Tuesday, December 18, 2007

President Schroeder (WELS)

I believe that’s true about the blessings that God gives us through this extended spiritual family that we call the Wisconsin Synod. We may not consciously think of how God blesses us in our synod. We may tend to focus on what’s wrong instead of rejoicing in what’s right. We sometimes allow those outside of our synod to define us and characterize us. We may become apologetic, defensive, maybe even sometimes a little embarrassed when it comes to our synod and what it represents. And failing to appreciate what God graciously does for us, we miss opportunities to fully benefit from those blessings and to invite others to be part of this synod in which those blessings come to us.

Over the next year, it seems good for us to remember and to emphasize some of those blessings; to remind ourselves of what this synod stands for, what it does, and why we are a part of it. You’ve already seen a few hints of those reminders in the “Together” newsletter and in WELS Connection. In the January issue of Forward in Christ (p. 32), you’ll see the first in a series of columns summarizing those blessings, focusing on our identity: Who are we? Where does WELS stand? What is our synod for, as opposed to what we are against?

You will also see efforts to sharpen and define our synod’s identity as we work to improve the look and content of all WELS communications. Already we’ve begun to plan for the redesign our synod’s Web site, aiming to make it more usable for our members and more effective in communicating who we are to the outside world.


GJ - One reader asked, "Does he read Ichabod?"

I let WELS define WELS, and that definition is still pathetic at this time.

  1. The so-called conservatives remain too weak to knock the skin off a pudding.

  2. Wisconsin's effect upon the Little Sect on the Prairie has been to light the kindling around the martyr's feet during the disgraceful Moldstad purge.

  3. Church and Change has morphed from


    on the current WELS website. A parallel contradiction would be to have Herman Otten and Jack Cascione concelebrate the Eucharist with ELCA Bishop Mark Hanson at their next multi-cultural meeting.

All these toxic effects were cresting during the change from Gurgel to Schroeder. One person does not decide the image, fate, and message of synod, even a tiny and tinny one like WELS.

Two things have to be overcome for WELS to crawl out of its Fuller-Willow Creek hole:

1. Wisconsin has to be honest about issues, which is tough for pastors hazed by GA and raised in a climate of pathological dishonesty. For example, people were telling me Church and Change was a goner when I found the link on the official WELS website. They believed the lie until I gave them the actual link.
2. The conservatives (if any are left) have to rattle the cages as noisily as their apostate counterparts. The Left is good at shrieking when their icons are threatened. Conservatives are good at shirking their duties.