Friday, March 4, 2022

A Facsimile of the 1611 King James Version

Today I was surprised by a facsimile of the King James Version, 1611. I wonder if the faculties of Mequon, Bethany, St. Louis, and Ft. Wayne would run screaming out the door if I brought it by in a solemn procession. The decaying and merging ELCA seminary faculties would say, "What's this?"

I am delighted with the 1611, and I am getting some old NIVs (before "all are justified" Romans 3).

Tomorrow starts "I AM" and my KJV library revealed how important that is in the 1611. The four Hebrew letters for LORD are pointed (vowel points) on purpose because the Name is sacred. 

Wise guys said back in the 1960s, "Earlier translators did not know that it did not mean or even make sense as Jehovah." The author of this book said the KJV kept the lettering and style as LORD to keep it matching the original - called the Tetragrammaton (for four letters). He went on to say "No one knows the original Name."

Which is better, "Guide me now, O Thou great Jehovah" or "Guide me now, O Thou great Redeemer?" I think the modernized version is weaker, and it has to concede to "Thou" because - "Guide me now, O You great Redeemer" is ridiculous. 

Getting back to I AM - its importance is especially clear when Exodus 3 predicts John 8.

I asked the OT graduate class to count how many times Abraham is named in John 8 and Romans 4. Maybe some OJ fanatics will someday note the significance too, and it all concerns I AM.

Who Is in Charge of the Bible? The Businesses or the Believing Church?

“Today there is an artificially produced conviction resulting from marketing techniques and imposed on the churches from without. This whole modern consensus maintains the Bible publishing industry must now determine the texts of Scripture.

The Church, as Professor van Bruggen has demonstrated (The Future of the Bible, 1978), has abdicated her role as guardian of the Bible and has turned such responsibility over to hirelings who market various, conflicting translations to the confusion and disarray of the Church.”

The Authorised Version, 2012, p. 7, 
Trinitarian Bible Society.


Figure 2 WELS Synod President Mark Schroeder agreed with the convention approving ALL translations, an echo of the extra ALL in Romans 3, 2012 NIV.

Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry Newsletter.
Top Lutheran Library Name (Without an Ad Budget) on Searches

Someone Handed Me a Sermon and Book Concept


Here is the suggestion -

"Ever think of putting your sermons into book form?  How about the "treasures" you have written?  I think people would appreciate both."

Stage 1 starts on Sunday. The sermon will be on I AM in Exodus 3. Subsequent sermons will be on the I AM sermons and statements in the Gospel of John.

Weekly and mid-weekly sermons are normal and enjoyable tasks, so I could connect the sermons in a defined series or just as examples, the style of old homiletics books.

By focusing on a passage for the sermon coming up, I can build a book in serial form, as Dickens and others did with their serialized novels. Working on sermons and writing on a separate book topic is double the brain-load.

Meanwhile I am taking steps to begin individual  online tutoring. Currently, online classes are like initiation for Skull and Bones - waiting anxiously and being tapped - "Skull and Bones, yes or no!" followed by a chase to headquarters.

Classes are added (yes or no!) and sometimes dropped (no reason given).