I knew about the Kokomo Statements before I joined WELS, but they were never discussed afterwards. When I was in Panning's Romans class (Mequon) I do not recall him insisting that "God has declared the whole world forgiven." At the Hartman farm I learned Panning was on the appeal committee for Kokomo. The families spoke well of him.
So, after five years of WELS Church Growth and adulterous pastors, I resigned and joined a Missouri congregation recommended by Herman Otten. I got to know Larry Darby and his family at Trinity Bridgeton, Missouri. He was on a board at Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne, at one point. Larry ran into the Kokomo Statements and began studying them. At first Pastor Bischoff agreed that UOJ was poppycock. Read the UOJ quotations on this blog and judge for yourself.
Soon Bischoff changed sides. The UOJ Gestapo came out in force. They kicked out Larry, his wife and children. I wrote to an elder, asking him, "In your role as the Torquemada of Trinity, what made you think this little girl deserved excommunication?" The result of my innocent question was a refusal by Trinity to give money to Christian News because Otten printed my articles.
Darby and I agreed about the fallacy of UOJ, but he went his own way with doctrine. Thereafter I heard he was my disciple or I was his. Liars never tire of their lies. The UOJ people are especially fiendish.
I learned that Paul McCain got involved with Trinity. He sent a "confidential" letter to Bischoff, which was read to the members of Trinity. Then McCain did his best to distance himself from that letter. I heard I was mentioned in McCain's letter, so I asked him for a copy. No response at all.
I have two letters sent by McCain. One is dated January 3, 1995. The second letter from McCain states:
Therefore, in light of its inappropriate use by Pastor Bischoff, and in light of the apparent harm which Pastor Bischoff's reading of my letter caused, I want it clearly understood that I wholeheartedly retract my letter. Therefore, my letter must have no bearing on your congregation's decisions in regard to any member, present or former, nor should it every (sic) had any such influence.
Darby added this note to the copy of the letter:
Gregg - He slams you also in his so-called confidential letter - says you contributed to my "fall from truth." I can't send a copy on advice of lawyer. L.D.
Thus a minister is inflated by being a campaign manager for the synod president, after having an M.Div. and three years parish experience on his resume.
Meanwhile - Who Was Watching DP Benke?
During the time (roughly) that McCain was meddling in Trinity's affairs and pronouncing judgment in a most underhanded way, who was watching DP Benke?
The office of Synodical Pope should begin and end with supervision of doctrine, yet everyone admits Barry did nothing about DP Benke's earlier crimes. McCain-Barry dodged their duty and left it to Wally Schulz to discipline Benke, leading to Schulz' being fired from The Lutheran Hour (as I predicted).
Religious Tolerance has a brief summary of the Yankee Stadium incident.
Doubtless McCain is burning with wrath against DP Benke, for worship with all kinds of religion at Yankee Stadium. Not at all. In his capacity as Number Two at Concordia Publishing House, McCain is soliciting a book from Benke.
I wonder if McCain has ever written to DP Benke, the Apostate, "I feel sorry for you."
ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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Saturday, September 1, 2007
Doctrinal Discipline:
LCMS Style
Book of Concord,