Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry - Alec Satin


Gerberding was well known and appreciated in the Lutheran Church.

Belly Laughs

I was discussing food on email when I began talking up turnip greens. I avoid turnips but I found out that the greens are especially loaded with nutrition.

Turnip Greens: The Healthiest Vegetable People Are Not Eating

I usually look up the profile of a vegetable I am trying out, and go back to the details. I found that chopped frozen turnip greens were easy to blend in with the mix. They also add a little tartness to the final product.

My parents grew up on farms with no electricity at first, but plenty of vegetables. When I talked about the greens I thought of my father's reaction to us kids eating such rural food. He would have laughed and laughed, his donut-fed stomach going up and down. "You? Eating good food?"

As I shopped at Walmart today, I thought about the abundance of expensive foods and their abundance of salt, fat, and sugars. I was there for dog treats and frozen vegetables.