Saturday, July 9, 2022

Watch the KJV Quotations Change on the Masthead.
Get Free Copies of The King James Version: Apostolic Texts, Precise Translation versus Fraudulent Texts and Heretical Translations

H. L. Menken, 

Famous Journalist and Agnostic 

“It is the most beautiful of all the translations of the Bible; indeed, it is probably the most beautiful piece of writing in all the literature of the world. Many attempts have been made to purge it of its errors and obscurities. An English Revised Version was published in 1885 and an American Revised Version in 1901, and since then many learned but misguided men have sought to produce translations that should be mathematically accurate, and in the plain speech of everyday. But the Authorized Version has never yielded to any of them, for it is palpably and overwhelmingly better than they are, just as it is better than the Greek New Testament, or the Vulgate, or the Septuagint. Its English is extraordinarily simple, pure, eloquent, lovely. It is a mine of lordly and incomparable poetry, at once the most stirring and the most touching ever heard of.” — H. L. Mencken (1880-1956).

The quotation above is in the masthead. The blog will keep changing the quotation (all from The King James Version) from time to time, enticing readers to obtain the entire list.

Those who want copies of The King James book - printed in full color - can email me at

There is no cost and no salesman will drop by. 

 Norma A. Boeckler, our award winning artist, 
illustrated the book and covers.

Open Letter from Tom Fisher

Dear Pastor Jackson,

Please publish this open Letter to all Lutherans.  May Christ give us all ears to hear the correct understanding of Justification by Faith.

Tom Fisher

"All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. Ànd the light shineth in darkness and the darkness Comprehended it not." John 1:3-5

Reasoning, that puss sack of sin and unbelief, has engulfed Lutherans in a false understanding of the chief article of the Christian faith: justification by faith.

"The overly chipper opponents of Justification by Faith want to tell the entire world that God is no longer angry with them, no longer viewing them as sinful and faithless.  By starting with the wrong inference about reconciliation, the opponents of the Chief Article draw the wrong conclusion, repeatedly saying, 'God has declared the entire world righteous, forgiven of sin.' " (Pastor Gregory Jackson, PhD, The Path To Understanding Justification, ISBN 9781072530428, pg. 62).  Pastor Jackson goes on to explain that "this false assurance is the foundation of modern antinomianism.  Every Biblical sin is absolved in advance, except denying this strange dogma, which crime results in excommunication, shunning, and an avalanche of slander. (Gregory Jackson, PhD, The Path to Understanding Justification, pg. 62, footnote 21)

We must teach our children the correct understanding of Justification by Faith by using the King James Bible, Luther's Small Catechism pocket edition, and Pastor Greg Jackson's The Path To Understanding Justification.

Be Balm and Spread the Content

A group of students finished their project and almost followed my directions. I use Word's tool for the table of contents, which updates the page numbers.

The paper began - Table of Content.

I liked that typo and kidded them about contentment. This morning I looked at two examples of Bee Balm. One is the area around the mailbox, where I caught the carrier cutting away the flowers around the box.

He did not realize that the Bee Balm blossoms attract several kinds of bees that care only about the pollen. They are like him, taking their predestined packages where they will be useful and appreciated.

The little stand of Bee Balms grew to several hundred around the mailbox, so I trimmed back the ones closest to the box.

The Military Gardening Group enjoys watching the bees work on the balm closer to the porch. It is peaceful and no one gets stung. I even added some red Bee Balm closer to the porch, saving rainwater just for them.

Balm is an generic word for soothing - Is there no balm in Gilead?

KJV Jeremiah 8:22 Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there?



The other Bee Balm patch began in a weak state, but I was confident, even content. I dug up some and planted them against side of the house getting the most sun - and often the most weeds, from crabgrass to comfrey (knitbone).  I planted in the fall, knowing the roots would do their work during winter and spring.

Bee Balm has the advantage of waiting patiently to show off - just when the roses and other flowers are beaten down by too much sun and too little rain. The handful of balm from last fall grew into a patch of several hundred flowers in the Butterfly Garden for July. Now the blooms are nodding and bending from a host of bees sampling their food. 

KJV 1 Peter 5:5 Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:

7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.

I was required to visit people daily when I worked at St. Peter's in Kitchener. I got to see many retired people and enjoyed every minute. They were the living history of the congregation and the area. One Croft told me about the relative who went to America ("no good" she smiled). He changed his name to Kraft and did very well in the food business. He was the Schwan of cheese.

For sceptics and The Lutheran Librarian - "Born in StevensvilleOntario, Canada in 1874, James L. Kraft immigrated to the United States in 1903 and started a wholesale door-to-door cheese business in Chicago; its first year of operations was "dismal", losing US$3,000 and a horse. However, the business took hold and Kraft was joined by his four brothers to form J.L. Kraft and Bros. Company in 1909. As early as 1911, circulars and advertisements were in use by the company.[12]"

One lady did not like those people who countered her health problems with theirs, which were far worse. She said, "Your pneumonia won't cure my cold!" She had many quips like that. 

Our world is becoming crazier. I even resist my favorite independent news sources now. However, God uses the foolish, greedy, and evil to accomplish His will. Pardon the homey example, but one judo practitioner told me, "Use the opponent's strength against him and he will fly through the air, which is what that brown belt did to you."

7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

That is a Greek New Testament pun that translates well. Luther used it too - He is as anxious for us and we are for Him.

Luke 15

Friday, July 8, 2022

Matthias Loy's The Augsburg Confession. From the Lutheran Library Publishishing Ministry, Alec Satin - The Lutheran Librarian