WELS fell in love with Management by Objective, by Peter Drucker. It's not clear whether they got it from their unionistic activities with ELCA or from their study of Church Growth at Fuller Seminary.
How well is Management by Objective working for WELS?
Both prep schools and the college have recruiters to drum up more students.
The student population is dropping. Martin Luther College have to start home-schooling their students.
The schools were ordered to start Junk for Jesus rummage sales and other inanities with full-time fund-raisers. Isn't that working?
The budgets are gushing red ink.
But Church Growth is working, isn't it? They put all their chips on that red square marked Church Growth.
- Membership has dropped ever since they found Fuller Seminary to be the new Mecca.
- That is the good news - future decreases in membership will be even more rapid.
But Marvin Schwan died and saved the synod with the largest charitable gift ever, year after year, millions and millions of dollars. Where did it all go?
Next question.
The Tetzels are doing their job, signing people up for irrevocable gifts to the synod. That must make a difference.
The members are either not dying fast enough or they are not signing their estates away.