Saturday, October 3, 2020

The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity, 2020.

The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity, 2020

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

The Hymn #37            Lord Tis Not That I Did Choose Thee              
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual       
The Gospel              
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed             p. 22
The Sermon Hymn #343            How Lovely Shines the Morning Star                 

The Unity of Truth

8. By faith I call Thy holy Table
The testament of Thy deep love;
For, lo, thereby I now am able
To see how love Thy heart doth move.

9. What higher gift can we inherit?
It is faith's bond and solid base;
It is the strength of heart and spirit,
The covenant of hope and grace.

10. This feast is manna, wealth abounding
Unto the poor, to weak ones power,
To angels joy, to hell confounding,
And life for us in death's dark hour.

11. Thy body, given for me, O Savior,
Thy blood which Thou for me didst shed,
These are my life and strength forever,
By them my hungry soul is fed.      
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn # 361                  O Jesus, King

                      In Our Prayers 
  • Pastor K and Doc Lito Cruz - dealing with diabetes.
  • Cancer treatment: Rush Limbaugh, Mary Howell, Chris Jackson
  • Treatment: Randy Anderson, Pastor Jim Shrader, Kermit Way
  • Diagnosis: Wm. B.
  • Seizure treatment: Gavin, and Jeshra Palangyos
  • The rice mission is half-way funded for the rice, with $500.

KJV Ephesians 4:1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, 2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; 3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; 5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

KJV Luke 14:1 And it came to pass, as he went into the house of one of the chief Pharisees to eat bread on the sabbath day, that they watched him. 2 And, behold, there was a certain man before him which had the dropsy. 3 And Jesus answering spake unto the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath day? 4 And they held their peace. And he took him, and healed him, and let him go; 5 And answered them, saying, Which of you shall have an ass or an ox fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out on the sabbath day? 6 And they could not answer him again to these things. 7 And he put forth a parable to those which were bidden, when he marked how they chose out the chief rooms; saying unto them, 8 When thou art bidden of any man to a wedding, sit not down in the highest room; lest a more honourable man than thou be bidden of him; 9 And he that bade thee and him come and say to thee, Give this man place; and thou begin with shame to take the lowest room. 10 But when thou art bidden, go and sit down in the lowest room; that when he that bade thee cometh, he may say unto thee, Friend, go up higher: then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee. 11 For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

Seventeenth Sunday After Trinity

Lord God, heavenly Father: We beseech Thee so to guide and direct us by Thy Holy Spirit, that we may not exalt ourselves, but humbly fear Thee, with our whole hearts hear and keep Thy word, and hallow the Lord's day, that we also may be hallowed by Thy word; help us, first, to place our hope and confidence in Thy Son, Jesus Christ, who alone is our righteousness and Redeemer, and, then, so to amend and better our lives in accordance with Thy word, that we may avoid all offenses and finally obtain eternal salvation, through Thy grace in Christ, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God. world without end. Amen.

The Unity of Truth

KJV Ephesians 4:1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, 2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; 3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

This passage names the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This also uses "one" seven times - and not by accident. In the Bible, the groups of three are associated with the Holy Trinity - faith, hope, and love; nine-fold fruits of the Spirit, etc. Groups of four emphasis completeness - four corners of the world; every tribe, nation, people, and tongue.

Paul is in prison and facing death. The end of his life is not well known because the early Christians were not involved in writing down their history but in proclaiming the Gospel. There are a couple of alternatives, but they ended with his death. Therefore this letter is focused on the ultimate, the eternal, not the needs of the moment.

Paul is writing with the perspective of leaving behind the most important message of his apostolic labor. God converted him with the living Word, the risen Christ, and God gave him a special role among the apostles. He had great burdens as the former persecutor and to this day, people work hard at pointing out how horrible he was, how he should be dismissed.

Paul is writing about unity and eternity, and we can see how important that is, because so much has been tossed away carelessly. This unusual passage is a good example of how the infinite can be taught with simple words. However, the complex thought is revealed in a way we could never duplicate if asked to describe God and the Christian life in 25 words or less (the old standard for winning prizes, long long ago).

That is true of the entire Bible - most of the words are simple by themselves, but the concept is far beyond us, a mystery revealed by the Holy Spirit, teaching faith and how we should live that faith.

Man starts with man and seldom gets beyond man. The Bible begins with God and places us in relationship to Him and each other.

Creation was once assumed by most scientists and taught with science. For example, the pink Queen Elizabeth rose was developed by Walter Lammerts, a Lutheran scientist with a PhD in plant genetics. He taught the Six Day Creation of the Bible and also developed the Chrysler rose (which outlasted the car) - a brilliant red. Lammerts was not shy about Creation. He formed a group where scientists were excluded if they compromised on Creation.

Creation is important for our country, because law and order, right and wrong are based upon the "laws of nature and of Nature's God." There is no religious test for office holders but there is a clear basis for justice and the law.

Remove Creation by the Word, and compromising Christians must consider themselves "new evolutes" rather than "new creations (creatures)." Yes, our language and our Bible are burdened with the concept of Creation by God. 

One member brought up the issue of the Bible's unified message - it is seldom taught. The effect of sectarian attitudes is to compare one denomination that specializes in a certain concept versus others who have another specialty. It is easy to look and compare, browse and eventually decide, then change.

One branch of my family became convinced the world was going to end on a certain day. They were led by Miller and were called Millerites. The charter members sold everything, went up on a mountain and waited. Nothing happened. Then the final date was re-calculated by Miller, and they repeated their folly with the same result. They became the Adventists and continue to emphasize one thing - the end of the world.

The Bible does not teach institutions but the eternal truth of the Gospel. In short, Jesus is the message throughout, from Creation (John 1:3) to the end times. The purpose of the Scriptures is to build all our blessings - and eternity - on faith in Jesus the Savior, and to teach the Christian life.


18. One of the wickedest offenses possible to commit against the Church is the stirring up of doctrinal discord and division, a thing the devil encourages to the utmost. This sin usually has its rise with certain haughty, conceited, self-seeking leaders who desire peculiar distinction for themselves and strive for personal honor and glory. They harmonize with none and would think themselves disgraced were they not honored as superior and more learned individuals than their fellows, a distinction they do not merit. They will give honor to no one, even when they have to recognize the superiority of his gifts over their own. In their envy, anger, hatred and vengefulness, they seek occasion to create factions and to draw people to themselves. Therefore Paul exhorts first to the necessary virtue of love, having which men will be enabled to exercise humility, patience and forbearance toward one another.

19. The character of the evils resulting to the Church from divisions and discords in doctrine is evident from the facts. Many are deceived; the masses immediately respond to new doctrine brilliantly presented in specious words by presumptuous individuals thirsting for fame. More than that, many weak but well-meaning ones fall to doubting, uncertain where to stand or with whom to hold. Consequently men reject and blaspheme the Christian doctrine and seek occasion to dispute it. Many become reckless pleasure-lovers, disregarding all religion and ignoring the Word of God. Further, even they who are called Christians come to have hard feelings against one another, and, figuratively, bite and devour in their hate and envy. Consequently their love grows cold and faith is extinguished.

20. Of so much disturbance in the Church, and of the resulting injuries to souls, are guilty those conceited, factious leaders who do not adhere to the true doctrine, preserving the unity of the Spirit, but seek to institute something new for the sake of advancing their own ideas and their own honor, or gratifying their revenge.

That is a good description of the Bible revisers of the 1880s. They changed the Greek New Testament and gave their version (Hort-Wescott) to the translators. When the revision of the KJV was finished, based on the changed Greek New Testament, the greatly altered Greek NT was also published. There was an uproar, but the changes were widely rejected. However, by the 1950s, they pursued the plan with RSV, where the Virgin Birth of Isaiah 7:10 was removed and then put in a footnote (following the firestorm).

The same attitude as Hort-Wescott-Tischendorf prevails and hardly any academic institution or denomination allows the KJV. Thus the Bible has become one more religious book, fashioned by man, not God, and subject to extreme revision to make it more relevant, more appealing, more readable.

The arrogance and pride described by Luther have been equally evident in the catastrophic Church Growth Movement, currently hiding under various names. It no long matters how badly it failed. The agenda was apostasy from the start, and the question is only, "Do you question our New Religion or swear obedience to it?"

One district pope (the Brit) refused to use it in his own congregation but forced it on all the pastors.

The unity of the Spirit is unity of the Word. It is not how we feel, but the location of our trust. If we believe that the Bible is one, unified truth and the singular revelation of God, the result will a common will, a common Faith, and the peace that comes from Justification by Faith.

Departures from the Word, since they are man-driven, will end up as new versions of the Law, not necessarily God's Law. I had one student who only wrote essay on the evils of eating pork. I did not know where he was one religion or the other, and I did not want to ask. However, it was very clear that eating pork was a terrible evil, a risk to health. Disagreeing with this was a terrible sin.

Luther often talked about the invented traditions and exhibitions of righteousness in the Medieval Church. I used to get tired of his asides, but they are endlessly repeated now in new forms - and just as silly. A good bishop will make sure everyone knows he is on the side of Left-wing activism. Sometimes I look up reports and see how clergy slept on the sidewalks outside their urban church, to show solidarity with the homeless, so they described their pain and their fears. Oh, the bishop stopped by to share their pain and to show bro-sisterhood, fraternity, and sanctimony.

There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; 5 One Lordone faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

There is only one Church. It is not an institution or a church building - it is comprised of all those who sincerely trust in the Savior for the forgiveness of their sins. There can only be one true Church of believers because the foundation is the Word of God, Jesus Himself, revealed in the Word.

Departing from the Word necessarily means denying so many concepts or teaching found in the Scriptures. That happens because people have so many of their own ideas and only have one reliable source.

For instance I gave the digging crew a dozen daffodils, but the flowers are still not planted at their house. Why? The husband and wife cannot agree on where to put them. The same thing happens when people say "But I feel..." or "I was taught..." People may line up about what they oppose, but they have serious trouble about agreement.

One body of believers means one Spirit/Word which proclaims, teaches, admonishes, blesses, forgives. 

We know this to be true because of the divine effect of the Word of God. The Spirit helps in its teaching and its reception. Whatever our station in life, whatever our sorrows and joys, God's Spirit makes them better. What is better than love bound up with forgiveness? The great hymns teach us about patience in suffering and our ultimate reunion in eternal life. Some labors may seem to be tedious and without thanks or rewards of any kind, but God comes through and shows us, "You were impatient," so we are little more patient. 

One hope is to have meaning in life. We are part of one vast train of saints (believers) who labor, give thanks to God, receive forgiveness, and honor God with our service to others.

I said to Christina, "I would like to be able to go back to Garfield Elementary School and say to one girl, "You are going the marry the Chief of Police in Boston!" Then I would say to my friend stung by a wasp in class, "Don't worry. You will be honored in Sports Illustrated!" We see so much better looking backwards. 

When I think about the people I know from our church, many I have not met, there is no one alike yet everyone serving others in various ways and working together too.

Just as we have one Lord, so we have one Faith. No matter how much man divides himself into factions, similar to the Tower of Babel experience, still we have One Truth that unites us for eternity. 

As Jesus taught, we have the wisdom that ancient kings and scholars sought all their lives. But they did not know a fraction of what we have before us. The more we see this, the more we value it.

We can tell how much this means because the truths taught 100+ years ago are largely ignored by the great and wise, but easily enjoyed today. We read them as believers paying attention to believers.

People in institutions worry about their institutions failing. I remember a name still mentioned often today. He went to one seminary and it faded away by merger and even more by incompetence. He taught at another seminary, which was apparently too small to last. The college almost had another lease on life, and a legal decision finished it. The man was Nicholas Lenker, who gathered a bunch of translators to produce Luther's Sermons. The same set re-appears in various places and languages, in print and on the Net.

I would like to go back in a robe and say, "John, you struggle to get some books out and teach people about Luther's great contributions. The great and wise will pass on, but your work will continue to be copied, over and over, because it is so worthwhile for Christian laity and clergy."

John Nicholas Lenker attended Hamma Seminary, which is gone, and taught at Dana Seminary, which was also merged into oblivion. Dana College was closed rather than going online, due to an edict.

Luther's Sermon on Paul's Exhortation to Live According to the Christian Calling, and in the Unity of the Spirit. Ephesians 4:1-6

Norma A. Boeckler's Art



EPHESIANS 4:1-6. 1 I, therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beseech you to walk worthily of the calling wherewith ye were called, 2 with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; 3 giving diligence to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as also ye were called in one hope of your calling; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in all.


1. This, too, is a beautiful sermon, delivered by Paul to the Ephesians, concerning the good works of Christians, who believe and are obedient to the doctrine of the Gospel. In the knowledge of good works Paul desires Christians to grow and increase, as we learned in the epistle for last Sunday. The ground of all doctrine, of all right living, the supreme and eternal treasure of him who is a Christian in the sight of God, is faith in Christ. It alone secures forgiveness o£ sins and makes us children of God.

Now, where this faith is, fruits should follow as evidence that Christians in their lives honor and obey God. They are necessary for God’s glory and for the Christian’s own honor and eternal reward before him.

2. Paul, remembering the imprisonment and tribulations he suffered because of the Gospel and for the advantage, as he before said, of the Ephesians, gives the admonition here. He would have them, in return for his sufferings, honor the Gospel in their lives. First he names a general rule of life for Christians. “To walk worthily of the calling wherewith ye were called.”


3. The chief thing that should influence a Christian’s outward walk is the remembrance of his calling and appointment by God. He should be mindful of why he is called a Christian, and live consistently. He must shine before the world; that is, through his life and God’s work, the Word and the name of Christ the Lord must be exalted. Christ exhorts his disciples: “Even so let your light shine before men; that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16.

4. Similarly, Paul would say: “You have received God’s grace and his Word and are a blessed people. In Christ all your needs are blessedly supplied. Be mindful of this and remember you are called to a far different and vastly higher life than others know. Show by your manner of living that you seek a higher good than the world seeks — indeed, that you have received far greater blessings. Let your lives honor and glorify the Lord who has given you such blessings. Give no occasion for dishonoring your treasured faith, or for scorning his Word. Rather, influence men by your godly walk and good works to believe in Christ and to glorify him.”

5. Let the Christian know his earthly life is not unto himself, nor for his own sake; his life and work here belong to Christ, his Lord. Hence must his walk be such as shall contribute to the honor and glory of his Master, whom he should so serve that he may be able to say with Paul, not only with respect to the spiritual life — the life of faith and of righteousness by grace — but also with respect to its fruits — the outward conduct: “It is no longer I that live, but Christ liveth in me.” Galatians 2:20. The Christian’s manner of life may be styled “walking in Christ”; yes, as Paul elsewhere has it ( Romans 13:14), “putting on” the Lord Jesus Christ, like a garment or an ornament. The world is to recognize Christ by his shining in us.

6. But the so-called Christian life that does not honor Christ makes its sin the more heinous for the name it bears. Every sin the people of God commit is a provocation of Jehovah; not only in the act of disobedience itself, but also in the transgression of the second commandment. The enormity of the sin is magnified by the conditions that make it a blasphemy of God’s name and an occasion of offense to others. Paul says in Romans 2:24: “For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.” So a Christian should, in his life, by all means guard the honor of God — of Christ. He must take heed that he be not guilty of blaspheming that name and of doing wickedness. The devil, aided by the world, construes every act, when possible, to reflect upon God’s honor and glory. His purpose is to manifest his bitter hatred against Christ and the Word; also to injure the Church by charging offenses, thus deterring unbelievers from embracing the Gospel and causing the weak to fall away.

7. To guard against such disaster, Christians should be particularly careful to give, in their conduct, no occasion for offense, and to value the name and honor of their God too highly to permit blasphemy of them. They should prefer to lose their own honor, their wealth, their physical wellbeing, even their lives, rather than that these, their most precious possessions and greatest blessings, should suffer disgrace. Let them remember that upon keeping sacred the name and honor of God depends their own standing before God and men. God promises ( 1 Samuel 2:30), “Them that honor me! will honor.” But pursuing the opposite course, Christians bring upon themselves God’s sternest wrath and effect their own rejection and shame. For he says further: “They that despise me shall be lightly esteemed.” And in the second commandment God threatens certain and terrible punishment to abusers of his name; that is, to them who do not employ it to his honor and praise.

8. Well may every Christian examine his own life to see if he is careful to guard against offense to the Gospel and to regulate his words and conduct by God’s first commandment, making them contribute to the honor and praise of the divine name and the holy Gospel. Weighty indeed and well calculated to cause complaint are the sins to which every Christian is liable in this respect; well may he avoid them lest he heap to himself the wrath of God. Especially need we be careful in these last and evil times when the Gospel is everywhere suppressed by great offenses. Man was created to be the image of God, that through this his image God might himself be expressed. God’s image, then, should be reflected in the lives of men as a likeness in a glass, and a Christian can have no higher concern than to live without dishonor to the name of God.


9. Such is the first part of Paul’s admonition concerning the general life of Christians. He goes on to make special mention of several good works which Christians should diligently observe: humility, meekness, longsuffering, preservation of the unity of the Spirit, and so on. These have been specially treated before, in other epistle lessons, particularly those from Peter. Humility, for instance — mentioned in today’s lesson — is taken up the third Sunday after Trinity; patience and meekness, the second Sunday after Easter, and the fifth Sunday after Trinity.

10. The text here presents good works sufficient to occupy all Christians in every station of life; we need not seek other nor better ones. Paul would not impose upon Christians peculiar works, something unrelated to the ordinary walks of life, as certain false saints taught and practiced. These teachers commanded separation from society, isolation in the wilderness, the establishment of monkeries and the performance of self-appointed works. Such works they exalted as superior to ordinary Christian virtues.

Indeed, their practice amounted to rejection of the latter, and they actually regarded them as dangerous. The Papacy has in the past shamelessly styled the observance of Christian good works as worldly living, and men were compelled to believe they would find it hard to reach heaven unless they became ecclesiasts — for they regarded only the monks and priests worthy — or at least made themselves partakers of the works of ecclesiasts by purchasing their merits.

But Paul — in fact, the entire Scriptures — teaches no other good works than God enjoins upon all men in the Ten Commandments, and which pertain to the common conditions of life. True, these make not such brilliant show in the eyes of the world as do the self-appointed ceremonials constituting the divine service of hypocrites; nevertheless, they are true, worthy, good and profitable works in the sight of God and man. What can be more acceptable to God and advantageous to man than a life lived, in its own calling, in the way that contributes to the honor of God, and that by its example influences others to love God’s Word and to praise his name?

Moreover, what virtues, of all man possesses, serve him better than humility, meekness, patience and harmony of mind?

11. Now, where is a better opportunity for the exercise of these virtues than amidst the conditions in which God destined us to live — in society, where we mingle with one another? Upon these conditions, self-appointed, unusual lives and monastic holiness have no bearing. For what other person is profited by your entering a cloister, making yourself peculiar, refusing to live as your fellows do? Who is benefited by your cowl, your austere countenance, your hard bed? Who comes to know God or to have a peaceful conscience by such practices on your part, or who is thereby influenced to love his neighbor? Indeed, how can you serve your neighbor by such a life? How manifest your love, humility, patience and meekness if you are unwilling to live among men? if you so strenuously adhere to your self-appointed orders as to allow your neighbor to suffer want before you would dishonor your rules?

12. Astonishing fact, that the world is merged in darkness so great it utterly disregards the Word of God and the conditions he designed for our daily living. If we preach to the world faith in God’s Word, the world receives it as heresy. If we speak of works instituted of God himself and conditions of his own appointing, the world regards it as idle talk; it knows better. To live a simple Christian life in one’s own family, to faithfully perform the duties of a man-servant or maid-servant — “Oh, that,” it says, “is merely the following of worldly pursuits. To do good works you must set about it in a different way. You must creep into a corner, don a cap, make pilgrimages to some saint; then you may be able to help yourself and others to gain heaven.” If the question be asked, “Why do so? where has God commanded it?” there is, according to their theory, really no answer to make but this: Our Lord God knows nothing about the matter; he does not understand what good works are. How can he teach us? He must himself be tutored by these remarkably enlightened saints.


13. But all this error results from that miserable inherent plague, that evil termed “original sin.” It is a blind wickedness, refusing to recognize the Word of God and his will and work, but introducing instead things of its own heathenish imagination. It draws such a thick covering over eyes, ears and hearts that it renders men unable to perceive how the simple life of a Christian, of husband or wife, of the lower or the higher walks of life, can be beautified by honoring the Word of God. Original sin will not be persuaded to the faithful performance of the works that God testifies are well pleasing to him when wrought by believers in Christ. In a word, universal experience proves that to perform really good works is a special and remarkable grace to which few attain; while the great mass of souls aspiring after holiness vainly busy themselves with worthless works, being deceived into thinking them great, and thus make themselves, as Paul says, “unto every good work reprobate.” Titus 1:16. This fruitless effort is one evil result of the error of human ideas of holiness and the practice of self-chosen works.

14. Another error is the hindrance — yes, the suppression and destruction — f the beautiful virtues of humility, meekness, patience and spiritual harmony here commended of Paul. At the same time the devil is given occasion to encourage fiendish blasphemy. In every instance where the Word of God is set aside for humanly-appointed works, differing views and theories must obtain. One introduces this and another that, each striving for first recognition; then a third endeavors to improve upon their doctrine.

Consequently divisions and factions ensue as numerous as the teachers and their creeds; as exemplified in the countless sects to this time prevalent in Popedom, and in the factious spirits of all time. Under such circumstances, none of the virtues like humility, meekness, patience, love, can have place.

Opposite conditions must prevail, since harmony of hearts and minds is lacking. One teacher haughtily rejects another, and if his own opinions fail to receive recognition and approval, he displays anger, envy and hatred. He will neither affiliate with nor tolerate him whose practices accord not with his own.

15. On the other hand, the Christian life, the life of faith with its fruits, controlled as it is by the Word of God, is in every way conducive to the preservation of love and harmony, and to the promotion of all virtues. It interferes not with the God-ordained relations of life and their attendant obligations upon men — the requirements of social order, the duties of father and mother, of son and daughter, master and mistress, servant and maid. All life’s relations are confirmed by it as valid and its duties as vital.

The Christian faith bids each person in his life, and all in common, to be diligent in the works of love, humility, patience. It teaches that one be not intolerant of another, but rather render him his due, remembering that he whose condition in life is the most insignificant can be equally upright and blessed before God with the occupant of the most significant position.

Again, it teaches that man must have patience with the weakness of his fellow, being mindful of how others must bear with his own imperfections.

In short, it says one must manifest to another the love and kindness he would have that other extend to him.

16. To this Christian attainment, contributes very largely the single fact that a Christian is conscious he has, through Christ, the grace of God, the forgiveness of sins and eternal life. And these not for his own merits or peculiar life and works, but because he is, no matter how insignificant in condition before the world, a child of God and blessed; a partaker, if he but believes, in all the blessings of Christ, sharing equally with the most eminent saint. So, then, he need not look about for works not enjoined upon him. He need not covet those wrought in prominence and by the aid of great gifts of God — of unusual attainments. Let him confine himself to his own sphere; let him serve God in his vocation, remembering that God makes him, too, his instrument in his own place.

Again, the occupant of a higher sphere, the possessor of higher gifts and accomplishments, who likewise serves in his vocation received from God, should learn and exhibit harmony of mind. So shall he continue humble and be tolerant of others. He should remember that he is not worthier in the eyes of God because of his greater gifts, but rather is under deeper obligation to serve his fellows, and that God can use the possessor of lesser gifts for even greater accomplishments than himself can boast. Having so learned, he will be able to manifest patience, meekness and love toward his weak and imperfect neighbors, considering them members of Christ with him, and partakers of the same grace and salvation.


17. Now you have the reason why the apostles Paul and Peter everywhere so faithfully enforce this virtue, the unity of the Spirit. It is the most necessary and beautiful grace that Christians possess. It holds together the Christian community, preventing factions and schisms, as before explained.

So Paul here admonishes men to be careful for harmony, making every endeavor to preserve it. The term “unity of the Spirit” is used to make plain the apostle’s meaning. He would thus emphasize oneness of doctrine — the one true faith. Since the Holy Spirit is present only where there is knowledge of and faith in the Gospel of Christ, “unity of the Spirit” implies a unity of faith. Above all things, then, the effort must be to preserve, in the Church, the doctrine of the Scriptures, pure and in its unity.

18. One of the wickedest offenses possible to commit against the Church is the stirring up of doctrinal discord and division, a thing the devil encourages to the utmost. This sin usually has its rise with certain haughty, conceited, self-seeking leaders who desire peculiar distinction for themselves and strive for personal honor and glory. They harmonize with none and would think themselves disgraced were they not honored as superior and more learned individuals than their fellows, a distinction they do not merit. They will give honor to no one, even when they have to recognize the superiority of his gifts over their own. In their envy, anger, hatred and vengefulness, they seek occasion to create factions and to draw people to themselves. Therefore Paul exhorts first to the necessary virtue of love, having which men will be enabled to exercise humility, patience and forbearance toward one another.

19. The character of the evils resulting to the Church from divisions and discords in doctrine is evident from the facts. Many are deceived; the masses immediately respond to new doctrine brilliantly presented in specious words by presumptuous individuals thirsting for fame. More than that, many weak but well-meaning ones fall to doubting, uncertain where to stand or with whom to hold. Consequently men reject and blaspheme the Christian doctrine and seek occasion to dispute it. Many become reckless pleasure-lovers, disregarding all religion and ignoring the Word of God. Further, even they who are called Christians come to have hard feelings against one another, and, figuratively, bite and devour in their hate and envy. Consequently their love grows cold and faith is extinguished.

20. Of so much disturbance in the Church, and of the resulting injuries to souls, are guilty those conceited, factious leaders who do not adhere to the true doctrine, preserving the unity of the Spirit, but seek to institute something new for the sake of advancing their own ideas and their own honor, or gratifying their revenge. They thus bring upon themselves damnation infinitely more intolerable than others suffer. Christians, then, should be careful to give no occasion for division or discord, but to be diligent, as Paul here admonishes, to preserve unity. And this is not an easy thing to do, for among Christians occasions frequently arise provoking selfwill, anger and hatred. The devil is always at hand to stir and blow the flame of discord. Let Christians take heed they do not give place to the promptings of the devil and of the flesh. They must strive against them, submitting to all suffering, and performing all demands, whether honor, property, physical welfare or life itself be involved, in the effort to prevent, so far as in them lies, any disturbance of the unity of doctrine, of faith and of Spirit. “There is one body, and one Spirit, even as also ye were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all.”

21. Christians should feel bound to maintain the unity of the Spirit, since they are all members of one body and partakers of the same spiritual blessings. They have the same priceless treasures — one God and Father in heaven, one Lord and Savior, one Word, baptism and faith; in short, one and the same salvation, a blessing common to all whereof one has as much as another, and cannot obtain more. What occasion, then, for divisions or for further seeking?

22. Here Paul teaches what the true Christian Church is and how it may be identified. There is not more than one Church, or people of God, one earth.

This one Church has one faith, one baptism, one confession of God the Father and of Jesus Christ. Its members faithfully hold, and abide by, these common truths. Every one desiring to be saved and to come to God must be incorporated into this Church, outside of which no one will be saved.

23. Unity of the Church does not consist in similarity of outward form of government, likeness of Law, tradition and ecclesiastical customs, as the Pope and his followers claim. They would exclude from the Church all not obedient to them in these outward things, though members of the one faith, one baptism, and so on. The Church is termed “one holy, catholic or Christian Church,” because it represents one plain, pure Gospel doctrine, and an outward confession thereof, always and everywhere, regardless of dissimilarity of physical life, or of outward ordinances, customs and ceremonies.

24. But they are not members of the true Church of Christ who, instead of preserving unity of doctrine and oneness of Christian faith, cause divisions and offenses — as Paul says ( Romans 16:17) — by the human doctrines and self-appointed works for which they contend, imposing them upon all Christians as necessary. They are perverters and destroyers of the Church, as we have elsewhere frequently shown. The consolation of the true doctrine is ours, and we hold it in opposition to Popedom, which accuses us of having withdrawn from them, and so condemns us as apostates from the Church. They are, however, themselves the real apostates, persecuting the truth and destroying the unity of the Spirit under the name and title of the Church and of Christ. Therefore, according to the command of God, all men are under obligation to shun them and withdraw from them.

Leander Keyser - On Love and Hate

Quote from Keyser from his sermon on Love and Hate.

One would think that all people would be only too thankful to Christ and His faithful disciples who warn them of their peril, and show them the plain way to escape to eternal joy. But the hatred of the world to its best friends is one of the ethical paradoxes created by sin. “Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.” You cannot go “cheek by jowl” with the world, and at the same time be a true Christian. This does not mean that you and I are to provoke worldly people purposely; but it does mean that we cannot condone their offenses, nor follow in their footsteps. One of the most specious adages in the world is this: “When you are in Rome, you must do as the Romans do.” It is a maxim of the compromiser and the opportunist, and that spells the ugly word cowardice.

From: Keyser, Leander. In The Apostles’ Footsteps: Sermons on the Epistle Lessons for the Church Year. The Lutheran Literary Board: 1920. Lutheran Library edition forthcoming

Roots Matter Most of All

                          Clethra - Ruby Spice aka Sweet Spice - flourishes with deep roots.

This summer I experienced the results of mature plants in rich soil - giant Joe Pye Weeds dwarfing everything and Bee Balm spreading like a rumor. Once I cut down those superspreaders - which still grow - other plants began to show off: roses, Clethra, hosta, wild strawberries. 

The established Clethra were surrounded and almost hidden, but they bloomed, attracted butterflies, and filled the air with sweetness and spice.

The little Clethra shrub does so well that I got a quartet of them to enhance the effect. Reality struck me soon after. I soaked them in rainwater before planting, and I imagined them getting enough water at that point. However, I neglected the effect of dry soil all around, drawing the moisture away. They began to look stressed and leaves curled.

Make It Rain!
New plants have weak roots. They are easily knocked over and stressed from lack of rain. Fortunately I had an arsenal in the backyard, a row of barrels and buckets full  of rainwater. 

"Make it rain!" is a military slogan for urging troops to work so hard that the rafters sweat. I prefer carrying it. I bought a second watering can (same model, different color, by accident) so I can carry four gallons at once from the back to the front. Paint bucket handles do not last and the little white plastic hand-saver breaks from being used often.

I have been hauling rainwater to the Clethra quartet, and they have responded well. Like new roses, they are sending down roots that will anchor and feed them. The fungi connect with the roots for watering and nutrition. The fungi need carbon to grow, so they swap water and the minerals needed in exchange for the carbon they lack. 

Serious consideration of this exchange can only conclude - this was engineered at Creation. Most of my life I had no idea how this worked, because the soil scientists were also unaware. They may not believe in God, but the horticultural evidence points to Genesis 1 and John 1. That reminds me - the horticultural subjunctive is "Let us begin."

Tomorrow is the Feast Day of St. Francis, and he seems to bear a strong resemblance, no?
Someone was terribly offended that I created this Photoshop, so I enjoying posting it.

Religious Quacks of Today
The modern religious quacks want to offer quick solutions, to make them feel successful while they are destroying Christianity. They are pouring on chemical fertilizer, as one chemical engineer taught me in planting roses, and wondering why their fast results are not lasting. 

I had my response to the chemical engineers from Dow, including one agricultural chemist who came to look at my Silver Queen corn. I planted the corn over four feet of compost and soil. The plot was behind the garage, so he was all prepared to smirk when he walked back. Then his neck craned up and up and up. He said, "Silver Queen is my favorite. It is not supposed to grow so tall."

I hastened to add that the ears were perfect and packed with kernels. 

The corn patch started with the soil foundation. I dug the pit, and kids dug it deeper. I filled it with rabbit-grow from beneath their cages, lawn grass, and decomposing leaves. Corn is a heavy feeder, demanding water and good nutrition.

Ministers and congregations now want to flourish with warmed-over bar music and other gimmicks. They neglect the foundation completely, and the foundation of Biblical wisdom is everything. 

A liberal bishop in the LCA said something that never came from the so-called conservative leaders of WELS-LCMS - "Everything depends on the Word."

Friday, October 2, 2020

John Arndt - True Christianity - PDF and in Print


The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry
In This Issue
True Christianity: A Treatise on Sincere Repentance, True Faith, The Holy Walk of the True Christian, Etc. by John Arndt
Lincoln's Gettysburg World Message by Henry Eyster Jacobs
Forty Years In The Church of Christ by Charles Chiniquy
Of the Church in General: The Lutheran View, Romish, Reformed by Guericke and Krauth [Journal Article]
The Augsburg Confession: An Introduction and Exposition by Matthias Loy
True Christianity: A Treatise on Sincere Repentance, True Faith, The Holy Walk of the True Christian, Etc. by John Arndt

“If ever any man was competent to write on true Christianity, that man was John Arndt. It had become his very life; it entered into the very center of his own experience; it was an essential part of his being, and hence it was only necessary to let the mouth utter that, of which the heart was full. We need not be surprised that this book, at its first appearance, met with undivided approbation and an extensive sale. It was properly regarded as the first book of devotion in the protestant church, and soon established for itself the character of a masterpiece of unperishable value.

“The practical writings of Luther, Bugenhagen, Lorenz and Sarcenes were mostly written in Latin, and were limited to ministers or professors; hence the people had no devotional book, properly so called, until the publication of the first book of Arndt on true Christianity. It was not long before its fame was spread throughout all Europe, and to this day it is accomplishing its work of blessing and mercy in undiminished vigor. In all European circles of pious Christians, it continues to be the chief devotional book. It has led millions to a knowledge of the truth; a countless number of the ungodly to repentance; thousands of lukewarm believers to Christian activity, and afforded comfort and refreshment to a host of the weary and heavy laden. Without hesitation, next to the Bible, no book can be more properly recommended to those seeking edification, than Arndt’s True Christianity.” — John G. Morris from John Arndt

On This Page

Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.

Book Contents

  • Introduction By The American Editor
  • The Author’s Preface To The First Book.
  • Book 1. Wherein True Christianity, Sincere Sorrow For Sin, Repentance, Faith, And The Holy Life Of The True Christian, Are Considered.
    • 1. Showing What The Image Of God In Man Is.
    • 2. Of The Fall Of Adam.
    • 3. Showing How Man Is Renewed In Christ Unto Eternal Life.
    • 4. Of True Repentance, And The True Yoke And Cross Of Christ.
    • 5. Wherein Does True Faith Consist?
    • 6. Showing How The Vital Power Of The Word Of God Should Be Manifested In Man Through Faith.
    • 7. The Law Of God, Written In The Hearts Of All Men, Convinces Them That On The Day Of Judgment They Will Be Without Excuse.
    • 8. No One Can Find Comfort In Christ And His Merits, Who Does Not Truly Repent.
    • 9. The Unchristian Walk Of Many Persons In Our Day, Is A Cause Of The Rejection Of Christ And Of The True Faith.
    • 10. The Children Of The World Are Against Christ, And, Consequently, Their Life And Their Christianity Are Both Alike False.
    • 11. Showing That He Does Not Truly Repent, Is Not A Christian, And Not A Child Of God, Who Does Not, In His Life And Conduct, Follow Christ; Also, Wherein The New Birth And The Yoke Of Christ Consist.
    • 12. The True Christian Dies Unto Himself And The World, And Lives In Christ.
    • 13. The Christian Ought Willingly To Die Unto Himself And The World, For The Sake Of The Love Of Christ, And For The Sake Of That Future And Eternal Glory, For Which We Were Created And Redeemed.
    • 14. The True Christian, Who Imitates Christ, Hates His Own Life In This World, And Forsakes The World.
    • 15. Showing How The “Old Man” Daily Dies, And The “New Man” Is Daily Renewed, In A True Christian; Also, Wherein Self-denial Consists, And What Is Meant By The Christian’s Cross.
    • 16. A Conflict Is Constantly Maintained In The Christian Between The Spirit And The Flesh.
    • 17. The Inheritance And Possessions Of Christians Are Not Of This World; They Should, Therefore, Regard Themselves As Strangers In It, While They Make Use Of Earthly Things.
    • 18. Showing How Greatly God Is Offended, When Man Prefers Things That Are Temporal To Those That Are Eternal; And How Great The Evil Is, When Our Affections Cleave To The Creature And Not To The Creator.
    • 19. He Who Is Most Of All Conscious Of His Misery, Is Most Of All Acceptable To God; And His Christian Knowledge Of His Misery, Urges Him To Seek The Grace Of God.
    • 20. A Truly Christian Sorrow For Sin Promotes The Daily Amendment Of The Life Of Man, Makes Him Meet For The Kingdom Of God, And Fits Him, In An Increasing Degree, For Eternal Life.
    • 21. Of The True Worship Of God.
    • 22. A True Christian Is Known Primarily By Love, And By A Daily Amendment Of Life.
    • 23. He Who, In Christ, Desires To Grow In Grace, Is Often Compelled To Withdraw From Worldly Society.
    • 24. Of The Love Of God And Our Neighbor.
    • 25. The Love Of Our Neighbor, More Particularly Considered.
    • 26. Wherefore Our Neighbor Is To Be Loved.
    • 27. Wherefore Our Enemies Are To Be Loved.
    • 28. Showing How The Love Of The Creator Should Be Preferred To That Of All Creatures; And How Our Neighbor Is To Be Loved In God.
    • 29. Of That Reconciliation To Our Neighbor, Without Which God Withdraws His Grace.
    • 30. Of The Fruits Of Love
    • 31. Pride And Self-love Corrupt And Destroy Even The Best And Noblest Gifts.
    • 32. Great Gifts Do Not Demonstrate A Man To Be A Christian, But Faith That Works By Love.
    • 33. God Has No Respect To The Works Of Any One; But Judges Of Works According To The Heart.
    • 34. Showing That God Alone, Without Any Human Aid, Is The Author Of Our Salvation, And That We Are To Submit Unreservedly To His Grace; Also, That Christ’s Merit Is Not Imputed To The Impenitent.
    • 35. All Wisdom, Arts, And Sciences, Yea, Even The Knowledge Of The Whole, Scripture, Are Vain, Without A Holy And Christian Life.
    • 36. He Who Does Not Live In Christ, But Gives His Heart To The World, Has Only The Outward Letter Of The Scriptures, But He Does Not Experience Their Power, Or Eat Of The Hidden Manna.
    • 37. He Who Does Not Follow Christ In Faith, Holiness, And Continued Repentance, Cannot Be Delivered From The Blindness Of His Heart, But Must Abide In Eternal Darkness; And He Cannot Have A True Knowledge Of Christ, Or Fellowship With Him.
    • 38. Showing That An Unchristian Life Leads To False Doctrine, Hardness Of Heart, And Blindness; Also, Treating Of The Eternal Election Of Grace.
    • 39. Showing That The Purity Of The Doctrine Of The Divine Word Is Maintained Not Only By Discussions And Publications, But Also By True Repentance And Holiness Of Life.
    • 40. Sundry Rules For Leading A Holy Life.
    • 41. The Whole Of Christianity Consists In The Restoration Of The Image Of God In Man, And The Destruction Of The Image Of Satan.
    • 42. In This Concluding Chapter The Reasons For Adopting The Method Observed In Book 1 Are Explained; The Duty Of Guarding Against Spiritual Pride Is Described, And The Truth Is Set Forth That True Spiritual Gifts Cannot Be Obtained Without Prayer.
  • Book 2
    • Preface To The Second Book
    • 1. Jesus Christ, The Son Of God, Is Given To Us By Our Heavenly Father As Our Help Against The Damnable And Deadly Poison Of Original Sin, And The Pernicious Fruits Thereof, As Well As A Protector Against All The Calamities And Evils Both Of The Body And The Soul.
    • 2. The Manner In Which The Christian Should Apply And Appropriate To Himself The Consolation Noticed In Chapter 1.
    • 3. Our Righteousness Before God, Consists Solely In The Perfect Obedience And Merit Of Christ Jesus, And In The Remission Of Sin Apprehended By Faith.
    • 4. Showing That Saving Faith In The True Christian Produces Manifold Fruits Of Righteousness, And That These Must Proceed From The Depth Of The Heart; Also, That The Character Of Our Outward Works, Depends, In The Judgment Of God, Upon The State Of The Heart.
    • 5. Showing That The Evidence Of True Christianity Does Not Consist Tn The Knowledge And The Hearing Of God’s Word, But That He Is A Christian, In Whose Life God’s Word Is Manifested, And Who Beseeches God In Sincerity That This Word, As A Divine Seed, May Be Quickened In Him, And Bear Fruit.
    • 6. The Perfection And Salvation Of Men Depend On Union With Christ By Faith; But To This They Can Contribute Nothing, Whereas They Rather Interfere With The Grace Of God By Their Perverse Will; But Christ, And He Alone, Accomplishes The Work In Us.
    • 7. Showing That In Order To Understand The True Nature Of Repentance We Must Necessarily Know The Distinction Between The Old And The New Man; Or, How In Us Adam Must Die, And Christ Live; Or, How In Us The Old Man Must Die, And The New Man Live.
    • 8. Showing How Graciously God Invites Us To Repentance, And How Necessary It Is That It Should Not Be Delayed.
    • 9. Showing What Repentance Is, And The Manner In Which The Sinner Truly Repents; Also, How The Goodness Of God Leads Us To Repentance.
    • 10. The Four Properties Of True Repentance.
    • 11. Showing That The Fruit Of Conversion Is The New Creature; Also, That The Christian Is, By Faith, A Lord Over All, And, By Love, A Servant Of All; And, That The Life Of Christ Is A Mirror For Us.
    • 12. Showing That Christ Is The Only Way And End Of True Godliness; And That Man Goes Astray, When God Does Not Guide And Direct Him.
    • 13. Showing That Jesus Christ Is The True Book Of Life, And That His Poverty Teaches Us To Despise The Glory Of The World.
    • 14. Showing How Christ, By The Shame And Contempt Which He Endured, And By His Self-denial, Teaches Us To Despise The Honor And Glory Of The World.
    • 15. Showing How We Should, Through Christ, Bear And Overcome The Trials And Contempt Of The World.
    • 16. Showing How Christians Are To Seek And Obtain Favor And Glory Through Christ, In Heaven.
    • 17. Showing How We May Through Christ, And After The Example Of All The Saints, Overcome The Calumnies Of Men.
    • 18. Showing How The Sorrows And Pains Of Christ Should Teach Us To Subdue The Lusts Of The Flesh.
    • 19. Showing How We Should Behold In The Crucified Christ, As In The Book Of Life, Both Our Sins, And Also The Displeasure, The Love, Justice, And Wisdom Of God.
    • 20. Of The Power And Necessity Of Prayer, In These Holy Contemplations.
    • 21. Of The Power Of The Noble Virtue Of Humility.
    • 22. All The Works Of A True Christian Must Be Done In Humility, Or They Will, Otherwise, Become An Abomination And Idolatry.
    • 23. A Man Who Does Not Perceive His Own Emptiness, And Does Not Give All The Honor To God, Commits The Greatest Of Sins, And Falls Like Satan.
    • 24. Of The Noble Virtue Of Love, And Of Its Power, Soundness, And Purity.
    • 25. Sundry Signs By Which We May Ascertain Whether We Truly Love Christ.
    • 26. Five Kinds Of Works Of Love, In Which The Grace And Goodness Of God Are Especially Revealed.
    • 27. Showing How The Lord Jesus Manifests Himself To The Loving Soul As The Highest Love And The Highest Good.
    • 28. Showing How The Highest Good Is Perceived And Tasted In The Soul.
    • 29. Showing How The Loving Soul Considers God In His Benefits As The Most Liberal Bountifulness.
    • 30. Showing How God Manifests Himself To The Loving Soul, As The Supreme Beauty.
    • 31. Showing How God Manifests Himself To The Loving Soul As The Infinite Omnipotence.
    • 32. Showing How The Loving Soul Knows God As The Highest Righteousness And Holiness.
    • 33. Showing How The Loving Soul Considers God As The Eternal Wisdom.
    • 34. Showing How A Man Should Seek The Wisdom Of God By Prayer; Containing Also A Useful Treatise On Prayer, Wherein The Reader Is Taught How The Heart Is To Be Moved Unto Prayer, And Brought Into A Quiet Sabbath, So That Prayer May Be Wrought In Us By The Lord; The Whole Being Set Forth In Twelve Sections.
      • Section 1. All That We Have Lost In Adam We Recover Fully And Completely In Christ.
      • Section 2. The Evils That Follow The Neglect Of Prayer.
      • Section 3. The Benefits Of Continual Prayer.
      • Section 4. The True Christian Chooses The Narrow Way In Christ, Rather Than The Broad Way In Adam.
      • Section 5. Considerations Which Should Move The Heart To Commune With God In Prayer.
      • Section 6. The Omniscient God Knows What We Stand In Need Of, Before We Ask Him.
      • Section 7. That God Invites And Engages All Men To The Exercise Of Prayer, And Promises To Hear Their Petitions.
      • Section 8. God Is No Respecter Of Persons, But Has An Impartial Love For All His Creatures.
      • Section 9. Showing That It Is Equally Sinful To Pray To God Upon The Presumption Of Our Own Merit, And To Forbear On Account Of Our Unworthiness.
      • Section 10. The True Worshipper Ought Not To Seek After God In Any Particular Place; For He Finds Him Everywhere In Spirit And In Truth.
      • Section 11. The Worshipper Is Not Restricted To Certain Times Of Prayer, But May At Any Hour Address God In Prayer, Provided That He Does Not Hinder Himself.
      • Section 12. The Considerations Stated Above, Not Only Dispose The Heart To True Prayer, But Also Furnish Various Useful Lessons.
    • 35. Prayer Is The Sign Of A True Christian, That Is, Of One Who Is Anointed Of The Lord.
    • 36. On The Benefits And Power Of Prayer, And On Its True Ground Or Foundation.
    • 37. Reasons Why God Certainly Hears Our Prayers.
    • 38. Seven Helps Or Aids For Our Infirmities In Prayer.
    • 39. The Conversation Of A Believing Soul With God.
    • 40. A Conversation Between Faith And The Mercy Of God.
    • 41. The Great Benefits, And The Great Efficacy Of Praise Offered To God.
    • 42. The Reasons For Which We Ought Daily To Offer Praises To God.
    • 43. To Praise God Is The Highest And Most Honorable Employment Of Men.
    • 44. Of Patience, Which Triumphantly Endures The Cross, And Waits For The Promised Glory.
    • 45. Divine Consolation Produces Patience Under Afflictions.
    • 46. Motives To Patience; And, The Benefits Of The Cross.
    • 47. Sentences, And Examples Of Patience And Consolation.
    • 48. There Is No Affliction For Which God Has Not Provided Appropriate Consolation. The Consolation Which He Affords Is Always Greater Than Our Misery; This Consideration Should Sustain And Confirm Our Patience.
    • 49. The Truth Of God And The Certainty Of His Promises, Ought To Dispose Us To Patience.
    • 50. Showing How Hope Is Tested In Seasons Of Adversity; It Maketh Not Ashamed.
    • 51. Comfort For Those That Are Weak In Faith.
    • 52. Comforting Instructions For Those That Are Laboring Under Great Temptations In Spirit.
    • 53. Consolations For Those Who Labor Under Great Spiritual Temptations.
    • 54. Comforts Under Secret And Spiritual Temptations Of The Devil.
    • 55. The Reasons For Which God Sometimes Delays His Comfort And Assistance.
    • 56. Showing That In Seasons Of Trial The Consideration Of The Exalted Patience Of Christ, And Of The Future And Eternal Glory, Will Alleviate The Burden Of The Cross.
    • 57. Consolations Against The Fears Of Death.
    • Conclusion Of The Second Book.
  • Book 3
    • Preface To The Third Book.
    • 1. Of The Great Internal Treasure Of An Enlightened Believer.
    • 2. True Faith, And Converse With The Soul, The Only Means Of Attaining To This Inward Treasure.
    • 3. The Whole Treasure Of The Inner Man Depends On Faith, Namely, God, Christ, The Holy Spirit, And The Kingdom Of God.
    • 4. The Believing Soul Seeks God Internally, In Itself; Its Beauty And Blessedness When It Is United With God.
    • 5. Showing How A Man May Be Drawn To God; Also, Wherein Spiritual Poverty Consists; And, What The Degrees Of Humility Are.
    • 6. The Seat Of God In The Soul.
    • 7. Of The Dignity Of The Soul; Of True Repentance; And, Of Divine Mercy.
    • 8. The Calling Of God Is Earnest And Sincere, And Directs Us To Come To Him.
    • 9. The Purifying Influence Of True Faith.
    • 10. Showing How The Natural Light In Us Must Disappear, And The Light Of Grace Shine Forth.
    • 11. God, The Light Of The Soul, Directing Us Not To Judge Our Neighbors.
    • 12. The Christian Ought Daily, Once At Least, Wholly To Abstract Himself From All External Objects, And Retire Into His Own Soul; The Advantages Of This Course.
    • 13. Showing How The Love Of God Enters Into The Soul, When It Is Empty Of The Love Of The Creatures.
    • 14. Of The Exercise Of Patience And Love.
    • 15. Showing How Christ, The Eternal Word Of The Father, Perfects His Work In The Hearts Of The Faithful, By Love And Humility.
    • 16. Showing How The Holy Spirit Operates In Our Souls.
    • 17. Signs Of The Presence Of The Holy Spirit In Us.
    • 18. Showing How Worldly Pleasures Drive Away The Holy Spirit.
    • 19. Of Inward Prayer, And Of The True Use Of The Lord’s Prayer.
    • 20. Showing That Humility Must First Be Laid As A Foundation In The Heart, And All Our Works Must Rest On It; Its Blessed Influences.
    • 21. Showing That A Man Ought To Rest In God Alone, And Not In His Gifts; And That He Must Deny Himself.
    • 22. Showing How Our Works May Be Rendered Acceptable To God.
    • 23. Of The Mystery Of The Cross, By Which We Are Drawn To God.
  • Book 4
    • Preface To The Fourth Book.
    • Part 1. Treating Of The Works Of The Six Days Of Creation, In General.
      • 1. Of Light, The Work Of The First Day.
      • 2. Of Heaven, The Work Of The Second Day.
      • 3. Of The Separation Of The Waters From The Dry Land, The Work Of The Third Day.
      • 4. Of The Sun, Moon, And Stars, The Work Of The Fourth Day.
      • 5. Of The Waters, And Their Productions, The Work Of The Fifth Day.
      • 6. Of The Living Creatures, The Work Of The Sixth Day.
    • Part 2. Treating Specially Of Man.
      • 1. God, An Infinite And Eternal Being.
      • 2. God, The Supreme Good.
      • 3. Man, The Most Noble Of All Creatures, And Made For The Service Of God.
      • 4. God Made Man In His Own Image, In Order That He Might Delight In Him.
      • 5. That God By His Love Bestows Himself Upon Us.
      • 6. Showing How Much Man Is Indebted To God For His Everlasting Love.
      • 7. Of The Things That Instruct And Comfort The Soul.
      • 8. Of The Obligations Under Which Men Lie To God.
      • 9. Man Even More Indebted To God For Inward, Than For Outward Blessings.
      • 10. Of The Wisdom Which God Has Shown In The Formation Of Man.
      • 11. Of The Obligations Man Lies Under Towards God.
      • 12. Of Answering The Obligations Which Man Lies Under To God.
      • 13. Showing That God’s Love Appears In All His Works, Even In His Chastisements.
      • 14. Showing How, And On What Account, Man Is Obliged To Love God.
      • 15. Showing That All The Creatures Continually Remind Us Of The Love Which We Owe To God.
      • 16. A General Rule, Teaching Us How To Answer Our Obligations To God.
      • 17. Showing That The Christian Who Loves Not God Is Without Excuse.
      • 18. Showing That Our Duty To God Tends To Promote Our Own Happiness.
      • 19. The Service Which The Creatures Render To Man, Compared With That Which Man Renders To God.
      • 20. All Things Are Preserved By The Hand Of God.
      • 21. Showing That From The Service Of Man And The Creatures, A Union Takes Place Between The Visible World, Man, And God.
      • 22. From The Love Which We Owe To God, Proceeds That Which We Owe To Our Neighbor.
      • 23. Man Is Made In The Image Of God.
      • 24. That Man Is Obliged To Love His Neighbor As Himself.
      • 25. All Mankind Are To Be Considered As One Man, Or As Being Many Members Of One Great Body.
      • 26. Charity, The Foundation Of The Greatest Strength.
      • 27. Of The Nature, Properties, And Fruits Of Love.
      • 28. Love Unites Him Who Loves With The Person Loved, And Transforms Into The Same Nature.
      • 29. Nothing Is Worthy Of Our Love, But That Which Can Make Us More Noble And Pure.
      • 30. Our Chief Love Is Due To God, As The First And Last, The Beginning And The End Of All Things.
      • 31. He Who Principally Loves Himself, Actually Sets Up Himself In God’s Stead.
      • 32. Love To God, The Source Of All That Is Good; Self-love, The Source Of All Evil.
      • 33. Of The Love Of God, And The Love Of Self.
      • 34. Love To God, The Only Source Of Peace And Unity.
      • 35. Showing How We Ought To Love God.
      • 36. Divine Joy, The Fruit Of Divine Love.
      • 37. Of The Evil Fruits Of Self Love.
      • 38. Everlasting Sorrow And Death, The End Of Self-love And Carnal Joy.
      • 39. All That We Have Must Be Offered And Consecrated To God.
      • 40. He Can Never Praise And Glorify God, Who Seeks His Own Glory.
  • Conclusion
  • Copyright Notice

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