Sunday, November 25, 2007

Dixie Byzantine

Lutherans - the Mother Ship Beckons

I Googled two names together and found another Lutheran-to-Eastern-Orthodox blog, mentioning Fenton (former LCMS pastor).

This Dixie Byzantine blog brings up common themes for Lutherans who join Eastern Orthodoxy. I find this trend hauntingly similar to the one leading so many to Fuller Seminary and Willow Creek.

The last few Lutherans may need to build an ark to survive the tidal wave of Romanism and Eastern Orthodoxy.

I Googled some more and found a blog by Rev. Stuckwisch, who previously published through His Grace, Archbishop Heiser, ELDONA. Stuckwisch listed 40 pastors who influenced him. I am sure Kurt Marquart would be aghast to be on the list with Fenton and Gehlbach. Robert Preus? He died warning his colleagues about their fascination with all things Roman and Eastern Orthodox. Many of the others make sense. They are the leaders slouching toward Constantinople.

The recent issue of Christian News mentions student papers appearing at Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne. Jack Cascione is the source, so the information is seriously compromised. If the quotations are correct, future LCMS pastors are stating that a bishop validates the true Church. Cascione is on the opposite end of error, claiming that the Voter's Assembly validates the call, even the Sacraments: extra ecclesiam voterorum nulla salus.