Saturday, September 23, 2023

H. L. Mencken -"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."


The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H. L. Mencken

Efficacy - One Word To Cure the Ills of Christendom, None Dare Call It Effectual

Paul Kelm, the point man for the WELS Church Shrinkage Program, has destroyed more churches than the Chicago Fire.  

Tis funny how so many WELS leaders aped the Satanic offspring of Fuller Seminary, defended Fuller, quoted Fuller verbatim, studied the works of Fuller, and denied they ever attended Fuller. One can list Kelm, Valleskey, Bivens, Stolzenburg, Werning, Olson, Huebner, and many more.

Floyd Luther Stolzenburg was kicked out of LCMS, then backed by WELS, especially the Michigan District - Robert Mueller, Paul Kuske, etc. 

Fuller cleverly invited the World Mission executives of all denominations to sip its poison. The executives invited their underlings to attend as well. This was repeated for the American Mission executives, spreading the poison down to the underlings, lo even down to parish pastors (free tuition). LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC made Fuller their alma mater, earning the precious DMin for dopes - coveted by the lazy, greedy, and blasphemous.

Funny how they moved Ski (a Jeske disciple) out and replaced him with another Jeske-ite.

 No! Really? And they deny it.

KJV Philippians 2:13 - 13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

Stephanus - 13 ο θεος γαρ εστιν ο ενεργων εν υμιν και το θελειν και το ενεργειν υπερ της ευδοκιας

Jackson Revisited Version - It is the effective Spirit in the Word which not only gives you the will to serve but is also effective in generating His pleasure. 

Jackson Amplified Version - God's own Holy Spirit not only sparks (energizes) the urge within you but also moves you to carry out His good pleasure - unlike the MBO  fools and their idiotic gimmicks.

 Summer discount at Fuller!
Woo! Pigs! Sooie!

Daily Luther Sermon Quote, Trinity 16 - "But when the voice is heard in the heart, then the one who was before dead begins to speak and to confess the faith with his mouth which he believes and feels in his heart."


Luther - "From this follows great joy and thanksgiving, by which God is praised and exalted; just as here a great report about Christ went over the entire land of the Jews and into all the neighboring countries."

Complete Sermon -> Trinity 16 - The Widow's Son Raised. Luke 7:11-17.

23. But the dead will not be raised to life so quickly. The Word of God is of course preached to us, the goodness of God and whatever is given us through Christ; but this is not yet sufficient, this is only first touching the coffin. The voice of Christ in the heart must also be added, that we may believe the Word, that it is really as we preach. The youth does not immediately arise after he is touched, but when the Lord spoke: “Young man, I say unto thee, Arise!” This voice stirred the heart and caused the dead to rise to life. When I in like manner hear the Word, and allow human traditions to move me, men still bear me ever on and I ever remain in distress, it helps me little. I must besides the external sermon also hear this voice in the heart: “Young man, I say unto thee, Arise:” that is, I must believe this sermon, cleave to it with my heart, trust in it, and let neither sin, death, devil, nor hell draw me from it. 

24. Thus we have two sermons. One lays the hand on the bier. This does not yet accomplish anything. But the other, when the hand is laid on the coffin and the voice follows in the heart, this accomplishes all. The first proclaims to us the works of Christ, how they are done for us and given to us. But when the voice is heard in the heart, then the one who was before dead begins to speak and to confess the faith with his mouth which he believes and feels in his heart. That is, when the heart believes, the work of love follows, namely, that you speak, that is, preach to others and thank God for the blessing and faith he has shown and given unto you. 

25. From this follows great joy and thanksgiving, by which God is praised and exalted; just as here a great report about Christ went over the entire land of the Jews and into all the neighboring countries. Thus a Christian can lead many unto faith. Therefore man should not make a work of jugglery out of miracles and wonders, as the Papists have done.

26. This is said on to-day’s Gospel, in which we see how God helps and saves us, moved by pure grace and loving-kindness, without any merit or worthiness whatever on our part, yea, before we seek or request help from him. God grant that we may believe this!

Friday, September 22, 2023

The Right Hand Knoweth Not What the Left Hand Doeth - LCMC Congregation


Joliet church ordered to pay back donations from local businessman convicted in Ponzi scheme

JOLIET, Ill. (WLS) -- A church in Joliet is scrambling to pay back hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations from the founder of a local business who was convicted of defrauding investors in a Ponzi scheme.

Messiah Lutheran Church leaders say they fear financial ruin for their place of worship.

In August, the congregation learned it would have to pay back over $780,000 in donations to the federal government, even though the church said it has done nothing wrong.

The church was thrust into a financial crisis after authorities said it received donations from a local company accused for fraudulent financial practices.

Kenneth Courtright, founder of Today's Growth Consultant Inc., has been convicted of wire fraud connected to a $75 million Ponzi scheme that defrauded more than 500 investors. Courtright could not be reached for comment.

In 2021, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filed a federal lawsuit demanding that the church pay back to the SEC over $780,000 in donations given to them by Courtright.

The majority of the donations date back to 2010, meaning the money the church received in good faith has already been used for its ministry over the last decade. In August a judge ordered the church to pay the reduced amount of $487,000 in just over 60 days. If they don't, a $100,000 penalty will be added.

2008 Post About Columbus, Ohio, the Michigan District, WELS, Synodical Pratfalls

Michigan Lutheran Seminary, once a seminary for the old Michigan Synod, now a fading prep school for WELS. The old building was called the Plywood Palace.

MLS Veteran has left a new comment on your post "How One District Pope Was Removed":

Dr. Jackson,

What is the issue you have with Paul Kuske?

I thought he was ultra conservative???

MLS Veteran


GJ - Kuske has an issue with Luther's doctrine. Kuske was the dean of men at Michigan Lutheran Seminary. His term there was called The Reign of Terror.

As Michigan District VP, Kuske created Lutheran Parish Resources with donated money, so Floyd Stolzenburg, who had been recently forced out of the LCMS ministerium (for cause), could pretend to be a WELS pastor. Floyd never was and never wanted to be a WELS member. He went to St. Paul's in German Village (Columbus, Ohio) and dissed the pastor - to the pastor's wife - after the service.

No one wanted Floyd as a consultant and they got another divorced pastor, Roger Zehms, to be their Church Growth consultant. So more money was donated to give Floyd his job.

Floyd, Zehms, Kuske, Kovaciny, and M. Schroeder (not the SP) pushed their Church Growth schemes. The District Mission Board--headed by Werning disciple Wally Oelhaven and Fred Adrian --promoted Church Growth without shame or hesitation. Meanwhile I published constantly against Church Growth and for Luther's doctrine.

Floyd constantly caused division and promoted false doctrine in his role as a Church Growth Consultant. Zehms, following his idol (and favorite teacher) Jungkuntz, stayed under the radar and let Floyd do the loud yakking. Kuske ran interference for Floyd. So did District Pope Robert Mueller. The plan all along, as Oelhaven admitted, was to sneak Floyd into the WELS ministerium via this fraudulent Lutheran Parish Resources.

Zehms suddenly found himself leaving Columbus. The circuit pastor told me Zehms ran afoul of one of the pastors. Floyd was allowed to run his little show alone. LPR soon ran out of steam. I was busy quoting the Church Growth people in WELS. Apparently that had some effect.

Kuske and Floyd started Pilgrim Community Church, the stealth mission of LPR. The normally comatose Columbus WELS members were shocked at the dishonesty and fraud of the whole affair. Pilgrim was a grim pill for Kuske and Floyd to swallow. Zehms was in on it, too, telling WELS members to stay away, not visit, and not join. The stealth mission flopped, just as LPR flopped.

Kuske and Schuman (another Church Growth fan) promoted Floyd at Emmanuel Lutheran Church. Kuske denied it on the record and got an Emmanuel member to deny it. However, Schuman and Kuske both wrote letters of recommendation for Floyd, something his old District President would never do. After all, Floyd was sued for divorce by his first wife and sued in court over one of his relationships. Floyd tried to get into a number of different denominations. Due to various factors, Floyd finally made it into Emmanuel. During his rule the lovely female treasurer of the congregation was arrested and convicted for embezzling money from the congregation. Floyd did not want a police investigation! The Columbus Dispatch gave Emmanuel plenty of coverage for this episode. The treasurer went to the hoosegow.

To summarize:
Kuske - for Church Growth doctrine and clergy adultery.
GJ - against Church Growth doctrine and clergy adultery.

Where are they now?
GJ - In sunny Phoenix, teaching graduate students, college students, and conducting services for orthodox Lutherans around the country.

Stolzenburg - Still at Emmanuel, Columbus.

Zehms left Columbus suddenly for WELS Lutherans for Life (renamed to get rid of that pesky name Lutheran). He left WLFL quickly for a call in Texas. He is retiring.

Kuske - Voted out of office as district vice pope. Recent champion of MLS.

Schuman - Forced to leave St. Paul's for false doctrine. Left the ministry, became an AAL agent, but not with them now (apparently).

Kovaciny - Went to Thoughts of Faith, Ukraine, worked under Jay Webber (ELS), joined the ELS (which Pope John the Malefactor denied to my face). Kovaciny became Floyd's pet missionary and bragged about the money he raised from Floyd's congregation. Floyd bragged about Thoughts of Faith and put them on their website. Webber had no objections to this since money flowed from Columbus. Kovaciny helped kick John Shep out as bishop of Ukraine. Kovaciny resigned from the ELS ministry. He stayed a little longer in Ukraine, funded by Floyd, then came back to the US.

M. Schroeder was kicked out of the WELS ministerium for doing what all the WELS leaders were doing - promoting unionism. DP Seifert kicked the congregation out, but not its money. WELS still gets cash from The Donor, as they call him. This is the WELS Doctrine of Telescopic Fellowship: "We are in fellowship with your money but not with you. Just drop the check in the mail."

Fred Adrian, DMB chair, resigned from the ministry.

A national WELS VP denounced me by name at a ministerial meeting. (Apparently I was doing good work. I was gone from WELS, but they needed to do an exorcism of sorts.) The big sin in WELS is "naming names" unless they are doing it. Another big sin is "He is not here to defend his good name, " but not if they are doing it. The VP was forced to resign from the ministry, lied about it to his relatives, then finally admitted it when he called me a liar and I produced the evidence (an official WELS notice).

When a friend visits a WELS congregation and admits he is from SoP in Columbus, the pastoral response is shock, a white face, and this exclamation: "That was Jackson's church!" It's been 16 years, friends - time to get over it.

A former member phoned and said, "Pastor, you would feel right at home in Columbus now. It's orthodox."

Gentle readers, note how the stealth mission concept, pioneered in the Michigan District by DP Mueller and VP Kuske, has grown like kudzu in WELS. Kuske was a bit red-faced when it was brought up at the Michigan District convention. Now WELS shamelessly promotes the same thing.

Clergy adultery and Church Growth doctrine are both safe in WELS. Evidence: California-Arizona-Las Vegas District.

Efficacy - One Word. Romans 10:10 "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."


"Bread and circuses! That will keep them happy until we sell their almost empty properties."

KJV Romans 10

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.

13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report?

17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Widow's Son Raised - "I must believe this sermon, cleave to it with my heart, trust in it, and let neither sin, death, devil, nor hell draw me from it."


Complete Sermon -> Trinity 16 - The Widow's Son Raised. Luke 7:11-17.

17. This youth who is here being borne to his grave is bodily dead. But there are also some inwardly dead before God who still live here in the body. The soul is dead that does not believe in God and cleave to him. And even though he be in the midst of death, yet he lives, as I said above. 

18. This spiritual death occurs in a twofold manner: some are dead in their soul, but no one sees that death as we see bodily death, and this woman herself neither sees nor feels it. So the whole world is dead, but it realizes it not. Therefore some are also spiritually dead, who feel it well enough, as those whom the law has terribly punished. We do not here speak of those who care nothing for spiritual death; but of those who feel that they are dead and that their heart trembles, and who feel in their conscience that they have an unbelieving heart. He is dead quite otherwise than he who does not feel it, and yet always lives in wantonness. Now the one who does not experience their unbelief cannot be helped, for he does not know his sickness, and lives on, cares nothing for God nor the world. But he who feels this death, suffers misery and distress, there is struggling and despair, the world becomes too confined for him, he seeks assistance and advice, he despises neither stone nor wood, when they can afford him counsel, not to say that he should hear anything of man, even of the most insignificant person. 

19. Who now gives him this feeling. The law does it, in that it reveals sin. The law says: “Thou shalt have no other gods.” When I hear this, I must and should do it, but I cannot. Then I quickly conclude that I am condemned. When I act thus, death comes immediately and there is such a struggle in my heart, that if I should receive no help I would have to remain forever in this death and struggle. This then is the death of the only son, who lies in the bier, the pallbearers are continually carrying him into hell. 

20. The pallbearers are the preachers of the law, who do nothing else than plunge mankind ever deeper and deeper into death; as those here hasten to the grave with the dead they are the more terrified and driven the deeper into perdition. It never becomes better with mankind, yea, it is ever growing worse. 

21. This we have thoroughly experienced under the Pope, in our confession of and in our making satisfaction for sin. We allowed ourselves to think we would atone for our sins by good works; but it was only an anxiety of the conscience. Thus we ever sank deeper toward hell. Hence, when you have people, who fear sin and condemnation, they are already dead, you dare not preach to these much more of the law, you must show them the way of salvation and preach to them the Gospel. When our Papists meet such troubled souls, they refer them to rosaries, to pilgrimages, to this and that work; but one helps like the other. 

22. The pallbearers would have still moved on and laid the deceased in his grave and buried him, had Christ not come, so Christ must come also here with his Word and grace. And this now is that other office of the Gospel, which does not teach what you are to do; but whence you are to receive help, that you may do it; as Christ does here. He asks not, what is here? or how do you do this? do you wish to have the youth restored to life again, and the like? He asks none of these things; but he has mercy on the mother, goes to her, touches the bier, and the bearers soon stand still. That is, when  man preaches the goodness of God, and when Christ presents us with his merits and works, then the hand is laid upon the coffin, and the bearers stand still, that is, you no longer hear the preachers of the law, you no longer believe them; but you say: preach works here, preach works there, we have a different sermon. While our hands are on the coffin they accomplished nothing; the dead does not come to life again; but when Christ’s hand touches the coffin the mighty work is done. For when men hear that Christ’s work does it, and that his works are presented to us, he says: What need we to do beside? For here our doing is useless and in vain. 

23. But the dead will not be raised to life so quickly. The Word of God is of course preached to us, the goodness of God and whatever is given us through Christ; but this is not yet sufficient, this is only first touching the coffin. The voice of Christ in the heart must also be added, that we may believe the Word, that it is really as we preach. The youth does not immediately arise after he is touched, but when the Lord spoke: “Young man, I say unto thee, Arise!” This voice stirred the heart and caused the dead to rise to life. When I in like manner hear the Word, and allow human traditions to move me, men still bear me ever on and I ever remain in distress, it helps me little. I must besides the external sermon also hear this voice in the heart: “Young man, I say unto thee, Arise:” that is, I must believe this sermon, cleave to it with my heart, trust in it, and let neither sin, death, devil, nor hell draw me from it.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

How Soon the Preus Clan Forgets Justification and Rome!
How Quickly They Spread Their Errors!

Dr. Robert Preus wrote this book to counter the Roman Catholic trends of his own Ft. Wayne faculty and to repudiate Objective Faithless Justification. The Preus sons opposed both themes in Justification and Rome. Rolf no longer cites it, though he claims to have edited it with Daniel, another victim of incomprehension.

This appalling doggerel praises the Virgin Mary rather than Jesus Christ. ELCA supports the same trifecta:
  1. Genuflecting toward the Church of Rome
  2. Opposing Justification by Faith
  3. Worshiping the saints in lieu of the Savior, promoting radical social activism.

Pr. Austin,

You can tell a bit about a person by their art. Now, I don't know all Pr. Preus' sons, but I have known his son Mark for some years. He wrote this stunning hymn about the Virgin a while ago as he and I were going back and forth on "Ye Watchers." He suggests it be sung to Adoro Te. I wish I had thought to post it a few days back for the Nativity of Mary or for the Dormition.


For Mary, blessed Virgin, do we sing

To Christ, who is her Savior and her King,

Who, born of God and with the Father one,

Came down and made her womb his holy throne.


All generations now confess her blest,

As she by God the Spirit once confessed,

For God made her the vessel of His grace

From whom our Lord first showed His human face.   


When Gabriel spoke then Mary's heart believed,

And by the Holy Spirit she conceived,

And God, who nurtures all and all things made,

Was nurtured and made man within a maid.


As fire burned in the bush unharmed by flame,

And by this mystery God showed his name,

So Mary stays a virgin through the birth

Of Jesus, named Savior of the earth.


What favor did our God in heaven show

To all who live in sin and death below

When God showed favor to the Virgin blest,

And from her flesh our flesh and blood possessed?


The mighty are cast down from off their seat,

The rich are ruined and the proud retreat,

The hungry eat the flesh and drink the blood

That flows to lift the lowly up to God.


How blest is she whose faith was in the Word

That made her be the mother of our Lord!

God, grant us so to trust in what You say,

And with Your mother marvel at this day!


Grant us, dear Father, such humility

As we within the blessed Virgin see,

That we with her may praise her holy Son,

With You and with the Holy Spirit One. 


William Weedon, Assistant Pastor,

Former Chaplain of the LCMS Purple Palace

St. Paul Lutheran Church, Hamel IL

Catechist on LPR Podcast: The Word of the Lord Endures Forever

A Daily, Verse-by-Verse Bible Study with the Church, Past and Present

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Widow's Son - "In overflowing wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting lovingkindness will I have mercy on thee, saith Jehovah thy Redeemer.”


Complete Sermon -> Trinity 16 - The Widow's Son Raised. Luke 7:11-17.

13. Therefore, if death be present and I can no longer live, I must still know enough to say: Yet I live, and will live; so that death, that is all about me, is like a spark of fire, and life is as great as the sea. Now reason cannot grasp how this takes place. But whoever believes, knows for a certainty that to him death will be like a spark of fire in the midst of the ocean, that is extinguished in a moment. God is almighty, he who believes is in God, therefore he is in life, and though he were in the midst of death. So too a poor person who believes, thinks like this one here in death: O! poverty is a spark of fire, and wealth is as abundant as water in the sea; now a moment only is needed for poverty to sink, and I will be rich; for by faith God has entirely changed him who now has all things in his power. So also with shame; when one’s good name and reputation go down, people think they will never again be regained; if you believe and hold to God, it is a matter only of a moment, and you are again in great honor. For our God knows the art that from invincible poverty he can create great riches, from great shame inexpressible honor. So it is also with sin, if you believe. Thus sin compared with righteousness, is as a spark of fire compared with the whole sea of water. 

14. This you see beautifully illustrated in the case of this woman. She is overwhelmed by exceedingly great pain and anguish, so that she thinks God, heaven, earth and all things are opposed to her. And since she looks into this with the eyes of sense, sees it as it is before her natural eyes, she must conclude it is impossible for her to be delivered from her great anxiety. But when her son was raised from the dead for her, she was as though the whole heaven and earth, wood and stone, and everything laughed and rejoiced with her; then she forgot all pain and suffering, this wholly disappeared just like a spark of fire is extinguished when it falls into the sea. Therefore it is written in the prophet Isaiah 54:6-8: “For Jehovah hath called thee as a wife forsaken and grieved in spirit, even a wife of youth when she is cast off, saith thy God. For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee. In overflowing wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting lovingkindness will I have mercy on thee, saith Jehovah thy Redeemer.” But this I do not see, I think this moment is an eternal something before God; but it is in truth only a moment; and much joy follows as Psalm 8:5 also says: “For thou hast made him but little lower than God, and crownest him with glory and honor.” But this is still all hid from us, and we do not see it as this wife does. Her departed son is in the midst of life, for God has him in his bosom, and intends to wake him. There is a spark of death there that surrounds him, which no one saw. But now when he became alive that was revealed which before was hidden from the whole world. 

15. Thus God certainly deals also with us. Here we should learn the kind of God we have, namely, he who surrounds us and is about us in our very greatest dangers and troubles. Therefore, if one is poor, sticks deep in sin, lies in death, is in sorrows and other afflictions, he thinks: it is a transition state, it is a drop and a spark; for God has surrounded him on all sides with pure wealth, righteousness, life and joy, only he does not permit him to see it. But it is a matter of only a little time when we shall see and enjoy it. Thus you have here an example, not of faith, but of the pure grace and lovingkindness of God. Now we must also say a little on the spiritual understanding or the allegorical interpretation of to-day’s Gospel. 


16. All works and miracles that Christ does visibly and publicly should be interpreted to the end that they may show forth the works which he does among men unseen and spiritually or within them. Therefore this bodily death signifies the spiritual death of the soul, which man must believe. For no one can see into the soul of another while we live; but when we are dead, we then have other eyes, then we see that the whole world is dead. Therefore the Lord spoke to a Pharisee, Matthew 8:22, who first wanted to go and bury his father: “Follow me, and leave the dead to bury their own dead.” 

17. This youth who is here being borne to his grave is bodily dead. But there are also some inwardly dead before God who still live here in the body. The soul is dead that does not believe in God and cleave to him. And even though he be in the midst of death, yet he lives, as I said above. 

More Evidence of the Covid Farce - From The American Spectator


"Governor Hairgel" is Nancy Pelosi's nephew.
The linked article is worth reading.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Widow's Son - “Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents; but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.”


Complete Sermon -> Trinity 16 - The Widow's Son Raised. Luke 7:11-17.

7. At times God permits some man to fall into anxiety and need, into pain and distress, so that the world seems as though it had no God, and it makes a person blind, lame, dropsical, and lets anyone die, as here the widow’s son; for they are his creatures, he can do with them what he will. Now, why does he do this? He does it in such an abundance only that we may continually experience his lovingkindness. Therefore as the disciples in John 9:2 asked the Lord concerning the man blind from his birth, whether he or his parents sinned, the Lord answered and said: “Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents; but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.” As though he would say: God desires to be praised in this blind person, for he sees that the treasures of the whole world do not move us, wherefore he floods us with his goodness out of pure grace, that he may present a blind person before our eyes, for us to see what a costly treasure we have in the blessing of our sight, although we cannot recognize his grace and kindness in our fortune, that we at least might know and identify them then in our misfortune. Therefore this man had to be blind in order that the others might know themselves, and say: Alas thou good God, what a precious gift I have, what a good thing a healthy body is and a bright countenance! But no one takes it to heart! Yea, it is true we say: have not the cows eyes also! Now, if you were blind you would of course feel the loss, which you do not now feel, because you are well and overshowered with God’s blessings. 

8. So it was in the case of this widow, in whom God lets himself be known, as to what kind of a God he is, what he thinks of us, and what we must think of him. This woman has two misfortunes around her neck. First, she is a widow. This is misfortune enough for one woman, that she is forsaken and alone, and has no one to whom she dare look for comfort. And therefore God in the Scriptures is often mentioned as the Father of the widow and orphans, as in Psalm 68:6 and Psalm 146:9: “God setteth the solitary in families. The Lord preserveth the strangers and orphans, he delivers the widow.” Again: she has an only son about to die, who should have been her comfort. Now, God comes and takes away her husband and son. She had much better have lost house and home, yes, her own life, than her son and husband. But the Lord turns it around. While the husband lived the woman did not appreciate what a blessing a husband was; but when he died she first became aware of it. When he lived, she thought: O, other women have husbands, too! And thought her husband was like other husbands. But afterwards when he was dead, she became aware what kind of a man she had lost. So, too, when her son was bright and well, she did not appreciate the blessing of God, but as soon as he died, she then first saw what a treasure she had lost. Before she did not desire to spend on him; but now, since he is dead, she spends all she has and even herself upon him. And thus it is also with us. There are many of you who do not expend ten dollars that your child may be reared better; if the child dies the parents wish and say: O would to God he were alive, I would give many hundred dollars! Why did you not give something before that he might have learned a little? What is the reason you do not appreciate the grace and blessings of God? In short, the world remains world, and it will not change into anything else. 

9. Now, the woman went ahead and did not know what God had given her; but she was soon obliged to experience it. For before she turns around, and she thinks she is the safest, God comes, tries the wife a little and teaches her certain things, takes her husband and her son. This all has been written for us that we might have an example and learn to acknowledge God when he blesses us with a healthy body, a bright countenance, and bestows upon us other blessings. He does not give them to the end that you should rejoice in them; but that you may know what to think of him. When he takes a member out of your family, permits your wife to die, or destroys one of your eyes, all this is done that you may see what you have enjoyed from him. 

10. And this is now the common teaching through all the Gospels, that we may see what kind of a God we have. It is also shown us here in this Gospel that God will forsake no one; therefore he permits the wife to see in a new light what kind of a God she has. For when she was forsaken and had neither son nor husband, then Christ manifests himself to her and says: Learn to believe, trust God, know him to whom death and life are alike: have a good heart, be of good courage, weep not, there is no need of it. He then goes and awakens the dead, and gives him again to his mother.  

11. This and like miracles God does that the heart may learn how it should be disposed to him and what it may expect from him. As now this wife was fully convinced that there was no hope for her son, that it was impossible for her to receive him back alive again; yea, if one had said to her: Before an hour your son will be alive again, she would have regarded it as impossible and said: It is more possible for the heavens to fall than for my son to live again. Behold, here comes God before she looks around, and does what she never dared to ask of him, as it is impossible, and he restores her son alive to her again. But why does God do this? He permits man to fall so deeply into danger and anxiety, until no help or advice is within reach, and still he desires that we should not doubt, but trust in him who out of an impossible thing can make something possible, and make something out of nothing. If you are so deep in sin that your heart denies you all grace and the mercy of God and makes you think there is no hope for you, as many consciences are ensnared by such anxiety and distress; then turn about and look here how friendly and graciously God allows himself to be pictured by Christ in this Gospel; that you may observe that he means it well with you from his heart; and that he is not here either to condemn or excommunicate you, but to preserve your soul forever. For this purpose such miracles and wonderful works are held before our eyes, and they also serve to the end, that we may see. As God here helps this widow in a temporal way through Christ, so he will help us not only bodily, but much more spiritually, and our soul forever, if we only put our hope in him. 

12. But all miracles and works of God are considered impossible in our eyes, and they are also impossible for the natural man to grasp; and this is to the end that God may be confessed to be an almighty Creator, who from something impossible can create something possible, and can make something out of nothing. It is impossible after I am dead that I should live again; and even if I should pray to all the angels and all the saints for it; nothing will result from such prayers; what then can the free will accomplish? Nevertheless in death I should say: I shall live, not through myself, but because I know that my God is so skillful that he can make something, not out of wood that lies before my eyes, but it is his nature and way to make a thing possible here from something impossible; and create something out of nothing; otherwise he were not the true and real God. 

13. Therefore, if death be present and I can no longer live, I must still know enough to say: Yet I live, and will live; so that death, that is all about me, is like a spark of fire, and life is as great as the sea. Now reason cannot grasp how this takes place. But whoever believes, knows for a certainty that to him death will be like a spark of fire in the midst of the ocean, that is extinguished in a moment.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Little White Dustmop and the Cow Squares

 The cover is Norma A. Boeckler's garden, not mine! Amazon paperback.

Today, the Military Gardening Group convened in the back yard for some pour-over coffee, waiting for the storm to arrive. Stage Left - the Great Pyranees Porchi and the Little White Dustmop were playing around. Charlie Sue gave both dogs sharp little barks to get them running along the chain-link fence. Two and three at a time, they raced along the fence together, turned around, raced back, etc.

Charlie Sue herself is a dog trainer. Patterdale Terriers are considered domineering. She is smart, funny, affectionate, and gentle with her staff.

Suddenly, LWD was in our yard and Charlie Sue was trying to start something with the little guy, who is only half the size of my dog. No one is doubting Charlie's skill in training other dogs. She began fence digging, and Porchi followed. Then LWD wanted to connect the two sides and crawled under the fence where two or three of them had dug. They saw it as a demilitarized zone for friends, but the LWD staff thought otherwise - a bit scared.

I picked up LWD in one hand and gently handed him over to a nervous teenage girl. I asked if he was going to be as huge as his buddy. "No, he will stay small."

This second breech guaranteed that I would have a barrier fence dug in, right after our stormy weather. I may have even more cow squares to use as rugged, portable fencing.

Since the rain was coming I dumped the rain barrels and looked for signs of growth, even without planting something new. There they were, after a few weeks - three delicate strands of morning glory working their way up into the sunlight. Mr. Gardener first used them on his side of the fence, but I did not want them strangling the roses.

Like putting tiny ships in bottles, gardening is a relaxing way to shift Creation this way and that. What some think is labor turns out to be fun, educational, and inspirational.

Ranger Bob is now done with daily IV infusion to ward off infection. I was the driver and got to know the infusion nurses. I brought in roses several times and lit up the staff, especially the three we knew best. Bob told them I wrote books and gardening, so I brought three copies of Creation Gardening. They loved the roses, the fragrances, and the books.


Lenski Resources - The Gospel of John - From the Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry


Preaching on John by R C H Lenski

“Preaching on John is a series of exegetical-homiletical text studies in which the person of John the Evangelist and some of his choice teachings are treated. After submitting each text to a thorough and satisfying exposition in which applications to present-day life are constantly made, the author presents some sermon outlines and offers homiletic hints.”

“There is an abundance of helpful material here for a series of sermons on the disciple whom Jesus loved.” — From the back cover

Level of DifficultyIntermediate: Some subject matter knowledge helpful.

Book Contents

  • Titlepage
  • A word of introduction
  • Contents
  • The First Contact. John 1:35-42
  • A Fisher of Men. Mark 1:14-20
  • The Great Ambition. Matt. 20:20-23
  • “Whom Jesus Loved.” John 13:21-26
  • A Personal Trust. John 19:25-27
  • God is Love. 1 John 4:7-11
  • John’s Vision of Christ in Glory. Rev. 1:9-20
  • The Thousand Years. Rev. 20:1-6

Publication Information

  • Lutheran Library edition first published: 2023
  • CopyrightCC BY 4.0

Hebrews - Daily Verses - Chapter 13 - Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Hebrews - Chapter 13

13 1 Let brotherly love continue.

2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

3 Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.

4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.

5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

6 So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.

7 Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.

8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

9 Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.

10 We have an altar, whereof they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle.

11 For the bodies of those beasts, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin, are burned without the camp.

12 Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate.

13 Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach.

14 For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.

15 By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

16 But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

18 Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly.

19 But I beseech you the rather to do this, that I may be restored to you the sooner.

20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,

21 Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

22 And I beseech you, brethren, suffer the word of exhortation: for I have written a letter unto you in few words.

23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty; with whom, if he come shortly, I will see you.

24 Salute all them that have the rule over you, and all the saints. They of Italy salute you.

25 Grace be with you all. Amen.