Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Big Storms, More Heat, Garden Halleluias


 Photo by Ed Buck

I am finishing another class in Old Testament Survey (MA or MDiv). The combination of heat and humidity eliminates my ambition in the garden, once the sun is rising. 

However, all the investments in labor are paying off. The late blooming and perfuming Clethra and Joe Pye Weed have saturated the Rose Garden with their butterfly, bee, and hummingbird attracting scents. The milkweed family finished blooming and turned to making silken parachutes to carry their seeds. I have at least three types of the milkweed family, all showing off in front of the front patio.

Poke berries are now at this stage in my garden, bland, loved by 61 bird species. The berries are not appealing to humans and can be toxic.

The backyard has its own Poke Weed garden, starting off as flowers for the pollinators, then berries for all the birds, offering aerial bombing wherever birds gather to gossip. A tree stump is good for the soil and perfect for bird fellowship and plant growth in wild strawberries and Poke.

The main Poke garden is 7 feet tall and likely to grow a lot more. Like Joe Pye plants, they block so much sun that no weeding is needed and the soil is improved. I wanted to block heat from the sun in the afternoon.

I also wanted to provide natural food for the birds and creatures.

Charli Sue has made a nest out of her hiding place for chasing squirrels and rabbits. Her larger friend Lady became aware of the sniper's nest and cautiously moved around it. The two of them chase through the gardens and green fence, having a riot of fun.

Double the size and you get Lady. Charli Sue now has a pink harness for walks and keeping out of trouble. Lady seems to be part Doberman and part Chihuahua, so I call her a Dobie-huahua. The two have the same coloring.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Trinity7 - "For If You Have the True Word And Its True Meaning, The World Will Attack You On One Side, And the Devil Will Attempt To Tear You From It on the Other..."


Click here for the complete ->Trinity 8, Third Sermon

5. Thus it will come to pass also among us. God be praised, we and others have the Gospel in greater purity and abundance than at any time since the days of the Apostles. But when we and those who now assist to promote it are gathered to our fathers, you will have false teachers enough, as many have already commenced and they already bestir themselves. And blessed are they who are diligently on their guard according to this Gospel and believe not every wind of doctrine, but remain steadfast in what they have learned. This Christ first teaches here with the words: “Beware,” be warned, as if to say: you will most certainly have to contend with false teachers.

6. Here you may ask: why does God permit false prophets to come among his pious people and be the successors of his true ministers? Is he not powerful and strong enough to prevent it, so that the Gospel may continue pure and in its power? Of course he is. But he permits it in order to prove and preserve his own people, and to punish the unthankful. It is as St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:19 says: “For there must be also factions among you, that they that are approved may be made manifest among you.” This means, that those whose faith is approved may become manifest, so that their spirit and word appear, and testify that they are true.

7. When God gives us his Word, his gifts and Spirit, it is not his will that we should be lazy, sleepy and idle. For if you have the true Word and its true meaning, the world will attack you on one side, and the devil will attempt to tear you from it on the other, not only by means of worldly tyrants who persecute the Word with the sword; but also by means of our own reason and the wisest people in the world. Thus God desires to develop you by his Word, and to give the Holy Spirit whom he has bestowed upon you something to do, so that you may learn that God’s wisdom is wiser than the world’s wisdom, that God’s strength is stronger than the strength and power of the world, which you will not learn unless you pass through this conflict with false teachers.

8. Wherever he permits the devil to create factions, he would thus stir you up, and say: Defend yourself, lay hold of the Word, and learn to experience God’s wisdom and power against the wisdom of the world and the lies of Satan. Thus the strength and wisdom of God’s Word will appear, that you may learn that it is not to be conquered with power and wisdom; but it conquers, and puts to shame all power, cunning and wisdom opposed to it.

This is one reason why God permits factions and sects among us, who enter in as it were edgewise, as though they were beneficial and served to the end that the Word, the truth and Spirit prove themselves to be better and plainer; however aside from this factions and sects serve no good purpose.

9. The second reason is, that he may punish the unthankful, who will not accept the Word, that they may be converted and saved. As Christ also said to the Jews, John 5:43: “I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.” Paul also says in 2 Thessalonians 2:10: “Because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God sendeth them a working of error, that they should believe a lie; that they all might be judged who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

Thus God severely punishes these sins with blindness and error, which are also the greatest and worst sins, although we regard them to be so insignificant.