Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Read Church Mouse about the Coronation of King Charles and His Mum Queen Elizabeth


Church Mouse is posting blogs about the coronation of King Charles III (my hosta buddy) and reflecting on the coronation of Queen Elizabeth so long ago.

I have posted a number of times about his blogging work from England and its value for us. I have noticed that he has generously linked all kinds of Lutheran blogs, instead of giving independent thinkers the stink-eye and Left Foot of Fellowship

I laugh to myself when I think of the American synods and their sycophants complaining about losses when they are the primary culprits:

  1. No grasp of Justification by Faith but drooling praise for Objective (Faithless) Justification.
  2. Praise for every Bible except the King James - the highest quality translation and text - much like Luther's Bible. The Evil Four plus One - NIV, RSV, NRSV, ESV plus the Beck serve to pad the synodical accounts and litigation costs.
  3. Their solutions for higher education involve expensive buildings and hire-a-drunk faculty, very pricey in more ways than one.
  4. None of the synods today have a Loy, Reu, Krauth, Schmauk, Leupold, or Lenski to lead them. 
  5. Synod Presidents and Archbishops (ELDONA) are more concerned with their egos than their dogma-du-jour.
  6. The leaders bled themselves dry through their Church Blasphemy Movement: their slime on your dime. "R U Unstuk?" as a recent Mequon graduate asked.

 Church Mouse Garden - 100% organic.

The Two Sacraments of Pietism - The Stink-Eye and Shunning.

The "Why are you even alive?" stink-eye is especially comical among the Pietists, who do not get their own joke.

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When someone new comes to church, this happens when they cannot prove bloodlines or the place where they were born or went to school. One Mordor seminarian said in class, "The only real Lutherans are the ones in Wisconsin." The same dunderhead thought that Luther was wrong about Holy Communion - and that Zwingli was right!

This father-son stink-eye team should make people tremble, but the dogs still look cute.

America seems to be primarily Pietistic and Calvinistic, lacking the Means of Grace and easily becoming prey to rationalism and boosterism. A good example is having "greeters"  at the church door - wearing GREETER badges - who are friendly to their own friends and suspicious about others. "What synod are you? WELS? Are you from Wisconsin?"

If someone happens to be OK, bowing to the synodical stars, and dares to question the latest fiasco, the stink-eye is engaged and shunning is soon maxed out.

The comical side of this tragedy is the leaders guiding their process in the name of having everything done smoothly. No dissent. Buffoons carry on with their obsessions last buffed up at the recent conference. Pretending to shun one another, they sit together and learn 

  1. at the Thrivent table together, 
  2. at the Fuller conference, 
  3. at the Trinity Divinity genu-wine Pietism training event, etc. '
  4. at Willow Creek Community Church, where the famous pastor chased women around the altar when no one was looking. He made sure only feminist Bibles were used at his cross-free building.
The LCMS-ELDONA tag team is especially keen about following Church of Rome worship rules. I see their virtue-signaling popping up - all over the blogs and discussion sites. They even have very special circles within the circles. The comedy comes from these elite pastors (in their minds) having no grasp of Biblical Lutheran doctrine but hammering every detail of the latest things to do, always edging toward Roman or Eastern Orthodox ordination. Like Richard J. Neuhaus - LCMS, Seminex, ELCA, Rome - they hover at the Lutheran discussion sites to shred the last shreds of Lutherdom, the bland leading the bland while posturing as martyrs burning for the sake of the Mass.

Faith in Jesus Christ unites, but these people are sectarians who must have their organization united under their own strict but flaky rules. Is it any wonder that their denominations are falling away, nay, running from them?

Faith in Jesus Christ draws people together, because their object is the Savior, not the organization. The fruits of the Spirit come from the Gospel. Love, joy, and peace are not program targets but the divine product of the efficacious Word, the Means of Grace.

Luther Sermon Quote for the Day - Shepherd Sunday


Misericordias Domini - Shepherd Sunday -

Link to Complete First Sermon

KJV John 10:11-16


5. Now, here Jesus has in mind the second proclamation. He explains it and sets himself forth as the chief shepherd, yea, as the only shepherd; for that which he does not tend is not kept. This comforting and sweet proclamation we will now consider.

6. You have heard that after his sufferings and death Christ our Lord arose from the dead and entered upon, and was enthroned in, an immortal existence. Not that he might sit up there in heaven idly and find pleasure in himself, but that he might take charge of the kingdom of which the prophets and all the Scriptures have so fully spoken, and might rule as a king. Therefore, we should think of him as being present and reigning among us continually, and never think of him as sitting up there doing nothing, but rather that he from above fills and rules all things, as Paul says to the Ephesians 4:10, and especially that he is taking care of his kingdom, which is the Christian faith, and that therefore his kingdom among us here on earth must prosper. This kingdom, as we have said, is so constituted that we all must daily increase and grow in holiness, and it is not governed by any other power save the oral proclamation of the Gospel.

7. This proclamation is not of men, but Christ himself sent it forth, and then put it into the hearts of the apostles and their successors so that they understood it, and into their mouths so that they spoke and declared it.

This is his kingdom, and so does he rule that all of his power is comprehended in and connected with the Word of God. They who hear and believe it belong to this kingdom, and the Word then becomes so mighty that it provides all that man may need and bestows all the blessings that we may desire. For it is the power of God, and it can and will save all who believe it, as St. Paul declared to the Romans 1:16. If you believe that Christ died to save you from all evil, and will hold fast to that Word, you will find it so certain and sure that no creature can overthrow it; and as no one can overthrow the Word, neither can anyone harm you who believe it. Accordingly, with the Word you will overcome sin, death, devil and hell, and you will find a refuge in the Word and attain that which is found where the Word is, namely, everlasting peace, joy and life. In short, you will be participants in all the power that is in the Word. Therefore, it is a peculiar kingdom. The Word is present and is orally proclaimed to all the world, but its power is deeply hidden, so that none but they who believe realize that it is so effective and that it accomplishes such great things. It must be experienced and realized by the heart.