Sunday, November 18, 2007

Thy Strong Word Bespeaks Us Righteous

Lamb of God, Norma Boeckler

(1) Thy strong word did cleave the darkness:
At thy speaking it was done.
For created light we thank thee,
While thine ordered seasons run.
Alleluia, alleluia!
Praise to thee who light dost send!
Alleluia, alleluia!
Alleluia without end!

(v. 3) "Thy strong Word bespeaks us righteous;
Bright with thine own holiness,
Glorious now, we press toward glory,
And our lives our hopes confess.
Alleluia, alleluia!
Praise to thee who light dost send!
Alleluia, alleluia!
Alleluia without end!

Martin H. Franzmann, 1907‑76, "Thy Strong Word," Lutheran Worship, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1982, Hymn #328.