Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Math-Science Breakthrough at the University of Water, Ontario -
Where Christina Jackson Earned Her MA in German Literature


When we went to Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, in 1970, I enrolled at Martin Luther University Seminary, whose legal name is still Waterloo Lutheran Seminary.

Christina soon got a job at the University of Waterloo, a short walk or bus-ride away. It was the spin-off of Waterloo Lutheran University, where John Warwick Montgomery and our brother-in-law Kermit Way (physical chemist) taught. UW called WLU "the little red schoolhouse down the street." 

UnitWat, as they call it, was a collection of beautiful new buildings with underground tunnels to reduce frostbite. We loved to stop by the computer center and watch the new priesthood, mainframe computer minders, silently managing the giant IBM 360 as we watched reverently through a glass wall.

If you want to look down on UniWat, they were known for computer advances decades ago. Not knowing about a school does not remove it from advances, eh?

Christina quickly went from research librarian to graduate student in German literature. All her professors were German born, except one gentleman. Her only lady professor was Gisela Brude-Fernau, PhD Yale, who was impressed with Christina's original paper about the Wandering Jew in literature.

Canadian-American Border

One Facebook Reader - Responds to Norma A. Boeckler's Graphic, Used on Today's Masthead

One Facebook reader responded to the verse -

"Norma: I've always heard that is continuing 'constant' in prayer."

Lenski wrote this in his Romans commentary - "“As regards the prayer (which is the great resource, refuge, source of strength in all tribulation for every Christian) — continuing steadfast!" This is the same participle that is used to indicate adhering with might and main to the doctrine of the apostles (Acts 2:42), for adhering together (Acts 2:46), and for adhering to prayer and supplication (Acts 1:14)."


KJV Acts 2:42And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. 

KJV Acts 2:46And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,

KJV Acts 1:14 These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren.

GJ - I like "instant" because it suggests responding with a prayer rather than the Roman Catholic custom - and other traditions - making prayer a means of grace. For example, the great hoaxer Hort said he would have stayed to pray for hours at a Mary shrine.

The ELCA-WELS-LCMS-ELS-CLC Faceplants - Or - Diving Off the Garasene Cliff


"Fuller Seminary has all the answers! We need their statistics! Thrivent will help us pay with loot from our own members! Woo-Pig-Sooie!"

Readers will not be surprised to hear the pseudo-Lutheran sects admitting their colossal failures and complete lack of direction. I could toss out some statistics being released, but these are not honest leaders. Everything is far worse than they allow.

Yes, I mean all of them - the ELCA-WELS-LCMS-ELS-CLC sects. They gradually filled their executive and committee slots with veterans of Fuller Seminary, Trinity Divinity, and the Crystal Cathedral (RIP, now Roman Catholic and Schuller's dead). They reached such a total saturation point that the mildest protest against their pagan idols of growth was met with hatred and expulsion.

To revive WELS, the floundering leaders put together a national conference featuring Jim Huebner, certified Fuller Seminary veteran, a perfect Judas goat to lead the members to the slaughter house.

Is that harsh? Look at what the Fuller Seminary goats have done to shrink their denominations, pleading their studies were all examples of safe sects. Many took on quickie DMins (which sound like demons) so everyone would call them "Dr." 

One thing is needful for these Bad-Bible-Boosters -the Evil Four plus One - RSV, NIV, ESV, NRSV plus the Beck. They need to return to the best and clearest Bible - the Masoretic text Old Testament and the Apostolic Text New Testament - King James Version. But they need the money for their slush funds, litigation, lawsuits, and plush vacations (joint synod meetings) near Little St. James Island.

This may be the most ironic fact of all - the catastrophic failure of ELCA, which was built into its 1987 illegitimate birth, has become the template for the rest of pseudo-Lutheran sects. 
  1. At least we don't ordain them. Oh, we do?
  2. At least we are not shredding members and parishes. No? Really that bad?
  3. At least we have a five-year plan. Like China's?
  4. At least we have a new hymnal. From Fuller?
  5. At least we spent millions on buildings. Schwan was one great saint, a giant amongst us. He what? And now the building costs are eating us alive?

Luther Sermon Quote of the Day - Shepherd Sunday


Misericordias Domini - Shepherd Sunday -

Link to Complete First Sermon

KJV John 10:11-16

1. This is a comforting Gospel, which so beautifully portrays the Lord Jesus and teaches us what manner of person he is, what kind of works he does, and how he is disposed toward men. And there is no better way to understand it than to contrast light and darkness and day and night; that is, the good shepherd with the wicked one, as the Lord himself does.

2. Now, you have often heard that God has given the world two different proclamations. One is that which is declared in the Word of God when it says: Thou shalt not kill, not commit adultery, not steal ( Exodus 20:13-15), and when it adds the threat that all who do not keep these commandments shall die. But this declaration will make no one godly at heart. For though it may compel a man outwardly to appear godly before men, inwardly it leaves the heart at enmity with the Law, and wishing that there were no such Law.

3. The other proclamation is that of the Gospel. It tells where one may obtain that which will meet the demands of the Law. It does not drive or threaten, but tenderly invites us. It does not say, Do this and do that, but rather: Come, I will show you where you may find and obtain what you need to make you godly. See, here is the Lord Jesus; he will give it to you.