Thursday, October 13, 2022

From Alec Satin - Lutheran Librarian - A Little Loy

“There are even now some outspoken Rationalists who call themselves Lutherans, as there are others who, in regard to the distinctive doctrines of the Lutheran Church, are in open sympathy with Reformed parties, though for some reason they would rather be called Lutherans. Such persons cannot be included in a Lutheran union, because they lack that which the Lutheran name imports and which is distinctive of the Lutheran Church.”

From The Columbus Theological Magazine, Vol. 6. 1886. “Lutheran Union. Second Part.”

Post-Gardening Symptoms - No Pain


I was quite used to having a lot of pain in my hands after digging, carrying, lifting. Yesterday, I had the strangest sensation a day after digging holes for the bulbs - no pain. I hardly used the shovel, since the clay soil was soft where I had watered. I used a trowel.

Before, I normally had exquisite pain after such work. 

I attribute the change to eating a variety of vegetables and fruit as my main (but not only) source of food. Hip pain went away at first - now agony in the hands - gone. Dr. Fuhrman calls it the repair work of the nutritious foods (vegetables, fruit, nuts, greens). 

When I was able to grow food instead of fattening rabbits and squirrels (as I do now), I had a similar change.