Thursday, May 4, 2023

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Cantate 3 - "Therefore the Holy Spirit Rightly and Justly Convicts, As Sinful And Condemned, All Who Have Not Faith in Christ.


Cantate Sunday - Third Sermon - Link Here

23. Therefore the Holy Spirit rightly and justly convicts, as sinful and condemned, all who have not faith in Christ. For where this is wanting, other sins in abundance must follow: God is despised and hated, and the entire first table is treated with disobedience. For if one does not know God in Christ, he cannot trust him for any good thing, nor call upon him from the heart, nor know his word; but he is entangled in the devil’s lies, persecutes and blasphemes true doctrines, and continues in obstinacy and hardening, even to the degree of slandering the Holy Spirit. In consequence of this he also disobeys the other commandments in his life ,and station, so that he does to nobody what he ought to do, and has in his heart no true love, kindness, gentleness, patience, no delight in chastity, righteousness, faithfulness and truth; but practices the contrary, except where he has reason to fear disgrace or punishment.

24. Lo, how the dragon’s-tail of the devil and all hell must follow unbelief!

The reason is, that he who does not believe in Christ, has already turned away from God and quite separated himself from him. Therefore he cannot have the Holy Spirit, nor originate good thoughts, nor have a true, hearty pleasure in living according to God’s will; notwithstanding he may outwardly assume a different appearance, like a hypocrite, and act so as not to be rebuked or chastised. Just like a bad, ill-behaved servant, who is inimical to his master, and does what he hates to do, only because he is compelled, and as opportunity arises, does evil. Such are the beautiful, precious fruits, produced by this fountain and stem, if Christ is not accepted and heard as the Savior, presented to us by God in order to blot out our sin and to take from us God’s wrath.

25. Hence you see pictured here what the world is, nothing but a great company of wicked, stubborn people, who will not believe Christ, but despise God’s Word, praise and accept the seduction of the devil, and defiantly run counter to all of God’s commandments. They receive all the favors and benefits of God only to repay him with ingratitude and blasphemy. And yet in all this they are unwilling to be convicted or reproved, but wish to be called excellent, pious and saintly people. Such were the Jews, who crucified Christ and persecuted his apostles, and yet wished to claim the glory of having done God great service. Therefore the Holy Spirit must resist this and strive with the world and ever exercise his office of conviction with divine power and might until the last day.

 Jesus raises the young girl to life.

Luther's First Cantate Sermon #1 - This Paragraph Tears Down the Paper Lanterns, Spills the Barrels of Beer and Whiskey, and Sends the Professors Home To Weep


Luther's First Cantate Sermon 

2. In the first place, we see here that the world is accused of blindness and ignorance. All those who are without the Holy Spirit, however wise they may be in matters pertaining to the things of this world, are, before God, fools and blind. They do not like to hear this; and when they are told that their doings are of no account before God, it displeases them and makes them angry, because they insist that they are in possession of reason and the natural light, which God created in them. But what does this matter to us? There are the Scriptures and the Word of God plain and clear, that the Holy Spirit is to come to ‘convict the world, because it does not know what sin, righteousness and judgment are.' Thus it is determined, there it stands; let be angry who will, Christ does not care.

3. It is much to be deplored that the world is convicted, not only because of its sin and want of righteousness, not being able to judge rightly, but that it does not acknowledge nor see this, to say nothing of its endeavor to alter the matter. Oh, how completely the praise of all comes to naught, who, while they endeavor to make other people pious, know not themselves what sin is! Let us take, for example, at the present day, all the schools of learning and the learned men and see whether they can tell us what that one little word “sin” is? For who has ever heard that not to believe in Christ is sin? They say, it is sin if one speaks, desires or does something against God’s will and commandment. But how does that correspond with this saying of Christ: It is sin because they do not believe on me? Therefore, they are easily convicted of the fact that they know not what sin is; and if they be ever so learned, they will not be able to explain this text.

4. In like manner, they are not able to know what “righteousness” is. For who has ever heard that a man should become pious and just because Christ ascended to heaven or goes to the Father and we see him no ,more?

There we must say, a fool has thus spoken and not a wise man. For they say, righteousness is a virtue, which teaches man what he owes others.

This is true, but the trouble is, they do not understand their own words, such blind fools they are. Therefore, one needs not be surprised that they rage so much against the Gospel and persecute the Christians. How could they do otherwise? They know no better.

WELS-LCMS-ELS-CLC Have Gone to War against Faith in Jesus Christ

That explains their deep love for ELCA, because they all share a drooling desire for the Bad Bible-Booster Paraphrases - the Evil Four + One

The various dogmatic theologies they promoted - Braaten-Jenson, Barth, Pieper - preach against faith in Jesus Christ, in perfect harmony with their Bad Bible-Booster Paraphrases.

One must stand back in awe at the coordination:

The Vatican has always hated and distorted the Bible.

A pope seems to have worked out a deal to reveal the fake Codex Sinaiticus and the laughable Codex Vaticanus. Those two works came from Tischendorf, who began by promoting his Ephraim Rescriptus

By calling the fake Sinaiticus "Aleph", to make it first in line rather than last, Tischendorf moved the forgery to the front of the line.

One should always be suspicious of greedy men who keep finding ancient treasures. Tischendorf.

What do we say when one golden hero of such antiquarian gems shows up with three out of three magnificent, perfect, ancient, flawless "oldest and best" codices? I say - "Fraud! Fake! Forgery!" The unifying factor with Tischendorf was his need for approval, fame, and money.

Tischendorf is the bedrock of the "oldest and best" Greek manuscripts. The rest of the team, led by Westcott and Hort, invented hysterical theories to fit their agenda, and 150 years of lying followed.

This genius set of modern translations, which change every week, is not the English wording - because no one agrees. No - they point to their uncertainty about the Greek New Testament. The Received or Traditional Text has too many examples of faith in Jesus Christ and His divinity. 

The Evil Four plus One have scrambled the Bible so no one in the future will be able to quote a passage with certainty - or even the multiple editions of the same Bible. Foolscap off to the

  • National Council of Marxist Churches' RSV,
  • National Council of Marxist Churches' ESV,
  • National Council of Marxist Churches' NRSV,
  • Trump Hating Murdoch NIV,
  • Money-Making Apostate-Loving Beck Bible.