be okay.'


Doug Leroy Horstman I went to MLC with Mike and I can say he'd make a good ELCA pastor.

End of Quotation


GJ - The apple does not fall far from the tree, but which tree does it fall from in Matthew 7?

Pastor Mike's mentor, Mark and Avoid Jeske, is a man for all synods, especially ELCA. He knows and lives the ancient Greek saying, "A chameleon can turn any color except white."

Pastor Mike's shuffle is dazzling and so modest - who is he to explain the Scriptures, especially the difficult parts?

Get your book and study guide the YouTube says - "Gay and God."

 Like Starr and Brownie Schmitzer, Jeske is officially retired - but not before leaving a huge mess behind.

I hate to promote the video, but it bears watching to see WELS falling falling down the stairs and yelling, "Wheee! This is fun!"

Pastor Mike is dressed in a shirt and slacks, better than Falwell the Second, with no indication of being a pastor. No cross. As Luther wrote, false teachers send themselves. He is the generic Jesus man for all people, Pharisaical in his inoffensive stance.

"If we can EMBRACE THE MIDDLE!" - Pastor Mike

The apostates have embraced the middle so persistently, they find themselves in bed with ELCA.

Pastor Mike's grand example is having a two-hour talk with a young lady who has questions about women usurping authority over men and teaching men. That is the actual Scriptural passage in 1 Timothy. I was at Notre Dame when Roman Catholic women were getting PhDs in feminist theology. The echoes are similar, but I heard the arguments from women, not men.

On the FB discussion page, one member of St. Peter-CORE argued the feminist position endlessly. That was another echo from the past. The senior pastor, Tim Glende, grew up in a church that promoted Church Growth, that did not join WELS, and that placed women in authority over men and had them teaching men. When I brought up women teaching men at a WELS conference, I was a horrible sinner because I mentioned the congregation's name - St. Paul, German Village, always reaching for the advantage for the middle.

 As one ex-WELS member wrote me, "WELS is not an abusive sect, but an abusive cult."

How Much Loot Did the Synods Grab from the Wuhan Flu Relief Deal?

In searching for "God's Word Is Our Great Heritage" on YouTube, I found some anemic ones, apparently the same one with various labels on the link. Yes, Coin Eh? (emphasis on Coin) - the jukebox creation of Mark Jeske, $3,000 just to show up at your church.

How much money if they sing? You can't afford it. Buy some CDs and send them back to Mordor.

The hyperbolic virus left me wondering, "Why such passivity among the congregations?" Stories began coming out about many organizations getting truckloads of money for relief during these dark and dangerous times.

I wondered how much money the synods demanded and - if congregations got their cut. In one suburb, the churches left offering money in their rural mailboxes for thieves to deposit in their own accounts. "Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth, where thieves break in and steal..."

Rather than say, "We have the First Amendment right to worship," congregations took a long vacation.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Cho was promoted as the answer in WELS, his books sold to pastors dumb enough to think polytheistic Pietism worked.

 Charlatans love quacks, so find the leaders who like one or both frauds and quietly close the wallet, putting it in a secure, undisclosed location.