Saturday, February 18, 2023

From the Official Magazine of a Dying ELCA - A Magazine Called Living Lutheran. WELS/ELS/LCMS Are Just a Few Steps Behind ELCA.


The article is linked here.

"The transfiguration is one of my favorite magical Bible stories. It makes me think of some of the best Disney transformation moments. I can just see that bright shining face, that dazzling white robe and Jesus floating above the mountain with Ariel singing of that moment she got her legs. Or maybe it was more of a whirlwind and whoosh a la Cinderella, with a bibbidi-bobbidi-boo.

However it happened, whatever the specifics, it must have been spectacular. Let’s think about the scene. Jesus and the disciples have been traveling for quite some time. They don’t have a change of clothes with them, just what they are wearing, because they have been relying on the kindness of strangers for shelter and provisions, and there are no such things as showers or running water.

So Jesus probably stank. He had melanin-rich skin, darkened from the sun; well-worn clothes, their hems tattered; dark woolly curls; and a matted beard. That’s the image of Jesus I have...."


GJ -

Missouri and WELS have been fully involved with ELCA since it began in 1987, and before that with the ALC/LCA. But they are "spoiling the Egyptians," as David Valleskey likes to say.

The Bible Breakers Remind Me of Luther's Greatest Quip about the Roman Empire

One good reason to read, study, save, and post material is to embed those thoughts and critiques. The graphic above is one of my favorites, though the best Luther comment on this topic is about the Pantheon, the temple devoted to all gods, the new version built around 126 AD. The Pantheon is still considered an architectural wonder. Luther said,
"They worshiped every god except the One, True God."

One published statement about the KJV reminds all readers that every denomination has adopted the KJV as its own. But not the Roman Catholics, of course. Instead, we have the "Lutheran" LCMS adopting Codex Vaticanus as its main source for its bloated, heresy-filled commentary on the Gospel of Mark.

The King ordered one Bible for reading from the pulpit and lectern in England. The crown was no longer murdering people for translating the Bible into English - a long-standing order which started with a Pope. Therefore, earlier translations could have continued, but they quickly became museum pieces due to the overwhelming clarity of the (Tyndale) King James.

The majority opinion prevails today - with 60% reading the KJV/NKJV - overwhelming the pathetic Evil Four Plus One - RSV, ESV, NRSV, NIV plus the Otten-Hale-blessed Beck.

The Left-wing denominational leaders - including Matt the Fatt and Mirthless Mark Schroeder - promote and get kickbacks from the Evil Four, while disparaging and ignoring the King James Version. The mainline, apostate denominations venerate every Bible but the King James, because they get kickbacks from the Bible breakers who know they can make a profit by sharing the profits and hating the prophets.

When new, bad Bibles come out, the publishers are anxious to prove how many denominations have listed their professors as Me Too translators. The NIV was surrounded by that glow with John Jeske as one of their "experts" who had to admit in print that some passages were outright stupid. But Mirthless Mark pressed on with the New NIV, even stupider and worser than the original.

Our congregation is distributing free copies of the KJV, the portable sized ones for the jail ministry, the Super Giant Print ones especially favored by veterans of cataract surgery, useful for lecterns and pulpits as well. We just got another box from I said to Big John, our Bible distributor, "I am only going to give you KJV Bibles, because the others are inferior." He said, "There is no other."

Yes, you can tell this is a Photoshop, because Harrison is 50 pounds lighter and Archbishop Liz is not wearing her Thrivent Builds badge.

This was probably for the dedication of a new donut shop at the Purple Palace. Scholars are divided.

One of the three Lutheran sects is honest about its agenda.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

New Additions for the KJV List - The Sources Thoughtfully Posted at the End of Each Quotation

The Byzantine New Testament in the original Greek preserves the Apostolic or Traditional Text. The New Testament text for the KJV was edited by Erasmus, the greatest Greek scholar of his time.


New Additions for The KJV List

What happened to supporters of English-language Bibles?

Although Wycliffe had died in 1384, he did not escape Papal retribution. In 1415 he was declared a heretic, his bones were exhumed and burned along with his books, and the ashes cast into the River Swift at Lutterworth. By then the Lollard movement was in decline and it would be a hundred years before further attempts were made for an English Bible.

British Library 

How did the Tyndale Bible come about?

The preachings of Martin Luther, challenging the authority of the Pope, lit the flames of Protestantism across Europe in the 1520s. In 1521, the Pope condemned Luther's writings and ordered that they be burned. Henry VIII, who had an extensive theological education, opposed Luther's views, and the Pope conferred on Henry the title 'Defender of the Faith'. There were public burnings of Luther's books in London.

Flouting the ban on translating the Bible by working abroad, William Tyndale published his English version of the New Testament in Germany in 1525. Some copies were smuggled in to Britain, but many were burned – as was Tyndale, at the stake, in 1536, after being betrayed while working on his translation of the Old Testament. His last words were reportedly, “Lord! Open the King of England's eyes”.

British Library


How did the King James version come about?

But by Shakespeare's time, England had split with Rome, and the political scenery had changed markedly. Bibles in English were now available, such as Henry VIII's authorised 'Great Bible'; the 'Geneva Bible', copiously furnished with Protestant footnotes.

King James I (r. 1603–25; he was also James VI of Scotland) abolished the death penalty attached to English Bible translation, and commissioned a new version that would use the best available translations and sources, and importantly, be free of biased footnotes and commentaries.

The translation committee of 50 scholars drew on many sources, especially Tyndale's New Testament (as much as 80% of Tyndale's translation is reused in the King James version). The result was first printed in 1611, and was 'appointed to be read in churches'. For this purpose, it was published in a large format, suitable for public use, and without illustrations. The use of the antiquated 'black letter' font was intended to add status and authority to the new version.

British Library


Impact of the KJV

Today, when Americans reach for their Bibles, more than half (55%) of them still reach for the King James Version. Many Christians were brought up with the King James Version and appreciate the familiarity of it. Its language is a part of their spiritual vocabulary.

In Psalm 119:1, David says, “Thy Word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin against thee.” The cadence, rhythm, and flow of the King James Version has helped facilitate that “hiding” process in countless hearts. Its memorable phrasing has a timeless appeal.

Alexander Geddes, a Roman Catholic priest and translation scholar, summarized it best in 1792 when he wrote of the King James Bible:

“If accuracy, fidelity, and the strictest attention to the letter of the text, be supposed to constitute the qualities of an excellent version, this of all versions, must, in general, be accounted the most excellent. Every sentence, every word, every syllable, and every letter and point, seems to have been weighed with the nicest exactitude; and expressed, either in the text, or margin, with the greatest precision.”

Thomas Nelson Bibles 


King James Bible: How it changed the way we speak

 - BBC

The impact of the King James Bible, which was published 400 years ago, is still being felt in the way we speak and write, says Stephen Tomkins.

No other book, or indeed any piece of culture, seems to have influenced the English language as much as the King James Bible. Its turns of phrase have permeated the everyday language of English speakers, whether or not they've ever opened a copy.

The Sun says Aston Villa "refused to give up the ghost". Wendy Richard calls her EastEnders character Pauline Fowler "the salt of the earth". The England cricket coach tells reporters, "You can't put words in my mouth." Daily Mirror fashion pages call Tilda Swinton "a law unto herself".

Though each of those phrases was begotten of the loins of the English Bible, it's safe to say that none of those speakers was deliberately quoting the Bible to people they expected to be familiar with its contents.

And while a 2009 survey by Durham University found that only 38% of us know the parable of prodigal son, a recent book by the linguist David Crystal, appropriately called Begat: The King James Bible and the English language, counts 257 phrases from the King James Bible in contemporary English idiom.

Such statistics take us back to days of old when this Bible was the daily reading of millions of people throughout the English speaking world, from Northamptonshire cobblers to US presidents - though not perhaps so far distant in the latter case.

Readers absorbed its language both directly and through other reading. Tennyson considered Bible reading "an education in itself", while Dickens called the New Testament "the very best book that ever was or ever will be known in the world."

The US statesman Daniel Webster said: "If there is anything in my thoughts or style to commend, the credit is due to my parents for instilling in me an early love of the Scriptures." Equally celebrated as a British orator, TB Macaulay said that the translation demonstrated "the whole extent of [the] beauty and power" of the English language.

Why has its influence been so marked? Alister McGrath, professor of theology, ministry and education at King's College, London, is the author of In the Beginning: the Story of the King James Bible and how it changed a Nation, a Language and a Culture.

He points to several reasons. The Bible was "a very public text", he says. "It would have been read aloud in churches very, very extensively, which would have imprinted it on people's minds."

Then, going back to the likes of Dickens and Webster, there's the way influential people mediated and amplified the effect.

"The King James Bible" says McGrath, "had a very significant influence on the movers and shakers, particularly in London, who had a huge influence on what ordinary people took to be good English."

Another reason was that the time was ripe. "English was in a particularly fluid state. Both the works of Shakespeare and the King James Bible appeared around this formative time and stamped their imprint on the newer forms of the language."



Baylor Baptist University

How the King James Bible changed the world

The year 2011 marks the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James translation of the Bible, one of the landmark events in the history of Christianity -- in the history of the faith in England, in Europe, and ultimately on a global scale. To commemorate the event, Baylor University recently played host to a remarkable international conference on "The King James Bible and the World it Made, 1611-2011." The need for such a celebration seemed obvious enough, given the translation's vast importance in shaping Anglo-American culture and literature, language and politics; but it was of course the book's central religious element that made it such a natural fit for Baylor. It is scarcely too much to say that the King James Bible represents a critical foundation of Protestant Christianity in the English-speaking world, and the book's influence ranges deep into other traditions. How could we let such an epochal moment pass without proper notice?

In 1611, the new British state headed by King James I issued its translation of the complete Bible, "newly translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. By His Majesty's special command. Appointed to be read in churches." The book gave English-speaking Christians a common standard through which they could express their faith. Soon, the spread of printing technology meant that this translation above all became the definitive Bible that believers kept in their houses, and before too long, carried in their pockets. Although originally intended for Anglicans, the new translation soon spread its influence across the spectrum of emerging denominations and sects, as it gave voice to Presbyterians and Congregationalists, Quakers and Baptists. After all, King James's reign coincided with an astonishingly spiritual ferment, as Protestants debated furiously their relationship with the state and whether it was even possible for faithful Christians to accept the decisions of secular power. The year 1609, for instance, marked the beginning of the Baptist churches in the English-speaking world.

"England has two books, the Bible and Shakespeare. England made Shakespeare, but the Bible made England."

- Victor Hugo

And of course, there was a vast global dimension. When we recall how English colonies were beginning to spread around the world in 1611 -- how a settlement was already developing tentatively in Virginia (from 1607), with Massachusetts only a few years away -- we realize how wonderfully the translators timed their work, how providentially. Over the coming centuries, the Christianity of the British Isles would become a driving force in Christian expansion worldwide -- in North America, in Africa, in the Caribbean, in South Asia -- and wherever those believers went, they brought with them the structures and cadences of the King James Bible. Whenever and wherever English-speaking Christians debated their faith, when they debated the nuances of words and phrases, the words over which they battled were those of a common Bible translation, the one that appeared in 1611.

The King James Bible formed the emerging Protestant Christianity of the Anglo-American world, and that claim is stunning in its own right. But the text had an impact even beyond that, shaping the whole culture of the English-speaking world. As even its bitterest detractors concede, the 1611 Bible is a literary masterpiece of the first order, a triumph of both prose and verse. If the year 1611 coincided with the beginnings of the British Empire, it also marked the high point of the English Renaissance. The new Bible translation appeared within a couple of years of the first performance of some of the greatest plays in English -- William Shakespeare's "The Tempest" and "The Winter's Tale," John Webster's "The White Devil" and "The Duchess of Malfi," Ben Jonson's "The Alchemist" -- and at the time of John Donne's poetry, and the philosophy and science of Sir Francis Bacon. (Even this list does not begin to mention the contemporary achievements in music, architecture and the visual arts.)

The Bible translators were working in an era of staggering literary accomplishment, but moreover at a time when writers felt no inhibitions about restructuring the language and its literary forms, or of coining hundreds of new words as it fitted their moods and met their purposes. Nor did they have the slightest hesitation about borrowing freely from foreign cultures, or about drawing from the humble plebeian forms they saw all around them; all was grist. In the hands of these linguistic entrepreneurs, the English language was passing through an intoxicating period of transformation and re-creation.

What a moment in history! Rudyard Kipling celebrated the making of England in a once-famous poem, which appeared in the tercentennial year of the King James Version, in 1911: "England's on the anvil! Heavy are the blows! (But the work will be a marvel when it's done.) ... England's being hammered, hammered, hammered into shape!"

To adapt his words slightly, around 1611 the English language likewise was being hammered into shape, and the Bible translators were both the beneficiaries of this process and its craftsmen. The King James Bible survives as a definitive monument of the process of invention -- and the work was, indeed, a marvel when it was done. This was the work that would soon find itself on the shelves of millions of ordinary, faithful believers, and even for those who could not read, these were the words they would hear in the church and marketplace. French writer Victor Hugo thought that "England has two books, the Bible and Shakespeare. England made Shakespeare, but the Bible made England."

The new Bible indeed shaped the emerging English language, and spread those patterns of speech, thought and meter throughout the world. And the fact that this Bible, of course, proclaimed the core Judeo-Christian message and worldview meant that those were the irreducible, foundational ideas of the English-speaking world. Noting the power that speech and language possess in shaping thought and behavior, linguistic scholars declare not that we speak language, but rather that "language speaks us." After the King James Bible, English speakers had no option but to declare that Scripture speaks us. The quirks of the King James translators became a basic part of our everyday speech and thought.

Most observers would say that this heritage has been vastly beneficial in linking religious truth so closely with linguistic majesty, aesthetic splendor and verbal precision. Among other things, the King James Bible established a universally familiar pattern of what "religious speech" should sound like in English. The model would be followed by virtually every alternative gospel and new prophetic revelation over the centuries to come, although the results would often represent a pastiche. Of course, it is implied, God must be speaking in this bold new text: Does He not sound like He did in 1611?

Just how fundamental a part of our language the Bible's words have become is hard to exaggerate. In a recent piece in the British newspaper The Independent, journalist Boyd Tonkin illustrates the point:

"In a secular age where ignorance of religion goes from strength to strength (Psalms 84:7) among lovers of filthy lucre (1 Timothy 3:8) who only want to eat, drink and be merry (Luke 12:19), we know for a certainty (Joshua 23:13) that these resonant words endure as a fly in the ointment (Ecclesiastes 10:1) and a thorn in the flesh
(2 Corinthians 12:7) of the powers that be (Romans 13:1). They can still set the teeth on edge (Jeremiah 31:29) of those who try to worship God and Mammon (Matthew 6:24). But does this ancient book, proof that there is no new thing under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9), now cast its pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6), and act as a voice crying in the wilderness (Luke 3:4) -- a drop in a bucket (Isaiah 40:15) of unbelief, no longer a sign of the times (Matthew 16:3) but a verbal stumbling-block (Leviticus 19:14)?"

Yet while Christianity might be on the defensive in some parts of the world, it is clearly thriving and expanding elsewhere. Indeed, we live at an astonishing time in the expansion of Christianity beyond its historic heartlands, as the church grows with astonishing rapidity in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Even thinkers not sympathetic to the Bible's message still praise its language. Famous skeptic H. L. Mencken found in the King James "a mine of lordly and incomparable poetry, at once the most stirring and the most touching ever heard of." Another remarkable testimonial to the influence of the KJV comes from New Atheist thinker Richard Dawkins, who normally has nothing good to say about any aspect of religion. On the King James, however, he becomes lyrical, so much so that he prays, apologetically, "Forgive me, spirit of science!" But as he asks, how on earth can anyone who cares about language be so ignorant and insensitive as not to appreciate the magnificent tones of the KJV? He continues, again freely quoting King James-isms, "If my words fall on stony ground -- if you pass me by as a voice crying in the wilderness -- be sure your sin will find you out. Between us there is a great gulf fixed and you are a thorn in my flesh. We have come to the parting of the ways. I fear it is a sign of the times." And those are the words of a declared mortal enemy of the Bible!

No serious study of literature in English can neglect the impact of the 1611 Bible, and that is equally true for any century from the 17th through the 20th. All the great canonical authors are immersed in that Bible, even (or especially) those who reject its fundamental religious message. To put it ironically, the Bible they reject is the 1611 version, which created the literary air we breathe. The King James language informs and inspires American literature, from Herman Melville and Nathaniel Hawthorne through Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner. It has its special power in African American tradition, from Frederick Douglass through Alice Walker.

Scientists too, as well as literary giants, found their awestruck vision of the universe in this Bible. When Samuel Morse sent his first revolutionary telegraph message in 1844, it quoted the Book of Numbers in -- what else? -- King James English: "What hath God wrought!" Historians sometimes use that phrase to encapsulate the ecstatic spirit of joy in discovery that characterized 19th-century America, but the innovation was rooted in that ancient English-speaking past.

Politically, too, the language of the 1611 Bible is inextricably bound up with the evolving discourse in freedom, in Britain and its Commonwealth, but above all in the American colonies and the later United States. John Winthrop famously envisaged a "city upon a hill." As the Liberty Bell proclaims -- quoting the King James translation of Leviticus -- "Proclaim freedom throughout the land!" And the prophetic visions of Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and other radical reformers were, almost infallibly, framed in the language of King James. The dreams they had owed their shape to the visionary translators of 1611. If, generally, Scripture speaks us, then specifically, the King James Bible spoke America.

Given the central role of the 1611 translation, its quadricentennial naturally demands celebration, with an added sense of rededication. But beyond commemoration, the anniversary also calls for a rethinking of the text and its importance in the 21st century, and these themes have stimulated much recent writing and research. For example, the original King James Bible owed its success to the development of new media forms that massively democratized access to knowledge in the form of cheap printing. That era began the great era of printed text, an epoch that may be drawing to its end in our day. We must think just how the Bible adapts to new forms of media technology.

In wider terms, we look at the Christian world which relies on the Bible, whether the King James or some later version. For centuries, the King James stood at the heart of Christian culture in the Anglosphere, the English-speaking world. But what is the role of Christian culture in much of that world today, in the face of widespread secularization? Countries like Great Britain and Australia are today among the most secular on the planet. We must ask what relevance that history has in these post-Christian cultures: At what point does the Bible cease to be the anchor of a Christian culture?

Yet while Christianity might be on the defensive in some parts of the world, it is clearly thriving and expanding elsewhere. Indeed, we live at an astonishing time in the expansion of Christianity beyond its historic heartlands, as the church grows with astonishing rapidity in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Many of these, particularly in Africa, have tremendous devotion to the King James tradition, in a world in which English is becoming a lingua franca. As scholars, we must explore how the experiences of these newer churches compare with the historical record of the English-speaking world. What can we in the global North learn from them -- or they from us?

Four hundred years after the King James Bible, it would be tempting to consign its story to the past, to see it as fading into antiquity. Yet the more we consider the King James phenomenon, the truer we may find the words of William Faulkner: "The past is never dead. It's not even past." If we do not understand where our Christian tradition comes from, we cannot begin to understand our future.

Baylor University

Touch Not the Lord's Anointed! - Disastrous Dogmatic Works -
Like Margarine, Instant Coffee, and Twinkies.
Did Jesus Preach Sermons or Teach in Categories?

"All mankind" means Universalism.

  1. F. Pieper mashed everything together.
  2. Karl Barth moved his mistress-assistant - Charlotte Kirschbaum - into his home.
  3. Paul Tillich slept with the wives of his students. 
  4. Braaten-Jenson's dogmatics echoed the emptiness of Tillich.
  5. MDivs are now proclaiming the dogma of Halle University, Fuller Seminary, Trinity Divinity.
 LCMS motto - Do not touch!
ELDONUTs - Donuts! Touch!

"Touch Not the Lord's Anointed!" Psalm 105:15

The slogan above has been used, especially by Pentecostal ministers, to tell everyone that they cannot be criticized, because they alone are the Lord's anointed.

I have noticed over the years that the fans of the dogmaticians have protected their intellectual leaders - even Walther - with cries of outrage if anyone dares to notice the slightest imperfection.

Otten blended Walther and Dr. Walter Maier, OJ and Justification by Faith. "I sell to both sides of the issue." The quotations below are from Otten's book selling to the Maier side.

F. Pieper managed to blend Halle's Objective (Faithless) Justification with the Bible's Justification by Faith. He also artfully mixed the efficacy of the Word in the Means of Grace into his enormous dogmatics. Pieper was the key in moving the Synodical Conference into OJ, because he was anointed by Walter to replace the kidnapper-thief boss at the St. Louis seminary.

The Otten generation of pastors liked to say that Missouri fell apart after Pieper died. That was true, but not precise. Donated by WELS, F. Pieper had the presidency of the synod and seminary to completely establish Objective (Faithless) Justification. That sounds just like Walther's need to dominate, which was expressed in CFW's maneuver to choose his seminary successor, F. Pieper.

Pieper's death in 1931 gave him added value as the former professor, former author, former seminary president, former synod president. None dare call his work dogmatic because it came straight from heaven or rather Walther and Stephan! Pieper's artful but dishonest blending of Luther and Walther gave the Midwestern sects the man-made Walther-Pieper ruling norm. The 1932 Brief Statement sounded pretty good, pretty Biblical. But BS 1932 included the hilariously bad section enforcing Objective (Faithless) Justification - by citing Biblical passages that have nothing to do with their Walther-blessed, Stephan-anointed, Pieper-promoting OJ.

Walther deliberately drove away the parts of the Synodical Conference which noticed his evil dogma, taught against it, and left. Walther was at war against faith and used election to model Calvin's peculiar double predestination dogma. As many have said, double predestination was in every edition of Calvin's Institutes.

The DNA is not difficult to trace. The Pietists and Calvinists ignored:  
The efficacy of the Word and 
The Means of Grace, while corrupting 
Justification by Faith.

Where do the leaders and professors of ELCA, WELS, LCMS, and ELS go? Fuller Seminary and Trinity Divinity, not to mention their own Calvinistic Pietistic Rationalistic faculties. In fact,
everyone but Luther is welcome.

Montgomery loves OJ but hates the way Missouri is accepting and selling fraudulent modern Bibles. The NIV has added OJ to its list of barbaric, stupid, and corrupt paraphrase - so WELS loves it as much as Fuller and Trinity combined.

Karl Barth and Charlotte Kirschbaum

Charlotte Kirchbaum worked for Karl Barth for almost nothing and moved into his house with him, his wife, and the Barth children. Karl and Charlotte were reds.

Karl stopped publishing soon after Charlotte died. Was it grief or plagiarism?

My wife and I met George Hunsinger and his first wife at Yale Divinity. 

People are past the Barth craze of the 1960s. Now his/her dogmatics can be purchased for almost nothing. The model of Barth's dogmatics - often denied - is modern Calvinism as a veneer for Marxism. The Calvinists were recently shocked that Charlotte was doing more than sharpening pencils for Karl. They were blubbering like Santa was really the Grinch.

Paul Tillich - The Courage To Copulate

Paul Tillich slept with the wives of his students, who thought that was cool. He was an early hippie.

I wrote off Tillich as the favorite of a professor, who was also the future dean at Waterloo Seminary. Tillich was the favorite of the head of my program, a liberal Calvinist, at Notre Dame. A future Harvard professor was earlier president of the Barth Society and also a big Tillich fan. Long before the scandals about Tillich, I was more than a little bored of him and his cutesy sayings.

Tillich's main contribution was creating a dogmatics publication that used Christian topics to serve his philosophical imagination. Tillich was a bridge for the leftist Lutherans and their Braaten-Jenson Christian Dogmatics.

As I have written before, the Braaten-Jenson two-volume dogmatics is little more than a ponderously rejection of Christian doctrine as their Here I Stand moment in publishing. The newly forming ELCA denied their status as a textbook but also bragged it was used in all their seminaries. The ELCA seminary count has plummeted ever since.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Wednesday Night Sexagesima Service - 7 PM Central


Bethany Lutheran Church

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

7 PM Central

The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16

Awake, why sleepest Thou, O Lord? 
Arise, cast us not off forever.
Wherefore hidest Thou Thy face: 
and forgettest our affliction?
Our soul is bowed down to the dust: 
arise for our help and redeem us.
Psalm. We have heard with our ears, O God: 
our fathers have told us what work 
Thou didst in their days.

The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19

O God, who seest that we put not our trust in anything that we do, mercifully grant that by Thy power we may be defended against all adversity; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, 
who liveth, etc.

The Epistle and Gradual    

Let the nations know that Thy name is Jehovah: Thou alone art the Most High over all the earth.
V. O my God, make them like a wheel 
and like chaff before the wind.
Tract. Thou, O Lord, hast made the earth 
to tremble and hast broken it.
V. Heal the breaches thereof, for it shaketh.
V. That Thy beloved may be delivered, save with Thy right hand.

The Gospel              
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn # 339          All Hail the Power
The Word Is a Living Seed

The Hymn # 308                    Invited Lord                          
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn #46       On What Has Now Been Sown

Prayers and Announcements
  • Medical care - Dr. Kermit Way, Pastor Jim Shrader, Lito Cruz and Pastor K - diabetes, Callie, Anita Engleman.

 Norma A. Boeckler

2 Corinthians 11:19 For ye suffer fools gladly, seeing ye yourselves are wise.
20 For ye suffer, if a man bring you into bondage, if a man devour you, if a man take of you, if a man exalt himself, if a man smite you on the face.  21 I speak as concerning reproach, as though we had been weak. Howbeit whereinsoever any is bold, (I speak foolishly,) I am bold also.  22 Are they Hebrews? so am I. Are they Israelites? so am I. Are they the seed of Abraham? so am I.  23 Are they ministers of Christ? (I speak as a fool ) I am more; in labours more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequent, in deaths oft.  24 Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one.  25 Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep;  26 In journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen,in perils by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren;  27 In weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness.  28 Beside those things that are without, that which cometh upon me daily, the care of all the churches.  29 Who is weak, and I am not weak? who is offended, and I burn not?  30 If I must needs glory, I will glory of the things which concern mine infirmities.  31 The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is blessed for evermore, knoweth that I lie not.  32 In Damascus the governor under Aretas the king kept the city of the Damascenes with a garrison, desirous to apprehend me:  33 And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and escaped his hands. 12:1 It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord.  2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven.  3 And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;)  4 How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.  5 Of such an one will I glory: yet of myself I will not glory, but in mine infirmities.  6 For though I would desire to glory, I shall not be a fool; for I will say the truth: but now I forbear, lest any man should think of me above that which he seeth me to be, or that he heareth of me.  7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. 8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me.  9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

By Norma Boeckler

KJV Luke 8:4 And when much people were gathered together, and were come to him out of every city, he spake by a parable:  5 A sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it.  6 And some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture.  7 And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it.  8 And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold. And when he had said these things, he cried, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. 9 And his disciples asked him, saying, What might this parable be?  10 And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand. 11 Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. 12 Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved. 13 They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away. 14 And that which fell among thorns are they, which, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection. 15 But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.


The Word Is a Living Seed

KJV Luke 8:4 And when much people were gathered together, and were come to him out of every city, he spake by a parable:

The parables of Jesus are unique, though many try to make them fit into similar categories. The parables are unique because they are taught by God in the flesh, the Word Incarnate (Incarnate meaning "in the flesh" in Latin).

Nothing from man can equal Jesus' parables, which why we should pay special attention to them. Jesus said they were for believers, which is why they seem puzzling to non-believers. Apostates - who have fallen away from the Christian Faith, harden their hearts against the parables and against the divinity of Christ. Religion and seminary professors are usually apostates, using their former faith to ridicule believers or those teetering on the edge of unbelief.

Matthew, Mark, and Luke have almost the same version of this parable. John supplemented these parables with additional ones, like I AM the Good Shepherd.

5 A sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it. 

The seed in this parable (and other places, such as James) is the Word of God. God's Creation has many ways to multiply, such as spores. Seed and God's Word are very close, having two natures. The flower becomes the seed, and the seed is always ready to grow and take root, unless its destiny is foiled.

Here we see the Word is trampled down in compacted earth of the path and the birds quickly devour it. If you garden, you often notice birds take notice and chortle among themselves. They look for seed and living creatures to devour. They have a complex method of leaving some for the next shift or for larger, more aggressive birds, and squirrels. Soon all traces are gone.

The Bible exists in such an abundance that people take it for granted. No other ancient book is so well preserved. No other book is translated into so many languages and in so many forms. When the grape presses were turned into printing machines, Europe was flooded with Bibles and Christian books.

Broadcast used to mean throwing seeds by hand. Now we cast the Word of God through email, blogs, radio, TV, and Internet.

The Word of God is trampled underfoot, not only by unbelievers but also by those who abuse and mock the Scriptures and rely on non-Christian and anti-Christian distortions. The seed and the Word are alive, but they can be snuffed out. 

All the trappings can be there - and no faith in Christ taught or experienced.

Am I the only one noting that the Church Growth Movement has caused a catastrophic decline in the churches? Millions of dollars have been spent on CGM classes, books, programs, popcorn machines, and soft drinks. They also sponsor Bible study in bars, for alcoholic pastors and members. True? True!

6 And some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture. 

This is also so clear we can cannot miss its meanings. Jesus Himself saw people filled with joy from the Word but falling away. As the disciples (not the 12) said in John 6, "Those are hard words!" - and they no longer walked with Jesus.

Great joy and faith were shouted when Jesus rode into Jerusalem as the Son of David, the Messiah. That withered away. Strengthened by the Resurrection and the Ascension, the Apostles quickly established congregations before they died. And their followers were persecuted and killed while spreading the Faith.


7 And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it.

Thorns grow well where the soil is rich, and the wealthy suburbs have a way of building deluxe chapels, providing deluxe housing and cars, and having little to do with spreading the Gospel. 

14 And that which fell among thorns are they, which, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection.
As Luther often said, God has His own way of spreading the Gospel. And that is only with pure Word, not with a mixed message, not with sugar coating or tricks and schemes.

8 And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold. And when he had said these things, he cried, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

It is the Word of God that grows, and we know that the Gospel must be cultivated by the various ways in which the effective Word acts upon us -
  1. By hearing the Word
  2. By speaking the Word
  3. By remembering the Word.

 Norma A. Boeckler designed the Bethany altar
and created this photograph of it.