Saturday, April 15, 2023

Some of the Crimes of The Great Walther Listed

This is how the LCMS portrays the Immaculate Walther's saintly arrival. He was born forgiven and saved, so his crimes against Christian doctrine and ordinary human behavior were already absolved.


Some of Walther's Crimes Listed
  1. He kidnapped his niece and nephew from his father's parsonage.
  2. He avoided the police and let his future mother-in-law take the rap while he hid.
  3. He and the Walther circle, extreme Pietists, knew Pastor Martin Stephan, STD, was a serial adulterer who preyed upon young women.
  4. He called himself a pastor even though he left his call.
  5. He concealed Stephan's syphilis from the group until it was revealed that young women in the group were infected by his seductions. Walther and his pals created a story that a sermon made one of the young women confess Stephan's adultery, even though the key leaders must of known this earlier, since Stephan went to spas for his syphilis symptoms.
  6. Stephan left his wife and children behind in Europe, taking his mistress (adjoining cabin) and his son on the same ship. 
  7. Walther secretly took back the property title given to Bishop Stephan, prior to the riot he organized. Later, he talked Stephan's son out of the ownership. Two felonies.
  8. When Walther brought the rioters down from St. Louis, only those against Stephan were allowed to come. His brother did not. Check Walther's Pastoral Theology for missing insights.
  9. The Walther rioters threatened Stephan's life, kicked him out of his house, took his entire library, stole all of the bishop's money and possessions, and forced him across the Mississippi at gunpoint. 
  10. Stephan tried to get his wealth, books, and land back in court but did not succeed. Walther used the stolen chalice for communion at his St. Louis church. 
  11. Stephan's son went back to Germany, became an architect, and returned to St. Louis to became a pastor. Walther made a point of undermining Stephan's son in the ministry. 
  12. Walther blamed Stephan's adultery on Mrs. Stephan.
  13. The LCMS continues to deny the crimes of The Great Walther and keeps the evidence hidden away. 

Daily Quote from Luther's Sermons


Link - Luther's Sermon on the Unbelief of Thomas - The First Sunday after Easter 


11. Finally, we have in St. Thomas an illustration of the power of Christ’s resurrection. We just heard how firm and even stiff-necked he was in unbelief, that although the other disciples unitedly testified that they had seen the risen Lord, yet he simply will not believe it. He appears to have been a fine and brave character who had thoroughly concluded that he would not so soon believe the others. For he had seen that the Lord only three days before was put to death on the cross and the nails driven through his hands and feet and the spear pierced his side. This picture was so indelibly and deeply impressed upon him that he simply could not in the least believe what the others told him, that Christ was risen. Therefore he promptly and defiantly says: “Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” He thus utters a hyperbole, an exaggerated statement, that he will not believe his eyes alone, but will feel and grope about Christ’s body with his hands. As if he would say: No one shall persuade me to believe, but I will stand so firmly upon no, that I will not believe even if I see him, as you say you saw him. But should I believe it, then he must come so near to me, that, if it were possible, I may touch his soul and put my hands into his eyes.

12. That is to be steeped very firmly and deeply in unbelief. 

Justification by Faith - For and Against


Friday, April 14, 2023

Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry - "What the World Owes Luther" - by Junius Remensnyder


What the World owes Luther
by Junius Remensnyder