Sunday, December 9, 2007

When WELS and LCMS Merge:
Envision the New Leaders

Bishop Mary Gray-Reeves (left) with President Bishop Katherine Jefferts-Schori

WELS and Missouri are working hard on women's ordination. LCMS President Kieschnick advocates women's ordination, as Ralph Bohlmann did before him. WELS is employing The Frog in the Kettle method of incremental steps, via Church and Change, Kelm-Parlow's leadership, and other agencies of apostasy.

Some people think I am kidding about The Frog in the Kettle. One WELS member said, "Guess what my pastor gave me to read - The Frog in the Kettle." The theme of the book is that incremental changes will boil the frog before he knows it, and achieve the goals envisioned by the Mission Vision Statement. George Barna, the author, is a Church Growth guru of the greatest magnitude, or turpitude. They trot him out whenever they want to win an argument. The Scriptures do not help them, but Barna does.

The message to Frog readers everywhere is: "We will boil you before you know it." That is like finding out that How To Serve People is a cookbook!