Thursday, February 9, 2023

Why Do LCMS and WELS - Bosom Buddies in Buffoonery - Need To Explain To Us What Luther Wrote?

The Introduction to the Large Catechism begins with the efficacy of the Word in the first two sentences. Missouri, WELS, ELS, and ELCA have much in common, especially when pointedly rejecting the efficacy of God's Word and mocking Justification by Faith.

Luther's second paragraph states that their frivolous mocking of the Word should leave them starved, driven out, dogs pursuing them, with dung raining down on their heads. No, the overfed and overly soused synodical leaders and professors drive out the faithful, hide their own felonies from the public, and beg a pro-abortion insurance company for even more loot for their luxuries.

I have seen countless examples of these self-appointed Luther scholars citing the Reformer and then explaining what is clear in Luther while turning it upside-down. Justification by Faith, so clearly taught in Romans 4 (and throughout the Bible) is converted by the zombie theologues into: 
1. Everyone is already forgiven and saved. That is Objective Justification.
2. Only those who make a decision for OJ are actually and completely forgiven.
3. Everyone in Hell is a guilt-free saint.

Bellyache though they may, these experts who stagger from the weight of their newest Almy costumes, know the three points are exactly what Walther, Bishop Martin Stephan STD,  Ed Preuss, and the Preus Horde have taught. However, Robert Preus saw the light in his last book, Justification and Rome.

That is my definition of dumb - two brothers (Rolf and Dan) who claim to have edited Justification and Rome, yet argue against the substance of the book whenever they start yapping on the topic of the Chief Article of Christianity.

Below are some colorful flashcards I created with Photoshop. I was younger and thought graphic quotations would penetrate Lutherdom's stony fortresses of Pietism, Calvinism, and rationalism.



Nadia Bolz-Weber does her own style of entertainment "evangelism," since she was a stand-up comic at one time.

Luther was mocked by clever boys, girls, and the undecided at Wartburg Seminary, ELCA, which was founded by Loehe.

Matt the Fatt Harrison Proves "A Double-Minded Man Is Unstable in All His Ways." CPH Scandal about Latest Venture with ELCA - Luther's Large Catechism

KJV James 1:8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

They came up with another LCMS-ELCA distorted text, stopped, and then started again, because this book will sell faster than Peyton Place. "Here I waffle. I can do no other. So help me, ELCA."

ELCA's professor and advocate worked with LCMS to produce a joint publication of The Book of Concord.

The Beck Bible is just another RSV hack, rejecting the KJV Apostolic Text of the New Testament while using the Pope's Codex Vaticanus and Tischendorf's fraudulent Codex Sinaiticus. The Beck Bible semi-demi-rejected the resurrection of Christ in Mark 16, so Beck was way ahead of the Voelz commentary on Mark, which favors the Codex Vaticanus. In short, the modern anti-KJV versions erase many of the original verses and phrases concerning faith in Christ and His divinity. These highly promoted National Council of Churches plus the NIV (RSV, NRSV, ESV + NIV = the Evil Four) paraphrases do not agree with each other, so veering away from the KJV (for fun and profit) undermines doctrine and the English language.

Theodore P. Letis

“Moreover, those clergy who have obediently fallen in line with the New Tradition have sent a clear signal to their parishioners and colleagues that, unlike William Tyndale, they no longer find the verbal view of inspiration compelling.”

The Ecclesiastical Text: Text Criticism, Biblical Authority, and the Popular Mind, 1997.


Alexander McClure

“The first decided steps, however, toward giving to the English nation a Bible printed in their own tongue, were the translations of the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, made by William Tyndale, and by him printed at Hamburg, in the year 1524; -- and a translation of the whole of the New Testament, printed by him partly at Cologne, and partly at Worms, in 1525.”