Saturday, September 3, 2022

Cold Overnight - Thinking about the Winter of Our Bargain Tent

A tent effectively holds in heat, as long as it remains standing and dry.

I have had fun with people who go camping, which I would also do if issued a uniform, paid, and treated for wounds. I tell them - 

Long ago, Christina talked me into buying a tent on sale (25% off!) at Penney's.  We went to a local park and experienced a cold night of heavy rains which soaked and collapsed the tent. We talked about the fiasco for months afterwards. "It was the winter of our discount tent."

Winter bulbs are coming soon, so I am looking at what we can move around and improve. My Hosta collection began with a row of them donated by the late neighbor. When their blooms brought hummingbirds, I longed for more. 

Now even the remnants of those early Hosta days - supplemented by email offers - are ready to move to the remodeled back yard. The key was opening up more sunlight through the green fence and removing most of the weeds.

The eastern sun gave them too much light, but the shaded, unused area proved to be ideal. Soon the rows will be lined up and Poke Weed will fill the gaps, standing six feet tall and loaded with berries for the birds, squirrels, and other critters. Their flowers are pollinated by insects and the buds are covered by insect babies.

Why not Joe Pye Weed? That flower loves sun and rain, happily brushing aside all competition as it rises seven feet tall and grows scented pom-pom flowers. Joe Pye is so aggressive in flowering that it reblooms when the first crop is cut from the top of the plant. 

Friday, September 2, 2022

From the Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry - Alec Satin, The Lutheran Librarian


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