Thursday, October 11, 2007

Otten: Katharine Jefferts Schori Should Read
Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant

Katharine Jefferts Schori was briefly bishop of Nevada before becoming Presiding Bishop of the fading, splintering Episcopal Church, USA. She has done everything possible to accerate the decline of the Episcopalians.

Pastor Herman Otten has recommended that all Episcopalian bishops read Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant rather than join Rome.

For almost 20 years I read The Episcopalian newsletter, sent free of charge to me, wherever I lived. They followed me better than a bill collector. I mentioned that fact to the son of an Episcopalian priest and the free subscription stopped. Perhaps they ran out of money. The denomination had about 3 million members in 1978. Now they have 2.4 million, many of them headed for the exit.

But ELCA stepped in to validate the Episcopalians. Now an ordination in ELCA is not valid unless an Episcopalian bishop is present. Please do not ask me to explain. The new rule is connected to the historic episcopacy, which the Episcopalians seem to have and ELCA covets.

Confidential: I was ordained by an Augustana Synod pastor, and Augustana pastors were ordained by bishops from the Church of Sweden, where the historic episcopacy remains. Thus I could rent my historic episcopacy to interested parties, such as the new sects leaving Missouri and WELS. Look for the offer on eBay.

The historic episcopacy means an unbroken link remains between Christ, the apostles, and all ordained ministers. The concept is heart-warming but hardly Biblical. The historic episcopacy should be given proper respect, like pot-luck suppers and greeters at the door (who only greet their friends).

The heart of the ministry is orthodox doctrine, true to Christ and the revelation of Christ in the Holy Scriptures. As Luther taught, if the teaching is orthodox, the fruits of the Gospel will follow.

A Missouri Synod pastor just wrote: "It was with great enthusiasm I received your recent mailing regarding the book Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant. I have greatly appreciated your previous works in particular I find myself going back to Thy Strong Word again and again."