Saturday, September 16, 2023

Not from the Babylon Bee

Yale Divinity School breaking ground on first-of-its-kind zero-carbon residence hall

September 6, 2023
New Haven, Conn. — Yale Divinity School (YDS) will break ground on Wednesday, Oct. 11, on a building that is unprecedented in American higher education: a living-building residence hall that will house students in a way that gives back to the environment more than it takes.

Linn Tonstad

Associate Professor of Theology, Religion, and Sexuality
(203) 432-5373

Linn Tonstad

Efficacy of the Divine Word - Lutheran and Mainline Sects Covet the Results, Reject the Labor

The ambiguous smile of Church Growth Valleskey is identical to Mark and Avoid Jeske's.

The Scriptures, from Genesis 1:1 onward, teach that the Holy Spirit is always at work in the Word of God. The Spirit either enlightens or blinds, converts or hardens the heart. Likewise, the Word of God is either invisible (teaching and preaching) or visible (the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Holy Baptism). The Word and Sacraments are Means (that is Instruments) of God's grace. That grace only comes through faith in Jesus Christ, Romans 5:1-4.

  1. For Roman Catholics, the foundation is the papacy, because they imagine the institution of the papacy alone is effective. 
  2. For Zwingli-Calvinists, the individual gives life to the dead letter of the Scriptures by using reason, appeal, marketing, and so forth. Objective Faithless Justification is the crown jewel of Zwingli and Calvin.
  3. The rare Lutheran pastor or professor teaches that the Word of God (invisible and visible) always has the power of the Spirit, without gimmicks, without sugar-coating, without salesmanship. They believe and teach that the Chief Article of Christianity is Justification by Faith.

Look Around - Read a Few Articles

The seminaries have already collapsed, as demonstrated by the ELCA. They are so broke that merger is already one step closer to the finish. Concordia St. Louis bought a seminary (!) and later sold it for a loss (?). WELS was gay liberation years ago - and proud of it. They even set up a counseling service worthy of ELCA. "Email us for help with your problems."  Um-hmm.

Try Giving a Biblical Explanation of the Reading - For the Sermon

Some of the gimmicks tried by the lazy pastors and synod drones:
  1. Copy each other's sermons.
  2. Copy sermons from sermon books.
  3. Tell funny stories.
  4. Copy the so-called sermons from the Church Growth clowns.
  5. Waste a fortune at Fuller and other places destitute of the Gospel.
  6. Kiss up to those who tell everyone how great they are because they steal the snake oil from other snake oil salesmen.
  7. Ask if any synod president has written any books on his/her own.
  8. Ask the professors if Jesus was actually born of a Virgin and rose bodily from the dead, the tomb empty. Listen for the sputters, gasps, pauses, and angry rebukes.
  9. Consider not the wasted space of the giant buildings that once were full. Consider instead why they traded the Gospel for moldy straw of Left-wing activism and Zwingli-Calvinist mockery.

Wayne Mueller was an early promoter of Church Growth and a published denier of Church Growth in WELS.

Leave it to Calvinist News to bring together, at long last, the Objective Faithless Justification dogma of these two swells - an opportunity! Readings from Justification and Rome, by Dr. Robert Preus, were not welcome.

Some are gone but not forgotten, others are forgotten but not gone.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Trinity 15 - He says, “Be not anxious;” he does not say, Labor not. Anxiety is forbidden, but not labor...


Complete Trinity 15 Sermon -> Daily Luther Sermon Quote - "But it is one thing to have possessions and another to serve them; to have mammon, and to make a god out of it."

18. Hence the sense is, we must own some possessions, but are not to cleave to them with our hearts; as Psalm 62:10 says: “If riches increase, set not your heart thereon.” We are to labor; but we are not to be anxious about our existence. This the Master says here in our Gospel in plain and clear words, when he thus concludes: “Be not anxious for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink: nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on.”

19. And he now uses a reasonable and natural form of speech, by which to close, that they are not to be anxious for the nourishment of their lives; for reason must conclude and yield that it is as Christ says, when he gives the ground and reason of his discourse by asking: “Is not the life more than the food, and the body than the raiment!”

20. As if he would say: You turn it just around, the food should serve your life and not your life the food. The same is true in respect to raiment; the clothing should serve the body, thus the body serves the clothing. The world is so blind that it cannot see this.

21. Now we must here have a high esteem for the words of the Lord. He says, “Be not anxious;” he does not say, Labor not. Anxiety is forbidden, but not labor; yea, it is commanded and made obligatory upon us to labor until the sweat rolls down our faces. It is not God’s pleasure for man to tramp around idly; therefore he says to Adam in Genesis 3:19: “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken.” And as Psalm 104:22-23 says: “The sun ariseth. man goeth forth unto his work and to his labor until the evening.”

We are not to be anxious, this is forbidden; for we have a rich God who promises us food and clothing; for he knows what we lack, before we are concerned and begin to pray.

22. Why then does he not give us what we need without our labor?

Because it is thus pleasing to him; he tells us to labor and then he gives it; not because of our work, but out of kindness and grace. This we see before our eyes; for although we labor every year in the field, yet God gives one year more than another. Therefore, we are fools, yea, we act contrary to God’s will, when we are worried as to how to scrape together gold and riches, since God gratuitously and richly promises that he will give us all and will abundantly provide for our every want.

23. However, one may say: Does not St. Paul tell us to be diligent, as in Romans 12:8: “He that ruleth, with diligence,” and there immediately follows verse 11, “In diligence, not slothful?” In like manner to the Philippians 2:20, he says of Timothy: “For I have no man likeminded, who will care truly for your state.” And Paul himself in 2 Corinthians 11:28 boasts that anxiety for all the churches presses upon him. Here you see how we are nevertheless to be anxious. Answer: Our life and a Christian character consist of two parts, of faith and of love. The first points us to God, the other to our neighbor. The first, namely faith, is not visible, God alone sees that; the other is visible, and is love, that we are to manifest to our neighbor. Now the anxiety that springs from love is commanded, but that which accompanies faith is forbidden. If I believe that I have a God, then I cannot be anxious about my welfare; for if I know that God cares for me as a father for his child, why should I fear? Why need I to be anxious, I simply say: Art thou my Father, then I know that no evil will befall me, as Psalm 16:8 says: “I have set Jehovah always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” Thus he has all things in his hand; therefore I shall want nothing, he will care for me. If I rush ahead and try to care for myself, that is always contrary to faith; therefore God forbids this kind of anxiety. But it is his pleasure to maintain the anxious care of love, that we may help others, and share our possessions and gifts with them. Am I a ruler, I am to care for my subjects; am I a housefather, I must take care of the members of my family, and so forth, according as each one has received his gifts from God. God cares for all, and his is the care that pertains to faith. We are also to be interested in one another and this is the care of love, namely, when something is given to me, that I be diligent so that others may also receive it.

24. Here we must be guarded, lest we make a gloss, instead of understanding simply the words as they read: Be not anxious for your life.

God says: Labor, and if you accomplish nothing, I will give what is needed; does he give then see that you rightly distribute it. Do not be anxious to get, but see to it that your domestics and others also receive of that which God has given to you, and that your domestics labor and receive a Christian training.

25. Am I a preacher, my anxiety should not be where to receive what I am to preach; for if I have nothing I can give nothing. Christ says in Luke 21:15: “I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to withstand or to gainsay.” But if I have that I ought to be anxious for others to receive it from me, and that I endeavor to impart it to them in the best form possible, to teach the ignorant, to admonish and restrain those who know it, rightly to comfort the oppressed consciences, to awaken the negligent and sleepy, and put them on their guard, and the like, as St. Paul did 1 Timothy 4:1; 2 Timothy 3:1, Titus 3:1) and commanded his disciples Timothy and Titus to do. My anxiety should not be how others are to receive something from me; but I am to study and pray to God. Studying is my labor, this is the work he desires me to do, and when it is his pleasure he will give. It can indeed happen that I may study a long time and he gives nothing, a year or more, and when it is his pleasure, he gives as long as it is pleasing to him. Then he gives copiously and to overflowing, suddenly in an hour.

26. Thus a housefather also does, he attends only to that which is commanded him, and lets our Lord God arrange as to how he will give.

When he gives, then man is concerned how to impart it to his family, and he sees that they have no need as to the body and the soul. This is what the Lord means, when he says we are not to be anxious for our food and raiment; but he certainly requires us to labor. For thou must be a long time behind the oven until something is given to thee if thou dost not till the soil and work. True it is, God can easily nourish thee without thy work, he could easily have roasted and boiled corn and wine grow on thy table; but he does not do it, it is his will that thou shouldst labor and in doing so to use thy reason.

27. In like manner it is with preaching and all our affairs. God gives us the wool, that he grows on the sheep; but it is not at once cloth, we must labor and make it into cloth; when it is cloth, it does not at once become a coat, the tailor must first work with the cloth before it is a coat; and so God does with all things, he cares for us, but we must toil and work. We have plenty examples of this before our eyes, and God relates especially two here that should really make us blush with shame, namely, those of the birds and the lilies in the field. Pointing to the birds he says: “Behold the birds of the heaven, that they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feedeth them.”

28. As if the Lord would say: You have never yet seen a bird with a sickle, with which it harvested and gathered into barns; yea, the birds do not labor like we; and still they are nourished. By this the Lord does not however teach that we are to be idle; but he tries by this example to take all anxiety from us. For a bird cannot do the work of a farmer as we do; yet, it is not free from labor, but it does the work for which it was created, namely, it bears its young, feeds them and sings to our Lord God a little song for the privilege of doing this. Had God imposed more labor upon it, then it would have done more. Early in the morning it rises, sits upon a twig and sings a song it has learned, while it knows not where to obtain its food, and yet it is not worried as to where to get its breakfast. Later, when it is hungry, it flies away and seeks a grain of corn, where God stored one away for it, of which it never thought while singing, when it had cause enough to be anxious about its food. Ay, shame on you now, that the little birds are more pious and believing than you; they are happy and sing with joy and know not whether they have anything to eat.

29. This parable is constantly taught to our great and burning shame, that we cannot do as much as the birds. A Christian should be ashamed before a little bird that knows an art it never acquired from a teacher. When in the spring of the year, while the birds sing the most beautifully, you say to one:

How canst thou sing so joyfully, thou hast not yet any grain in thy barn! It would thus mock you. It is a powerful example and should truly give offense to us and stir us to trust God more than we do. Therefore he concludes with a penetrating passage, and asks: “Are not ye of much more value than they?”

Friday, September 15, 2023

The Furtive Honeysuckle Rose


In the South, honeysuckle is a weed that produces berries and nostalgic stories. However, wild honeysuckle berries tend to be toxic.

Ranger Bob grew up with the scent of honeysuckle near his bedroom window. He is doing very well, by the way. 

Bob yelled this question, "You paid for a weed? Honeysuckle is a weed and you paid for it?" Mr. Gardener likewise told me he spent a lot of time removing honeysuckle from our green alley. I countered, "But it requires sun." 

I bought two and protected them from rabbits and squirrels last summer. This summer my all-around fixit guy brought cow squares over to serve as honeysuckle frames on the sunny side of the house. The first one took quickly. 

The second one was protected and replanted in the sunniest spot of all the garden areas - the 
Butterfly Garden - a resounding success for butterfly plants, beyond all hopes.

I let honeysuckle.2 grow up using other pollinator plants to give them a natural prop. If honeysuckle was as promiscuous as the garden experts say, it would find its way to the sun, emerging from darkness. I let the gardening crew edit the Butterfly Garden without getting nervous. The honeysuckle.2 was growing on the outer edge, but what if...? 

I watered this morning for the Sunday altar flowers, and peeked around the corner for a hint of honeysuckle. I spotted a spare sprig and felt great. The root system would soon send up feelers for more honeysuckle, no matter what. 


I am glad Monty Don encourages jamming flowers together and editing them down later. I am filled with awe about the spread of the garden areas. Rain has helped, but I think the density of growth has shaded the gardens even during weeks of drought.

I found some areas where favorite plants did not continue to grow. As soon as I chopped out extra plants - like the giant borage bigger than a large plant - previous plants (a fragrant yellow rose) and caladiums (red and white) popped up fast, as if escaping from the Doubting Castle.

I said, "I overdid the Monarch Butterfly Plants." Response - "That's what you wanted." I will probably start the spring erasing most - but not all - of the Monarch plants. My alibi is - "Clearance sales for Monarchs." We saw the caterpillars and the Monarchs flying away.

That was the Monarch annex in front of the patio. The sun-saturated Butterfly Garden is now the sunniest, shoulder-to-shoulder dense area, with Joe Pye, Russian sunflowers, borage, comfrey, Chaste Tree, and bee balm welcoming the furtive honeysuckle rose.

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The Story of Our Hymns by Ernest Edwin Ryden

‘This volume has been inspired by a desire on the part of the author to create deeper love for the great lyrics of the Christian Church… To know the hymns of the Church is to know something of the spiritual strivings and achievements of the people of God throughout the centuries. Henry Ward Beecher has well said : “Hymns are the jewels which the Church has worn, the pearls, the diamonds, the precious stones, formed into amulets more potent against sorrow and sadness than the most famous ...

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The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 18, Matthias Loy, Editor

This volume includes “Of the Two Natures of Christ” by Martin Chemnitz, “The Doctrine of Infant Salvation,” “Some Hindrances to Jewish Missions (and how to remove them),” “Liberty and the Reformation” by Matthias Loy, and others! “This Magazine is designed to supply the want, long since felt, of a Lutheran periodical devoted to theological discussion. Its aim will be the exposition and defense of the doctrines of the Church as confessed in the Book of Concord. Theology in all its ...

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What We Believe

We are Bible-believing Christians who subscribe without reservation to the Augsburg Confession as an accurate summary of Scripture, the chief article of which is Justification by Faith. Our purpose is to make available solid and encouraging material to strengthen believers in Christ. Prayers are requested for the next generation, that the Lord will plant in them a love of the truth, such that the hard-learned lessons of the past will not be forgotten. Table of Contents The Sole Rule of ...

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Why is your name the "Lutheran" Library?

Lutherans were originally called Evangelicals. They put the preserved Word of God above the laws and traditions of the church of their day. Their Protestant Reformation took the Bible out of the hands of the priestly class and returned it to God’s people where it belongs. Real Lutherans are Bible believing Christians. The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry stands with John Huss and the 50 million Bible Christians who were killed for their faith during the Counter-Reformation. Most ...

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Alec Satin Mentioned This Famous Reference to the Book of Isaiah


The early church called Isaiah the “Fifth Gospel”. Isaiah is quoted from or alluded to 472 times by 23 New Testament books.

ISAIAH contains more references to salvation that any other Old Testament book (The word salvation appears 33 times in the writing of the prophets, and of these, 26 instances occur in Isaiah.)

Isaiah contains the only Old Testament prophecy concerning the virgin birth of Christ (cf. Isaiah. 7:14 with Matthew. 1:21-23).

Isaiah is a miniature model of the Bible: the Bible has 66 books and Isaiah has 66 chapters; the Old Testament has 39 books the first section of Isaiah has 39 chapters; the New Testament has 27 books the last section of Isaiah has 27 chapters; the 39 Old Testament books record the history and sin of Israel so does Isaiah 1-39; the New Testament introduces Christ and His ministry so does Isaiah 40-66.

Isaiah contains the two furthest reaching events in all of history: The most ancient event is the fall of Satan (14:12-17) and the most future event, the creation of the new heavens and earth (66:22).

Isaiah has more to say about the greatness of God (40,43), the horrors of the Tribulation (24), the wonders of the Millennium (35), and the ministry of Christ (53) than any other book in the Bible.

Isaiah also contains one of the Old Testament’s clearest statements on the Trinity (48:16).

Isaiah 53 is probably the most important chapter in the Old Testament, as it is quoted from or alluded to 85 times in the New Testament. Jesus said that Isaiah saw His glory and spoke of Him (John 12:41).

Daily Lutheran Sermon Quote - Trinity 15 - "He is a lord of mammon who lays hold of and uses it for the sake of those who need it and lets God rule, who says in Luke 6:38. Give, and it shall be given unto you..."


Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Trinity 15 - "But it is one thing to have possessions and another to serve them; to have mammon, and to make a god out of it."

17. He is a lord of mammon who lays hold of and uses it for the sake of those who need it and lets God rule, who says in Luke 6:38. Give, and it shall be given unto you; have you nothing more, you surely have me still, and I have still enough, yea, I have more than I have given away and more than can ever be given away. We see here and there many pious poor people only for the purpose that the wealthy may help and serve them with their riches. If you do it not, you have the sure proof that you hate God.

He, whom the sentence does not terrify, that he will hear on the day of judgment, can be moved by nothing. For he will hear then from God:

Behold, thou hast hated me and loved that which could not protect itself against rust and moth. Ay, how firmly you will then stand!

18. Hence the sense is, we must own some possessions, but are not to cleave to them with our hearts; as Psalm 62:10 says: “If riches increase, set not your heart thereon.” We are to labor; but we are not to be anxious about our existence. This the Master says here in our Gospel in plain and clear words, when he thus concludes: “Be not anxious for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink: nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on.”

19. And he now uses a reasonable and natural form of speech, by which to close, that they are not to be anxious for the nourishment of their lives; for reason must conclude and yield that it is as Christ says, when he gives the ground and reason of his discourse by asking: “Is not the life more than the food, and the body than the raiment!”

20. As if he would say: You turn it just around, the food should serve your life and not your life the food. The same is true in respect to raiment; the clothing should serve the body, thus the body serves the clothing. The world is so blind that it cannot see this.

21. Now we must here have a high esteem for the words of the Lord. He says, “Be not anxious;” he does not say, Labor not. Anxiety is forbidden, but not labor; yea, it is commanded and made obligatory upon us to labor until the sweat rolls down our faces. It is not God’s pleasure for man to tramp around idly; therefore he says to Adam in Genesis 3:19: “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken.” And as Psalm 104:22-23 says: “The sun ariseth. man goeth forth unto his work and to his labor until the evening.”

We are not to be anxious, this is forbidden; for we have a rich God who promises us food and clothing; for he knows what we lack, before we are concerned and begin to pray.

22. Why then does he not give us what we need without our labor?

Because it is thus pleasing to him; he tells us to labor and then he gives it; not because of our work, but out of kindness and grace. This we see before our eyes; for although we labor every year in the field, yet God gives one year more than another. Therefore, we are fools, yea, we act contrary to God’s will, when we are worried as to how to scrape together gold and riches, since God gratuitously and richly promises that he will give us all and will abundantly provide for our every want.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Little White Dustmop Breaches Security Fence, Gets Dogs Dogs Barking and Running


Charlie Sue was resting after breakfast when she responded to the woof-woof of our neighbor's Great Pyrenees. I opened the backdoor and let Charlie tear over to the left, where she normally races.

I heard loud knocking, went to the front door - no one there! Then our neighbor soon came back to report a breach in the fence. The tiny, fluffy new dog - dubbed Little White Dustmop - tunneled under the fence! This crime also engaged the dog-sitter's troop who were yammering on the right side of my backyard. The pug directly behind our yard might have been barking, but it was too chaotic to tell.

Ranger Bob nicknamed LWD, sounding something like Popeye muttering against tiny, noisy dogs. Dustmop was happy to be captured and handed back over the fence. "My dog dug under the fence." I said, "All three of them dug under it. We need close the breaches."

Charlie Sue has established that she is the recreation director for all four yards. She loves to challenge them for a run with her sharp, pointed, barks.


Alec Satin's Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry