Saturday, November 26, 2022

NY Post Article - Mt. Holyoke College - Gender Warriors and a Victim.
We Knew a Holyoke Grad at Yale Divinity


Mount Holyoke grad deprogrammed from women-only woke culture

“I was so excited about going to this renowned, respected school in Massachusetts,” she said. “I literally arrived there bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, I was just so happy.”

But she told The Post she wound up “totally indoctrinated” into viewing the world as a toxic patriarchy and herself as an oppressed victim — and eventually had to be deprogrammed.

Read the whole article here...


GJ - These advances take time. Our very close Yale Divinity friend, married, graduated from Holyoke College and later earned a PhD at Yale.

Without being asked, she often burst into outrageous statements which have become part of the woke culture of today. One was, "Just who in the Hell is Mrs. ______ ______?" Her husband smiled and said, "Whoever happens to be married to me." The marriage did not last.

The Lutheran synods are chasing this dragon, especially WELS under the grim leadership of Mirthless Mark Schroeder. The LCMS is bosom buddies with ELCA, so nothing more needs to be said. 

 Mary Lyon Hall at Mount Holyoke College. Mount Holyoke College/via Flickr

Insights on Audio - From the Best Buy Audio Guy

Testing your cookies!

The audio guy from Best Buy came over yesterday. Their annual service is a bargain for my needs, so I use their remote service when needed and they send someone over when necessary. 

Here are his findings, which should help.

1. IBM got streaming (live Internet broadcasting) going. Use of streaming exploded with Covid and Sunday mornings are very busy. We were very early in using Ustream/IBM, thanks to Brett.
2. My Internet is "perfect," with 900 megs up and down. Other users may have slower rates. 120 megs and higher is good.
3. Your computer may be old or limited in several areas - Internet bandwidth, CPU, and RAM. Click on - 
  • Speedtest is the one I use for testing my Internet capacity. 
  • The CPU figures out how to decode the 1s and 0s. 
  • RAM is "memory" or the place where all the work gets done - the more, the better.
4. He tested all the settings, and found them just right.
5. There is no microphone conflict between the Blue Yeti mike and the Logitech webcam mike.
6. Vimeo can be a source of trouble, and I am talking to them Monday. Our streaming setup is not at the same level as the giant churches. As the Lutheran Librarian has said, "Money determines how the data is compressed and de-compressed."
7. Vimeo has upgraded its service, and we have worked on various improvements - the HP chapel computer, the Yeti mike, sound absorption on the back wall and a shrouded metal filing cabinet, a speaker stand to point the new Bose speakers directly at the Yeti microphone.
8. The hymns will be linked on all the services, an Internet service from the Tacoma congregation. I will play the hymns from the hard drive, which is what the audio guy recommended.
9. The service is sent by packets of data, so if that is overwhelming in sending or receiving, the sound will suffer. Lowering the sound made it better, the best I have noticed. Really loud Toccata and Fugue from YouTube made the reception in the other room faint, more like "I give up!"

65,000 punch cards were needed for 4 megs of memory. My aunt did that kind of work at a printing company for John Deere.

Copy and paste has new meaning - we all take it for granted. Some students "write their papers" that way.

Friday, November 25, 2022

The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry - Alec Satin - Lutheran Librarian