Saturday, August 19, 2023

Creation Garden in Transition


 Monty Don, gardening expert.

The Joe Pye Weeds have bloomed, hosting the butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. The plants have done their job, so I am using them for mulch as I cut them down - Little Joe Pye, too. Their enormous production of stems and leaves are ideal for adding more humus to the soil and feeding the small creatures above and below the surface.

I enjoy Monty Don on multiple gardening series. He advocates stuffing the garden full of plants and then thinning them. Many people poke tiny plants into the overturned soil and hope they will have a garden some day.

Last year I started milk weed plants, which thrived this year. I planted two honeysuckle rose vines, which moved someone to yell, "You paid for a weed? My vine was 20 feet long and growing!"

 Cow squares - cows not included.

Honeysuckle is a fan favorite in the South, with unforgettable fragrance and sweet berries - so I wanted support for the two little starts. Jimmy, the repairman, suggested cow squares (not to be confused with square cows). One tendril could not decide where to go, but the other quickly reached six feet. 

The second plant went into the original Butterfly Garden, because I had hopes of it mingling with the fast growing plants around it. Some digging and accidents led to comfrey growing like crazy, mint planted to suffocate the comfrey, Russian sunflowers, two Joe Pyes, and some others growing but not identified. I check on the Honeysuckle Rose to see if it is reaching up on its own. They say, "Honeysuckle rose climbs from the darkness to reach the sun."

Plants commonly called weeds are robust and quick to find a place to thrive. A good way to decide whether it is a weed or not will come from muttering, "What have I done?"

Back to cow squares. Jimmy had plenty so we added the rest of them beyond the Little Joe Pye garden and around the corner.

I am pessimistic about rabbits chewing up edible candidates for the cow squares. Sugar snap peas and cucumbers come to mind. Warty gourds and small pumpkins could work out well, if the squirrels also mind their manners. 

Clethra, also known as Sweet Spice and Cinnabon, attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds with its fragrance. I now have nine of them because plastic collars seemed to keep vegetarian predators away.

In the WELS and Missouri Sects - All Truths Are God's Truths - Except Biblical Truths - Luther and the Book of Concord


Only Paul Kelm could encapsulate the errors of Calvinism in so few ill-chosen words. WELS made him appear to be the Second Coming - "When the Son of Man returns, will He find faith?"


Tis strange how Ski - a Jeske follower - pretended to have a separate church in a deluxe but broke movie theater. Another Jeske follower replaced Ski and landed on St. Mark's Hour of Power. Kelm briefly sojourned there.

TELL turned into an expensive propaganda tool. The late Robert Hartman just had to boast.

Eight years ago, WELS Pastor Kent Reeder, did his best to out-Kelm Paul Kelm, birthing Illumine, like one of those lab experiments from a midnight monster movie channel. Reeder is on LinkedIn, a good way to find out what individuals say about themselves. One famous LCMS star did that and soon erased his own basic facts - too much revealed.

Luther and the Concordists did not say -

  1. Come to my church
  2. Find a friend here
  3. Embrace the love, have some popcorn and soda
  4. Coin a cool name for our (name the sect)  church, and hide the denomination.
The Reformation taught the Bible (Traditional Text, not the Tischendorf-Westcott-Hort) to explain its meaning and to refute errors.

Seductive marketing gimmicks are not effective. They claim the concept but reject the truth - 
The Holy Spirit is always at work in the Word and never apart from the Word.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Holy Trinity Sunday - Guest Sermon - O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God!


Complete Sermon Link ->Luther's Sermons - Romans 11:33-26. Trinity Sunday

18. Behold, Paul’s purpose in this epistle is to show Christians that these sublime and divine mysteries—that is, God’s actual divine essence and his will, administration and works—are absolutely beyond all human thought, human understanding or wisdom; in short, that they are and ever will be incomprehensible, inscrutable and altogether hidden to human reason.

When reason presumptuously undertakes to solve, to teach and explain these matters, the result is worthless, yea, utter darkness and deception. If anything is to be ascertained, it must be through revelation alone; that is, the Word of God, which was sent from heaven.

19. We do not apply these words of Paul to the question of divine predestination for every human being—who will be saved and who not.

For into these things God would not have us curiously inquire. He has not given us any special revelation in regard to them, but refers all men here to the words of the Gospel. By them they are to be guided. He would have them hear and learn the Gospel, and believing in it they shall be saved.

Therein have all the saints found comfort and assurance in regard to their election to eternal life; not in any special revelation in regard to their predestination, but in faith in Christ. Therefore, where Saint Paul treats of election, in the three chapters preceding this text, he would not have any to inquire or search out whether he has been predestinated or not; but he holds forth the Gospel and faith to all men. So he taught before, that we are saved through faith in Christ. He says (Romans 10:8): “The word is nigh thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart,” and he explains himself by saying that this word should be proclaimed to all men, that they may believe what he says in verses 12 and 13: “For the same Lord is Lord of all, and is rich unto all that call upon him: for, Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

20. But he speaks of the marvelous ruling of God in the Church, according to which they who have the name and honor of being the people of God, and the Church—the people of Israel—are rejected on account of their unbelief. Others, on the other hand, who formerly were not God’s people, but were unbelieving, are now, since they have received the Gospel and believe in Christ, become the true Church in the sight of God, and are saved. Consequently it was on account of their own unbelief that the former were rejected. Then the grace and mercy of God in Christ was offered unto everlasting life, and without any merit of their own, to all such as were formerly in unbelief and sin, if only they would accept and believe it. He declares: “For God hath shut up all unto disobedience, that he might have mercy upon all.” Romans 11:32.

21. Hereupon follows the text, which Saint Paul begins with emotions of profound astonishment at the judgment and dealings of God in his Church, saying: “O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past tracing out!”

Friday, August 18, 2023

United Methodist Church Arrogantly Allows Its Conservative Congregations To Leave the Sect - To Reward the Officials for Their Apostasy


Christian colleges are selling their assets to nearby schools. LCMS is accelerating its Geronimo exits.

The Florida United Methodist Conference is letting some parishes leave, as long as they leave a dowry behind. I could mention that none of the Left-wing officials are true to their founders or the Scriptures.

The following churches were approved for disaffiliation, pending completion of all exit requirements.

Atlantic Central District  
ChurchCityExit Obligation
Canal PointCanal Point$25,538
CommunityBelle Glade $50,069
Community of Hope Loxahatchee $863,246
Georgianna Merritt Island $349,157
Roseland Roseland $88,091
East Central District  
CommunityDeBary $88,286
DeLeon SpringsDeLeon Springs$25,358
Dundee  Dundee  $45,033
First  Clermont $422,894
FirstDeLand  $233,109
FirstTavares $171,972
Pine Castle Orlando  $460,335
Gulf Central District  
Alturas Alturas $15,385
Bay Hope Lutz  $1,135,566
New HopeBrandon$421,470
Palma CeiaTampa$293,576
Sylvan AbbeyClearwater$48,414
Tampa KoreanTampa$139,350
North Central District  
Crystal RiverCrystal River$135,053
Grace at Ft. ClarkeGainesville$266,878
Little Chapel-SantosOcala$23,082
New HopeCitra$4,491
Spring LifeSpring Hil$233,984
North East District  
Lakewood   Jacksonville$358,990
MiddleburgMiddleburg $97,068
PiersonPierson  $33,677
RiverdaleSt. Augustine$18,602
St. JamesPalatka$79,258
North West District  
FirstLake City$93,433
Deer LakeTallahassee$134,798
South East District  
Korean American of S FloridaTamarac$152,573
North Hialeah HispanicHialeah$44,957
South West District  
ChristLehigh Acres$107,004
EdgewaterPort Charlotte$189,310
FirstMoore Haven$40,254
GraceCape Coral$609,539
Port CharlottePort Charlotte$182,934
St. James/New BeginningsSarasota$69,192
St. JohnSebring$112,721

Joe Henderson is the News Content Editor for

Jack Smith Rages at Trump, Because This Ahab Has Sought A Prize Now Dragging Him Down

"To the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee." Herman Melville, Moby Dick, Last Chapter.

PS - Going to Melville's home and reading the book again encouraged me to finish Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant

Note the use of "thee, 2nd singular" which would have been confusing if "you single or plural" had been used. 

WELS Acid Reflux from Eight Years Ago - Illumine!

This equipment cost over $10,000, I believe.
The video is donkey-awful.


 Pastor Kent Reeder is at the Exponential Conference this week - April 27-30 - and will be regularly posting notes and thoughts based on the sessions and speakers in the conference. Please note that while many of the speakers at the conference are not confessional Lutherans and will, therefore, have some errant theology, the principles discussed are scriptural and godly. [GJ - What about the ding-bats who attend?] Pastor Kent will filter anything that isn't valuable out of these posts - you can enjoy the beneficial parts! [GJ - Oh! Oh! Oh! Church Growth Ecstasy!]
presented by Ryan Kwon
Why build systems?
1. Hell is bad, the gospel is good. You have to love people A LOT if you are going to invest the time and effort into building these systems. Your heart has to be breaking to motivate you to be as efficient as possible in your efforts.
2. Every system gets outdated. What got you through the first year won't get you through the next, and the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. The people, the city, the congregation, and you will change on a regular basis. Your systems have to change with them. 
Remember, the question we ask about how to be effective in our congregations will stay the same until Christ returns, but the answers will change.
3. Every church grows. The question is whether your church is growing toward health or toward disfunction [ Sic - dis is a spelling error, dysfunction]. Think systems first, let them create your church, and become proactive in your growth. If your church is driving your systems to change, you will be a reactive church. If your systems are driving your church to change, you will be a proactive church. 
[GJ - Somebody translate this booschwah into something about the Means of Grace.]
Truths about Systems
1. Systems are the engine behind mission and vision. 
2. Systems make vision into reality. 
3. Visions inspire, but systems modify behavior. (Neither is stronger than the other.)
4. It's a system problem, not a people problem. Stop blaming your people. Start blaming and fixing your systems. 
If you think to yourself, "I don't have a system in place for this." You're wrong. You do - it is just terrible. 

[GJ - The liturgy, the Lutheran hymns, shudder - the Lutheran name, the Confessions, the Means of Grace, the efficacy of the Word. You have to dump all that, according to James Tiefel's wonder-boy.]
The Building Blocks of a System
1. Expectations - Have a clear goal for this system. You must build a clear expectation for this system.
2. Rewards - What is rewarded will be repeated. You must build a reward in for the good things. 
3. Consequences - If the vision doesn't happen, you must have consequences. 
4. Communication - How and how often you will communicate within this system.
5. Behavior - This is where the rubber meets the road. This is what a system creates and affects. 

[GJ - Management speak. Oh, I just love that. Leaders have to...lead. You must have S.M.A.R.T. goals. You must have a mission/vision statement because all the corporations do. You must have enthusiasm, no, passion. Yes, a passion for everything you do because passion makes things happen.]
People need regular reinforcement in systems. (Fortunately for Illumine, we can reinforce the systems at the beginning of each trimester because we have this pre-existing system.)
Principles that Shape Various Systems
1. Staff Systems: Spin fewer but larger plates. Anticipate change-ups and adjustments as a result of leaders growing and fitting new spaces. Get the right people at the right places. 

[GJ - Spin a few big plates - like offering plates? WELS did that with Marvin Schwan.]
2. Sunday Systems: Know your guest experience. Systems should be flock focused, not sheep focused. (Think about people, not just a person.) 
3. Discipleship Systems: Know what a disciple is. Know how they are formed. Know how to identify/measure them. 
- Pastor Kent Reeder

Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

GJ - Take a long look at their pagan logo: lightbulb, flame, and a screw.


Illumine Cycle.png
Illumine is a new church. We started in May of 2013 and officially launched public worship services here in Rock Hill on April 13th, 2014. We exist so that Christ may shine brilliantly on us, in us, and through us. To that end, we focus on worship (Christ shining on us), education (Christ shining in us), and community service (Christ shining through us.) On a given day, you might see us volunteering, gathering in a home or conference room for a class, preparing for worship, or praying together for each other and York County. 
Illumine welcomes everyone. Everyone needs a chance to refresh - that's our Sunday morning. Everyone deserves a chance to grow and be more than they were before - that's our education goal. Everyone benefits when we serve those around us - that's why we aren't working unless we're reaching out to the community. We'd like your input in this process. We'd like your help with this process. We'd like you engaged in this process. Get in touch anytime: &(803) 810-9398, or come by and visit us at our ministry center - 1262 Riverchase Blvd., Rock Hill, SC. 


What should I wear to worship?
Honestly, this question is much less important than we tend to realize. Wear whatever makes you and those around you comfortable. If you want to dress up for church, by all means, go for it. If you believe it's judgmental and unfair when we force people to dress up for worship, wear something else. 
The bigger issue is this: if you have issues with the way people are dressing at Illumine, come find Pastor Kent Reeder. We'll talk about it, because there's probably something that needs to be addressed. What exactly that is will get figured out when we talk - and at the end of the day, isn't that why we come to church, anyway?

GJ - If you still have issues, we will beat you like a rented mule. Ask Ichabod.

Alec Satin's Newest Newsletter - Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry - Matthias Loy