Saturday, July 1, 2023

Hebrews - Daily Verses. Chapter Six. Apostasy.


KJV Hebrews 6

1 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,

2 Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.

3 And this will we do, if God permit.

4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,

5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,

6 If they shall fall away [apostasy], to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

7 For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:

8 But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned.


Jews converted to Christianity could have felt pressure to return to Judaism alone, because that religion was legal in the Roman Empire. Christianity was not.

The main argument seems to be - Moses was powerful and influential, a key figure in Judaism, but Jesus Christ is the ultimate, greater than Melchisedech, the fulfillment of the Old Testament.

Those who fell back from the Gospel, for whatever reason, would have a very difficult experience in returning.

These verses are very much like John 15:1ff. in the Parable of the Vine. Those remaining in the faith would grow, but justified by faith in Him and be fruitful. Those not remaining in Christ would be pruned, thrown away, dried up, gathered, and burned.

The Last 100 Years

In the last century, American Protestantism has fueled apostasy, turning away from the Apostolic Bible -  the KJV, with only a trickle following bad ones. 

The academics went to Europe to learn the latest in Pietism (Halle) turned to Rationalism (Halle and the rest). The mainline, liberal academics trained the ministers and professors to deny the Trinity, the Creation, the divine preservation of the Scriptures, and the divinity of Christ. Clergy like Walter Rauschenbusch re-interpreted the content of the Bible to justify social activism.

Rauschenbusch was a liberal (Northern) Baptist, and his denomination continued that trend. Now we can see, a century later, the conservative Southern Baptists repudiating what they once stood for. 

Christina and I visited the huge Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, to do some dissertation research. Andy Stanley's father, as head of their convention, could not get the faculty to confess what they actually believed about the the Virgin Birth and the Resurrection of Christ.

One could say the same things about the LCA merging into ELCA-hood, with the ALC no longer pretending to be immaculate.

Fuller Seminary is shrinking faster than a cheap suit during a downpour. This is about 2018 from the Christian Post.

Fuller Seminary (not my fault) was born about the same time as I was. They started with a watered-down statement about inerrancy and went downhill from there.

WELS leaders went bonkers when I published Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure. All I did was expose their Fuller Seminary lust to Luther and the Book of Concord. 

Andy Stanley - Bigger and Better Than Ever Before

Ski and the other WELS pastors worshiped with Andy Stanley, so their version of the Bible is just like Andy's: "everyone knows - anything goes." WELS Bishop Katie tweeted her joyous visits to various Babtist hotspots - until the tweets were published.

Andy Stanley Laments That The ‘Entire Bible’ Has Become The Church’s ‘Authority’

"Children putting makeup on men wearing dresses at a church outdoor picnic?! Oh, that's OK - it's WELS."

North Point Church Baptizes Openly Transgender ‘Man’, After Giving Blessing to Transition?

North Point Church Personnel Knew ‘Lap Dance Leader’ Was Gay-Affirming+ Andy Stanley Responds

Gay Man with a “Husband” Scheduled to Speak with Andy Stanley At His Church’s Family Conference

North Point Leader Recommends All-LGBTQ+ Queer Counseling Collective For Struggling Gay Kids

These links below - and above - can be found at the article from Protestia.

Dr. Michael Brown Says He’s Spent 8 Years Exchanging Texts and Emails with Andy Stanley, Who Has REFUSED to Condemn Homosexuality

Celebrating Transgenderism?! North Point Church Staffers Rejoice After Man Comes Out as Woman

Andy Stanley’s Children Ministry Overrun and Led by Pro-LGBTQ+ Activists

As Andy Mueller proved once again, following in the clown-shoes of Glende, the WELS teachers conferences get the worst speakers.

No wonder Michigan Lutheran High School (WELS) is shrinking.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - "Those Men Are at Rest And in Peace Who Content Themselves with the Things That God Provides."




11. Here compare the good things that faith brings and does, with the harm that is done by unbelief. For, in addition to this, that faith has the divine grace and blessing, it also has the promise that it shall be sufficiently supplied with all that it needs. It fills the heart with such goodness, peace and joy that it may well be called the root of all good things. Unbelief, on the other hand, with all its cares and covetousness, shall have this as its reward, that it is not bettered thereby, but must fall into all sorts of snares through many hurtful lusts and desires; and thus it attains to nothing in the end but eternal destruction. It is therefore nothing but the root whence all misfortunes spring.

12. These two things are clearly seen in the world. Those men are at rest and in peace who content themselves with the things that God provides.

They journey onward cheerfully and courageously, whatever their calling may be. They have enough to live on, and all their necessities are so well supplied that they must say to themselves: “No evening yet have I gone hungry to sleep,” although it appears as if affliction and want are at their very doors, as, according to our text, was the case with Peter. They have this benefit from their confidence and faith in God, that they need not fret and wound themselves among the thorns (cares for the body), or be stung and injured by them, but can, so to speak, sit amid roses in a garden of pleasure. As Solomon says in Proverbs 15:15: “He that is of a cheerful heart hath a continual feast.”

The others, however, who plant themselves among the thorns of avarice, and seek after great possessions, must suffer the consequences of being stung and torn and must fall, not only into manifold temptations and dangers, (which would be a mercy, if it only remained at that), but also into snares wherein they are so thoroughly caught that they sink to a temporal destruction and eternal damnation from which they can never again escape.

13. Of this we see daily examples in those who boast of the Gospel and their Christianity. Everywhere we find robbery, oppression, assessment, usury, etc. , to such an extent that even God and conscience are set aside for the sake of a miserable penny. Then, as if such a fall were not deep enough, they harden themselves, and keep on their course defiantly and sacrilegiously, until they sink so far as to become enemies of God’s Word, become blind and deaf, yea, become so unblessed and accursed that they are of no service in any station, and can do nothing that is wholesome and good or useful to the pleasure and improvement of others. All they can do is to cause and bring harm, misfortune and misery upon land and people.

14. All comes from this, as St. Paul says, that men are bent on being rich.

For such covetousness and cares do assuredly keep company with a pride that makes men aim at being something great and powerful. Covetousness would appropriate everything to itself. It begins at first by saying: “Would that I had this house, this field, this castle, this village,” etc. Thus it grows greater and greater till it becomes a dragon’s tail that draws everything after it. And where covetousness has once become rooted there it daily brings forth cares of a hundred different kinds, as it seeks to obtain still more goods and gold. There the human heart boils and bubbles with countless insatiable lusts, and desires, that serve no other purpose than its own destruction, and spring from no other source than man’s fall from faith, and thence from one temptation and snare into another. It is a dreadful plague that has taken such thorough possession of men that, on account of it, they can do nothing good or useful in their station, and no longer ,an have any thought of serving God or man.

15. When one has scraped together a great deal, he has no less trouble in retaining and protecting it. He must then try to gain favor and friendship, and in all sorts of ways seek to prevent the loss of his property. In the meantime he brings upon himself hatred and envy and troubles of many kinds, from which he cannot escape; and thus, as St. Paul shows, there is nothing left but disturbance and sorrows of conscience, and a veritable hell, into which the man has cast himself. Upon the covetous man the plague and curse have already been pronounced that he shall never be satisfied, and, furthermore, that he must endure all sorts of misfortune and heartgriefs through the very things he has coveted to his everlasting destruction and damnation.

16. We see from daily experience what shameful and accursed vice covetousness is, and what harm it does, especially in high office, whether clerical or lay. If the money fiend has taken possession of a pastor’s or preacher’s heart, so that he, like the rest of the world, only aims at securing for himself great riches, then has he already, like Judas the traitor, fallen into the jaws of the devil, and is prepared, for a few pieces of silver, to betray Christ and his Word and his Church. Thus has the Pope, in order to secure and maintain his riches and dominion, introduced, in the name of God and the Church, all sorts of idolatries and abominations, and has openly led multitudes of souls to the devil, so filling men with the false terrors of his ban that no one dares to say a word against it.

17. How harmful it is in civil governments when lords and princes are dominated by this shameful vice, aiming to appropriate everything to themselves. Thereby they forget to exercise their princely office so as to be of help to the land and people over whom, for this purpose, they have been placed as lords, and thus they forfeit the commendation and love which, with all honor and praise, they should receive as the fathers of their people and country. They do not concern themselves about the spread of God’s Word, the administration and support of churches and schools, the proper instruction of the people, or the maintenance of law and order among their subjects. They permit destitute pastors, with their children, widows and orphans, to suffer injustice, violence and want. In the meantime they go about with their tax lists, and only consider how they may collect money enough for their excessive expenditures and pomp. And when this does not suffice, they flay and tax their poor subjects to such an extent that they themselves fall into perplexities and difficulties which must bring poverty and ruin upon themselves, their land and their people. Or if, in their avarice, they have already accumulated enough to make them think they are quite rich, then, in order to carry out their undertakings, they involve themselves in manifold strange dealings and affairs that finally, to their own punishment, they bring upon themselves great burdens and ruin.

18. What a dreadful disaster and ruin has been brought upon Germany merely by the shameful and accursed usury which has everywhere gotten the upper hand, so that there is no longer any check or restraint to it, especially as those who should check it are themselves mixed up in it.

Nowadays every one who has the power, by means of his money, impoverishes his neighbors, and thereby sets God and conscience aside.

Thus, with open eyes, and with an evil, self-accusing conscience, he speeds off to hell, burdened with the curse that has been pronounced upon the abominations of covetousness, — the curse, that he shall not himself enjoy such property in peace and tranquility as has been gained by usury, but either himself shall lose it by God’s visitation or it shall not descend to his heirs. Upon such un-Christian doings must come the fearful wrath and punishment of God, which alas! we have long ago greatly deserved; and the time must come when he will turn us out of doors, together with the Turks and other terrible plagues, so that, since we would not heed his Word and admonition, he him. self may put a forcible end to this godless business.

19. This the believer avoids and escapes who, with good conscience and godly fear, occupies his station in life peacefully and quietly, and is satisfied with the things that God gives him. He does not expose himself to the dangers of temptation or snares. He is in no need of troubling himself with cares and anxieties, or of engaging with others in bickering and brawling disputes, quarrels, jealousies and hatreds. He is a man of fine, blessed and useful character, one who can be of service and assistance to many. He finds grace and favor with God and man that shall benefit and honor even his children’s children.

20. The example before us in this Gospel should teach and admonish us that we may learn to believe, and thus experience through faith, that God cares for his children and provides for them to such an extent that they need not worry and condemn themselves with cares or covetousness.

Borage is also called Bee Bread for its appeal to bees. Content with its life, this little herb drops its own seed and encourages beneficial insects in making the Creation Garden more productive.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Bracing for Butterfly Season

Butterfly Weed has long-lasting orange flowers. Mine are bracing for the arrival of monarchs and related butterflies.

One reason to avoid news channels is the constant, vague statement that an area is bracing for an upcoming event. I am curious to find out how a region can brace.

I am bracing for the butterfly season - seriously. That was a Kardashian emphatic statement, reason enough to avoid them.

Butterflies are another matter. People notice them most of all, because they are relatively rare, perhaps because grass is not on their menu.

How do I brace for the butterfly season? 

The season starts a year or two early with planting butterfly loving vegetation in a sunny location. That starts slowly and builds steadily.

I have planted - for the butterflies:

Butterfly Weed - a reliable orange flower that attracts the monarch family.

Monarch butterfly plants - There are a number of them, closely related. I kept ordering them until they took over the entire width of the front patio.

Joe Pye Weed - lavender and musk fragrances, flowers with hundreds of tempting places to feed from the flowers. It may reach higher than 9 feet this summer.

Clethra - Summer Sweet, or Cinnabon Shrub - sugar and cinnamon fragrances, tiny little bottle brush flowers, very slow to grow. People brace for the aroma and light up - "What is that?." Butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds line up for sensory overload.

Various mints - bee balm, cat mint, mountain mint. Plants with tiny flowers attract delicate butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds.

Pokeweed - a real feeder - flowers and fruit for butterflies, birds, and bees. They do not need to be bought or planted. Birds plant them, with fertilizer, through God's air express facilities. The birds' favorite plant (no equal) is Poke, and they cheerfully enjoy the berry. They jettison the berries and add some fertilizer. 

 If God manages butterfly plants so well - like this Joe Pye Weed - how much more will He do for those who believe in Jesus Christ, the Lord of Creation?

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