Saturday, June 8, 2024

An Eternal Complaint from a Lawyer - "How did you get to Coolidge?"


I started a Facebook page for my junior high - Calvin Coolidge - and one for my grade school - Garfield.

I gather photos where I can - many have helped. Facebook encouraged me to ask questions, so I posted for Coolidge - "How did you get to Coolidge?"

We have 1,500 members, so I thought a few might want to respond.

We have 1,100 responses to that question. One alumnus became quite disturbed that we listed various means, such as walking, riding a bike, or getting a ride in the family car. New members of the group tend to add to the list because it is often near the top.

  • One lawyer became very angry that we were discussing trivia. He probably missed the nostalgia of stores along the way, 
  • a book store, 
  • a laundry where we bought hot cocoa in the winter. 

The Moline Memories blog has almost 500,000 views, but who's counting?

Lutheran Library - Alec Satin - Sayings of Charles Porterfield Krauth


The Big Five sYNODS - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) haVE not grasped the importance of Krauth and probably never will.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Trinity 2 Epistle - "Through its own evil works, unbelief, pride, contempt for the Word and grace of God, and the persecution of the godly, the world has become by this time the victim of Satan and eternal death."


Complete sermon ->Luther's Sermons - 1 John 3:13-18.
Second Sunday after Trinity

22. Such knowledge is comforting to the godly little company of Christians, who are confident they have God’s favor and know it to be the occasion of their persecution; they have no protection and succor but are exposed to the same fate as Abel. If they fare better, they may thank God for it. But they are ever to abide in love toward God, whose love they have received and felt, and likewise toward men, their enemies not excepted. This was Abel’s way; could he have lived again, he would have kept his brotherly love for his murderer, forgiving him and even imploring God’s forgiveness for him. “We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brethren.”


23. To abide in love should be the motive for us Christians. John contrasts it with the motive of the world in hating us—its wickedness. The world’s hatred of you, as John words imply, is not strange. The contrast between you and the world is exceedingly great. Through its own evil works, unbelief, pride, contempt for the Word and grace of God, and the persecution of the godly, the world has become by this time the victim of Satan and eternal death. It spurns all counsel and aid directed toward its rescue. Stiff-necked and hardened, under evident condemnation by its own conscience, it has chosen to persist in its doom. But we believers in Christ, God be praised! are different people. We have come forth from death; we have passed through death and entered into life through the knowledge and faith of the Son of God, who has loved us and given himself for us.

24. Such grace and goodness of God, says the apostle, should prompt you not to be offended and vanquished by the world’s ingratitude, hate and malice, and thus to cease from holy endeavor and become likewise, evil, which course will result in the loss of your treasure. It is yours, not by your own effort, but by grace alone; for at one time you as well as they 1anguished in the kingdom and power of death, in evil works, far from faith and love.

Remember to comfort yourselves, therefore, with the thought of this great blessing, an advantage you enjoy above the others. What if the world, abiding in death, does hate and persecute you who abide in life? Whom can its hatred injure? It cannot take from you the life which it lacks while you possess it, nor deliver you to death, from which you have passed, through Christ. When it does its worst it may perhaps falsely slander you, or deprive you of your property, or destroy your corrupt body—the final home of maggots and in any event doomed to corruption—and thus through the death of the body help you gain true life. Thus vengeance will be yours rather than its own. Yours will be the joy of being transplanted from death into life, whereas the world must abide in death. While they of the world think to deny you both the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of earth, they themselves lose body and soul What more terrible retribution could their hatred and envy receive? For the sake of denying gratification to the devil and the world, and much more for your own welfare, you must not allow your persecutions to rob you of your peace and salvation, nor to lead you to lose your faith through impatience and desire for revenge.

Rather, pity their wretchedness and doom. You lose nothing by their oppression; yours is the gain, theirs the loss. For the slight grief inflicted upon you with reference to body and time, it shall dearly pay both here and hereafter.

25. How do we know we have passed from death unto life? John says, because we love the brethren. Just what does he mean? Is it not our doctrine that Christ first loved us, as John elsewhere says? that before we ever loved him he died and rose again for us? When we fully believe in our Savior’s love, then our own hearts respond with perfect love to God and our neighbor. Why, then, does John say, “We have passed out of death into life, because we love the brethren” ?

26. The explanation is found in the words “We know.” John says plainly, “From the fact that we love the brethren, we know we have passed out of death into life.” Love of the brethren is the test whereby we may ascertain who are the true believers. The apostle directed this epistle especially against false Christians; many there are who extol Christ, as did unbelieving Cain, and yet fail to bear the fruit of faith. John’s reference is not to the means whereby we pass from sin and death to life, but to the proof whereby we may know the fact—not to the cause, but to the effect.

27. It is not sufficient to boast of having passed from death into life; there must be evidence of the fact. Faith is not an inactive and lifeless thing.

When there is faith in the heart, its power will be manifest. Where power is not in evidence, all boasting is false and vain. When the human heart, in its confidence in divine mercy and love, is thrilled with spiritual comfort, and also warmed into kindness, friendliness, humility and patience towards the neighbor, envying and despising none but cheerfully serving all and ministering unto necessity even to hazarding body and life —when this is the case, then the fruits of faith are manifest.

Such fruits are proof that the believer has truly passed from death into life.

Had he not true faith, but doubted God’s grace and love, his heart would not prompt him, by reason of his love and gratitude to God, to manifest love for his neighbor. Where man has faith, and where he realizes God’s infinite mercy and goodness in raising him from death to life, love is enkindled in his heart, and he is prompted to do all manner of good, even to his enemies, as God has done to him.

28. Such is the right interpretation and understanding of John’s expression: “We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brethren.” It leaves in its integrity the foundation, justification, or deliverance from death, through faith alone. This is the first element of Christian doctrine. Granting that faith does justify, the next question is whether the faith is real or simulated, being merely a deceptive show and unsupported claim. The clear information imparted by the apostles is, that love, indeed, does not deliver from death, but that deliverance from death and the presence of life becomes a matter of sight and knowledge in that love has been wrought. With true faith we must have come to the point where we no longer, like Cain, in our pride and conceit, despise our neighbor; where we are not filled with envy, hatred and bitterness; where we desire, and to the extent of our power, promote the interests of our neighbor and work him all good.

29. John draws to a close by showing the opposite side of the picture, in that he addresses earnest words that reecho like peals of thunder to those who make the carnal boast of being Christians while destitute of love. He cites several facts as evidence that where love is lacking, necessarily faith and deliverance from death are absent, likewise. Thus no opportunity is given for self-deception or a frivolous excuse based upon wordy boasting of one’s faith. The reality of the inner life is known by the presence of love, which in turn attests the presence of faith in the heart.


30. Here, in clear, decisive words, the conclusion is expressed that no man may boast of life unless he has love. If it is true that faith must be active, it is conversely true that the absence of fruitage demonstrates one’s continuance in the old Cain-like manner of existence, torpid and dead, bereft of solace and the experience of God’s grace and life. Let no one presume to think he has passed into life so long as he is devoid of love and the fruits of faith. Let him become serious, and in alarm make ready to become a true believer, lest he remain in eternal death and under greater condemnation than those who have never heard the Gospel.



31. Still clearer and stronger becomes the argument that lack of love means continuance in death. The stern and frightful judgment is here expressed that the unloving person is no better than Cain the fratricide. His heart is under the influence of deadly hate and murderous malice against the brother who refuses to be subservient to his desires. Kindling rage will prove its existence by appropriate works unless restrained by the fear of disgrace and punishment. He wishes his brother nothing good, but rejoices in his misfortune.

All this, however, is impossible for one who believes that he has been delivered from death. One who knows the wretchedness and misery of death from experience, but has entered upon life with its solace and joy, blessings he seeks to maintain—such a person will desire for others the same blessing; he cannot rejoice in another’s death. Therefore it is true conversely: “We know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.”


32. Thus we see the nature of the human heart without faith and the knowledge of Christ; at bottom it is but the heart of a Cain, murderous toward its neighbor. Nor can anything better be expected from him who is not a Christian. The Scriptures repeatedly denounce such faithless hypocrites as bloodthirsty and deceitful. “Jehovah abhorreth the bloodthirsty and deceitful man.” Psalm 5:6. “For their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed blood.” Proverbs. 1:16. See also verse 11. All mankind are by nature the children of the murderer Cain. They are, of course, no better than their father. While Cain was a man most magnificent, intelligent and wise, being the first fruit born of those holy parents Adam and Eve, and in his superior endowment with natural virtues infinitely superior to all who come after him, he was nevertheless an unbeliever before God. Hence he became the murderer of his brother.

III. “Hereby know we love, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoso hath the world’s goods, and beholdeth his brother in need, and shutteth up his compassion from him, how doth the love of God abide in him?”

33. These words delineate true Christian love and hold up the sublime example, or pattern, of God’s love manifest in Christ. Christ’s blood and death is God’s own blood and death. Paul in Acts 20:28, speaks of God having purchased the Church “with his own blood.” The heart of man by faith receives and apprehends this sacrifice. Under its transforming influence he is disposed to work good to his neighbor as he has himself received good. He even jeopardizes his life to that end, being conscious of his redemption from eternal death, and knowing physical death powerless to affect his eternal life. But the heart that fails to appropriate Christ’s sacrifice is without faith and insensible to God’s love and eternal life.

34. John uses an illustration plain enough for anyone to understand, and from which we may judge that the soul found wanting in small duties will be deficient in great ones. According to the apostle, if one possesses this world’s goods and sees his neighbor want, he being able to render assistance without injury to himself, and yet closes his heart against that neighbor, not assisting him with even the slightest work of love, how can the love of God dwell in him since he appreciates it so little that he will not spare his needy brother a penny? How can he be expected, then, to render a greater service—to even lay down his life for his brother? What right has such a soul to boast—how can he know—that Christ has laid down his life for him and delivered him from death?

35. How frequently are such people to be found! Having this world’s goods and being able to help the needy, they close their hearts against the unfortunate, as did the rich glutton toward poor Lazarus. Where shall we find in imperial courts, among kings, princes and lords, any who extend a helping hand to the needy Church, or give her so much as a crust of bread toward the maintenance of the poor, of the ministry and of schools, or for other of her necessities? How would they measure up in the greater duty of laying down their lives for the brethren, and especially for the Christian Church? Note the terrible judgment that they who are devoid of brotherly love are in God’s sight murderers and cannot have eternal life.

36. But the merely selfish may well escape our censure in comparison with those who not only close their purses to the poor but shamelessly and forcibly deprive and rob their needy neighbor of his own by overreaching, by fraud, oppression and extortion; who take from the Church the property rightfully hers and especially reserved for her, snatching the bread from her mouth, so to speak. Not only is the papistical rabble today guilty of such sin, but many who would be known as evangelical practice the same fraud with reference to the parochial estates and general property of the Church, and, in addition, tyrannically harass and torment the poor ministers. But oh, how heavy and terrible the impending judgment for those who have denied to Christ the Lord in his thirst even the cup of cold water!


37. The world and the false Christians in word pretend great love; but in practice, when love should manifest itself in deeds, it is found to be insincere. So John admonishes that where our love is not ardent enough to lead us to lay down our lives for our brethren, however much we may profess Christ, that love is assuredly only a vain show, a false pretense, wherewith we deceive ourselves and remain in infidelity and death, and in a more deplorable condition than those who are wholly ignorant of the Gospel. Therefore, let him who would proceed safely and prove himself a Christian remember to prove himself such by his deeds and works. Then men will know that he does not, a murderer and liar, like others, follow the devil. They will know, on the contrary, that he truly and with the heart clings to the Word of God, having passed from death to life.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Evangelicals Need To Stop Sniffing Their Airplane Glue.
They May Be Worse Than Anyone Imagined

ChurchLeaders obtained unpublished audio of a Q&A session featuring North Point Community Church pastor Andy Stanley and licensed counselor and ordained pastor Debbie Causey at the controversial Unconditional Conference hosted at North Point last month.

Causey is North Point Community Church’s Director of Care. Her responsibilities include the overseeing church’s Parent Connect ministry, which facilitates “groups and events for parents of LGBTQ+ children.” She is also a mother whose youngest son, according to her website, “came out in high school” and has been “on a journey to discover what God has to say about the topic of homosexuality and gender identity issues and the LGBTQ+ community for the past decade.”

Causey’s website describes her ministry as one that is “for parents of LGBTQ+ children who are desperate to learn how to love their children well and discover God’s purposes for them on this journey.”

Poison Ivey? Evangelicals are leading the movement to homogenize everything except Biblical doctrine. Lawyering up, Ivey discovered that she was a victim, yes a victim. Parachurch movements seem to be more corrupt than their denominational counterparts, or perhaps lacking the layers of insulation to protect the staff from the facts. WELS has two (2) murders and plenty of outrageous scandals, but anyone mentioning even one item is "breaking the 8the commandment."

"Prominent youth group curriculum provider Orange has hired a third-party law firm to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct and “clergy sexual abuse” between its founder Reggie Joiner and CEO Kristen Ivey after Ivey, who was having an extended adulterous affair with Joiner, suddenly 
decided to retract her confession of having had an “inappropriate relationship” and instead insist it was actually an abusive relationship that she could not possibly consent to, and as a result was a victim of his manipulations and machinations.

According to an email obtained by The Roys Report, Interim Orange president Mikael Clear told staffers that the board selected  Castañeda + Heidelman to conduct a “thorough, objective, trauma-informed, forensic investigation” of “the situation” between Joiner and Ivey, encouraging members to participate fully with the investigation, which is expected to last several months.

Two months ago, Joiner resigned from his role at Orange after confessing he’s been having an affair with CEO Kristen Ivy, the president and CEO of Orange, who also resigned. While Ivy initially characterized the adulterous affair to the Orange board as an “inappropriate relationship,” an email from Ivy to board members walked back those claims, saying she was, in fact, a victim of clergy sexual misconduct that she could not meaningfully consent to, and as a result should not “shoulder the burden of responsibility.”

Ivy explained that during the original interview with the board after they first learned of her actions, she was “prepared to protect Reggie at all cost because I was laboring under years of the belief that protecting Reggie was the only way to protect Orange” and that I chose the words “inappropriate relationship” when characterizing what I believed needed to be disclosed. My intent at the time was to maintain a humble posture and shoulder the burden of responsibility.”

After seeking professional counsel and speaking to “experts in abuse,” she has come to realize that “I now realize I am experiencing a high level activated trauma – not just from the past weeks, but also compounded trauma from many years of emotional and psychological abuse.” 

“Part of that realization has been to recognize that in my disclosure to Orange, I was still living within the mental frameworks I had been coerced to believe which led me to request an inappropriate level of responsibility for this situation.”

Ivy said that because of the power dynamics at play, including the 20-year age difference between them, Joiner’s refusal to accept her resignation, and the potential loss of income if she came forward, she was a victim in all this who could not give meaningful consent to their sexual activity:

I believe you were able to see – even before I was able to name it – that the nature of the relationship between Reggie and myself was not truly capable of having meaningful consent. What I said was true, that the relationship between Reggie and myself was inappropriate, but I am now aware that this is not the best framing for understanding the nature of what took place. The truth is that Reggie has repeatedly abused his power and used it to gain access to vulnerable, often very young women, slowly crossing boundaries, isolating them, and eventually coercing them into agreeing to the abuse.

The very nature of these relationships is to confuse a victim into believing what is happening is consensual, and it can take years of separation from the abuser for the victim to recognize the abuse. I have been separated from Reggie for less than a week, but I am aware that these patterns are abusive and not consensual."

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Trinity 2 Epistle - "Deplorable the fact that a man of Cain’s qualifications, born of godly parents and signally honored of God, should display such hatred and inhumanity toward poor Abel merely because of God’s Word and Abel’s faith."


Luther's Sermons - 1 John 3:13-18.
Second Sunday after Trinity

16. This is what John means when he says that Cain had no other cause for his crime than that his own works were evil and his brother’s righteous. Similarly, that obedient daughter of Saint Cain, the world, hates the Christians; and for no other reason than the latter’s love and goodness of heart. Witness the examples of the holy patriarchs, the prophets and, most of all, of Christ himself.

17. What sin against the world did the beloved apostles commit? They desired the injury of none, but went about in extreme poverty and toil, teaching mankind how, through faith in Christ, to be saved from the devil’s kingdom and from eternal death. This the world will not hear and suffer; hence the hue and cry: “Kill, kill these people ! Away with them from off the earth ! Show them no mercy !” Why this hostility? Because the apostles sought to relieve the world of its idolatry and damnable doings. Such good works the world could not tolerate. What it desires is nothing but praise and commendation for its own evil doings, expecting from God the impossible endorsement, “Your deeds are good and well-pleasing to me.

Pious children of mine are you. Just keep on cheerfully killing all who believe and preach my Word.”

18. In the same way does the world conduct itself today with reference to our Gospel. For no other reason are we hated and persecuted than because we have, through God’s grace, proclaimed his Word that recovered us from the blindness and idolatry in which we were sunken as deeply as the world, and because we desire to rescue others. That is the unpardonable sin by which we have incurred the world’s irreconcilable anger and its inextinguishable hatred. It cannot permit us to live.

We preach no other doctrine than faith in Christ, which our children pray and they themselves confess in words. We differ only in our claim that Christ having been crucified for us and having shed his blood to redeem us from sin and death, our salvation is not effected by our own works, or holiness or devotion. The fact that we do not regard their faithless worship equal to Christ himself, but teach men to trust in the grace of God and not their own worthiness, and to render him gratitude for his grace—this fact is intolerable to the world. It would be well for our adversaries if they would receive such teaching, since it would render them more than ever what they profess to be: our superiors in wisdom, knowledge and reputation—a claim we are willing to concede. But Cain’s works are evil and Abel’s righteous.

The world simply cannot tolerate the Gospel, and no unity or harmony is ever to be hoped for. The world will not forsake its idolatry nor receive the faith. It would force us to renounce the Word of God and praise its Cain-like worship, or take death at their hands.

19. Therefore, John says, “Marvel not, brethren, if the world hateth you,” for it is compelled to act according to the nature inherited from its father Cain. It would have all merits and concede to Abel none. The world comprises the exalted, the wise, the learned, the mighty. The Scriptures represent these as under necessity to hate and persecute the poor throng of the Church of Christ by reason of the good works done by them. They can under no consideration tolerate the idea of being taught by this despised and humble throng the doctrine of salvation through the grace and mercy of God alone, not through man’s own merits. They cannot endure the teaching that their offering—the mass, regarded by the Papists as a work of superlative merit and holiness—avails nothing before God.

20. In the text the nature of the world is portrayed for our recognition. So to understand the world as to know what may be expected from it is essential and valuable knowledge for the Christian. Thus armed he will not be dismayed and become impatient of suffering, nor permit its malice and ingratitude to mislead him to hate and desire for revenge. He will keep his faith and love, suffering the world to go its way if it refuse to hear his message. The Christian should expect nothing better from the world than its bitter persecution in return for his good works and love. The Church of Christ on earth, let him remember, is never to have an easier lot. He is not to judge according to show and appearance, thinking: “They are the great throng, the wisest and cleverest people on earth; how is it possible that they should all be in error and under condemnation?”

21. It is necessarily true that discipline and peace are impossible without the most excellent, exalted, erudite, clever people—royal, princely, noble in achievement and honor. Cain is never plain and lowly. He is always eminently clever, wise, holy and in every way vastly Abel’s superior. In fact, he must in himself represent all desirable things, as his name indicates.

And the same characteristic is manifest in his children, who are ingenious in the invention of every variety of art. Deplorable the fact that a man of Cain’s qualifications, born of godly parents and signally honored of God, should display such hatred and inhumanity toward poor Abel merely because of God’s Word and Abel’s faith.

Tom Fisher - Notice How Deceptive Walther Is


Tom Fisher's twin lambs.

Dear Pastor Jackson,

America is NOT a Christian nation!!! WHAT!!! How can you say that?? 

America is a 'works righteousness' nation that despises, rejects, and mocks God's work in Faith, Baptism, Office of the Keys, Holy Communion, and His exact efficacious Word in the King James Bible, Luther's 1545 Bible, and the TEXTUS RECEPTUS. 

America is a nation that trusts reasoning instead of the all clear Word of God. Oh my!  The yowling favoring reasoning over God's Word is deafening:

"Baptism is just water that gives nothing. Faith is NOT God's work. Faith is your work of making a decision for Christ. You MUST do the work of accepting Jesus into your heart. Infants must NOT be baptized until they are old enough to do the work of making a decision for Christ and accepting Jesus into their hearts. Just say, 'Dear Jesus come into my heart." You must do the work of dedicating your life to God. You must do the work of getting closer to God.  You MUST follow these awesome steps and techniques to get closer to God. Close your eyes and work yourself into an emotional frenzy as you feel the 'spirit' move you with the squalling 'bust a gut' church music. Lift your hands high in the air to praise God with your own works , reasoning, and will power. You must do the work of speaking in tongues. Baptism is just water that gives nothing. Fasting actually attracts God to come to you. God's Word is NOT efficacious. It is just empty words that do nothing and give nothing. The Office of the Keys does NOT forgive sins. It is just an empty nothing. Holy Communion is just bread and wine that gives nothing. Holy Communion is NOT Christ's Last Will and Testament bequeathing to us forgiveness of sins and eternal life. YAAA HOOO!!! Cowboy church sure sounds fun!  I just love being a cowboy that can bring his horse into a church roping arena where what matters most is center stage: cowboys, horses, and roping. Just keep the Bible submissive to cowboy squalling, yipping, and yapping, spitting, and chewing. Oh my!! Cowboys love to mock God and His Word! 

Repent America!! Turn away from trusting your corrupt darkened reasoning and will. Your reasoning and will have taken you far far away from God your Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ His only begotten Son. You cannot come to God. God must come to you. He comes to you in the gentleness of His infant child Jesus born of the virgin Mary for you. 

"Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." Luke 2:10-14

Reasoning takes away the truth that this baby born of the virgin Mary is God and man in one person. He took all our sins upon Himself, was crucified, dead, buried, and then rose from the dead and ascended into heaven for us.

"All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." Isaiah 53:6

Darkened reasoning rejects God's grace and forgiveness in favor of works righteousness. Reasoning and the will is the way Americans " get closer to God."  Surely there is at least a spark of good in our highest and most noble powers of our reasoning and will.

I remember graduating with honors from parochial high school. Everything went well. I even delivered a good speech in spite of my nervousness.  I was feeling encouraged and happy as I received words of encouragement from friends and family. Then my heart sank as I saw the sad, gaunt, tortured face of "Mr. Calvinist" purposefully making his way toward me, eager for malignant debate. He wasted no time pressing his attack against me.  "So you still don't believe there is any good in man, not even a spark of good?", he snarled. And so the war began with "Mr. Calvinist" arrogantly and condescendingly pressing forward with his invincible and superior reasoning while I deftly countered  his lies with the clear Word of God I knew and believed so well.

Reasoning, the ultimate power and seat of all wickedness and unbelief, attacks us poor Christians from within our own hearts as well as externally from apostate heretics and this evil world. Christ our Lord warns us about having a wrong understanding of His Words when He said,

"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!" Matthew 6:22-23

"Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness." Luke 11:35

"While ye have light,  believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light." John 12:36

Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in him and in you: because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth. He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now." 1 John 2:8,9

In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:4,5

For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light." Ephesians 5:8

Our highest powers of reasoning and will is darkness. They lead us farther and farther away from God.
Scripture describes our reasoning and will as deceitful and desperately wicked in Jeremiah 17:9

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"

Our highest powers of reasoning and will take us farther and farther away from God. 

"For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his." Romans 8:5-9

Luther describes the wickedness of our most exalted powers of reasoning and will.

"Therefore, those most exalted virtues of the best men are in the flesh; that is, they are dead, and at enmity against God; they are not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be; and they please not God. For Paul does not only say that such men are not subject, but that they cannot be subject. So also Christ saith, "An evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit." ( Matthew 7:17). 
.....So that these two sentiments of Paul, that the just man liveth "by faith" (Romans 1:17), and that "whatsoever is not of faith is sin," (Romans 14:23), stand confirmed: the latter of which follows from the former. For if there be nothing by which we are justified by faith only, it is evident that those who are not of faith, are not justified. And if they be not justified, they are sinners. And if they are sinners, they are evil trees and can do nothing but sin and bring forth evil fruit--Wherefore, "Free-will" is nothing but the servant of sin, of death, and of Satan, doing nothing, and being able to do or attempt nothing, but evil! (Martin Luther, Bondage of the Will; Associated Publishers And Authors, pg. 141 )

Our Baptism in the name of God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost crushes and mortifies our old man of reasoning and will. Jesus said:

"Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again." John 3:5-7

God clothes us in the righteousness of Christ in our Baptism.

"For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ." Galatians 3:26,27

American "do it yourself" Christianity rejects true Faith, Baptism, The Office Of The Keys, Holy Communion, and the true pure Word of God in the King James Bible. The reasoning of CFW Walther rejected Faith, Baptism, The Office Of The Keys, and Holy Communion.

According to CFW Walther, objective universal justification occurred over 2,000 years ago without baptism, without Faith, without the Washing of Regeneration, without the Renewing of the Holy Ghost. 

C.F.W. Walther said, "For God has already forgiven you your sins 1800 years ago when He in Christ absolved all men by raising Him after He first had gone into bitter death for them " (The Path To Understanding Justification, Gregory L. Jackson, PhD; pg. 12; ISBN 9781072530428

Let's step out of the weeds for a moment and attempt to grasp this highest blasphemy and mockery against God and His work in Baptism, Faith, The Washing of Regeneration, and Renewing of the Holy Ghost. Do you see how they are all permanently tore away from justification. Yes, all of these most necessary works of God in Baptism, Faith, the Washing of Regeneration, and Renewing of the Holy Ghost are permanently tore away from justification. These works of God must come first in justification. 

In contrast OJ / SJ insists universal forgiveness comes first, prior to and without Faith, Baptism, the Washing of Regeneration, and the Gift of the Holy Ghost. 

God does not change. CFW Walther and Franz Pieper taught that God changed the instant Christ rose from the dead, moving Him to justify the whole world prior to and without Faith, Baptism, the Office Of The Keys, and Holy Communion.

"For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed." Malachi 3:6

LCMS, WELS, ELS, ELCA are all stuck with this blasphemous objective universal justification that has permanently tore away God's work of Faith, Baptism and the Renewing of the Holy Ghost from justification. 

True justification by faith was given to Abraham 400 years before the law and thousands of years before CFW Walther's blasphemous objective justification without faith, without Baptism, without the renewing of God the Holy Ghost.

CFW Walther's reasoning even added man's work of personally 'accepting' Universal Justification as his own without true Faith. CFW Walther said:

"Only one thing remains on your part so that you also possess the gift.  This one thing is--faith. And this brings me to the second part of today's Easter message, in which I now would show you that every man who wants to be saved must accept by faith the general absolution, pronounced 1800 years ago, as an absolution spoken individually to him."  (The Path To Understanding Justification, Gregory L. Jackson, PhD. ; pg.12; ISBN 9781072530428)

Notice how deceptive Walther is when he called man's work of "accepting" true faith. This is justification by the work of "accepting" NOT justification by faith in Christ. 

God's Word overcame the ultimate lie of Calvinism for me: that there is at least a spark of good in man especially after he becomes a Christian. God's Word grinds this lie to powder in many passages:

"For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not." Romans 7:18

"But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities like the wind, have taken us away." Isaiah 64:6

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9

Our reasoning and will are the seat of all unbelief and wickedness in us Christians. We are constantly vexed by them and driven to constantly confess that we are sinful and unclean in our highest and most noble powers of reasoning and will. Luther is correct when he said that man is a donkey. He is either ridden by Satan or by God. Shall we as true Christians turn to the most vile and wicked powers of reasoning and will to war against Satan. 

The war is between God and Satan. God has completely defeated Satan for us in His holy child Jesus, true God from all eternity and true man born of the virgin Mary. He took all our sins upon Himself, was crucified, dead, buried, and then rose from the dead and ascended into heaven for us.

"Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."
 Luke 2:10-14

O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God! Isaiah 40:9
Say unto the cities of America, Behold your God!

In Christ,

Tom Fisher

 Luther says, with John 16 - "Faith is righteousness."