Wednesday, September 25, 2024

It's All in the Numbers for College Campuses - 99 Closed in One Year.
Time To Roll Out the College Campus Growth Program!


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Rick Strickert (Carlvehse)
Senior Member
Username: Carlvehse

Post Number: 11207
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - 9:24 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Concordia University-Texas (CTX) Board of Regents announced that Provost / Executive Vice President / American History Professor Kristi Kirk has been selected to be the 10th (and first female) president and CEO of CTX to replace the current President and CEO, Donald Christian. According to the Preident Christian, the transition will occur over the next 12-15 months.

While CTX claims in its Commitment and Demonstration to LCMS Theology and Doctrine, "its alignment with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and commitment to the authority of Scripture and Lutheran Confessions," the university is involved in an ongoing lawsuit with the LCMS in United States District Court, Western District Of Texas, Austin Division - THE LUTHERAN CHURCH-MISSOURI SYNOD, a Missouri nonprofit corporation, Plaintiff, v. DONALD CHRISTIAN, CHRISTOPHER BANNWOLF, CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY TEXAS, INC., & JOHN DOES 1-12 (Case 1:23-cv-01042-RP).


Dr. John Nunes - "I'm ready to facilitate my second college campus closing."

The Next Laughable Gathering of the Four Waltherian Cults - LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) - Needs Some Background



There he goes again. I am providing background for the latest fiasco. Notice that the LCMS President loses a vast amount of weight before big events. That happened once again at Missouri's latest election. He had instant weight gain live at the convention but the photos - before and after - suggested massive weight loss.

Does anyone recognize the drain on resources at the Missouri Synod Vatican?

The swan in front of the Purple Palace reminds everyone of the classic ballet -

The cub editor of Christian News has probably not told the whole story of Marvin Schwan's less than honorable life, divorce, and lavish gifts for those who kept silence and denied the facts.

As one LutherQuest author pointed out, Harrison is not a real doctor, except as a prize for winning an election. The writer said Matt's STM was also honorific, not earned. Even Jay Webber and James Heiser could squeeze out an STM in 20 years. Matt spent more time pursuing synodical goals (money). 

Not Seminex Again!
The breakup of the LCMS led to a small number of congregations joining the LCA and ALC, aka the mini-synod AELC. The total of those leaving Holy Mother Missouri was something like 250,000, though scholars are divided. The professors and clergy who led the goslings away from Holy Mother Missouri were key players in creating a gay/feminist ELCA, already established with quotas before ELCA officially merged on January 1, 1988. One St. Louis professor was arrested at a park, which they wanted hushed-up. He went on to become one of the Seminex professors at the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, moving on to another denomination later.

WELS donated a college professor, Richard Jungkuntz, to the LCMS, where he became a Seminex leader as chair of their mini-seminary, which supported the gay Metropolitan Community Church. The list of those standards is very long now.

The leaders will doubtless congratulate themselves and meet to slow down their massive losses in a way that will puzzle and bewilder the sheep. They will hide the terrible facts. I even have people activated by synodical bullies to silence me. 

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Trinity 18 - "Thus it is also with God. He wants us to keep his commandments, and to regard them more than the commandments of men, and all the commandments to be subservient to love, so that all be comprehended in these two commandments, of which the Lord here speaks in this Gospel: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul and with all thy mind, and thy neighbor as thyself.”


Luther's Sermons - Matthew 22:34-46.
Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

TEXT - Matthew 22:34-46

14. Thus you are to regulate your life and conduct. There are in our day many customs, many orders and ceremonies, by which we falsely think to merit heaven; and yet there is only this one principle, namely: the love to our neighbor, that includes in it all good works. I will give you an example we recently heard. Here is a priest or monk, who is to read his prayers or the rules of his order, or to hold mass, or say penance. At this moment there comes a poor man or woman to him who has need of his help and counsel. What shall this priest or monk do? Shall he perform his service, or shall he assist the poor man? He should therefore act prudently and think:

True, I am required to read my prayers, hold mass, or say penance; but now on the other hand, a poor man is here; he needs my help and I should come to his rescue. God commanded me to do this; but the others man devised and instituted. I will let the mandates of men go, and will serve my neighbor according to God’s commandment.

15. However, very seldom do we think that the precious service of holding mass and reading prayers should be put in the background; and such a humble service, as you regard it, should have the preference. But what is the reason? The reason is that these dream-preachers, who have nothing to present to us but the ordinances of men, have made us so timid and fearful that we came to the conclusion, if we did not regulate ourselves in everything according to their preaching, heaven itself would fall. Yea, they would rather let ten poor people starve than fail to say one mass. We find even to-day many monks or priests who rather let a poor man freeze, than violate their statutes and ordinances. So lamentably and miserably have they been deceived by their godless preachers and teachers, and by their superiors, who with their statutes and devilish ordinances have drawn, and are still drawing, them away more and more from the law of God to our own notions.

16. These are the principal fruits of unbelief and godlessness, which, as the Scriptures declare, provoke God. Should not God be angry with me, if he commands me to show my neighbor love, and I go and follow my own or other people’s dreams? It is as if a master said to his servant: Go and work in the field, and the servant went and desired to wash the dishes. Should not the master rightly be angry with such a servant? Thus it is also with God. He wants us to keep his commandments, and to regard them more than the commandments of men, and all the commandments to be subservient to love, so that all be comprehended in these two commandments, of which the Lord here speaks in this Gospel: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul and with all thy mind, and thy neighbor as thyself.”

17. Do you want to do something pleasing to God, then do it out of genuine love. That the Jews practiced circumcision, fasted much, prayed much, and performed other like services, was not pleasing to God, for it did not come from the heart, as this commandment requires: Thou shalt love God with all thy heart. Thus it will be also with you, even though you should belong to the Carthusian friars, or to a still more exacting order; all would avail nothing, if you had not the love of God. From this you are to conclude, all works are nothing, that do not originate in love, or are against love. No commandments should be in force, except those in which the law of love can be exercised.